Dan was standing there in a business suit with a mic in hand.. the crowd making noise. Then Fan brings the mic up to his lips "I love my theme song but let's cut it short this time. I'm usually one to exchange pleasantries and such but we're going to get right down to business." the crowd was making a lot of nose. "LAW fans, as you know this company strives- I strive to bring you the very best as far as professional wrestling and entertainment."
The crowd starting to settle down a little. "As you all know I'm always looking for talent. Be it they come to me. Or I find them.. I found one who may turn some heads. " getting a grin "He's a rookie from Mexico who amazed me in a match.. so I offered him a deal.. an well...no one's turned down a LAW contract yet! Please, give us your full attention while I introduce LAW's newest talent acquisition!" Dan points the mic to the stage..
The song 'still in the dark' plays and out from back wearing his ring gear and mask.

He runs to the ring. But just before the ring a small trampoline was placed so as he gets to the trampoline he jumps on it and was able to jump into the ring and do a flip.. landing in a super hero post. Landing on one knee, his fist to the mat with his head down. It only takes him a min to jump up and wave to the crowd..
Dan was holding out the mic for Ricardo to take..
Taking the mic Ricardo was a little out of breath.. "aaaaaa hola a todos ustedes personas increíbles ... mi nombre es Ricardo ... La espada del cielo y yo estoy aquí ...." Dan put his hand on Ricardos mic "Ricardo.?" Dan looked at him like what was he doing. Tho Ricardo didnt know why "¿si?" Ricardo responded.. Dan cut in and tapped the man on the shoulder. "Ah, English please, Ricardo."
Feeling embarrassed "ooo mi malo ...." he started to laught "I'm sorry you people. I was so happy and pumped up to be here.. " he turns to Dan "Sir thank you for this.. I will make you proud.. thank you for this,"
He gets cut off as some music starts to play. Both Dan and Ricardo look to the stage.