Moonyoung Lee vs Samuela 'Samus' Healtway: KO Match

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Moonyoung Lee vs Samuela 'Samus' Healtway: KO Match

Unread post by winner3 »

Victory Awarded only by knockout

Last edited by winner3 on Mon Jul 23, 2018 2:28 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Moonyoung Lee vs Samuela 'Samus' Healtway: KO Match

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Going on from here
The lights in the arena would turn darker and darker over time until it was almost completely dark. It was still possible to see anything but it was just way harder. It would go all quite in the arena while everyone was waiting for the next two fighters would come out. The next match was a real hyped one and it just the set up was pulling a lot of people to the ppv.

While the people would wait for something to happen some smoke would start to rise from the floor of the ramp, some grass would appear on the titantron and then more and more plants, meanwhile some insect noises would start to play. While more and move noises would come to hear like a waterfall in the far distance and some animals, the whole titantron was covered in green plants. Now a deep voice would start to talk throughout the speakers.

“the jungle, no other place on this planet houses that much live on such a small area. In the jungle there is more like than in any other biome, after all the jungle has all you need, water, food and shelter. But the life in the jungle is no easy one, there is no were so much danger as in the jungle. No one is save there, you might think you’re the predator but there is always something that sees you as his prey. No order and no rules beside one golden Law of the jungle… the right of the strongest is supreme there.

Any animal knows it, and the animals who can´t keep up will end up losing. Only the strongest will survive out there. Normally one strong animal picks on one of the weaker, but tonight there is a clash of two giants sharing the same jungle to see who should reign supreme over the other. So bare with use to find out who will be the stronger, who will stand tall in the end of this KO ONLY MATCH!

Some lighters would start to shine down onto the entrance area where some giant figure would appear. It was still too dark to see anything clearly, but still all eyes were now focused onto the person on the stage.

“introducing first… born in the city of Mobile USA, standing tall at 6´3 feet, brining a fighting weight from 198lbs to the ring. Her current law record is a winning streak from six straight wins after her debut. No woman was ever able to put her down between the ropes since she joined law.” Some headlights would be turned on and shine down onto Samus lightering her up. “clap in your hands for samus the destroyer of worlds.”

The blond woman was wearing a new outfit unseen to all the law audience until now, an orange one. She was also wearing a fake tiger head covering her own completely. The crowed would go wild after seeing the big heavyweight stand there.
Samus would bow down a bit waiting for a moment before throwing herself back up into a standing position throwing her arms up and apart a bit, the head of samus would move from side to side. At the same moment a loud roar would be played through the speakers of the arena, while also some green flames would shoot out of the ground before the heavyweight.

The crowed would go wild. After the roar was calming down and the flames would disappear again samus would grab the tiger head with both of her hands slowly taking it off. As soon as she had taken it off she would place it on the ground and her theme song started to play. Shape of you (rock)

The big woman would stand tall again flexing her arms for a moment showing off her new outfit as well as her well trained body. In the weeks leading up to the ppv she put up double shifts at the gym and trained even harder. As well a s going on a strict diet. She was doing anything she could to prepare herself for this match, even taking one or two boxing lessons, although she knew that she couldn´t use any of this against her opponent because she would be on a totally different level, that samus couldn´t reach without training boxing intensively and focused for many years.

The blond would start to slowly walk down the ramp. Her look was a bit more serious than usual and she wasn´t giving out as many high fives and hugs as usually, because her mind was already locked onto the upcoming match. The fans would still cheer loudly for her while she was walking past them. The body of samus was tensed up to the extreme. This would be one of her biggest matches this far.

There was so much on the line in this match, without having any real stakes. But both women could lose a lot in this match, so neither would even think about losing without giving anything they could.

When the big woman would reach the ring, she would stop right in front of the ring in the middle. She would move her arms forwards and backwards a bit looking up. Then she would bend her knees before jumping up as high as she could trying to grab the top rope of the ring using it to pull herself up and try to land directly at the ring apron with both of her feet.

Samus would stand there throwing her head into her neck roaring out once more, before jumping up and over the top rope into the ring. She would walk up and down in the ring for a few moments before climbing up one corner until she was standing on the second turnbuckle throwing her arms into the air, earning another loud pop from the crowed.

Afterwards samus would drop down and walk to the opposite side of the ring to get out of the ring and onto the apron again, showing that she was planning no funny business while her opponent would enter.
Last edited by xalex on Sun Sep 02, 2018 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Moonyoung Lee vs Samuela 'Samus' Healtway: KO Match

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This was the big fucking match - The unstoppable force (Moonyoung) vs The immovable object (Sammy). The people were hyped even before any of the two even made their entrances. I mean who wouldn't be hyped after hearing Morgan Freeman talk about the laws of the jungle? After that, when Sammy made her entrance, the crowds went mental...

It would soon be time for Moonyoung to make her entrance as well who was doing a bit of shadow boxing in the locker room checking out how well did her left arm heal after that match with Jun. Luckily, Moonyoung's arm wasn't broken, so it recovered to full capability in no time. However, the boxer's opponent for tonight would be the greatest challenge of her life. Sammy was a world-class fighter, so beating her in this match would mean that Moonyoung is one of the toughest people in the world. To say that this is a big thing would be an understatement.

Did Moonyoung have any special training for the match? No, Lee's regular training routine pushes her to her very limits every day. So, anything above that would be beyond human capability, which means that Moonyoung had no special training for the match. If her normal training wasn't that intense, her weight would probably be more similar to Sammy's.

Anyway, Moonyoung could hear the crowd roar even from here and it was nearly time for the Korean to come out, however, she remembered that there was supposed to be that hype up/introduction talk...

And her opponent... born and raised in South Korea, standing at 5'8'' feet and weighing at 130 pounds. Her match record at LAW is nothing to write home about YET, but there is no one she can't knock out with a punch. But will she be able to punch her way through this match? Let's see for ourselves! Let there be a round of applause for our LAW's boxing trainer - Moonyoung Lee! The crowd was roaring with excitement, but not as much as they did with Sammy. After the announcer finished his speech, the music blasted through the speakers.
The song fit pretty well with the occasion because there would certainly be a smackdown tonight. A moment later Moonyoung showed herself to everyone, walking through the entrance. She was wearing a little cloak/cape on her shoulders.
Moonyoung had a pretty serious look on her face since she knew this would be no walk in the park. Lee started walking casually towards the ring and noticed that quite a lot of people wanted a high five from the boxer. Moonyoung thought that this was a big event, then maybe she too could goof off a little. Lee would walk over to one side of the ramp in her boxing stance and then she would give all of them their high fives by punching every single hand with lightning fast jabs all the way down to the ring. The punches weren't much stronger than a high five, so no human beings were hurt in the making of this.

Moonyoung then rolled into the ring and stood up. She noticed how Sammy stood on the other side of the ropes, which made Lee raise an eyebrow. What the hell? Was she scared from the last time at the bar? Moonyoung walked over to Sammy and looked at her. What are you doing here? Don't tell me you're still scared from the last time... By the way, did you drink that juice I've left for you?
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Re: Moonyoung Lee vs Samuela 'Samus' Healtway: KO Match

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Samus would almost laugh out loudly when she heard the questions from the other woman. The big woman would slowly bow down ducking under the top rope getting back inside the ropes directly to her opponent. She would let her shoulders circle a little bit trying to loosen them up. She would stand right in front of moonyoung looking at her with a smirk on her face, thinking back to that night where moonyoung did knock her out cold. “yes I did… I did drink all the juice you left for me.” She would reply. “thanks a lot for that, my head was spinning like crazy after I woke back up again, damn girl you did a real number on me back there. Yeah and the juice was just great to get my head to calm down a bit so I could stumble home somehow. I was really surprised about the fact that I woke up in the right apartment!”

Samus would look over her shoulder. “and that thing with the ropes? Yeah it is a sign of sportsman’s ship and respect in this sport. You leave the ring to let your opponent enter it without any trouble, going like hey look I got my entrance and now I let you do yours without any funny bussnes. It is like a little promise that you don´t attack your opponent while she is entering the ring.”, would samus explain this behavior to the other woman. In the next moment the referee would step right between them. She would lay each one hand onto the chests of the fighters. She would push them apart telling them to avoid more contact before the fight and get into their corners to get ready. Samus would just nod and turn around in the next moment walking back to her corner. Samus would stand there turning around so she would be looking to the center of the ring, she could feel the tension thickening. This was about to be a storm… and samus hoped she was ready for it.

As soon as the bell would ring the big blond would move out of her corner starting to get to the center of the ring. The speed of her opponent was too high to charge her so samus would have to wait for now. She would start to lift her arms up ready to either lock up or block an incoming punch. She would start to walk some circles around the ring never letting her opponent out of sight. It meanwhile has been become quite in the arena and no one was saying anything anymore, instead everyone would look to the ring

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Re: Moonyoung Lee vs Samuela 'Samus' Healtway: KO Match

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Moonyoung must've said something funny because Sammy was laughing. Sammy's answer was different from what the boxer was expecting. Many people would just take it as an insult and start talking shit, yet the blond was laughing, thanking and even cracking a joke of her own. The American clearly had a better personality than the majority of chicks in LAW. No problem, you were in a desperate need to sober up. Moonyoung replied and then cracked up a little upon hearing Sammy's joke.

Moonyoung listened to Sammy explain rope thing, but it didn't make that much sense to the boxer. Well I don't know, it does make a bit of sense, but not enough for my tastes. If I don't mean funny business, then I could just stay put in my corner. Anyway, I don't do flashy entrances, so this doesn't apply much to someone like me and even if someone does mean funny business, well, they can try... Moonyoung answered before the ref came and pushed both girls away from each other. Oi, watch what you're touching. Lee half-jokingly complained a little while backing away when the ref whether on purpose or on accident groped the Korean's tit a bit.

Moonyoung walked over to a corner and dropped her little cape over the turnbuckle. She did some light stretching before the bell would ring. Sure, Lee beat Sammy one, surely she could do it again, right? Maybe, but that had nothing to do with having Sammy beat at the bar. Moonyoung would not take a win for granted just because she beat someone once. If she wanted to win, she had to be as serious as the first time. Actually, she needed to be even more serious. Sammy might've underestimated the boxer then, she would be very unlikely to underestimate Lee now after that bar fight.

The arena was quiet. Very good, now Moonyoung would be able to focus properly. The bell rang and the boxer could see everything - Sammy's movement, her possible moves and the weak points in her defences. Moonyoung was walking slowly towards the centre of the ring, with her hands moderately raised. She saw Sammy for a grapple/lockup, but Moonyoung certainly wasn't playing that game. Landing punches was the only thing on the pinkhead's mind.

After noticing that Sammy's hands were raised up for a grapple of sorts, Moonyoung would dash in one quick step before they would even meet at the centre of the ring. Moonyoung would be ducking down mid-dash aiming for a forceful punch at Sammy's stomach, hoping to take some air out of the opponent and push her back in the direction of the corner that she came from.
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Re: Moonyoung Lee vs Samuela 'Samus' Healtway: KO Match

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Samus was ready to go. But suddenly before the big woman had any chance to get active Moonyoung was doing the first step. The smaller woman was shooting forwards with an impressive speed, closing in the distance between the two fighters in like no time. The blond woman wouldn´t be able to counter attack or react in any big fashion way. So she would lower her arms as fast as she could brining her own forearms in front of her face trying to block or get ready to block something while tensioning her whole muscles. She knew now how devastating punches from a woman like moonyoung could be and taking too many too soon could mean a early end.

Samus arms were a bit too high to protect the target that Moonyoung has picked and the fist of the Korean woman was going under her defense and hitting her right into the stomach pushing her abs backwards a bit. The big woman would bow forwards a bit, opening her mouth, but not being able to scream out. The big woman would be forced to take a big step back trying to catch herself getting ready for whatever would come next. Directly after the start of the match moonyoung was able to force samus into the defensive postion.  

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Re: Moonyoung Lee vs Samuela 'Samus' Healtway: KO Match

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Moonyoung rushed in, ducked down beneath Sammy's defences and nailed her in the gut, forcing her back. Moonyoung smirked. Did you know that big size means a big area in need of protection? Let's see how good your defence is, shall we? Moonyoung would then rush in again and throw a few jabs at Sammy's defences on purpose to make her keep her guard up, while Moonyoung would then suddenly duck down and smash her fist into Sammy's abs again.

If all went well and she managed to double the American over, she would then proceed to launch a nasty left haymaker across the blond's cheek and then back away and assume her boxing stance again.
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Re: Moonyoung Lee vs Samuela 'Samus' Healtway: KO Match

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Samus would see moonyoung shoot forwards like a arrow. She was locked onto her target and wouldn't stop until she would hit it. The big blond would breathe out getting ready for the attack, or at least trying to get ready. After moonyoung closed in the distance between the two fighters in no time she started to fire shoots at the bigger woman, each one only hitting the defense of Samus but all with such an force that a direct hit could knock a person out cold.

Samus was in deep trouble,the rate at which her opponent was throwing punches at her was so fast that she couldn't risk opening up her defense for an counter without risking to take too much damage.
But Samus didn' t need to think to long about this problem, because just a second later a fist would impale her abs once again making the big woman bow forwards once again. Like a spear was this punch hitting her midsection, and making some spit run out of the side of her mouth.

Before the blond heavyweight could do anything though a backfist would hit the side of her head. A haymaker would make the world of Samus shake and threw the giant to the side forcing her to take a knee so she wouldn't go down directly. She would breathe for a few moments before trying to regain a normal stand again.

Meanwhile it was dead quite in the arena fans looking down to the ring as well as the commentators looking up, neither was speaking right now. They were just staring in disbelief at how one of their top dogs was just easily manhandelt right now.

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Re: Moonyoung Lee vs Samuela 'Samus' Healtway: KO Match

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The audience was surprised to see Moonyoung have such an easy start, so was Moonyoung herself, really. Everything went smoothly, the boxer did keep Sammy on her toes only to deliver a couple of blows where she couldn't defend herself, but Lee had to keep this up if she wanted to win this.

Moonyoung has pushed Sammy back a little and if she could push her back just a bit more, she'd have Sammy cornered against the turnbuckle where the boxer could rain punches on Sammy. So, to accomplish this, Lee darted towards Sammy at impressive speed.
If you were near Moonyoung at the moment, you could probably even feel wind blowing from the boxer's movements. This is to accelerate herself towards Sammy and apply all of her body weight in a straight punch, in hopes that the American would try to block it and so she would probably be pushed back into the corner, where the Korean could wreak havoc on her drinking buddy.
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Re: Moonyoung Lee vs Samuela 'Samus' Healtway: KO Match

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Samus was ppushing herself slowly back up to her feet. Luckly for the big woman she still got her opponent in the edge of her view meaning that she would see that moonyoung was shooting forwards again and again into the direction of the heavier woman. Samus first instinct was to block whatever was coming her way, going back into the defensive. But moonyoung would keep her there with no way out. This was too risky. Samus decided to take another way. The big woman would spin around and threw herself forwards, with all she got. Her whole weight was moving right into the direction of the smaller fighter right now. She would try to pick up as much speed and momentum as she could while also trying sidestepping the incoming attack. When this all was going well both women would be moving past each other with high speed each. Samus would use this perfect chance and would stretch her arm to the side trying to throw it against the chest of moonyoung with as much power as she could while also twisting her upper body as well.

Samus was trying to perform a clothesline, bringing herself back into the match with this high impact collision.
Before samus would stumble forward a bit more falling onto her knees.

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