Best of three match: Rachel vs Alix

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Best of three match: Rachel vs Alix

Unread post by xalex »

Going on from here
Standard rules.

Winning condition:
Be the first to score two falls, via submission, ko, pin or dq.
Alix would stay in her corner only for as long until the ringbell would open the match. Then she would push herself forwards as hard as she could run over to her opponent picking up as much speed as she could. She would put this bitch into her place and show her where she belongs. Might be that she thinks she is a big shot around here, but every loser did think he was something special.
When the French was close enough to her opponent she would jump upwards into the air pulling up one of her knees. She would try to put as much momentum into this as she could and hit her opponent against the chest with a good old school knee strike, hopping to send the other woman backwards into her own corner.

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Re: Best of three match: Rachel vs Alix

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The girls separated a little because the match was officially about to begin. You dropped the mic, girl. Rachel smirked while resting her hands on her hips. The roars of the crowd were making Rachel feel invincible, she felt like she could achieve anything, like beating down this bitch first, for example. That sense of invincibility soon proved to be detrimental to Castor as Alix made her move, rushing at the blond with full speed and jumping up, aiming to hit Rachel in the face with a knee strike. Castor did see the attack coming in time and she could've dodged it if she decided to do so, but she didn't and so she was hit square in the face by the knee, stumbling back a bit towards her corner. Ufff!

Since Alix already got the first hit in (in the match), she would be free to continue her attack against the dazed and almost cornered Rachel. The audience would grow more silent after their star got nailed, while Rachel was thinking of the best way to win them back over rather than how to counter her foe. Or, maybe that is one and the same thing?
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Re: Best of three match: Rachel vs Alix

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Alix would land on her feet again stumbling forwards before catching herself. She would press her teeth together before looking up to her opponent. It seemed like Rachel was a bit dizzy after the last hit. That might be her chance. The French woman would jump forwards wasting little time to catch her own breathe. She would run over to her opponent picking up as much speed as she could before jumping at her trying to bring her shoulder as low as the belly of her opponent. Alix would try to spear her opponent with as much force as she could to take her backwards into the corner, showing this American bitch who was boss. She would then hold on to the ropes on the left and the right from her opponent pulling herself forwards shoving her shoulder future into the guts of her opponent.
Last edited by xalex on Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Best of three match: Rachel vs Alix

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After Rachel took a flying knee to the face, she was forced back a few steps towards her corner. Wasting no time, Alix capitalized on the moment and immediately charged again at the blonde American. Ghaaah! Rachel yelled out and spat some saliva as Alix rammed her shoulder straight into Castor's belly. The blow pushed her back into the corner entirely with her back against the turnbuckle. Alix wasn't stopping there however, as she continued pressing Castor's belly between her shoulder and the turnbuckle, supporting herself against the ropes with both arms.

Rachel was also supporting herself with her hands on the ropes, on the top ropes that is. The first couple of blows hurt and were impressive, but now her opponent was starting to bore the American. Ghhhh ha... Haha, Is that as wild as you can get? Rachel smirked, showing that she wasn't as helpless as might've seemed. Rachel would keep supporting herself with her hands on the top ropes so that she could lift her legs and entangle them around her foe's waist, locking the victim in the body scissors. Castor would try squeezing Alix's body hard with her thighs and then she could think of what to do next.
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Re: Best of three match: Rachel vs Alix

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The French woman was putting in everything she could before suddenly she would feel how she was squeezed at the hip areal. She would groan out for a moment before looking down seeing that her opponent did act fast and warped her legs around her midsection, now squeezing her using the strength of her legs. The black haired woman would need to hold a scream of pain back when the other woman way keeps pressing the air out of her. Alix didn´t knew what to do now so she would let go of the ropes and bring her arms to the things of her opponent. She would try to push them apart somehow but the legs of Rachel were unbelievable strong. Alix did try to back away from her opponent to pull her out of the corner hopping that she wasn’t holding on to the top rope to much. But no idea if that would work out so great. The French would just need to react and go along with whatever would come next.
She would slowly look up looking into the face of the blond American. “you stupid bitch!”

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Re: Best of three match: Rachel vs Alix

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Rachel caught the nasty woman in a surprise waist scissors and the crowd liked that reversal. Castor felt how Alix tried to pry those thighs away with her hands, but the blonde just tensed her leg muscles more and prevented that from happening. Then came Alix's next attempt to break free, which was to pull herself away, together with Rachel if the latter didn't let go of the nasty woman's waist. Alix even threw some random curse words at the American, which made her chuckle. Haha! In a bit of a bind, aren't we, Frenchie? Rachel teased as she realized what Alix was doing and was like ''I think not''.

Rachel felt herself being pulled away from the ropes. Her legs were holding on tightly enough, but she needed to strengthen her hold on the ropes and pull the woman in close so that the American could continue squeezing the Frenchie properly. Nnnnghh! Rachel would groan and tense her arm muscles to the max, trying to pull her opponent back in. C'mon... Nnngh! Don't be shy. Rachel would proceed to tease.
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Re: Best of three match: Rachel vs Alix

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Alix would do her best to try and break free. But it wasn´t working out. Her opponent got her right now and she wouldn´t let her go any time soon. The French woman was pulling and dragging herself backwards with as much momentum as she could but it wasn´t working out. The legs of Rachel were strong and hard as steal. But the French wasn´t going to quite here. Instead she would bit her lips for a moment, turning her hand into a fist. She saw that Rachel was still using both of her arms to hold herself up with the ropes, meaning that her center was wide open. The French would try to launch a nasty punch right into the face of her opponent with as much force as she could. She would then pull her hand back and try to fire just another punch aiming to hit the other woman into the face once more.

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Re: Best of three match: Rachel vs Alix

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Rachel had turned the tables a couple of moments ago, turned it into a painful hold and locked Alix into it, who began to get desperate.
That desperation might have been what caused a good deal of problems for the American. Oooff, Ugh! The masked luchadora let out with each blow that hit her in the face.

Castor felt a bit of blood in her mouth and instead of looking in pain or fear - she smirked. She smirked right before spitting that blood mixed with a bit of saliva into Alix's eye in an attempt to take her by surprise. If that worked, she would follow up by leaning back as much as possible, which meant that she would be hanging vertically from her opponent. Then Castor would place her hands on the mat and push her legs forward in an attempt to smash Alix into the corner in a spectacular fashion.
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Re: Best of three match: Rachel vs Alix

Unread post by xalex »

Alix would scream out in surprise when her opponent suddenly would spit some kind of spit and blood mixture into her face. Sadly that would hit her right into the eye, so the French woman would out of reflex try to whip it away directly. But this was giving her opponent just the moment she needed. Rachel would drop herself down to the mat and would use her own body to slingshot alix into the corner. The French would stumble over the body of her opponent in front of her and fall right between the ringtrunbuckels. So she would the ring post itself with her should. The French would scream in pain when her body would collide with the steal and she would sided back into the ring falling onto her butt and holding her shoulder for a moment groaning in pain. She would hold her shoulder with her good arm trying to endure it.

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Re: Best of three match: Rachel vs Alix

Unread post by ragaz »

It all went like Rachel planned - Alix found herself planted into the corner, while Castor enjoyed the support of the fans, sending kisses everywhere as she was standing up after her performance. Rachel turned to Alix to see how she was doing and it seemed like she was in pain. Awww, are you hurting? Let me soothe the pain. Rachel would declare before launching herself at her opponent and taking a leap, turning her hips for her ass to face directly at Alex and smash it right into her if the Frenchie failed to dodge it.
Sloth's Harem

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