Humiliation Match: Ally Harris v. Kohaku Kariya

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Re: Humiliation Match: Ally Harris v. Kohaku Kariya

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"'re a tough cookie ya know that?" Kohaku said, unable to get a submission out of her opponent. Of course she still had plenty of tricks up her sleeve but she was a bit disappointed that Ally refused to lose. "Alriiiiigh~ Don't say I didn't warn you." Lightening the hold, Kohaku would instead focus elsewhere. One hand would find it's way to Ally's thigh and slide up to her bottoms. She would grab a hold of them and with one swift motion pull them around her foe's ankles. "Hope you don't mind the exposure!" She teased.
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Re: Humiliation Match: Ally Harris v. Kohaku Kariya

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Ally was in a compromising position in this match. She had to compromise with the pain and humiliation she was feeling if she wanted to get the upper hand, however Kohaku was keeping up the pressure as she and would strip off Ally's bottoms, revealing the Maniac's red thong underneath as her bottoms were left on her ankles. Ally would try to muster up her strength to push up off of the ground to give her some leverage before attempting to kick her legs to try and send Kohaku away from her so she could recover.

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Re: Humiliation Match: Ally Harris v. Kohaku Kariya

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Giggling as her opponent is left in just her thong, Kohaku grabs the fabric and gives it a little wedgie. "Haha great. Now we have a nice view. Gonna g...ahhhh! Hey!" Kohaku started to say before she let out a surprised yelp. The woman found herself unseated by a sudden push from her opponent. Kohaku fell onto all fours and quickly crawled away and pushed onto her knees. " fun. SOMEONE is gonna have to teach you a lesson." She pouted.
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Re: Humiliation Match: Ally Harris v. Kohaku Kariya

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Ally would feel the sting of Kohaku’s wedgie, and would yell out. “AAAAHHHH!!!!!” The maniac yelled before she’d manage to buck her opponent off of her. Ally would start to push herself up on somewhat shaky legs just so she could try to bring the fight back to her opponent.

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Re: Humiliation Match: Ally Harris v. Kohaku Kariya

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After pushing herself up onto her feet Kohaku set her sights on her opponent. "You ok over there? You look like you're just about ready to give up." She teased, ticking her tongue out at her foe. She wondered how close she had been to a victory but soon brought her thoughts back to the task at hand. The black haired wrestler would just have to start back from square one now. That was alright though as long as she was able to have plenty of fun with Ally. "Ready for the next round?" She said with a giggle as she approached Ally with her arms raised.
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Re: Humiliation Match: Ally Harris v. Kohaku Kariya

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Ally would grit her teeth as she saw Kohaku taunt her. Ally would start to walk over toward Kohaku to try and lock arms with her but her shaky legs would cause the maniac to crumble down to her knees before Kohaku. Ally looked helpless as her body leaned into Kohaku’s crotch with Ally’s hands groping Kohaku’s ass cheeks to try and stay up.

Ally would then look up at Kohaku and would say in a somewhat shaky voice. “I-I...” Ally let out before suckering Kohaku with an uppercut to the crotch for a low blow. “I’m not finished with you...” Ally said with malicious intent as she followed up with 3 more low blows in rapid succession to payback her opponent.

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Re: Humiliation Match: Ally Harris v. Kohaku Kariya

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Kohaku rolled her eyes as Ally crumbled to her knees right in front of her. "Pffff oh come on. Don't be so pathetic you loser." She commented. From the looks of it her opponent had little fight left in her. When Ally leaned against her Kohaku only giggled as the woman gave her ass a grab to try and hold herself up. She was about to place her hand on Ally's head and give the woman a shove when suddenly she was met with quite a surprise.

Suddenly Kohaku felt a jolt run up her spine as Ally landed a hard blow right between her legs. "Gaaaaghhhhh!" The black haired wrestler screamed in shock as the first hit made contact. A few more repeated strikes each elicited a loud yelp from Kohaku who soon collapsed onto her knees with her hands between her legs. The last thing she had expected right now was successive cheep shots. Taken by surprise Kohaku now found herself whimpering on her knees, trying hard and unsuccessfully to ignore the growing pain.
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Re: Humiliation Match: Ally Harris v. Kohaku Kariya

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Ally sneered at Kohaku after landing those multiple low blows on her, and seeing Kohaku in pain, Ally would take this chance to get back up onto her feet, preparing herself to launch her own attack on her opponent. "No, you are a pathetic one, you loser..." Ally said, grinning as she would then stand in front of the kneeling Kohaku as she would then launch a kick right at her chest, hitting her there several times in order to stun her. She had quite a lot of things planned for her opponent in order to humiliate her.

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