Amelie Roux Vs. Nayla Ameera - Rough Cuddling

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Amelie Roux Vs. Nayla Ameera - Rough Cuddling

Unread post by Devilish53 »


Bed Match
Victory Via Submission Or KO
No Referee Is Present

Having already found her home upon that bed, barely resisting the urge to literally crawl inside the covers and leave quite the sight for the beauty soon to be joining her, Amelie Roux could not stop herself grinning from ear to ear. In the off chance the match would be a squash, an unlikely feat given Amelie took no enjoyment in such, and was near enough impossible to ragdoll herself, Amelie would still have surely enjoyed every single minute of it. Clad in a rare outfit change, with that tight black bikini wrapped around her large bust and curvy rear, Amelie's usually free flowing hair would be tonight, and only tonight perhaps, restrained. Although, she had little issue with the concept of letting her figure out for a little freedom.

Both hair wise, and bikini wise.

The match was to be had privately in the bedroom she had now made her home in after all, and she had rarely heard of a bedroom based match that went in directions other than sexual. Briefly falling back upon said bed, spreading her arms and legs to test out how much room she'd be given to work with, that hefty LAW-crafted bed would serve as quite the ring for her upcoming encounter. Even when she had stretched her arms out straight, from one point to another, she still had distance to spare from either side of the ring.

Something that was a bit of necessity, given that if the woman tonight was as exciting as Amelie was imagining, she'd need more than just a little space...

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Re: Amelie Roux Vs. Nayla Ameera - Rough Cuddling

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It seemed that Nayla would be having another bedroom match-up, this time against someone named Amelie Roux. Thinking that this would be a fun thing to have, she came to the place, wearing her skimpy light green bikini which accentuated her voluptuous figure. She also decided to not have her hair tied up. The same went for her fake pointy ears. This time, she was looking for something fun for herself.

The match would be held privately in a room, and when she arrived in front of the room, the Lebanese wondered to herself about what kind of woman this Amelie was. Still, it's about time to find it out, so she would enter the room. Upon entering the room, she was greeted by the sight of a beautiful green-haired woman in quite a skimpy get up, and she couldn't help but lick her lips in anticipation.

"Amelie Roux, I presume...?" Nayla asked as she would step closer to Amelie. "I am Nayla Ameera, and I believe we are to have some sort of match," she said.

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Re: Amelie Roux Vs. Nayla Ameera - Rough Cuddling

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A run in with one Alisha Grace had left Amelie something with a taste in her mouth for women whom could match her physically, both in general strength and in actual scale, though she was not at all the sort to be left unsatisfied by the handlings of a woman smaller than her. That been said, when Nayla did indeed appear before her, the scale of that red haired figure brought about a huge gleam to Amelie's mug. One that made her effectively rise from the bed, as if indeed a woman possessed.

"Oh my.." She'd gleam, not at all hiding the satisfaction she felt at being given such a body to play with, as she failed to resist the urge to lean forward, arms high for an embrace of Nayla's top half.

"You are sweet..." Her grin growing to be a toothy one, Amelie came very close to locking her lips with the great figures own, as their curves molded to one another regardless of whether Nayla for the moment wanted them to.

"I'm almost sad I didn't bring a spoon...because I can not wait to simply"
Last edited by Devilish53 on Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Amelie Roux Vs. Nayla Ameera - Rough Cuddling

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

The more Nayla saw, the more eager she felt to have the fight between them started. Amelie seemed to be someone fun to play with, and she couldn't wait to start mashing her body against hers. And at the moment, the two of them were already close to each other, and Nayla welcomed such closeness as she continued studying the feature of the French beauty before her.

"Oh dear, how frightening of you..." Nayla responded to Amelie's words with faux-horror before she broke into a giggle, which would certainly cause their bodies to quake as she did so. "Well, I hope you are not going to bite off more than you can chew..." She would draw her face even closer to Amelie's, with their breathing tickling each other's skin.

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Re: Amelie Roux Vs. Nayla Ameera - Rough Cuddling

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Bodies shaking and somewhat lightly grinding upon one another, nothing could stop Amelie's blatant biting of her lips, as her eyes scanned each and every inch of Nayla. Well, as much as they could, given the proximity. Which wasn't much at all, given the tanned figures heavy breasts were stopping Amelie gazing past them. Although she'd happily spend quite a while gazing at them.

"Well..." She'd hum, raising her right hand, teasing a brush across Nayla's cheek, although her fingers never quite made contact.

"I guess we should get down to sweet..." Her voice suddenly taking quite the sharp turn, as in this case, business was apparently the French beauty latching onto Nayla! Her arms embracing around the tanned figure, only for the briefest of hugs, before they went lower. Hands seeking a fondle of that hefty rear, not only to get a taste of it, but to pull, and yank the tall figure up off her feet against Amelie!

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Re: Amelie Roux Vs. Nayla Ameera - Rough Cuddling

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Nayla looked into Amelie's eyes before she looked down to take a thorough look on her body. She was certain that she would enjoy this match, whether she ended up winning or losing. As both beauties studied each other, Amelie suddenly wrapped her arms around Nayla, giving her a brief hug before those hands wandered down to her rear. Feeling those hands fondling her cheeks, Nayla couldn't help but moan a little, though the smile on her face still remained.

"Oh dear... such a business, indeed," Nayla purred as she would also do the same, wrapping her arms around Amelie's body before moving her hands down onto those plush ass-cheeks of the beautiful Frenchwoman. At the same time, their bodies would be mashing against each other, and the Indian beauty couldn't help but enjoy the contact that she made with the green-haired beauty before her.

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Re: Amelie Roux Vs. Nayla Ameera - Rough Cuddling

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Picking up that toned beauty, Amelie knew all to well that with the size of her foe and her alike, being lifted in such a dominant, almost loving manner was a rarity. Thus, she gave Nayla quite the gusto-filled grind as she picked her up, though said grind would be but a solo one for the moment. Her foe responding in kind, though lowering those hands to have something of a physical taste of that juicy rear, Amelie began to ever so slowly sway the big girl back and forth, left to right, slowly circling around to have Nayla's back facing the bed amidst such.

"Oh dear? Don't tell me you're neeeeeervous..." Her top half edging ever so harder into Nayla's, the big girl in the French beauties arms would feel herself forcibly arched back. Almost as if Amelie was teasing dropping her over the edge. The edge being, the bed of course.

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Re: Amelie Roux Vs. Nayla Ameera - Rough Cuddling

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Nayla couldn't help but enjoy the sensation of being held by the beautiful Frenchwoman as she let out soft coos, though she still remembered that it was her objective to win this. Hearing Amelie's words, the Lebanese beauty tilted her head as she gave the Frenchwoman a smile. "Nervous? Oh dear... what gives you such an idea?" She let out a faux-gasp, looking to play along with whatever game Amelie was playing at the moment.

Still, Nayla was aware of what Amelie was doing, as the Frenchwoman swayed her aside while keeping her in her embrace before she realized that she already over the edge of the bed. And Amelie seemed to be teasing her to drop her over the edge. To her credit, Nayla still managed to keep her cool, though she knew that she would fall off the bed if she allowed Amelie to do whatever she wanted. "Oh my... how scary..." Nayla said as she would try to straighten herself up, looking to shimmy aside in order to change her position.

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Re: Amelie Roux Vs. Nayla Ameera - Rough Cuddling

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Feeling Nayla shuffle lightly, in a way that would have caused her difficulty had she not been quick to adjust her arms, Amelie grinned that flashy smile of hers right into the darker skinned beauties face, as she slid her cheek across to rest it on Nayla's own.

"Don't worry...I got you..." Letting Nayla shift to a straight posture in her arms, expecting that an attempt to have her 'peer over the edge' would bare no fruit given Nayla would likely stop it this time, Amelie began to put those thick arms to use. Bending and squatting somewhat, she'd begin to jiggle Nayla upwards in her lifted-cuddle, until the darker skinned beauties head as above her own. From here, the simply act of leaning forward would let Amelie rest her cheeks at the very top of those heavy breasts, as her own stiffening pair began to tickle on Nayla's surprisingly thick midriff.

"I won't letcha go..."

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Re: Amelie Roux Vs. Nayla Ameera - Rough Cuddling

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

"Uhn..." Nayla breathed out as she remained in the embrace of the beautiful Frenchwoman, still trapped. While she might have prevented Amelie's plan to have her peer over the edge, she was still unable to break herself free from the Frenchwoman's embrace. And then, the Lebanese realized that she was lifted up, and she could feel the other woman's head resting against her bust while those heavy breasts of the Frenchwoman were pressed against her midsection.

"Aah... is that so?" Nayla said, trying to keep her cool. She couldn't afford to lose her calm at this point, thinking that Amelie might be able to sense her agitation like a shark smelling blood in the water. So, she tried to stay still while she was kept in this compromising position, trying to figure out a way to turn things around in her favor. This time, she would allow Amelie do whatever she wanted so that she could wait for any opening that she could take advantage of later.

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