The heavens blade is here.

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The heavens blade is here.

Unread post by AmazonWrestler »

As the cameras start to play the song Tank was playing and standing in the middle of the ring the owner of LAW was playing..

Dan was standing there in a business suit with a mic in hand.. the crowd making noise. Then Fan brings the mic up to his lips "I love my theme song but let's cut it short this time. I'm usually one to exchange pleasantries and such but we're going to get right down to business." the crowd was making a lot of nose. "LAW fans, as you know this company strives- I strive to bring you the very best as far as professional wrestling and entertainment."

The crowd starting to settle down a little. "As you all know I'm always looking for talent. Be it they come to me. Or I find them.. I found one who may turn some heads. " getting a grin "He's a rookie from Mexico who amazed me in a match.. so I offered him a deal.. an one's turned down a LAW contract yet! Please, give us your full attention while I introduce LAW's newest talent acquisition!" Dan points the mic to the stage..

The song 'still in the dark' plays and out from back wearing his ring gear and mask.


He runs to the ring. But just before the ring a small trampoline was placed so as he gets to the trampoline he jumps on it and was able to jump into the ring and do a flip.. landing in a super hero post. Landing on one knee, his fist to the mat with his head down. It only takes him a min to jump up and wave to the crowd..

Dan was holding out the mic for Ricardo to take..

Taking the mic Ricardo was a little out of breath.. "aaaaaa hola a todos ustedes personas increíbles ... mi nombre es Ricardo ... La espada del cielo y yo estoy aquí ...." Dan put his hand on Ricardos mic "Ricardo.?" Dan looked at him like what was he doing. Tho Ricardo didnt know why "¿si?" Ricardo responded.. Dan cut in and tapped the man on the shoulder. "Ah, English please, Ricardo."
Feeling embarrassed "ooo mi malo ...." he started to laught "I'm sorry you people. I was so happy and pumped up to be here.. " he turns to Dan "Sir thank you for this.. I will make you proud.. thank you for this,"

He gets cut off as some music starts to play. Both Dan and Ricardo look to the stage.
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Re: The heavens blade is here.

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The music would hit and the titantron would start to show blue and red flames consuming everything. This would go for a little while before a new figure would slowly step onto the ramp with a smile on her face. The fans didn´t knew too much about this woman because she was quite new in law as well. The woman in the thigh bodysuit would walk over the ramp for a bit before she would stop in the middle lifting her arm up into the air, to give the backstage area a sign and they would turn off the music directly.
Beth would stand there for a moment her microphone in her hand, before she would even say a word some time would pass. Then finally she would bring the microphone up to her mouth and started to talk.

“this is a jock right?”, would the first thing she would before taking another short break. “come on you can´t be serious, just look at this little thing right there. You want him to come into law? This is either a bad joke or a insult to each and anyone backstage? Is this little boy even 18? Even when I bet he is still a virgin!” She would say before walking down to the ring sliding into it and jumping to her feet. “So how about you two just go backstage, one of you going back to his office and the other one going back to the kindergarten!”

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Re: The heavens blade is here.

Unread post by winner3 »

Beth's entrance was sudden and intrusive. The brash woman had taken it upon herself to not only insert herself into a segment she wasn't invited to, but she also talked down the new kid before even debuted. As she questioned the CEO and LAW's ability to scout talent, she entered the ring and approached both men. The trash-talking blonde had the nerve to tell both men to head backstage to the office, implying that there would be consequences for not complying and doing as she said.

The CEO and General Manager of LAW would clear his throat. Beth had already come into the ring and gotten up close and personal with them. He respected her guts, and offered her a chance to back those words up by offering a challenge!

"Ah, Beth. Thanks for coming out to this segment that you weren't invited to....I assure you that LAW would not waste it's time with talent that couldn't draw fans and sell tickets and merchandise. Regardless of age or....virginity, Ricardo is a promising young talent. If you feel he doesn't belong here, why don't you show the fans and me exactly how hard you and other women in the mixed division outclass him. How would you like to be the debut opponent for "The Heaven's Blade?"

DeFranco's offer was met with cheers of anticipation from the audience. Many wanted to see the big bad blonde be put to the test against the flashy luchador. The question on everyone's mind was whether or not Ricardo could hang with women like these who would seek to prey on him...
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PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: The heavens blade is here.

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Beth would laugh out loudly. “You know you just threw a little sheep into a sharktank right?” she would ask the general manager directly. “you call him a young promising talent? Interesting!” beth would spin around looking at the new kid. She would smile right at him for a few moments. “what do you say Heaven blade?”, she would ask him with a teasing tone staring him into his eyes. “do you want to prove that your just a worthless piece of shit they picked up somewhere?” She would step back listen to the crowed while they went wild cheering for the possible upcoming match. The blond woman would throw the microphone out of the ring showing that she had nothing more to say, now her doing would speak for her.

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Re: The heavens blade is here.

Unread post by AmazonWrestler »

Ricardo didnt know what was going on... was this woman here to start trouble? He looked at the owner and then back at her.. it took him a fue mins to understand she was starting trouble with him cause he was new.. tho he didnt want trouble he sure as hell was not stand for this..

He walked up to her "¿De Verdad? tú ... tú ... fea ... Me he enfrentado a monstruos y he vivido. si estás aquí para devolver a las mujeres como mujeres de las cavernas. luego encuentra ser así ... enfermo ..." he stopped and looked around "What.. I said was it you want to fight I'm down to show my skills..." he eyes her down "pick the match and mes put you down.. dont pull sexes on me when you lose. In des ring we fighters... nooo man... or." He grins "fatos woman."

He stepped back and looked at DeFranco "Sorry boss.. this girl.... just... how you say made blood boil.. so let her pick de match. I'll kick." He had to shake his head. Being mad he hard a hard time not mixing his English and Spanish.. "let her pick the match. As the heavens blade I will strike her down." He looked back at beth and waited.

((What he said in Spanish. ' really? ugly woman... I've faced monsters and lived.if your here to set women back as cave women then find be like that.. ill..' ))
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Re: The heavens blade is here.

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Beth would look at the two. “wow you even want to get beaten up by me…” she would lean forwards smirking. “maybe this is your kik you little pervert? Do you like it to be beaten up by women? Oh I bet you do… I bet you really get hard from that!” She would slowly lean backwards. “so why don´t we just do it right here right now a normal match single fall should be more than enough to put you little pussy into your place… showing you that you don´t belong inside the ring of law. You can go back out there selling tacos or some shit in the hall” she would turn around screaming out loudly. “get a referee down here so we can start this shit off!”

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Re: The heavens blade is here.

Unread post by AmazonWrestler »

Just listening to her words was pushing him off. He came here to prove himself not to be called out by a old over the hill female.. but he almost losted it when she said taco.

"tacos ... tacos tu perra gorda ... obtienes un ref. PERMITEMOS ESTO. Te mostraré que soy el mejor hombre aquí .. " he started to hit his mask.

He looked at Dan.. "Mr Dan.. I sorry for any trouble but these woman or bitch wont talk... " takes a min to think of the right words "speak little of me. My blade must strike her down.. sooo I say." He takes a breath and trys to think of the right words.

He looks down then slowly takes a deep breath.. he slow looks up "My name is Ricardo. I am the blade that the Heavens forged.. to fight monsters and thoses of evil.. you miss have proven to me you are both evil and a monster so I Ricardo shall destroy you.. I am the Heavens Blade.."

He backs up to his corner as he sees a ref run to the ring. His eyes stareing at beth as he only saw her as a enemy. Tho he looked mad and was of full rage. But he wasnt.. he wasnt going to play her game tho it was by acting like she may have got him off blance.

((What he said in Spanish. 'tacos... tacos you fat bitch... ya get a ref. LETS DO THIS.. I'll show you I'm the best male here..' ))
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Re: The heavens blade is here.

Unread post by xalex »

The blond woman would laugh when the little man got a rage attack and was totally going crazy inside the ring. She would slowly turn around walking back to her own corner. “hm do you have any success with that pick up line… strike you down with my sword?” She would tease him. “When I look at your build I assume, you should be called the nail file of heaven.” She would lean forwards, grabbing the top rope behind herself, to not fall down to the ground. She would lift her head into her neck looking over the ring with a twisted smile on her lips, staring right at her opponent.

As soon as the bell would ring she would let go of the ropes, slowly walking towards the center of the ring. She would keep her eyes locked onto him and as soon as she would reach the center of the ring she would jump forwards, without warning. She would start this off soon lifting up her arms, like she wanted to go for a lock up with him. But instead she would lean forwards in the next moment. She would try to rush behind her opponent and warp her arms around his midsection as fast as she could and pull him in close squeezing him tightly and keeping him under control, pulling him against her own muscular frame.

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Re: The heavens blade is here.

Unread post by AmazonWrestler »

Just listening to her talk was just hot air to him so he pointed at her and yelled "Sigo hablando gordo ... este partido será mío". He eyes her ready to fight..

He moves to his corner ready to bust out fast. When the bell rang he did just that. When she jumped at him he did a spinning side step but also swung his leg to hit her abs mid air. When she would land he would have his back to her for a moment but a moment it was as he would jump up so his leg would wrap around her head and as he falls to the mat making sure to take her face first down to the mat. With his leg behind her head.

He would roll so he was on his side like he was relaxing as he looked at her. Smiling he would wave at her before rolling a little and getting up.

"How is your face?" He grins and holds a hand out and waves her to get up and come at him.. he wasn't done showing off his speed.
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Re: The heavens blade is here.

Unread post by xalex »

The blond woman would suddenly see how this little bug was jumping up into the air. Beth had no time to react at all and get out of the danger zone in time. She would just rip her eyes wide open when she saw the two legs of her opponent coming her way so fast. Before she could react they were warped around her neck tightly giving no chance to slip out of them easily. She would grind her teeth for a moment trying her best to think of a way out of this. But the boy was dropping his whole weight down to the mat, making it impossible for beth to hold it up and so she was pulled down along with him. The American woman was thrown down into the ground luckily for her, her hands would be able to take most of the impact but her head would still hit the ground quite hard. She would groan for a little moment, before pushing her hands into the mat. Slowly she would get back up to her hands and knees. When she was done with finding her balance again she would turn her head and look angrily at the other fighter.

Beth was well would get back into a standing position and when the little bastard was teasing her about coming at her. She would happily apply. She would run towards him and swing a big right, going right for his head.

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