Michelle Saunders/Karin Shin - To Be The Beach Queen!

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The Ominous Future
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Michelle Saunders/Karin Shin - To Be The Beach Queen!

Unread post by Devilish53 »


Lighthearted Beach Submission Match

It had been months since Michelle Saunders was seen among the premises of LAW, let alone her beloved beaches. And yet, the stacked blonde remained as eager, and as fit, as ever.
Today abandoning her strict following of Keijo matches, Michelle had opted for a rather kind-spirited match nonetheless. Facing a woman on her beloved sand nonetheless, already strapped up with that tight fitting blue bikini before throwing her hat to her side, the busty blonde began stretching her figure before the masses, as her curves practically shone in the heated sun. The match itself was to be wrestling, of course, something Michelle had considerably less experience in compared to the world of Keijo. She did not threat however; namely, before not only was the match like all of hers off the records and thereby considered unimportant, but the strict request for a lighthearted match from a lighthearted foe left the girl hopeful such a girl would indeed show up!

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Re: Michelle Saunders/Karin Shin - To Be The Beach Queen!

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Karin would pull her pink bikini right while walking over the quite hot sand. She would look down at herself speaking in her mind that she was looking quite good in that knew one law gave her… and it wasn´t even to revealing as she first feared. She would slowly spin around one time to check out every side of herself… then she would look around trying to find the woman she should meet up with today… it would take a moment before she sighted here and would walk right over to her.

“Hello there you must be Michelle, nice to meet you, I am Karin seems like we two can have some fun together…”
she would say offering a handshake.

Then she would scratch the back of her head…”sorry can you help me out, I was just told to come here, what are we supposed to do?” 

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Re: Michelle Saunders/Karin Shin - To Be The Beach Queen!

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Watching as the beauty before her made her entrance, with that rather modest crowd watching on in glee given the outfits of both figures, Michelle found herself immediately scratching her head when presented with that query. Accepting the handshake, her eyes would look to the side of her a moment, as she pondered just what their goal here was!

"I..I think it's just a normal match? Just...a little less serious?" Her head tilted to the side almost like a curious dog, as she wandered how to even start the festivities given the lack of an official.

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Re: Michelle Saunders/Karin Shin - To Be The Beach Queen!

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Karin would nod while listening to what the other girl had to say. “So it is more about having fun than the actual fight?” She would ask to make sure, before smirking. “I think I can do that!”
Karin would turn her body standing sideway to her opponent before throwing her hips backwards and butt bumping the other girl, in a playful way to break the ice. “so lets us have some fun!”

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Re: Michelle Saunders/Karin Shin - To Be The Beach Queen!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Nodding rather excitedly, given it appeared Karin seemed to agree with the focus on fun, Michelle let loose a lowly giggle as her curvy foe rammed her rear softly into her side. Not to be out-done, and rather heavily based in keijo herself, Michelle swung her figure around a near half rotation, before trying to bang her hips into Karin's side! Smirking as she did so, with her hands up and to her own frame!

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Re: Michelle Saunders/Karin Shin - To Be The Beach Queen!

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Karin´s hips didn´t do too much against her opponent. She was only barley giggle at this attempt before firing back. Now Michelle´s hips would hit the frame of Karin with much more impact. This would make the small girl stumble away for a bit having problems holding her balance. She was able to stay on her feet and not fall into the sand after throwing her arms around like a mad woman. When she got a solid stand once again she would smirk back at the other woman. Karin would jump over the sand running back to her opponent before jumping into the air and spinning around trying to hit attack Michelle this time with more momentum.  

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Re: Michelle Saunders/Karin Shin - To Be The Beach Queen!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Michelle wasn't at all complaining at the keijo focus the match had taken, given it was perhaps the one form of fighting in which the blonde felt she could beat near enough anyone!

"Ohh! Olay!" She'd gleefully roar, as the lighter wrestler opted for her own hip thrust, even jumping into the air as high as she could muster, to really try and drive it home! But far from a mere glass cannon, especially in this form of fighting, Michelle took but a handful of steps back from the impact, before correcting her posture.

"This is good!" Enjoying herself immensely, Michelle kept up the focus on keijo with yet another sprint forward. Kicking off her feet when the time was right, to this time ram her bust into her foe!

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Re: Michelle Saunders/Karin Shin - To Be The Beach Queen!

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Karin would see her opponent stumbling backwards, she really did win some ground here… hm not so bad… but Michelle wasn´t beaten yet. The blond beauty would come right back to Karin and the way she was walking was telling Karin that she wasn´t going for a hip attack again. As soon as the heavier woman was close enough she would show what she was going for by pressing her chest forwards into the direction of Karin.

The Japanese woman would realize to late what Michelle was trying here, so she wouldn´t get any chance to build up some momentum herself. But she would still try ot stand her ground pushing her own chest forwards going to try and top Michelle by letting the two busts bump into each other…
This wasn´t going well for Karin and first the breasts of the small girl were flattered and then she was thrown backwards into the sand landing on her butt groaning out loudly, rubbing her butt.

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Re: Michelle Saunders/Karin Shin - To Be The Beach Queen!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Michelle was somewhat lucky; with the sheer force of her 'strike' landing not only exactly where she intended it to, but with no resistance from Karin, the figure she was fighting against was near enough sent flying. Michelle after all had little intention of landing atop of her foe, given the force she had put into the move, it would most likely hurt her just as much as her foe.

But landing in the space previously occupied by a no longer standing Karin, Michelle took her time in regaining her balance; her arms up and out, waving in the air as she came to a stop. Although, only for a moment mind, as a rather coy grin came to her face.

As an idea for a move she was seldom allowed to use, given her preference for Keijo, came into her noggin!

Laughing to herself as she stepped so that her feet were either side of her downed foe, Michelle would roar out a rather playful battle cry, as she dropped her curvy rear right on Karina's toned gut!

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Re: Michelle Saunders/Karin Shin - To Be The Beach Queen!

Unread post by xalex »

Karin would be moaning for a few moments. These moments were more than enough for her opponent to set up a really painful attack. The girl would see how her opponent, walking up to her. Karin would try to sit up but before her opponent could do anything. But before she was even able to shove her shoulders up from the sand her opponent was coming down onto her already. Michelle would come down with her butt landing right on the belly of Karin. The poor girl would sit up for a moment screaming in pain, before dropping back onto her back and being squeezed just by the weight of her opponent. The small girl would groan and wiggle… “off…”

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