Ana Satala vs Kyoko Akan

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Re: Ana Satala vs Kyoko Akan

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The struggle between the two got more and more intense even though both were feeling the effects of this match pretty much all over. Though her punches stopped her from following through on the claw Ana was already working on something else as the two grappled with each other before Ana grabbed around her and pulled her into a front facelock while Kyoko's hand wrapped to Ana's side.

With her mostly stuck in this hold Kyoko wouldnt be able to do much besides fight to break free until the snap suplex took her off her feet and sent her to the mat again. With Kyoko's body bouncing off the mat and her back arching in pain

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Re: Ana Satala vs Kyoko Akan

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"Hiyyyyaaaahhhh!" After working Kyoko into the front facelock Ana's energetic cry rang out across the stadium as she stomped down extra hard and suplexed her opponent with impressive speed. Then there was near pandemonium as the Belly Queen hit the mat hard, her back arching in pain with Ana diving on her, thighs apart, as she went in with a waist scissors, hoping to apply all the pressure she could bring to bear on that weakened back.
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Re: Ana Satala vs Kyoko Akan

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Slammed to the floor, Ana seemed to find some new found energy, coming in with a spark and bringing her legs up and forcing them around her waist in a body scissor. Squeezing her sides while Kyoko was stuck in the middle of the ring, no way to pull herself to freedom without a tough fight and this late in the match that might have been impossible to pull off. At least that was the thought most were going over in there heads as the chance for Kyokot o be unseated remained.

"AAggghh!" Kyoko wiggled in the hold but remained stuck, her sides feeling like they were being flattened by Ana's thighs as Kyoko couldnt break free, then she noticed the way Ana was leaning and how she seemed aligned with her own legs...and a desperate act clicked in her head. Bringing her legs up and towards Ana she would try and grab around her own waist and trap her in a scissorhold as well.

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Re: Ana Satala vs Kyoko Akan

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Aching as she was, Ana felt ecstatic as her legs closed around Kyoko's waist. Flexing her strong thighs she prepared to force her into the submission that would surely end the Belly Queen's reign finally. Even when Kyoko brought her own legs around to snap a reciprocal hold Ana believed she was so far in the lead now that she would be able to weather the double waist scissors a lot better than her struggling opponent.

"Sure you wanna go ahead with this?" Ana taunted through gritted teeth as both tired wrestlers began to squeeze hard and pile on the pressure.
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Re: Ana Satala vs Kyoko Akan

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Kyoko started to wrap her legs around Ana's waist as the two seemed focused on crushing each others bodies. Her legs found themselves able to tightly press on Ana despite the pain she was feeling and the body scissors on her wasnt letting up much if at all but this was an endurance game and Kyoko played it on a constant basis. Kyoko was doing her best to hold herself together for this, refusing to let someone she had beaten in round 1 to complete this comeback.

"Keep those words in mind...when I win..." Kyoko said though her head shot back a bit as a jolt of pain pressed through her thighs she shook her head and did her best to ignore it for the sake of trying to tighten the hold just a little bit. She couldnt lose this match now.

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Re: Ana Satala vs Kyoko Akan

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It soon became apparent that the wrestlers were mutually trapped in the double waist scissors, squeezing each other's midriffs cruelly to see who could take more punishment. Ana felt confident she'd weakened Kyoko enough before they locked up and she now tried to roll her opponent around on the mat, all the better to crush that trim waist and abs and put her off her game a little. "Oh, you don't stand a chance of beating me now..." she assured the Belly Queen through gritted teeth.
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Re: Ana Satala vs Kyoko Akan

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The waist scissors were starting to wear down her body but she knew Ana was feeling it as well and was riding on the chance to prove that she was more durable then her foe. Ana tried to up the ante and grab and roll her a bit in an effort to mess with her sides while Kyoko tried to twist her legs to keep Ana from moving her around too much and used her hands to grab Ana's limbs to keep her as docile as possible.

"So you think...until your struggling to breathe." Kyoko shot back trying her best to keep hidden how much pains he was in at the moment. Knowing it would only embolden the women's resolve.

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Re: Ana Satala vs Kyoko Akan

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Ana's head went back in a near silent groan as Kyoko resisted her efforts to end the standoff quickly, latching on to Ana's limbs to hold her steady as the merciless double squeeze continued. Defeating this woman was going to be tougher than she'd thought possible. Grasping hold of Kyoko with her arms to hold her in tight, Ana flexed her entire body and powered everything she had into another mighty thigh crush, trying to rack up the pain level beyond the Belly Queen's limit of endurance.
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Re: Ana Satala vs Kyoko Akan

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The test of Endurance between the two fighters was really starting to wear her down. Though Kyoko was not about to let herself lose this she knew she was going to be pushed to her limit at this rate, Her legs tightened up and tried to force Ana's waist to give in and the women was doing the same while Kyoko grit her teeth and shook her head in pain. Her mind refusing to let her relent to Ana's will but her body suffering for it.

Trying to ignore the pin Kyoko instead attempted to focus on just keeping on the brutal submission and make it as tight as possible. Even if hse couldnt get her to submit forcing her body to give out would do the job as well.

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Re: Ana Satala vs Kyoko Akan

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"Uuunnnnhhhhhh!" Ana felt an almost intolerable tension building as Kyoko joined her in tightening the cruel pressure of the mutual scissor hold. Their bodies shuddered as they battled to force each other to surrender but found only a terrible compression crushing their waists. Both women groaned and leaned back, their expressions contorted in strain and effort, thighs and hips shaking and jerking as they continued fighting for the advantage.
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