Strike a pose! Kieda vs Danielle!

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Strike a pose! Kieda vs Danielle!

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*with her flashy attire, hair tied up in a blithely hanging ponytail and shades that slightly obscured her vision within the locker room she was exiting, Kieda had finally tossed on her trademark outfit.* "The Fashion Assassin...those plebs don't deserve to see me, let alone witness my extraordinary talents between the ropes!" *She grunted before ambling towards the opaque curtain that separated her and the thousands of fans that packed the stadium tonight. As her theme music blasted throughout the arena, a noticeable amount of cheers and jeers echoed subsequently after- Admittedly, Kieda was astounded at this; she had grown so accustomed to being engulfed in a maelstrom of snarky remarks and discouraging sentiments, that witnessing a handful of attendees root for her bolstered her confidence, if only by a minuscule amount. As she casually strode down the ramp, flipping her hair in the direction of the fans unlucky enough to be seated near the front row, she managed to unintentionally smack one directly in the mouth.* "HEY!" *He shouted, visibly irked at how pompous Kieda acted. Slowly turning in his direction, she lowered her shades and shot him a baleful glare, which quickly coaxed out a* "O..oh, nevermind.." *As she continued with her strut. Finally reaching the steel steps, she snagged a microphone and promptly cartwheeled into the ring, before lifting the mic up to her lilac-colored lips.*

"So, how's everyone doing tonight?" *She disingenuously asked, as the luke-warm response fueled her subsequent remark.* "Because let me tell you, if I had to live in this dilapidated, repulsive, shit-hole of a city like the rest of you, I'd be perpetually depressed." *And with that, the scant support she had accrued suddenly turned to disdain, with most of the crowd actively participating in hissing Kieda as she continued regardless.* "So! Anyway, This is a challenge to anyone lurking back there who thinks they can face me in the ring! I'm the fashion assassin, and I doubt anybody can hold a candle to the level of expertise I bring to this classless act called LAW!" *Furiously tossing the mic against the canvass, Kieda began to stretch in anticipation of whomever should emerge from backstage.*

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Re: Strike a pose! Kieda vs Danielle!

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No sooner had Kieda finished her speech than another track started playing, with another woman emerging from the darkness. Ordinarily, Danielle would be quite pleased to be making her entrance, and to know that so many eyes were on her. As a former model, she craved the spotlight, and the more people she had talking about her and looking at her, the better. But this was absolute travesty! Seeing it unfold from backstage, Danielle watched the entrance of her scheduled opponent in abject horror. Having this eyesore calling herself fashionable? As she ran her mouth and acted like some uncultured swine? It was an utter disgrace! For a moment, the redhead was left staring as though at a trainwreck in slow motion at the sheer travesty unfolding before her. But sooner or later, she realized that she couldn't stand by and let this happen. That would be being complacent in a crime. No, a sin even! She had to act!

Storming into the ring, with a pair of white high heels as usual for her entrance, Danielle didn't even give any heed to the boos that were greeting her as she passed by, nor did she care to play up to the crowd as she usually would. She had only one thing on her mind, and that was righting a grievous wrong. She was quick to snatch up the microphone, practically spitting into it in rage.

"Fashion Assassin! Bah!" the Frenchwoman said with absolute disdain, turning her nose up to Kieda. "It's an absolute joke that they'd see fit to describe you with any word even remotely related to fashion! I mean, look at yourself! Those colors? It's a crime against humanity! I can only assume that you got dressed in the dark, because there is no way in the world that that look would ever go together right." She sneered into the microphone, making her disgust clear. "Though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. I mean, sunglasses inside? No wonder you can't see a thing. Either you're wearing those ridiculous things because you really are blind, or you're just too stupid to take them off. And honestly, I'd believe either!"

Dani stepped out of her shoes, moving in closer to Kieda. Her back was tall and straight, and she strutted carefully closer, every stride measured and poised as she held one hand on her hip. "I suppose the news must have passed you by, darling, but your look has been out for decades now. I think it's time to move on now, oui? And if you won't accept that...then it's high time you learned a thing or two. But never fear."

Even now, Danielle couldn't resist the temptation to play up her image to the crowd. With a smile on her face, she flipped back her hair, arching her back with confidence. Which was met largely, not with the cheers and adulation Dani had hoped for, but with more boos and the faint cry of "YOU CAN'T WRES-TLE!". For a moment the Frenchwoman's nose twitched with a sense of malaise, but she quickly put it to the back of her mind. She couldn't let that distract her from her purpose.

"I, Danielle Desgardin, am the true big name in the fashion world," she said. "If you're going to talk about dignity and class, I'm the one you should be looking to, not this...filthy, colorblind harlot! And this match will prove it, when I stand the victor as the rightful queen!"
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Re: Strike a pose! Kieda vs Danielle!

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*While genuinely irked by what this diminutive hussy was spouting at her since the very beginning, Kieda couldn't help but cackle hysterically at what the surrounding audience was doing- Even though she had just incited a furious mob with her derogatory comments, it seemed as though this little tart had a bad reputation of her own.* "Is that right? Well, according to what these people are telling me in a not so discreet manner, you can't fight your way out of a plastic bag without suffocating inside of it first." *She applauded Danielle's most recent accomplishment however- Entering the ring without tripping over her own, two feet.* "But hey, at least you're vaguely familiar with how to step through the ropes without smashing that fugly mug of yours into the apron."

*The proposition Danielle offered her sounded rather intriguing; A throwdown between herself, the height of fashion hubris, and this haughty charlatan sounded like the perfect opportunity to showcase her outstanding skill in the ring.* "You sincerely believe you can compete with the cerulean storm? Seems like your mother dropped you on your head more often than I had initially thought." *She jested a little more, before finally folding her shades and setting them aside, along with her designer jacket, near her neutral corner.* "And, since common sense is something you were never taught, it appears as though I'll be responsible for teaching you never to challenge someone twice your size, with three times as much style as you have."

*Rolling her wrists out while bouncing between her feet, Kieda was ready to throw down with this loathsome strumpet.* "Don't say I didn't warn you, sweetheart~" *And with that last, little condescending remark the periwinkle pouncer leapt into action with a flying, missile drop kick aimed at Danielle's abdomen.*

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Re: Strike a pose! Kieda vs Danielle!

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"I...beg your pardon!?" In response to Kieda's taunt, Danielle glanced around her surroundings to take note of how the crowds were heckling her - and they hadn't let up. Though the redhead was only just breaking new ground in her LAW career, already the crowds had turned against her. And it was clear for all to see that she hated it. Her face broke into a scowl as she clenched a fist at her side, the tensions rising within her. "Hmmph-!" she huffed. "You'd believe a single word from these arrogant philistines? They wouldn't know talent if it struck them full in the face! None of these peasants have any idea of what I go through in making my mark on this ring. I'd dare any of them to last even a minute against me!" Crossing her arms, she stomped a foot on the ground in both a threat and a show of her intent to bring the pain. And her sheer anger at being mocked probably showed through more than she had intended. As Kieda continued on teasing her despite the threat, Dani began to shake, her teeth clenched in rage. She just wanted the bell to ring so she could get on with this and shut the bitch up.

Following Kieda's lead, Danielle kicked her shoes out of the ring to keep them from getting in the way. Even she knew better than to fight in heels that added two inches to her height, and the last thing she needed was to have them get damaged in the ring. But it seemed that Kieda had picked up on the difference in height between them, now that she stood before her in stocking feet. Dani's eyes narrowed as she hissed under her breath. This was starting to get tiresome now. "Oh, please," she said, "there's barely any difference! You're going to be sorry when I show you how you're about as good at making predictions as you are at dressing yourself!"


As the match began, Kieda was quick on the draw, throwing herself towards the redhead with stunning speed. Danielle could see what was heading for her, and she knew that sticking around for it was bad news. Luckily, she could at least get out of the way, as she moved to swerve off to the side at the last minute, hoping she would avoid the landing.
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Re: Strike a pose! Kieda vs Danielle!

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*Without a moment of trepidation in her mind, the azure assassin had already set the tone for the skirmish- Even though both women weren't bashful about their eccentric personalities, that wasn't going to set a negative precedent for just how adept they were between the ropes. Having narrowly avoided her initial attack, Kieda rotated herself sideways in order to nullify the damage she would sustain from landing.* "Gghhh!" *It still sent a tremor of nagging pain up her side regardless, and she began to crawl the ropes back to her plum, stylish boots.* "Hmm..this might amuse me after all~" *She snickered, mildly entertained by the prospect of seeing what this surly spitfire had to offer her. It wouldn't be long before Kieda was back to her feet, shaking off her miscalculated strike and back in the fray once more.*

"Tell me, pipsqueak, how's the weather down there?"
*She mischievously giggled before closing the distance she had inadvertently created between them and sending a cutting, right knee into Danielle's midsection, whipping her entire body to generate a devastating amount of torque behind her blow.* "Because I intend to send you straight into the ground with this one!" *The unbridled fury in her lavender eyes burned intensely, as the previous insults Danielle had chucked in her direction began resonating, only pouring gasoline on the conflagration building between them.*

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Re: Strike a pose! Kieda vs Danielle!

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Things were starting off well enough, as Danielle got out of the way right on time to send Kieda to a crashing halt. She might have managed to avoid taking as much damage from the fall as she might otherwise, but Dani didn't worry much about the distinctions. As far as she was concerned, she had landed a victory over Kieda, and she could already tell that she was the clear superior, the one who deserved the victory! As she manuevered herself away from where the blue-haired girl landed, Dani couldn't resist the golden opportunity for her to play to the spotlight, blowing a kiss out into the crowd with a look of triumphant contentment on her face. The gesture, of course, didn't get the rave reception she was expecting. She had to roll her eyes at that.

Danielle's relief proved short-lived, however, when Kieda quickly got back on her feet - and she had only more short jokes to dish out. Really, the Frenchwoman thought? This one even drew a groan from her. Surely Kieda didn't think she could get this much material out of this. "Zut alors! I'm only three inches shorter, you eye-searing barbarian! Why, I-"

Her comeback was interrupted by the impact of Kieda's knee into her stomach, the assassin whipping her body straight to the side with blinding agility. Dani could barely see it coming; not until she had already taken the blow right to her stomach. She gasped in shock, but that noise was overlapped by a cough as the air was forced out of her lungs. True to Kieda's word, the former model was sent back on her rear end, skidding across the canvas away from her opponent off the momentum.
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Re: Strike a pose! Kieda vs Danielle!

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*Feeling rather accomplished at just how flawlessly her strategy had worked, Kieda nonchalantly whipped her immaculate hair backwards to unveil a haughty smirk that had encroached across her cheeky face.* "Oh, what was that? Something along the lines of bitching and moaning about being woefully inferior to yours truly?" *Sashaying towards her downed foe, Kieda took a significant amount of time to dazzle the onlooking spectators with her outlandish movements; she suddenly flipped a switch, transforming from determined striker to audacious star in the spotlight by gesturing towards the audience with a twinkle in her eye.* "That's right, you ungrateful, inbred troglodytes! Gaze upon beauty incarnate as she batters and bruises her adversary with remarkable ease!"

*As her words gaslit the already irritated audience to another level of pure frustration, Kieda subsequently approached the weary Danielle, towering over her in a cavalier fashion before leaning down to peer into her eyes.* "Seems as if you were all talk, which doesn't shock me in the slightest; your type always tends to be all bark and no bite." *The condescending shinobi followed her degrading remark with a swift kick to the ginger's solar plexus, intently focusing on her ribs in order to inflict indelible damage; if she could tangibly impede Danielle now, she would potentially cause a lingering injury that would pester her later in the fight.*

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Re: Strike a pose! Kieda vs Danielle!

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If Kieda was trying to get under Dani's certainly wasn't failing her. She played up to the crowd just as much, and it only caused the redhead's scowl to deepen, as her hands coiled into talons at her sides. She wanted nothing more than to get her hands on Kieda now, to rip her to shreds - not only for being demonstratably an absolute idiot with no respect for the fashion she claimed to have, but for daring to think she could even approach Danielle's level! That she would have the nerve to mimic her! It was more than just standing up in the name of fashion now. No, this was personal! Kieda was putting herself in direct competition to Danielle. And she wouldn't have that. Not from anyone. In her modelling days, she had ways of dealing with anyone who tried encroaching too much on her territory. This would be no exception.

Still, it came as some solace to Danielle to hear that Kieda was only being met by boos. Her lips turned up in a smirk, and she knew that would make everything coming out of the gaudily-dressed fighter's mouth fall flat. After all, how could she be right if the crowd hated her all the same? "Oh, look at that," she responded, coolly folding her arms. "All that big talk, and they still hate you? My, if nobody even wants to look at you, you must be doing something wrong. Or, more likely, you're just too hideous a sight to behold. I'd believe the latter!" Of course, she would conveniently ignore that she had received just the same reception. That didn't help her point.

Despite her bluster, Danielle had still been hit in the stomach, and it showed. Even through her taunts, the girl was bent forward at the waist, panting in between her words. She was relying on the hope that she might be able to wait it out until she recovered while Kieda exposed herself to the vagaries of the audience.

But that plan didn't seem to be working all that well. Kieda was still coming in closer, and looming above Danielle. The ex-model didn't want to betray any signs of fear, but it was hard not to gulp. She tried to hide it by gritting her teeth and glaring, but it wouldn't be long before the second hit landed. Kieda's powerful foot came in again, and it struck Dani in the ribs, causing her to scream out in pain. Her balance shaken, she staggered back towards the ropes before she fell off her footing, only managing to avoid landing on her back by catching herself against the ropes and propping herself up. She was left heaving to get the air back in her lungs, holding onto what strength she had to support herself.
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Re: Strike a pose! Kieda vs Danielle!

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*With the confidence and collected composure of a top fashionista on a crowded runway, Kieda's boot dug deep into Danielle's tummy- She would never blatantly address it aloud, but she detected just a vestige of cowardice exuding from her cadence.* "Aww, is that right? Then allow me to even us up in the appearance department, will you?" *Hellbent on rearranging the tempestuous imp's facial region, Kieda decided to divert from the flurry of kicks and instead clasp a handful of her scarlet hair, dragging her around the ring in the most mortifying fashion possible.* "Is that why you're incapable of defending yourself, girly? You'll just let anybody treat you like the repulsive piece of filth you are, eh?!" *She began bouncing Danielle's head as if it were some type of oversized yoyo, attempting to give her some form of whiplash along with the embarrassment of being so easily manhandled.*

*However, it appeared as though the crowd did indeed have the redhead's back- She might have been a narcissistic princess, but even this was a bit too harsh of a punishment for the way she treated others. Kieda, of course, immediately took notice of this and began chiding the audience for their flippant nature, inadvertently relinquishing her captive before leaning overtop the ropes.* "HEY! I'm the undisputed queenpin of the fashion world! YOU peasants don't have the RIGHT to criticize me!" *She shrieked, visibly irate at the paradigm shift that she had witnessed while the tides began to turn in Danielle's favor.*

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Re: Strike a pose! Kieda vs Danielle!

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Dani had thought that the punishment Kieda was putting on her was bad enough. She owned this ring! It was an utter humiliation to think that anyone, no less this stuck-up pretentious poser, would dare to beat her at her own game. This wasn't supposed to be happening, she was supposed to have this in the bag! This...this had to just be luck! These were the thoughts that were filling her head right now, as she tried to fight her way back to her feet despite the soreness in her chest.

And it was only going to get worse from here, as Kieda grabbed her by the hair and hauled Danielle back from the ropes. That was a step too far! "Guh-! Ow-!" she groaned as she was dragged to the mat. "Let...let go of the hair! Do you have any idea how long that took to style!?" Her legs kicked impotently in the air, and she tried to reach up to grab and claw at Kieda's wrist, but it wouldn't do her many favors. And as Kieda continued to taunt her, she just got madder, clenching her teeth as her face began to grow as red as her hair with sheer rage. "No, s-shut UP-!" she screamed out. There was no time for her to formulate a good comeback right now, not when she was this close to boiling over.

But...what was this? The crowd was actually taking her side? If Danielle knew that it was out of pity, she'd be insulted by the implication, however correct, that she was out of her league. But she would choose to believe that they knew Kieda was every bit the colorblind ogre she obviously was. And when it got her to let go of Dani in the process, that was even better. Her adrenaline pumping, the redhead pushed herself to her feet, her hands coiled and her face livid. It was time now for some well-deserved payback.

"You've the nerve to call me filth!?" Danielle spat, reaching to get her opponent in a nelson hold and restrain her arms. Though holds weren't usually Danielle's forte, Kieda was lined up perfectly, and she would take the help. "The only filth I allow around me is the kind that's lying beneath my feet! And that's where you belong!" Growling, she raised her knee, aiming to slam it straight into Kieda's side!
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