Wings of Wrestling vs Red-haired Ring Runners!

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Wings of Wrestling vs Red-haired Ring Runners!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

"So, who are our opponents?"

"Erin and Kiera! Talented middleweights, been in LAW for a while. They're a tag team now? I feel like I told you all this the other day, but you usually don't listen to me, so I'm not so surprised."

"...So are they hot?"

"Oh my goodness you are impossible." Ducky said with a simple shake of the head, before quickly making her way out of the locker room, with Swan following quickly behind her! The two had been picking up quite a good amount of steam, and now were on their way to another match, against the aforementioned duo of Erin and Kiera Quinn.

Swan followed along with a quick giggle, enjoying her teasing of her friend and partner, knowing that Ducky was hiding a grin of her own as the two made her way to the entrance ramp, taking a moment to adjust their looks one last time before bursting through the curtain! The crowd gave a roaring cheer as the duo stepped out onto the top of the ramp, the luchadora and now masked Ducky striking a pose for the crowd, before making their way down to the ring, giving high fives and hugs as they went!
And after a second, the two would quickly make it all the way down, hopping onto the apron before slipping through the ropes at the same time, striking one last pose for the crowd! And after this was done, both would head over to their corners, stopping to discuss a few strategies as they both watched the ramp, waiting eagerly for both their foes to arrive!

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Re: Wings of Wrestling vs Red-haired Ring Runners!

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" did I let you drag me into this?" Erin mumbled to her sister backstage. The redhead never approved of her little sister getting involved with LAW in the first place but today it seemed that they'd both be participating in a match. Figuring she'd have to just find a way to take on two opponents herself, the taller of the two redheads shook her head.

"Oh come on, It'll be fun. It's gonna be just like that time in Cork where..." Kiera started to respond. She was excited to be teaming up with her sister to hopefully kick some ass and look good doing it. Sure she was the smaller of the pair but it was her opinion that she was the better fighter, or at least when it came to the technical side of things. She had yet to best her sister in a a fair fight.

"Where I almost took a chair to the face while getting you out of trouble?" Erin said, finishing Kiera's sentence. She had little time to continue bickering with her sister though as the smaller redhead soon grabbed her sister by the arm and lead her outside, making a bit of an awkward entrance to a cheering crowd. Pulling Erin along for the ride, Kiera tugged her sister to the ring while the two waved to the crowd. Finally upon arrival Kiera vaulted over the ropes and raised her arms to the audience while Erin leaned against the corner already wishing the whole thing was over.

After a bit of posing for the crowd Kiera turned to the two opposing wrestlers. She paused for a moment and looked them over before speaking. "Hmmm...Think I can you two. Might be unfair if only one is allowed at me at once." She said before her sister interjected. "Just tell me when you need me to drag your ass out of there Kier. Don't get too beat up alright?"
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Re: Wings of Wrestling vs Red-haired Ring Runners!

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Waiting in the ring for their opponents, Swan and Ducky took a few minutes to begin discussing strategy, planning out the few slight details they hadn't discussed already, though Swan was quite easy going, letting Ducky explain things. However, after a moment, their foes soon appeared at the top of the ramp, Erin and Kiera coming out to cheers from the fans, the duo seemingly having quite the following among the fans, as evidenced by the reception that they got.

And as the made it down to the ring, it looked as though the smaller girl would take the initiative, quickly hopping over the ropes, stepping into the ring to exchange words with Ducky and Swan! The two masked women would share a smile, before quickly both turning to the sisters, grins on their faces as they faced off with both of them.

"Well, somebody's eager!"

"I know! You know cutie, if you felt like getting beat up by the two of us, you could have just asked for a handicap match! No reason to drag your poor sister into this."

"Exactly. I'm sure Erin doesn't want to watch us beat you silly."

"Especially when we're stinkfacing you. But if you're well behaved, we can skip straight to that!

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Re: Wings of Wrestling vs Red-haired Ring Runners!

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Listening to the masked wrestler's taunts, Erin could feel her jaw clenching. While she generally cared little for her own well being when it came to a fight, she was perhaps a tad protective of her little sister. This was only augmented by the fact that Erin's faith in her sister's skill was fairly low while Kiera "knew" that she could take on just about anyone and was willing to prove it any chance she had.

The larger Irish brawler opened her mouth to speak but in a rare instance found herself unable to find a proper retort. Luckily Kiera had enough words for the both of them. "Heh oh yeah? We'll see if you're still able to chirp when you're buried in ass. Bet we're gonna win by KO." She responded before sticking her tongue out at her two opponents. Erin would just bring her hands to her face and sigh. Her sister's style did not at all mesh with her own and at the moment Kiera had managed to actually embarrass her big sister.

Moments later Erin would give Kiera a light bonk on the noggin. "Alright alright. We're here to kick their asses not have them kiss yours. Now PLEASE let's get to the fun part?" An exasperated Erin would say and give her sister a light shove towards the center of the ring. Kiera stumbled two steps and giggled as she winked back at Erin. "Haha got it. Didn't know you were so eager for that part." She commented, clearly talking about a different aspect of this match than her sister.
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Re: Wings of Wrestling vs Red-haired Ring Runners!

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Smirking at their foes, Ducky and Swan were more than content to let the girl's sit and stew over the teasing words, the Wings never afraid to go toe to toe with their foes verbally as well as physically. However, after a moment, it would seem that Kiera was showing that she had more to say, finding words for an annoyed looking Erin, causing Ducky and Swan to share a look before they responded!

"Buried in ass? What ass?" Black Swan said, holding a hand over her eyes as if to shade herself while looking Kiera and Erin up and down, scanning their figures as if to find what she were looking for! "Oh, oooohh! You mean those little asses! I think it'd be pretty hard to get buried in those, that'd be like a full grown man getting buried in a kid's sandbox. Show em a real ass Ducky!" Swan said to cheers from the crowd, her blonde partner giving a sigh.

"I swear, you are... fine." Ducky said before turning around, showing her large, round rear to both Kiera and Erin, while Swan leaned over to give her buttcheek a quick spank.

"This is what you're gonna be buried in! It should show you how to really smother someone!" Swan said, grinning at Kiera and Erin while the sisters conversed, her and her own partner waiting to see if they had anything else to say.

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Re: Wings of Wrestling vs Red-haired Ring Runners!

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"Heh ya know maybe you have a good idea. A good spanking for the blonde is totally in order!" Kiera replied with growing excitement as she arrived at the center of the ring. She rested her hand on her hip as she waited for one of her opponents to meet her in the center. The smaller redhead was eager to show everyone what she could do as well as prove to her sister that she was more than just a loud mouth. "C'mon, don't keep me waiting. I have to beat BOTH of you after all and there's only so much time." She taunted.

In the meantime Erin shook her head and leaned against a turnbuckle. It was clear that this was going to be one of "Those" matches. She wasn't exactly thrilled with the words coming out of her sister's mouth. While Erin had no problem kicking some butt, she wasn't one to show herself off and instead preferred to let her moves do the talking that she hoped a downed opponent couldn't.
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Re: Wings of Wrestling vs Red-haired Ring Runners!

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With Ducky and swan trading a few jabs with the sisters, the two of them would finally see who would be representing the other team in the ring first, with Kiera making her way out to the center, getting ready to go. Ducky and Swan share a look, though it's mostly a glare from Ducky after being forced to present her ass for a spanking, before the blonde turns to step out and meet Kiera in the ring!

"If you wanna spank me, you're gonna have to work for it. And I have a feeling that the only one getting spanked here will be you!"

"Exactly! And that's just the beginning!" Swan calls with a grin, as Ducky steps out to the center of the ring, getting into a ready stance as the bell rings, signaling that she is all ready to go!

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Re: Wings of Wrestling vs Red-haired Ring Runners!

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"Pfff It'll be easy!" Kiera declared with her usual confidence. With her target now in sight, the smaller redhead approached. Kiera wasn't too sure what to expect out of the other tag team but they looked like a decently coordinated pair. Much better than her and her sister anyway. She'd raise her arms for a test of strength. Of course she wasn't expecting to overpower her foe though. While powering through a foe wasn't her forte, it never hurt to know where one stood in comparison to their opponent and it could give her a nice opportunity to tangle Ducky up if things went her way. Now she just had to hope the other woman would cooperate. If not she'd just have to launch her strike early.

If things went well Kiera would try her best to push the blonde back. Regardless of her degree of success she really wanted to just wait for an opportunity to fall back slightly. Her plan was to get Ducky pushing forward so that she could come back with a knee right to the other wrestler's stomach.
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Re: Wings of Wrestling vs Red-haired Ring Runners!

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Stepping up to the center of the ring, Ducky would give a little smile to Kiera as she lifted up her hands, getting ready for the redheaded girl to come at her, a smile on her face as she anticipated the match with the mouthy tag team. Well, as mouthy as herself and Swan, anyway. So as the girl came at her, Ducky soon moved in to lock up with her, grabbing Kiera's hands in the ring as the two came together for a test of strength, with Kiera soon pushing hard against Ducky!

However, things were a bit different, as soon enough, Ducky would began to get pushed back quite quickly by Kiera, the redhead shoving hard, looking as though she had taken the advantage against the blonde! Only... she hadn't! Ducky was letting herself be pushed backwards, only to suddenly step to the side, grabbing Kiera's wrist and whipping her towards the corner, aiming to surprise Kiera and get her in the corner of the masked girls!

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Re: Wings of Wrestling vs Red-haired Ring Runners!

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Kiera was pushing hard against Ducky and for the moment making good headway. "Heh...not as strong as a look!" She declared, already celebrating her small victory as she pushed forward step by step. Unfortunately it soon became apparent that the masked wrestler had just been playing her. Kiera gasped as her wrists were grabbed and she was flung into the corner. Stumbling forward she soon caught herself against the turnbuckle before making impact. "Ugh...Damn it." She mumbled to herself. Quickly Kiera turned back towards Ducky. She assumed the woman would be charging in and she desperately wanted to be prepared for whatever might follow.

Meanwhile Erin watched from the ropes, biting her lip and bouncing slightly in place. After seeing her sister tossed aside she was eager to jump in as soon as she could now. "Ugh...Damn it." she groaned. "Watch yourself idiot!" she yelled, equal parts angry and concerned. Despite that the larger redhead would have likely made the same mistake herself.
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