A brutal sparring partner: Milena/Deval

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A brutal sparring partner: Milena/Deval

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Since there was recently pretty less work for Milena after her debut she spends her time with training to don't lose her current form. As she entered the gym she looked around to see that despite coming earlier than usual it wasn't really full. Maybe most people were making a few days off or were doing whatever they were doing. She heard that recently a few people were attacking LAW. Maybe that was one of the reasons not much was going on in the gym recently.

Milena didn't care when a bunch of rowdies was going savage as long as they don't attack her but they would be really dumb to do this. Anyway, the Dutch were walking into the locker room to go for a change of clothes. With her gym outfit, towel and drinks the black-haired woman was heading out of the locker room and started her warm-up routine.

It was nothing special. Just a few minutes on the treadmill, sit-ups etc. and then to end it with a few stretches. After her warm-up was done Milena would wipe the sweat in her face away with her towel and take a few gulps out of her bottle. Then the black haired woman would head for the punchbags and started to violate him with a few punches and kicks.

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Re: A brutal sparring partner: Milena/Deval

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Deval would step out of the locker room. Damn she had to change the gym once again after she got into trouble after starting that fight with this little brat imur or something like that in the last gym she was a member. She would try to control herself a bit more, this had been the third gym she got thrown out since she moved to Japan. And law didn´t give her any good opponents to let out these aggressions on. The Korean woman was wearing her typical sport bra shorts combination. She was just done with taping up her hands when she was looking around the gym. It was rather small only having one of everything. Suddenly she would see how someone was punching the boxing back. This person was directly catching the interest of Deval.
It was a great build black haired woman. She was looking like a evil angle… very much to the liking of Deval. The woman would walk closer to the spot where the boxing back was hanging. She would sit down on a trainings bench close to it taking a short ship of her bottle watching how the other woman was destroying the boxing back.

As soon as the first chance was there Deval would speak out loudly: “hey just a short question? Did the boxing back do anything to you or why are you throwing so heavy punches at him? You really do pack a punch… i am impressed...” Deval would slowly push herself up from the bench walking over to her.

“by the way who told you to throw a punching series like that?” she would walk up to the other woman. “you moving your body way to much while throwing a punch in a combo. You can put that much movement and weight behind a finishing blow but not behind any other move that would leave you way too open!” She would step right behind the other woman grabbing her shoulders of the other woman from behind. “try it again this time don´t move your shoulders while throwing a punch, this should make your punches a little bit less powerful but should allow to keep everything closer to your body center and giving you a speed and control advantage.”

She would wait for the fallen angle to try it again.

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Re: A brutal sparring partner: Milena/Deval

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Milena was beating the punching back like there was no tomorrow. The heavy punches were raining down and making the back bounce around. Her strikes might be kind of brutal but the Dutch tried to place her strikes pretty carefully hitting just the spots she intended to hit. She also switched from the punches and would also do a few kicks elbow strikes etc. She tried to make a few combos and vary her attack patterns. Then as Milena was about done for the first time she shrugged together as she suddenly heard a voice talking to her.

The black haired woman would turn around to see what person it was. Just another woman who seemed to be kinda good build. According to her hands, she maybe was some sort of boxer. It wasn't the first time Milena got approached in the gym. The last time it was an annoying pink haired woman and the way this woman was talking to her now gave Milena the impression that she wouldn't be so much different. Despite that, the blackhead would try to ignore her.

Milena would just pretend this other woman wasn't there but she heard how footsteps were coming closer to her. The other woman was then giving Milena a few pieces of advice about her technique. Not like it bothered her too much but Milena wasn't in the mood to have social interactions at the moment.

Milena would groan as all of a sudden the other woman grabbed her shoulders and said that Milena shouldn't move her shoulders too much. Getting forced into a conversation was one thing but getting touched another. Milena would grab the other woman's hand that was on her shoulders and slap it away.
"Listen! I don't know who you are or what you want but I want to train in peace without getting talked from the side. Also when I am not moving my shoulders my range decreases which would just be a disadvantage in a fight."
The Dutch would say hoping that this stranger would go.

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Re: A brutal sparring partner: Milena/Deval

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“the people call me devil!” would the Korean woman reply calm and with a quiet voice. Her lips would turn into a smirk while she would look over to the other woman. She would wait for a short moment before she would go on. “Sorry it had been rude from me to not introduce myself first. I just told you my nickname what most people call me. But my real name is actually Deval Himato. I am new around here” she would say with a big smirk on her face, crossing her arms under her chest to make her boobs look even bigger.

“But when you want to keep your range just move forwards at all… you look like a little kid when you try to look as cool as his favorite anime character while beating this bag. That might be a few very powerful punches, but you leave yourself so wide open every idiot who spend at least a few minutes in the boxing ring would be able to do something against you!”

Deval would then step in closer, leaving little space between the two women. “try to keep everything you do in your control area and never leave it except for some high impact moves that are going to hit for sure.” She would say with a smile on her face.  

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Re: A brutal sparring partner: Milena/Deval

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Ignoring was definitely not something that worked against the other woman. Since that didn't go well Milena tried it with just telling it straight at the blackheads face that she wanted to be left alone. In the hope that being direct would do the trick the Dutch would end up getting disappointed again. She raised an eyebrow as Deval suddenly introduced herself. Milena neither asked nor did she even care who the other woman was. Milena wanted to be for herself and not getting annoyed everytime by a stranger.

Milena, however, continued to listen because she knew that it was rude to interrupt people mid-sentence and the black-haired woman was raised to a more or less polite person. Actually, she was raised to a polite woman but she had her moments. After she was done with talking Milena looked at her opponent's chest which was already big but looked even better bigger when she crossed her arms under it. From a personal point of view, Deval was looking really sexy but getting annoyed towards Milena got her a few minus points.

Then Deval continued to talk at Milena. The MMA-fighter wasn't sure if the other woman wanted to provoke her or help her out with Milena's movements but the black haired beauty decides to just roll with her eyes and let Deval's comment fly pass her. She then planned to avoid further conversation but Deval really had the nerves to step closer onto Milena and invading her personal space. This bitch really wanted to know it.

Milena would make a step closer at the other woman pressing her slightly smaller chest into the chest of her opponent. Her eyes would look straight into the eyes of her opponent and her head would get closer to Deval's and it kinda looked like Milena tried to kiss the other woman.
"It doesn't seem like you understand what I said before to you. I want to be left alone, do my training and that's it. The things I don't want is to get an advice from a small know it all who I don't know nor do I even asked for help. I would really appreciate it when you just turn around and leave me alone with my training. Are we clear?"
Milena would say to Deval and try to sound intimidating enough for the other woman to walk away.

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Re: A brutal sparring partner: Milena/Deval

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Deval would shake her head, while the other woman was coming closer. When she was pressing her chest against the chest of the Korean woman Deval wouldn´t back away instead she would just stay there standing her ground pressing her chest back against the other woman. She would look down into the eyes of the black haired woman. The eyes of deval would sparkle a little bit, while she was staring forwards.
“okay seems like the nice way didn´t work out. See I got a little problem. I got here to let off some steam myself. I wanted to beat up a boxing bag myself. Now guess what… I come in here and a want to be armature is standing in front of the only boxing back in this useless gym!” Deval would slowly bow her head forwards. “so I got a few options, what I just tried was the nice one… talking to this waste of space teacher her a few things and make her go away soon and without any trouble for me!” She would take a break. “the second option is that I take down this boxing bag and put you in his place using you for some training… what option do you prefer?”

She would poke the other girl onto the forehead.

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Re: A brutal sparring partner: Milena/Deval

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Milena chuckled as Deval said she was doing the nice way. If this was really her way to be nice then this woman should really change her attitude or one day someone might kick her ass really bad. The Dutch didn't move an inch and just stood there. Chest on chest, with her opponent looking deep into her eyes. Milena wasn't the person who is getting on purpose into fights with other people but when there was no other choice she would fight.

As the other woman finally stopped to talk Milena would take one step closer trying to push this ass back.
"Listen! If you had asked nicely if you can use this bag I might have let you use him. Instead of doing this you annoyed me. Gave me useless tips and even as I told you I want to be alone you didn't listen to me and ignored my request."
Milena would press her forehead at Deval's.

"I don't know who you are nor how strong you are but if you start talking shit like using me instead of the bag then I am going to show you how my punches feel like when they connect with your body. Now I give you two options and you better think really good about that. The first one is, we are going into the ring and I make you regret that you even looked at me."
The black haired woman would take a breath between her sentences before continuing to talk."

"The second options is that you turn around, go away, let me finish my training and come back when you can clearly see that I am not here anymore and don't return for the rest of the day. Your choice and like I said. Think carefully about these options. Not that you end up regretting it."

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Re: A brutal sparring partner: Milena/Deval

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„oh girl, how long…“ was deval starting to speak again, she would have a kind of happy but also evil smirk on her lips right now while she was still staring down into the eyes of the other woman; “did I wait to hear this from you? Oh I think you just made me the most happy woman in the entire gym…” Would deval reply. Moving her head from side to side slowly to stretch her neck a little bit. “normally just some no good for nothing gets in trouble with me and the fight is over way too fast…”
Deval would move her fingertips over the abs of the other woman, slowly and gently while smirking. “but with you I think I could really enjoy myself a bit.” She would then turn around waking away from the other woman, heading straight to the sparing ring sliding into it on her belly before jumping back up to her feet and standing there for a moment, after turning around. She would look back down to milena, while stretching her arms a bit. “so you coming, or do you want to disappoint me?”

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Re: A brutal sparring partner: Milena/Deval

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Milena really hoped that this pain in the ass would take the option to just leave. It wasn't even that hard. She just had to turn around and walk away or maybe even sit on a bench until the Dutch were finished with her training but instead, she chooses the other one. The idiot apparently wanted this. The black haired woman really felt like that she walked right in a trap made by her.

As Deval moved her fingertips over Milena's well-trained abs the black haired woman considered to just punch her so often and hard into her abs until Deval would collapse. Sadly the Dutch was someone who liked a good challenge and despite being annoying as hell Deval seemed to be able to make a good opponent for a sparring.

After the stranger ended her talk about people who normally challenge her she slipped in the ring and eagerly waited for Milena to join her. Well, it seemed that there was no other choice. She rolled her eyes and walked towards the ring and slipped under the bottom rope to get in it.
"Calm down I am already coming. Never met someone who was that eager to get her ass kicked."

Milena would say and walk to the other side of the ring.
"What kind of fight do you want? Should we just punch each other until you learn your lesson? Do you also need time to warm up? It would just be fair considering that I am already warmed up?"

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Re: A brutal sparring partner: Milena/Deval

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Deval would smirk for a moment when she watched the other woman entering into the ring as well. She wasn´t backing down that was great, that mean that Deval would have some fun. She would move her head from side to side. “no thanks I jogged here… I should be warmed up more than enough.” The Korean woman would feel how her body would react to the news that a fight was about to start. She was loving this feeling so much. The blood in her vanes would start to flow faster and heat up. Her heartbeat would get stronger as well as faster, Deval could feel it… She would try not to make it to obvious how much she was looking forward to this right now.

for the rules… how about a fair street fight? Our pride as the ring referee? We just do whatever our pride is allowing us to use and we can life with winning with afterwards. So when you can life with winning a match using low blows or biting… so be it, use it. Winning… easy tap out or pass out or even a technical ko you just lose. Again it should be up to your pride that you stop after you won, there will be no one around to stop us if we want to go on after we made the other tap out…” She would explain before walking up to the center of the ring. “You got it all sweetheart?” She would ask reaching out with her fist for a fist bump showing her sportsmanship and respect to her opponent.
Afterwards she would step a bit back starting to circle her opponent slowly.

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