*After suffering at the hands of Zarnia, Bianca took a few days off to recuperate- She hadn't felt such an indescribable sensation between her legs before, and urgently desired to engage in a sensual match. After taking some time to deliberate, The Queen Bee decided upon hosting a match against Jess's busty, benevolent bombshell of a friend in Jennifer.* "Yes, she will provide me with an excellent challenge~" *She uttered aloud, lusty thoughts beginning to swirl within her naughty brain as she went about the process of scheduling a match. Once the proper arrangements had been made, Bianca began an intense training regiment to regain her lost momentum- Increased heavy bag striking, weights, and cardio to improve in every area in which she believed she was severely lacking in, and by the time the day had arrived, she was at the peak of her physical limit.
*Approaching the vacant locker rooms, she tossed her duffle bag against an empty locker, rummaging around before finally clasping the edges of her signature jumper.*
"Alright Bianca- It's just a hentai match...with one of the league's most revered wrestlers in that regard. Don't lose focus and she's all yours!" *Her little pep talk having sparked her confidence, Bianca quickly changed into her wrestling attire and charged downstairs, the officiators barely having enough time to sound her music before she appeared on stage!*
*Having made quite a unique appearance, the audience was delighted to see Bianca so elated tonight- While having suffered a string of losses, she was ready to reclaim her lost throne against someone she deemed a worthy foe. The Sovereign Slamstress ascended up the steel steps and elegantly slid through the ropes, intentionally showing her voluptuous rump off for those in the front row.*