Domino vs. Dhalia DuBlanc

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Re: Domino vs. Dhalia DuBlanc

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"That's not how it works," Domino says, voice a little more low in timbre. His eyes lock onto hers, studying the girl that's given him venom all through the match. Not that it isn't deserved, even in his opinion. He's not wild about how the management has insisted he treat her. "This is my first match with your federation. I've gotta make a good impression. And that means me..." He draws her in close enough to brush her breasts against his chest. "..on top of you."

His arms move to wrap around her waist and smoothly sweep the lightweight girl into the air upside-down. Once in position, she'll be lined up perfectly against his nearly-bare form; her breasts pressed into his abs, his toned chest rubbing into her stomach, his face against her hips, and her face against that unmistakable firmness at his hips. He holds her secured there, letting the audience get an eyeful of her predicament.

And again, he realizes the management would want him to toy with this situation, too. And the temptation is there, he can't deny that. So after a beat of consideration, he begins nuzzling against her hips, hoping to work the French girl up in her helpless state.
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Re: Domino vs. Dhalia DuBlanc

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Hissing, growling, scratching, and tugging at Domino did nothing as the toned, masculine male held her close, even pulling her in to press his chest against hers, leaving her to struggle and squirm against him. However, after a few more seconds of this, Dhalia wouldn't even be able to struggle anymore, as Domino suddenly flipped her upside down, holding Dhalia in his arms!

The goth girl gave only a small whimper as she was suddenly flipped, with her body now upside down against Domino's, leaving her face right in front of a noticeable bulge, while his face was snug between her legs. And soon, he would take advantage of this, starting to lean in and nuzzle his face against her crotch, causing a sharp inhale of breath!

"Nngh... Unhand me you filthy pervert!" Dhalia cries, though she knows that it's far too late, with only one way that this match is going to end!

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Re: Domino vs. Dhalia DuBlanc

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Her cries are easily drowned out by the roar of the audience, anxiously awaiting the end. Though many of them will have had no previous exposure to Domino or his style, nearly all of them recognize a tombstone piledriver setup when they see one. And it isn't common that one bounces back from a hit like that.

Domino indulges in a little more nuzzling, his arms gripping a little tighter around her waist to ensure the skinny brunette stays in position. But he quickly feels weird in what he's doing. It isn't that it's not enjoyable - it's just the idea of forcing something like that on a girl. The management said to do it, and he did it, but he could probably move on and put the poor girl out of her misery. Knees bend, and the young grappler springs into the air, rolling forward with her to perform a single flip! Their combined bodyweights come crashing down against her skull at the completion of the Total Eclipse piledriver finish!

The acrobatic power maneuver elicits a pop from the crowd, and after the impact, Domino releases Dhalia to drop to the mat.
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Re: Domino vs. Dhalia DuBlanc

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Groaning as Domino nuzzled against her, Dhalia did her best to wriggle and writhe, but she wasn't at all able to escape from him, the male model holding her hostage, upside down in the center of the ring. However, after a second, Domino would finally "put her down", though not in the sense she wanted, leaping and performing a front flip before coming down hard on his knees, slamming her head into the ground with a brutal front flip piledriver!

"UNGH!" Dhalia cried out as she came down, before her whole world went black, the goth girl knocked unconscious after the brutal piledriver. And after he released her, she flopped to the mat limply, out cold, prime for Domino to pin her and end the match, the goth girl not even close to being able to fight back!

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Re: Domino vs. Dhalia DuBlanc

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There it is. The impact, the ring shakes, Domino can feel her muscles seize at the impact, then go slack. When she hits the mat, everyone knows it's over. He couldn't have asked for a more dominating introduction to LAW.

Normally, he'd simply lie over the opponent for the pin. From this position and on this opponent, it might even be enjoyable. But a part of him wants to finish strong and in the good graces of the management. So he moves around to her feet and shoots a look to the audience, indicating they'll be getting a show. The male model lies himself over her directly, his hands moving to her wrists to restrain them at either side of her head. His toned pecs press firmly against her bosom, his abs against her stomach, face hovering inches over hers, and most importantly, hips locked to hips. Grappling with an attractive girl in the ring has certain unavoidable side-effects, especially when some suggestiveness is deliberately mixed into the match. That firmness is subtly ground against the girl's hips, intent on teasing her while she lie helpless beneath him, working her up.

The referee-girl drops beside the pair. "One!"
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Re: Domino vs. Dhalia DuBlanc

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Slammed directly onto the top of her head, Dhalia didn't offer any more resistance as she was drilled with the brutal piledriver, knocked out immediately upon hitting, leaving herself wide open. And Domino took advantage as well, very slowly moving around to stand over her, before laying down on top of her, pressing his hips hard against hers, grinding on her as he pinned her!


"Nnnhh..." Came the low groan from the unconscious girl, laying still underneath Domino as he pinned her, not even awake as he grinded on her for the three count.


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Re: Domino vs. Dhalia DuBlanc

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Having so thoroughly manhandled the girl lying pinned beneath him, there's something thrilling about enjoying the moment. Domino might feel a bit like a jerk later, but for now, he's savoring each subtle, but distinctive grind against her body. Hearing her groan in response only spurs it along further.


The referee-girl begins waving to the bell. *DING* *DING* *DING*

Domino quickly releases her wrists and raises up to his knees. His right wrist is taken and raised into the air, even as he remains on his knees, hovering over the goth girl. When his arm is released, he leans forward to lightly pat Dhalia on the cheek a couple times to help her come to, followed by a quick wink.
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Re: Domino vs. Dhalia DuBlanc

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Groaning slightly as she was patted on the cheek a few times, Dhalia would give a low moan as she slowly began to wake up, her eyes fluttering open as she looked up, seeing Domino hovering over her. The crowd was cheering loudly, as he posed dominantly, and shortly enough, it became apparent what had happened, with the goth giving a frustrated sigh, a pounding headache causing her to hiss in a low voice.


Winner by Pinfall: Domino

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