Redhead Redemption? Domino vs. Miss Fortune

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Redhead Redemption? Domino vs. Miss Fortune

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Standard Match
Win decided by Pinfall, Submission, or KO

It was only a matter of time, Domino thought. He'd met some wrestlers from this federation before it opened its doors to a mixed division. He was bound to be matched up against one of them sometime. As it turned out, it would be the girl who wanted him for a private match some time ago. It seemed less like a match, and more like an attempt to spark a relationship. It didn't go that way. Not because he wasn't into it - the girl was fun, had the right amount of attitude, and was incredibly hot - but he was spoken for. And if anything, Domino is a loyal guy.

That's not the case here tonight. He's back on the bachelor path, and he's not sure what to expect from her. A definite part of him is excited to see her again, though.
The young model stands at the ready behind the curtain, wearing his typical wrestling gear. Black and white trunks, boots, and bracers make up the ensemble in its entirety, leaving his sleekly smooth, toned body mostly exposed, from firm pecs and six-packed abdominals to toned arms and thighs. His trim frame bobs anxiously in place, getting the blood flowing as his, sigh, generic techno hits the arena.

"Entering the ring! From Providence, Rhode Island! Weighing 160 lbs.! DOMINOOO!"

The curtain is thrown back, and the model leaps into view with a sharp thrust of his fist! At last, the audience has begun to warm up to him and started letting go of the idea that big gross Y-chromosomes were invading their female wrestling federation. He wasn't going to give up an inch of ground in that PR war. With a radiant smile, he points first to the audience at his right, then on the left, then fistbumps over his heart. He begins jogging down the ramp, drifting from one side to the other to slap a train of highfives. It's becoming more and more natural, working with this crowd. It's not quite there yet, but hopefully soon. He just needs to show he's worthy.

That means he'll have to really fight Fortune.

Upon reaching the edge of the ring, he hops up onto the apron and grabs the top rope. Stretching it back, he springs over it with a single athletic bound to land within the squared circle. Nimble quicksteps ascend him along the ropes to the peak of a turnbuckle, where he throws a fist into the air in salute to the audience again. He lingers, awash in the crowd's cheer, the arm slowly lowering until he runs his hand through his stylishly rakish hair.

At last, the model drops and turns to lean back into his corner, letting the very.. handsy.. referee-girl inspect his scantly-clad body for foreign objects. He occasionally swats at her.
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Re: Redhead Redemption? Domino vs. Miss Fortune

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The sigh that came from the lips of Miss Fortune was loud and breathy. She was facing another male rival in tonight's match, It was a male she knew intimately, not least because of how she was finished off in their previous encounter. The images flooded her mind, his toned, fit and strong body, she recalled his weight that pressed down on her, but most of all, the heat and feel of his well endowed manhood that squashed against her face as Domino pinned her for the count. She bit her bottom lip and shook her head, trying to erase the memory, or at least suppress them enough to get the win tonight.

The one thing she had at her advantage was the history between the pair. She could use her charms to overcome the guy, show him that he would be the one with a face full by the end

As her music pumped over the PA, the redhead from New York entered. The appearance was greeted with boo's laughs and jeers. Miss Fortune curled her lip, she was not in the mood for such a reception and decided to ignore the masses. She had a job to do tonight! Miss Fortune walked down the aisle, she had elected to wear her full Mafioso gear tonight. A sharp smart business suit that didnt hide her curves complete with her trademark hat to finish off the look
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Getting to the ring she climbed through the ropes, her eyes locked on Domino's form. She simply shook her head, showing that she didnt rate the male wrestlers chances tonight and that she was not in the mood for him to smother her again.

"You made a mistake coming back here Mister!"

Miss Fortune continued to get ready, taking off her hat and leaving it at the ring post. She proceeded to strip out of her suit, the crowd greeting the show with cheers as every curve was revealed. She wore her black bikini and bottoms with matching knee length boots. It looked at if the bikini top was one size too small because her breasts heaved and the material struggled to keep as assets contained. However it was her bottom half that got more attention.

Her bikini briefs were pulled tight along the back, a thin piece of material that acted like a thong. Two damp large cheeks shimmered with the light, the sweat of her pre-match workout. As she turned, she grinned, gesturing to the front of her bikini bottoms where the words, "YOUR FACE HERE!" was printed.

"Take note Mister, you are gonna end up between my legs struggling to breathe!"
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Re: Redhead Redemption? Domino vs. Miss Fortune

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And there she is. Miss Fortune, in a rather sharp suit. She didn't plan on wrestling in that, though, did she? And the audience sure seemed to hate her. He couldn't imagine why. Beautiful, confident, sassy... and then he realizes he's looking at her with romanticized lenses. She had a personality to play up to these people, didn't she? She's a showman.

Domino nips onto his bottom lip in an effort to keep from smiling. God, she's cute.

When she derides him with the headshake, he turns from her to the audience to raise his hands in a confident shrug, as if asking them if they believe this chick. And when he turns to her again, she's in a bikini. He stares for a moment, and when his attention is called to it, his eyes zero in on her hips. Oh yes, he recalls wrestling her.

"Just try not to beg for mercy too early!," he calls back to her across the ring with a smirk. He makes his way to the center of the ring to wait for her. His stance widens, hands raising to invite the redhead to lock up.

The referee-girl waves to the side, signaling the bell to begin.

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Re: Redhead Redemption? Domino vs. Miss Fortune

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Miss Fortune is all energy and attitude. She plays her role to perfection, even down to biting her thumb, a traditional Italian insult when Domino responds to her taunt. Whatever happens tonight, the guy is going to be in for a match. Miss Fortune is going to use ALL her charms to overpower, confuse and get on top, quite literally in some cases.

With the bell rung, the atmosphere settles into a number of calls, cheers and shouts. The redhead has to block them out because Domino still outweighs her by at least 30lbs and being under him is not ideal, at least from a match perspective....

"Dammit Maddy, focus!"

She had to remind herself as she looked at his abs and chest. Miss Fortune stepped in hard and looked to grapple with the guy, however she would duck at the last moment and try to get around behind him. If it worked, she would pull back her hand, flatten it and give Domino's taut rear a good hard SLLAAPPP! to spank him once.

"Catch me if you can loverboy?"

There was no doubt of her gameplan and she stood with some space near the corner, ready to blow a kiss when Domino turned around
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Re: Redhead Redemption? Domino vs. Miss Fortune

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Alas, Domino doesn't get the classic thumb-biting insult! He has some culture, but evidently not enough!

She closes in, and she's met first with a coy smile. His dark purple eyes set to hers, daring her to lock up with him. He's so looking forward to this. So much so, that he lashes in to try to grab her with gusto - only to whiff! She smacks his backside with an open palm, and Domino recoils with a startled, "YAK!"

Yes, he just said yak.

He spins on heel to face her, cheeks now rosied with embarrassed bemusement, watching her blow him a kiss. The audience gets a laugh out of it as well. He's not so hung up on his image that he can't take some jokes, especially when they're basically harmless. "Jerk," he chides, voice utterly lacking in bite or malice.

Her position is noted. Domino rushes forward, arms swinging wide in an effort to catch her at the shoulders and briskly ram her back into the turnbuckle to get things started in close quarters. Partially to open her up for some abuse, and partially just to get in close with her and maybe speak a little more subtly.
Last edited by CyanDimitrik on Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Redhead Redemption? Domino vs. Miss Fortune

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Miss Fortune smiled as she saw her cocky taunt work. She couldn't resist following up with words, when she really should be following up with an attack, but this was never Madison's way

"Yak? Did you seriously just say... YAK??! Oh My GOD!"

It tickled the New Yorker and she was content to play to the crowd. "Did you all hear that, the big... tough... wrestler.... the big tough YAK. HAHA...... !"

Her words were completely cut off as the wind was taken from her lungs. She found herself bent over Domino's back, her large breasts squashed against him as her outfit was barely there. She reached and pawed at him, her hands coming to make a grab for his toned buttocks and give them a squeeze. She was helpless for a moment and wide open for Domino to capitalize. If Miss Fortune got the chance she needed to wrestle more and talk less, there would be plenty of time to tease with the sexy guy flat on his back and at her mercy
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Re: Redhead Redemption? Domino vs. Miss Fortune

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Oh god, she's giving him the business. Domino endures the taunts in favor of capitalizing on the opportunity, the ram nailing her and driving the redhead into the turnbuckle! Granted, her hands are now on his rear again and squeezing. He snickers a little, as discreetly as possible, before straightening his posture and attempting to sling her arms over the ropes at either side of the post.

The left hand raises to pinch her chin. "You look good. Missed ya," he says, voice quietened enough to only be shared between them. He wouldn't want the audience thinking he's going to go easy on her, after all! Their private match was just that - private! But his hand draws back, only to swing in again in a sharp reverse chop aimed to crash against her chest just above her breasts! It's a respect thing, really. Sure, they're fighting, and he suspects things are going to get a bit heated, but he always has an issue when it comes to striking a girl's bosom. It feels too much like a low blow!

The audience, however, pops with the impact.
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Re: Redhead Redemption? Domino vs. Miss Fortune

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There was little Miss Fortune could do about the position, largely because all her air was taken by the shoulder and her hands were keeping her suitably distracted! As Domino rose up, Miss Fortune naturally peeled herself from him, the close contact already making her sweat a little. Things were going to get heated here. She found her arms pinned over the ropes and growled a little as he nudge her chin.

"Keep it up mister and I'll show ya who has missed who!"

She didnt struggle too much, as her mind was filled with images of the strong guy dominating her, not to mention the oh so subtle way he pinned her!


Her body jolted as she took the chop. Her large breasts jiggled and threatened to spill from the small bikini that barely kept them in. The crowd loved it and begged Domino to yank her top down or continue, but maybe it was a little early for that. She gasped and looked at him, blinking as she tried to deal with the pain. For now she was hung on the corner ropes, but her time would come to strike back

"Is that.. *gasp* all ya got little man?"
Last edited by RiotGrrl on Wed Oct 31, 2018 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Redhead Redemption? Domino vs. Miss Fortune

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Domino smirks at her unique brand of sass that isn't quite sass, but probably more flirting. His left hand sets to her shoulder to keep her back pressed into the corner, restraining her there. His gaze shifts out to the audience, those stray calls to pull her top down getting an incredulous smirk.

"What? No!"

He's not going to do that to her! Or anyone! his federation caters to a randy bunch, it seems. But while the model is fine with some flirting in the ring, if things feel right, he's not interested in humiliating the girl in some unnecessary way. And he's no pornstar!

Refocusing on the redhead in the corner, Domino draws back his right fist to begin firing shots into her belly. Each repeated hit drills in a little harder, testing the firmness of her abs, hoping to wear down her core. One the final hit, his fist remains against the pit of her stomach, grinding his knuckles over her bellybutton.

"Plenty of time after the bell rings for that, mnh?," he teases. "Unless you don't think you can last until the three-count!"
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Re: Redhead Redemption? Domino vs. Miss Fortune

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Miss Fortune was just about recovering when Domino continued to work on her body. She gasped and groaned with each hit, jolting and clinging to the ropes so that she didnt sink to her round rear on the canvas. As Domino stuck for the final time and tested her abs with the grinding fist, Miss Fortune knew she had to do something to reverse this.

"Count this lover!"

The redhead let go of the ropes and brought her hands to the forehead of Domino, with a kick off the turnbuckle she threw her head back and then forward, looking to headbutt the bigger guy. It was a move that may well take some out of the New Yorker but it would get her out of the corner and who knew, it ma even stun the tough wrestler a little.

If it worked, Miss Fortune would need to stumble against the ropes to steady herself and then she could assess the damage. Domino was going to be in a fight tonight, and this would be stronger than their private tryst, although the redhead would be sure to tease Domino in equal measure
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