Burying a Rebel- Kyoko Akan vs Ciel Aonlous POW Casket Match!

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Burying a Rebel- Kyoko Akan vs Ciel Aonlous POW Casket Match!

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Casket Match POW: First to trap there opponent in the casket wins. Loser is the Winner's property for 3 days.

So after not only beating this bitch but fucking her senseless in her apartment shortly afterwards Ciel not only pushed for a rematch where shes basically asking for the same thing to happen to her, but it was a casket match something Kyoko had to her knowledge, never been in. Maybe some super old match back when she was learning the ropes but she certainly hadn't made much use of a casket before. Still if Ciel was looking to get buried Kyoko would oblige and after a second go around at her house maybe the little punk would learn who she was messing with.
Kyoko came out without her still destroyed belt but she refused to let it show that it bothered her. Instead she came out with as much determination and cockiness that she came out to any outing of her career, and she had a lot of anger to unleash eager to tear into Ciel a second time and leave her in such a state the casket will be necessary. Entering the ring she looked back towards where the punk would be arriving, and where Kyoko would happily greet her with her fists.

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Re: Burying a Rebel- Kyoko Akan vs Ciel Aonlous POW Casket Match!

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Ciel had once again invoked her rematch clause, this time using it on Kyoko to have a casket match. It was something that was a specialty of hers. Her very first match on LAW was actually a casket match and it had been the very first Casket match to be done in LAW. The fact that she won it had sort have gotten her a place in history, not a large one but still a place and something she could take pride in. Though if she won this, it could allow her to start a bit of a streak when it came to casket matches.
The blue hair wrestler theme song started to play and she would make her entrance, her bat in hand again over her shoulder. She would then start to make her way down, those on the front row would see that her abs had gotten even better than before. Having a bit of a bored look on her face she would make her way towards the ring, getting to the stairs before taking a second to look at the casket and then towards Kyoko. She would then motion with her head towards the Casket while looking at her opponent, indicating that the purple hair wrestler would then be spending the night there as a grin appeared on her face.

Ciel would then rest her bat against the ring and climb up the steps before then entering the ring. She would start to crack her knuckles and stretch her head as she then made her way towards the center of the ring. The referee would then get between her and Kyoko and tell Ciel to go back to her corner. The French wrestler would not take her eyes off Kyoko as she took a few steps back and rested on the turnbuckle.

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Re: Burying a Rebel- Kyoko Akan vs Ciel Aonlous POW Casket Match!

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Ciel came out, and though fans made some notice of her improved abs Kyoko had already been prepared for them this time around. While it was still a sight there was a time for that and a time for being focused, and because she was eager to knock Ciel in the casket this was one of those times to focus. Her confidence seemed bolstered by the fact she had won the first casket math, as Aozora had made sure to mention to her before the match but Kyoko wasnt fazed, all she had to do was knock her out again and no amount of experience would save the girl from her attacks.

"Yes it is a nice casket, and your going to spend a lot of time in it." Kyoko said looking at the women as the ref came between them before they could do anything as she would finally let the match begin once both were back in those corners. Once she was allowed to Kyoko started to inch forward, despite the urge to rush in and pummel her foe, she wanted to be careful and show her foe that she wasnt going to be tricked into anything.

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Re: Burying a Rebel- Kyoko Akan vs Ciel Aonlous POW Casket Match!

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A smirk would appear on Ciel's face as she heard what Kyoko had said as she was forced a bit back due to the referee. She was now resting on her turnbuckle when she decided to make a comment. “Dead Woman Walking!” she stated in a cocky tone while looking towards Kyoko in a confident tone. This was her kind of match and she was going to teach everyone that she wasn’t the same girl as before.

The bell would then ring and she would raise her arms up, inviting for what was the basic collar and elbow tie up. She would slowly inch forward and see if her fellow member of rebellion would accept her challenge. “You're not scared of being buried alive, just like I have done to others, are you?” asked Ciel as she had a bit of an insane look to her face.

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Re: Burying a Rebel- Kyoko Akan vs Ciel Aonlous POW Casket Match!

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Ciel being as delusional as ever thought she would still be able to beat her. Something Kyoko just shook her head at and continued to move in closer as neither girl seemed willing to start the match with a bang. Instead she tried to intimidate her with a look on her face that was downright crazy and making threats about being buried alive. They might have worked on less experienced gals but on her it was nothing, plus she couldnt be intimidated by someone she had already left bleeding once before.

"You couldnt scare me if you were a Kaiju and a coffin isn't about to give me pause either. Keep in mind if you need any reminder about how the last match went for you I have plenty of pics I took of you helpless in my apartment I could show to everyone." Kyoko said locking up and trying to take control immediately, grabbing at her head and trying to push it down closer to her.

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Re: Burying a Rebel- Kyoko Akan vs Ciel Aonlous POW Casket Match!

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The two would start to lock up as she heard Kyoko comment. The blue hair wrestler would then find her head being grabbed and placed close to her opponent. “Don’t need to scare you… just need to beat you… senselessly.” stated Ciel as she would then attempt to suddenly grab and lift her up in the air.

If Ciel managed to do this, she would then release her opponent and fall onto her back and place her knees up. If things worked as plan, Kyoko would come back falling down and have her abs crash land right into the blue hair wrestler knees. In the last match the French wrestler had avoided attacking such a spot, so she thought by going for it, it would throw her opponent a bit off guard.

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Re: Burying a Rebel- Kyoko Akan vs Ciel Aonlous POW Casket Match!

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"Incorrect, you need to put me in a coffin which is your best bet cause as last time proved only one who gets beat senselessly is you." Kyoko continued to mock, holding her win over Ciel as she would soon take another win from her before she suddenly felt Ciel grabbing around her and lifting her up in the air, then quickly dropping her as she also fell making sure she landed on Ciel's knees as she dropped to the mat.

"Unggh!" Kyoko coughed falling off the girl as she coughed and groaned. Curling up into a ball of pain as she tried to endure the pain of the collision. The abrupt drop having take some of the air out of her lungs for the moment.

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Re: Burying a Rebel- Kyoko Akan vs Ciel Aonlous POW Casket Match!

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As Ciel started to perform her counter-attack, her mouth would create a dark smirk as she managed to catch her fellow teammate from rebellion by surprise. Seeing her opponent gasp for air and curling up into a ball after a single attack to her stomach would cause the blue hair wrestler to be overjoyed. “What is wrong Belly Queen, one attack to your belly and you're already down to the ground. Guess I was right to smash your title and break it.”

With that, the blue hair wrestler would attempt to pull on Kyoko hair, trying to get her on her hands and knees. If she managed to do so, the French wrestler would then attempt to knee her Japanese counterpart but would make sure not to let go if the attack did connect, as she wanted to keep repeating the strikes over and over again.

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Re: Burying a Rebel- Kyoko Akan vs Ciel Aonlous POW Casket Match!

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Ciel was not making this easier to deal with, thanks to her smart mouth, one would think the beating she took last time would have taught her a lesson but so fat it seemed the punk was even worse then before. She didnt even give Kyoko time to rest, pulling her up again and getting her to the referee's position before she started throwing knees to the Queen's face!

"Ughhk! Kggh! Paggh!" Ciel's knee slammed into her chin or nose or cheek as Kyoko tried to turn and protect the more sensitive parts of her face, protecting what she could before her hands came up to try and grab Ciel's leg to pull and twist, hoping to get the Punk down to the mat where she belonged. "Thanks for reminding...what you still gotta pay for!"

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Re: Burying a Rebel- Kyoko Akan vs Ciel Aonlous POW Casket Match!

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Hitting her opponent once in the face was just the start, if Kyoko thought it was going to end with a single strike to the face, she would be sadly mistaken as the blue hair wrestler would send strike after strike. She was going to make sure that her purple hair stable member was going to be seeing stars by the time she was done with her, no mercy. Yet just as Ciel felt she had the advantage, she would feel her leg being grabbed and be brought down to the ground. “Gah!”

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