Out for a Hunt (CANCELLED)

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Out for a Hunt (CANCELLED)

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Anything Goes Match
Killer King vs Arlise Christiaens
Win via Pinfall or Submission

King hasnt been in this arena in quite sometime, out traveling to seek out some sexy opponents to feed his needs until he got an email saying he got a match against this babe, Arlise Christiaens, he doesnt know who she is but when shown her hot pictures, he immediately accept the match and also knows the match is anything goes, no rules other than go rough on one another, his favorite match even he never use weapons other than himself as the main weapon of mass destruction.

The night has come for him to come out and face Arlise. He gotten into his wrestling attire of black boots, dark red trunks, and his signature black leopard mask. Coming out from the locker room while his theme music playing and the crowd loudly booing at him, he was well known from other wrestling shows and see his reputation always sticking to him even here. King coming out with his arms up roaring out loud flexing his muscle arms, shiny tanned skin covered with water to keep him cool from this assuming hot match.

Marching down the ramp until reaching the ring, popping his neck side by side before reaching the ropes to pull himself up and stepping between to get inside the ring. Moving to the center to once again, flexing his strong looking biceps size couple of baseballs or more, small from the distance but large and deadly up close. He looking out at the arena stage as his arms crossing front his wide chest, awaiting for the sexy red head to come out and face the man beast- Killer King. "Hehe... hope shes fun... heh"
Last edited by KillerV on Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Out for a Hunt

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Another match with a man. Arlise Christaens' sigh drew long, spurned on by both anticipation and some irritation. The opportunity she could not deny was beneficial to her, given her growing status with each challenge she faced against the "bigger" and "stronger" sex. And yet...she wished, partially, she could get herself latched around another curvier body this week, rather than crashing against mounds of muscle. It was nice from time to time, though she was frustrated with her last encounter, and this week...

...it seemed she faced more beast than man. She had seen the pictures. An Ares, as it were.

Nonetheless, Lise, determined to enjoy her every match, had found her fun. Having taken extra time in the locker room mirror to ensure she looked every ounce the lion tamer, Titania, in tight leather, stepped out with the utmost confidence before the crowd, brandishing a whip as the tight black leather she wore pulled against her curves with every long step.

Making a special point not to eye the man in the ring, since she had seen bodybuilders of his ilk and knew attention was what he longed for, she took an extra bit of time slapping hands she passed. The crowd seemed...especially glad to see her. Perhaps her fanfare had grown, she thought, unaware of how they hated the man in the ring.

She strolled up the steps and swung into the ring purposefully, still engaged with her own antics and the crowd rather than giving the looming figure behind her a close glance. Only when she finished waving from the ropes and needed to turn to the matter at hand did she give him a sweeping glance.

Very large. Undoubtedly, very strong. A terror if he got his hands on her.

But she had no doubts that she was quicker, and a man was only so strong with a woman's legs crushing him.
Last edited by Winter on Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Out for a Hunt

Unread post by KillerV »

King hasnt been around much in this arena where most wrestlers are female and mainly just female opponents, recently heard theres come to a new set for male to take on the women which its a great opportunity to put himself and his name out more and more. At this time, he really only taken out one opponent and it was a rare chance, now another rare chance to challenge against this girl Arlise, the sexy red head that he could see her coming out from the backstage wearing pretty sexy outfits, what King likes to see, all leather tights showing some skins here and there, adding her whip in hands, making this girl like a sadist, but everyone knows whos the real big sadist here!

He couldnt help but to stare at Arlise the whole thing while shes doing her thing, greeting the stupid crowd and their cheering responds, obviously they like her body than anything, what he thinks. They will like her body once King could get his dirty hands on her and show this sexy red head how powerful and skilled wrestler he really is.

He smirks hidden under the mask, still awaiting for Arlise to come face to face with him at the center of the ring, making it look like it could possibly be rival between the two, the lights still shining down over the large man-beast with the still waters dripping over his muscle body, he looks on and awaiting for the bell. "Well now, arent you hot today, I am looking forward to crush you and claim my victory, ready for me? babe?"

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Re: Out for a Hunt

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Enjoying the noticeably increased volume of the crowd, and assigning it to their admiration for her attire, Lise deflected her attention to them for an extra moment, posing with hips tilted for them as she scooted towards the corner and deposited her whip there with a saucy, distracted toss. The raining cheers compounded her already-confident attitude, and with a noticeable extra strut in her step, she finally let her gray eyes settle fully on this "King" as he spoke to her.

She didn't have the highest hopes as to what words would come from the mouth of a man whose muscles surely choked out the blood to his brain, but her pursed lips betrayed how unmoved she was by his words. At least he wasn't blind.

His words left her without much of a reason to answer, but she supposed she should play along. He had not said anything moronic, after all, though his words were so generic that they nearly offended her with his lack of originality. "That is a line I have heard one too many times," she sighed, as she rolled her shoulders a touch and squatted to ensure she felt fully stretched, back to not looking directly at him. "And why would I have come to the ring if I wasn't ready?"

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Re: Out for a Hunt

Unread post by KillerV »

King watching his opponent coming down to the ring and up she goes getting inside, obviously size comparison hes much bigger than her and likely she faster than him, one way he'll find out is that how much she'll be when his hands using whatever moves he wishes to test out onto Arlise lovely body to show off front of these helluva stupid crowd!

Arlise is extremely hot for sexy red head and eager to 'play' with her, just waiting for the bell to ring and now hearing her words running off her sweet lips while stretching out and such. He tilted his neck popping one side and pop the other, he chuckles while eyeing on the babe. "Oh is that so? Well Im sure its boring to hear it all the time until the real fun begins." Slowly approaching Arlise, inches by inches, not trying to alarmed her. "Glad to hear that, if you werent ready, then I suppose........"

When he just realized that this match is Anything Goes, so theres no real need for the bell to ring unless to do it traditionally but the beast isnt so called traditional wrestler, hes a monster man-beast out to hunt his prey, heel wrestler seeking out any kinds of babes to out and enjoy them.

He is hoping that Arlise would get up after her squatted down, King steps in and tries to delivered a good hard boot to the stomach to start off the match. "Hurgh!" When his foot does connect thats when he would see her double over for him and his follow up attack by viciously turn his upper body as he swing his mighty right arm, aiming to swing that rock hard looking bicep of his to European Uppercut Arlise lovely jaw. "RAWR!"

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Re: Out for a Hunt

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Not hard of sight in the slightest, Lise noticed his creeping approach. She did not move away from him immediately, giving him a few feet to come in closer before she reacted, but once she was content that her thighs and glutes wouldn't start to cramp in the middle of the match, she straightened gracefully, and immediately took a step back from him.

He continued to throw contrivances at her, but she was also not too ignorant to realize that they were a prelude. "Didn't I say I-"

With his move an expected one, albiet a touch more explosive than she might have gauged given his size, Lise was already out of the way of the boot by the time King closed the distance on her. He swiped like the cat he was at the air with two different paws, all while Arlise sucked in a breath to gather herself and propped up onto one foot. Halfhearted strikes wouldn't dent this lug.

"-was!", she rang out, as her leg swept low to try and jam her foot into the back of his knee, a weak spot she well knew applied to anyone.

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Re: Out for a Hunt

Unread post by KillerV »

The very overconfident man beast thinking it would be a good start when he approaching her as close as he could in hope that his massive foot would connect to her stomach and follow up with his hard hitting uppercut to the jaw, wishes to see her lovely long red hair flinging up along with that ample breasts, maybe some hard sweats flying as well, all he wishes to do would come in one flowing motion, that is if he connects....

Unfortunately King was only able to contact his large foot in the air as he could see her avoiding his attack, he couldnt react fast enough, not at this moment at least, he growled in disapproved mistake as his beastly eyes locking on guiding at Arlise, until she goes down and slam her own foot at the back of his knee. "Urgh!"

As strong as he is known for, one surprise and quick hard hit to the back of his single standing leg easily topple him down dropping down as if hes kneeling before her, stopping him from completely falling flat on his snout. Growling angrily but low tone, both his hands on the mat to keep him still trying to get back on his feet as he could.

He should of keep his confident down to normal level but always felt so damn good feeling better than anyone, male or female, as long he got the upper hand and stay at the top. But King also should of known that slim n busty woman like her usually turn out to be faster than himself, and... smarter too... regardless, this is just a single mistake. "Grrrr... think you got me down?!" He hope that when King gotten close enough to her, he could strike Arlise to the stomach while up on his knees. "Hurgh! Hurgh!"
Last edited by KillerV on Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Out for a Hunt

Unread post by Winter »

Unfortunately, the best was not entirely downed, but she supposed with someone of his size, she should count a stumble as a victory. She likely weighed half of what he usually benchpressed, but as long as she could poke and prod at him, an advantage could be built. And everyone was the same size when they were lying on the mat together...in a sense, anyway.

His growling came as another set of warnings to her, and so, as he pressed in and took another swing at her belly, she was already reacting to escape to a foot past arms reach as she bounced on feet a touch lighter than her curves would betray. In fact, she nearly pranced away, realizing that she perhaps thought that if she made like a deer bounding away, it would drive him to more irritation and thus, mistakes.

Whatever the case, she could not let the moment pass without trying to prod him again, so long as he remained on his knees, and so she ducked back inside of his range to throw up a straight, rising side kick meant to drive her sole into his chin.

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Re: Out for a Hunt

Unread post by KillerV »

King is in deed having some trouble taking on the red head with her speed and wits just keeping out of his range and avoiding anything that would put Arlise in harm though shes doing far too well that made the beast more mad. He did tries to pummel her stomach but she easy make him miss few times, on purpose just to anger the monster or just really good at it, either way, King is pissed! "GRRRR!"

The last swing to her sexy body made a mistake on his part, actually causes him to stumble forward to stop himself from falling by getting his one hand on the mat, pushes back up to his knees. "Damnit!"

Though with that mistake it makes it easy for Arlise to come in and aiming to kick him for his jaw but that doesnt mean King gonna make it easy target for her! He would bring his hands up just as her foot would come in contact and use it to sway and grab, yanking Arlise closer until he could lunge his one hand up to get it under her chin to pull back while his other hand going between the legs to grab her inner thigh, trying to pull her back across his shoulders while hes on his knees! "GRRR!"

Hopefully he could keep hold of his sexy opponent as he could get to his feet, jerking her chin and thigh down to torturer back breaking on his shoulders with few hard pulls, jerking her spine until hes fully standing so the big dangerous monster can go for the first impact move..... attempt to hop up and dropping down onto his knees with his hands both pulling down as he land, bending Arlise hard before letting the red head go. "Hurgh!"

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Re: Out for a Hunt

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A chill tore down Lise's spine when she felt his grip creeping up her leg, knowing that she had already become too confident in her ability to strike and escape. She almost groaned in worry, and then truly did when a giant, meaty hand clamped down onto her chin and another wormed between her thighs. She kicked with the foot that she thought was still on the mat, but no...she was already being heaved onto his shoulders and had nowhere she could gain any leverage. For all her hundred-and-forty plus pounds, she seemed to be nothing as he lifted her up, and she squeezed her eyes shut in resignation for what was to come.

Her spine and lats came alight with pain as they were bent over his shoulders, and Lise tried to clench and bear it, knowing if she could get past the initial stretching of her frame she had the wiles to wriggle away from him. Otherwise, he would hold her up here all night.

Up being another concern. Her eyes popped open long enough to take the ring and crowd what seemed to be yards below her, and her fight began instantly. She could not let him throw her down. Using his shifting from standing to help, she thrust an elbow against the back of his head and kicked out with both feet just as it seemed he started to gain the physical momentum to slam her, and she squirted her head free from his grip just as he threw himself to the mat.

What would have been a shattering bend of her back instead became a shock of impact up her spine, and she rolled off of his shoulder onto her cheek and knees, rear in the air, recovering from what was amazingly the lesser of two evils for but a second before reality returned and she scrambled to put distance between the two of them.

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