Standard Match Rules.
Victory achievable via Pins, Knockout, or verbal submission.
Winner will take the loser as their POW for 24 hours.
Well, tonight was a special night after all.
Christie had only just recently joined up with the LAW federation, and with her exciting debut out of the way it looked as though she had made some waves inside the LAW management. It had only been a day or so after that match before they began tossing her new ones. This one was a little different, possibly a response to the constant abuse she spouted out towards the entire federation and the ones in charge. The Grave Keeper never did have a great filter, and she loved reminding everyone how pitiful her competition was.
Karma had a strange way of coming around, and it seemed to be in the form of tonight’s match. It was a “Prisoner of War” match, something she had never heard of until it was presented to her. From what she understood, whoever won the fight had something like an “ownership” over the loser for a set period of time, and could make them do all sorts of things. As if that was not quite questionable enough, the contract she had to sign for the match stated her opponent would be someone name “Drake Vyril”. Christie may not have been a rocket scientist, but that sure sounded like a guy’s name to her.
So, a fight against a guy where if she lost, she would essentially become his slave for a set amount of time and had to do whatever he said…it sounded interesting.
If management expected to scare her away, they were dead wrong. She signed the contract with a wicked grin and a wave of the hand. What was there to worry about after all? All she had to do was win, and she got a new pet to mess around with for a little bit. She had no intention of losing any fights, and she would show this place she could handle any one they threw at her, man or woman.
Christie Myers

Entrance Music
One audience member that was particularly close shouted an obscenity at her, to which she casually flipped them the bird before walking down the ramp that led to the ring.
Despite her aggressive behavior, some cheers could be heard scattered amongst the crowd, the undead juggernaut apparently having a very niche fan club. She paid them little attention, only focusing on the ring ahead of her. She quickly slid underneath the ropes, leaving her shovel outside propped against a corner. She took one look at the referee for the match, sending the girl a scowl before turning back to the crowd and dragging her thumb across her neck, getting another round of jeers thrown her way.
Finally, she walked over towards the red corner, crossing her arms and leaning against the post, sparing a sideways glance towards the exit to try and get a look at who this “Drake Domino” guy was. Hopefully he was an impressive fighter, otherwise she would take it as an insult that she would be stuck with him for the next day or so…