What a racket- Gail vs Raquel!

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What a racket- Gail vs Raquel!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*As the air of anxiety swirled around the otherwise calm and placid locker room, Gail couldn't help but feel a tremor of excitement ripple through her- This wasn't just any average match for her, this was her debut fight, and she could hardly contain herself! While priding herself on being rather cavalier towards almost any and all adversity, the nonchalant tornado had done a bit of research on her impending opponent- Raquel was quite the dazzling sensation within the ropes, and Gail knew she had her work cut out for her.* "I hope she wrestles as good as she looks~" *Gail chuckled aloud, squirming into her wrestling jumper before finally lacing her sturdy boots up, giving one, final sigh before storming down the corridor and eagerly bouncing from foot to foot in anticipation.*

*Her entrance theme blasted, and in a flash, she emerged from backstage to a slightly more enthusiastic pop than she had anticipated. Most of the audience was elated to see fresh talent attempting to make a name for herself, and Gail was more than delighted to wallow in their unconditional support. Approaching the ring apron, she turned her backside towards the ring and gave some nearby fans a sheepish wave, which was immediately reciprocated with a mouthful of cheering.* "You go, Gail!" *Slightly mortified, yet incredibly appreciative Gail nodded, slipping between the ropes and sitting against her neutral corner in anticipation of her opponent while getting in a light session of stretching.*

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Re: What a racket- Gail vs Raquel!

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Raquel was putting on her wrestling gear and feeling ready to step in to the ring tonight. She had won her last match and it felt good to put that dumb GASTER in her place. She still needed to talk to Asuka to figure out where exactly the two stood. Her personal matters aside Raquel felt like she was finally turning a corner in her LAW career. She was finally gaining attention in the ring and it wasn't for losing which is a big plus in her book.

Soon her music began to play and she came bounding out into the arena, jumping up and down as she made her way down the ramp. Towards the end she broke into a sprint and jumped up from the floor onto the apron, then leaping over the ropes Raquel landed inside the ring and did a little strut around the ring before looking over at Gail. "You really love green don't ya?" Raquel said in her easily identifiably Boston accent. She looked Gail over and nodded, she looked tough and Raquel really needed to keep her head in the game if she wanted to walk away with a win tonight. She was determined not to let her momentum from her win last time out to go to waste.

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Re: What a racket- Gail vs Raquel!

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"Well..." *If it wasn't brutally apparent already, Gail did indeed have an affinity for that particular shade of verdant- It had a quiet sheen to it, illuminating her supple features while also retaining a certain amount of dignity to her appearance.* "Yeah, I do. Your outfit has a vibrant design to it- Really sick." *Gail gave her adversary for the night a thumbs up, before subsequently sending her digit downwards in a dramatic fashion.* "Too bad I'm going to bury you beneath my boot tonight, and no amount of color coordination is going to save you from that." *While her threat was genuine, the tone in her voice remained reserved and steady; Gail wasn't about to lose her cool before the bell even sounded. Speaking of which...*

"DING DING DING!" *Once the match had officially commenced, Gail rapidly approached her opponent with a stern look plastered on her face- This was the first time she was locking horns with someone that could easily be considered her equal on almost every front, so she was adamant on making every moment count. Folding her fists into miniature wrecking balls, the tiny tornado sent a heaving, right fist into Raquel's direction, attempting to blast her away with a forceful, right cross to her maw!*

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Re: What a racket- Gail vs Raquel!

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"Well thanks I am glad ya like it." Raquel said, turning to show off the sides and back of her attire. She realized it was that sort of flirty behavior that led to the whole love triangle with Asuka, GASTER and herself so she stopped quickly. "I think you are a bit mistaken as to who will win though..."

As the ell rang, Raquel had thought she was ready but Gail proved her wrong! The punch hammered Raquel's face and her head snapped back, the Bostonian woman stumbling back limp legged as she nearly fell over! A nasty hit right out the gate, Raquel had to recover and try to strike back. Attempting to regain her balance Raquel tried to lunge back at Gail, swinging her leg up in an attempt to smash Gail in the side of the head with a roundhouse kick!

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Re: What a racket- Gail vs Raquel!

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*Feeling her powerful blow connecting, Gail attempted to shoot forward and capitalize on an early advantage in the fray, but it seemed as though Raquel was withholding some moves from her as Gail's face was introduced to the Busty Bostonian's foot, getting smacked sideways by a lightning fast boot to her cranium!* "Hrrrk!" *Gnashing her teeth together in an effort to disperse the staggering pain, she felt her body stumble backwards while simultaneously trying to attempt to regain her balance all the while.*
*Trying to recapture her faculties before Raquel made her kiss the canvas, Gail shook the lingering cobwebs from her skull and narrowed her vision- She desperately needed to focus on whatever else the kickboxing phenom had up her sleeve. Conjuring up a steady guard around the base of her face, the rocky roughhouser traipsed around Raquel in a clockwise fashion, refusing to forfeit her foothold in the fight so easily.*

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Re: What a racket- Gail vs Raquel!

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Raquel shook her head as Gail stood, she was one tough lady! Raquel saw her begin to circle and decided that perhaps lunging in for a grapple would be best! Raquel was not a big woman but she was lean, with solid muscle definition on what mass her 5'2'' 117lb frame had! She grunted as she tried to move in and lock up with Gail, hoping to get solid hold of her!

"You aren't going anywhere!" Raquel said as she tried to use the position to ram her knee up into Gail's abdomen over and over, hoping to force her opponent to drop to her knees!

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Re: What a racket- Gail vs Raquel!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*Her body swaying from side to side due to the amount of force rippling through her frame, Gail knew she wouldn't be able to contend with this level of ferocity without being sent spiraling to the canvas. Desperately searching for an opening she could exploit, the verdant whirlwind decided to risk everything on a bold tactic- Lurching forward, Gail sent the center of her forehead downwards, smashing it against the bridge of Raquel's nose!*
*The risky maneuver allowing Gail to create a chasm of distance between herself and her opponent, she wasted little time in attempting to subsequently follow up on her assault, trying to capitalize on this golden opportunity by charging forward with a blisteringly powerful clothesline to try and establish her dominance early on in the bout!*

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Re: What a racket- Gail vs Raquel!

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Raquel thought she would be able to grab onto Gail but she was mistaken. Her head snapped back as the headbutt connected, leaving Raquel in a daze! She was hobbling back and in a confused state when the followup clothesline connected, leaving her floored on the canvas! Raquel moaned and cradled her head in her arms, kicking the mat as she was really dazed, struggling to keep track of where she was after two hard shots to the head. She wanted to get up but right now her body just wasn't responding.

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Re: What a racket- Gail vs Raquel!

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*Beginning to suck wind after physically exerting herself in such a rushed fashion, Gail gazed down for a moment to marvel at the fruits of her labor- Raquel seemed relatively incapacitated from the consecutive blows to both the fashionista's body and ego.* "Jeez, you're tougher than you look." *The greenette remarked, genuinely impressed with the degree of resiliency her foe possessed. However, now was not the time to offer compliments- Gail subsequently followed up her assault with an equally powerful series of stomps on the downed woman's midsection, driving the heel of her right boot into the bombshell's midsection!*

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Re: What a racket- Gail vs Raquel!

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Raquel was down and felt a sharp pain in her abdomen over and over as the stomps kept coming! She cried out in pain and kicked the mat, using her arms futile to try to swat away at Gail's painful stomps! "Arrghhhh....ughh......" It was no use. Raquel was stunned and wide open to the assault, thus leading to the stomps hammering away at her! It was quite undignified but there was little she could do aside from trying to roll away, anything to escape the cascade of pain she found herself stuck in!

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