Viviana Accera/Hikaru Sawazaki - Second Day - Comparing Yourself

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The Ominous Future
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Viviana Accera/Hikaru Sawazaki - Second Day - Comparing Yourself

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Viviana had barely begun her build towards an in-ring debut, when she had found herself faced with quite the curious choice of sparring partner. Namely, one whom she could compare herself and then some to.

Namely, one who had just faced her sister.
Figure adorned in an attire she'd be somewhat testing, Viviana rolled her shoulders and cracked her knuckles as she paced out upon the gym floor. Eyes down, the tall stocky Italian wasn't so much recognised, although brief comparisons with her aforementioned sister would be made, but she opted not to make herself known regardless. Her debut, when it did finally and officially come, would be a spectacle in itself she deemed. She didn't want to ruin it by being known as a trouble maker or otherwise behind the scenes.

Figure on the mats, a brief gaze back and forth throughout the seemingly packed gym would leave Viviana somewhat wanting in terms of finding Ms. Sawazaki. Having no luck, she soon opted to drop flat to the mat; figure warming up slowly but surely with a series of press-ups into jumping jacks. The latter being particularly filled with energy, given she had hoped Hikaru would spot her, given vice-versa bore no fruit.

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Re: Viviana Accera/Hikaru Sawazaki - Second Day - Comparing Yourself

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Another match, another tough loss for Hikaru. The young woman was still a bit sore but wanted to get back to working out in order to make her next match become that elusive win she was still searching for.

As she made her way out clad in her usual ring attire Hikaru was trying to maintain her cheerful attitude. As she made her way over to the treadmill she saw a large woman in the ring, a woman who looked like Diana Acera but significantly bigger. Hikaru almost wanted to go say hello, but it wasn't actually Diana so it would be awkward to go talk wpuldn't it?

Hikaru began doing a slow warm up jog to loosen up and get her heart rate going. Had the large Diana look alike noticed Hikaru glancing she would offer a little nod and wave in response.

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Re: Viviana Accera/Hikaru Sawazaki - Second Day - Comparing Yourself

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Committing to her exercise without end, atleast, in the hopes Hikaru had made an appearance before she was utterly exhausted from the mere warm-up, Viviana found herself waving on instinct at the figure she deemed to be her, as she locked eyes with a smile. Crossing towards the same ring that Hikaru was aiming towards, taking the notion that they were going to skip straight to the agreed-upon spar, Viviana found herself on the edge of the ring, thin layer of sweat across her brow, as Hikaru came within hearing range.

"Thanks so much for agreeing to this, I can imagine it would have been quite weird to get a e-mail from a stranger asking you to spar with them. Viviana." Her last word offered at the same time as a hand, Viviana's desire to seriously and without-restraint compare herself with a woman who'd just faced her sister did not at all hinder her kind nature.

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Re: Viviana Accera/Hikaru Sawazaki - Second Day - Comparing Yourself

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Yep, right woman. The resemblance was remarkable but it made sense. They were sisters after all. To Hikaru it almost looked like they were fraternal twins, looking very much alike but the size difference as well as minor differences in appearance kept them from being identical twins. "Hello Viviana, I am Hikaru Sawazaki. Nice to meet you!"

Hikaru stopped running and guessed that this spar was going to be one hell of a workout simply based on how Viviana looked coupled with her size advantage over Hikaru. "So what kind of spar were you looking for? Standard match type, full contact so to speak?" Hikaru asked as she looked over at the ring. She was going to give it her best regardless as any sort of quality workout meant she was one step closer to securing a win in her next match. At least, she sure hoped to get a win in her next match!

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Re: Viviana Accera/Hikaru Sawazaki - Second Day - Comparing Yourself

Unread post by Devilish53 »

"Well..anything and everything..." Hand raised behind her back, Viviana almost blushed at the mere thought of asking Hikaru to come at her with the same intensity she faced her sister with. For now though, she'd do her best to keep it somewhat hidden; the fact that she was mostly out to surpass said sister, that is.

"Full contact I guess...Nothing over the top and all that, submissions let up if one of us gives, robe breaks taken into account...I ain't about that foul play!" Backstepping just a inch, Viviana's nervousness was beginning to show. Given the first chance was before her for her to measure up to her sister, it was easy to understand why.

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Re: Viviana Accera/Hikaru Sawazaki - Second Day - Comparing Yourself

Unread post by Highfly »

Hikaru nodded and smiled. "Of course! I will do my best so be ready!" She said as cheerfully as she could. Hikaru was bouncing up and down, ready to go. She mimiced the time keeper ringing the bell and began to circle Viviana. The last thing she wanted to do was grapple with her. Hikaru wanted to keep moving, striking away at the large woman. It was her only chance to work the match her way according to her strengths. Right now speed was the only thing she figured she had on the powerhouse.

To that end Hikaru circled and moved in trying to land a sharp kick to the back of Viviana's knees! Keep moving, and chip away.... that was the ticket for Hikaru.

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Re: Viviana Accera/Hikaru Sawazaki - Second Day - Comparing Yourself

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Unaware the fight would be starting so abruptly and suddenly, that kick chipped away at Viviana's hefty lengthy thing in the cleanest of ways. Leg allowed to snap back, Viviana would give something of a delayed reaction as she brought her head down, seeing what the sudden noise and then pain to follow was.

"Oof..." She'd almost exaggerate, the fight now on as she took a single step back, switching primary legs as her fists were now raised for the fight to truly begin. "Alright then...Let's go..." Fists raised and forward, that long reach on show, as she began to circle her foe in a similar manner to which Hikaru was pacing.

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Re: Viviana Accera/Hikaru Sawazaki - Second Day - Comparing Yourself

Unread post by Highfly »

Hikaru was happy her kick worked to keep Viviana at bay but she had to keep piling up on the offense. She had to act, and in a way that would get results. The kick went low so now she was going to try going a bit higher. As Hikaru moved to within leg distance again she would suddenly leap up into the air and try to hit Viviana in the chest as hard as she could with a dropkick! It wasn't the most imaginative offense, but Hikaru was looking to land a hard strike that Viviana may or may not expect while hoping to take her to the mat.... a tough task against a powerhouse like Viviana!

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Re: Viviana Accera/Hikaru Sawazaki - Second Day - Comparing Yourself

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Prepping herself for the follow-up, her weakened leg still brought back, Viviana held her guard up nice and high as Hikaru threw herself forward legs first. Seeking to have them somewhat haplessly ping off her biceps, though no doubt not without something of a sting put upon those arms in question, Viviana sought to bounce her figure off the ropes behind her the moment the momentum carried her in that direction. The taller beauty primed for a kick of her own; as she brought back that right leg of hers around the side of her foe as she closed back in; a soccer style kick reigning down on Hikaru, with full force applied. Evidently, she meant it when she implied there'd be little restraint!

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Re: Viviana Accera/Hikaru Sawazaki - Second Day - Comparing Yourself

Unread post by Highfly »

Hikaru's dropkick hit but it didn't do anything aside from annoy Viviana! She bounced back and as Hikaru was getting up she felt the soccer kick slam her head! She let out a groan and crumpled to the mat in a heap! Hikaru was visibly dazed and barely with it as her eyes were fluttering. She was flowing about, her limbs rising and falling aimlessly in the aftermath of Viviana absolutely hammering her! This was not at all the start she was hoping for and it looked like the larger sister of Diana was well off to a good start leaving Hikaru laid out on her back.

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