Aces High: Alice Wilder vs Kohaku Kariya - Best of 3 Smother Match

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Re: Aces High: Alice Wilder vs Kohaku Kariya - Best of 3 Smother Match

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Alice moved out to grapple with her rival, despite it being 1-1, the cowgirl was enjoying the match. It was not often Alice got to wrestle a girl so cute and fiery, and Kohaku was no exception! Hearing her comment, the western wide hipped gal laughed, "Awww missy ya'll must be dreamin still, just like you were under ma big ol ass!" However Alice was too keen on sassing the girl then concentrating. She gasped as she knee hit and Alice staggerd back with her prized rear against the turnbuckle pads. The crowd cheered the attack from Kohaku, not that she needed any encouragement!

By the time Alice caught her breath, she saw the canvas coming in fast. WHAM! The ring shook as the chunky cowgirl landed hard. She lay on her back and moaned a little, staring up at the ring lights. She knew that getting off the canvas was the smart thing to do, but Alice was hot, sweaty and tired. The cowgirl also felt the pain from her heavy landing.

"Gawd now that just wasnt nice...."
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Re: Aces High: Alice Wilder vs Kohaku Kariya - Best of 3 Smother Match

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Kohaku only smiled in response to Alice's comments. Of course she wasn't being nice. She had a match to win. If the cowgirl thought she was going to take it easy on her than she was definitely mistaken. "Oh no. Not nice at all. And cause ya got me good...I'm going to hae to get you back worse obviously." She stated with an impish grin.

Figuring she'd try something a bit different, Kohaku would get up and take a few steps back. An idea had popped into her head and she wanted to see if it would work. It might be a bit rough for the cowgirl but Alice did say she wouldn't be out ridden so Kohaku assumed the woman was tough enough. Suddenly the black haired wrestler charged forward. She'd hop right up into the air and aim her round rear right at the cowgirl's face. "How's this for a ride?" She'd shout as her ass came crashing down.

If she managed to land on her throne the obvious maneuver would be to shake her ass atop Alice's face. She'd then scoot back a little to press her crotch upon Alice's lips while facing her legs. "Hehe ready for a real ride cowgirl?" She taunted.
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Re: Aces High: Alice Wilder vs Kohaku Kariya - Best of 3 Smother Match

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Alice lay on her back, she knew that getting up was the best option, or even rolling over to prevent a pin attempt, but the cowgirl was a fighter. She started to get up, rising just a few inches from the canvas, her body ached and she felt tired but she couldnt do it and flopped back down

"Ohhhh damn, girl you in a bad way now...."

The cowgirl was more talking to herself than Kohaku, but she cold hear the threat from her rival and prayed it wouldnt be as bad as the Japanese wrestler made out. Her answer came soon enough with the sight of two round plump peaches smushing against her face. Alice's protests were instantly muffled and she squirmed as much as she could. Kohaku slid back and Alice could feel the heat of her rival, she was probably as turned on as the Japanese wrestler but now she was on the bottom and in trouble!

Aiice pawed at Kohaku and pushed but there wasnt much effort in it as the ref dropped and slapped for the first count of ONE!
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Re: Aces High: Alice Wilder vs Kohaku Kariya - Best of 3 Smother Match

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Kohaku grinned as she ended up right atop Alice. She was going to give her opponent the ride of a lifetime, or at least one the crowd would remember. Looking back at the referee for a moment the black haired wrestler raised herself an inch just to plop back down onto the cowgirl. "Don't even think about counting. I'm smothering her out ok?" She said with a smirk. And with that she'd press the rest of her body weight down and wiggle her hips, making sure Alice's face was up close and personal.

Once she was sure her opponent has pressed up tight against her Kohaku would begin to rock her hips back and forth, grinding herself along Alice's face. "How're ya liking this cowgirl?" She teased. The crowd roared in approval and Kohaku was eating it up. She put her hands behind her foe's head and pulled the woman up closer as she picked up the pace. A few moments later she'd stop and just press Alice against her, making sure her mouth and nose were nowhere to be seen. She needed to make sure that this was quite a smother after all.
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Re: Aces High: Alice Wilder vs Kohaku Kariya - Best of 3 Smother Match

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Alice didnt know what hit her, or rather didnt know what "sit" on her! The cowgirl was thinking about getting up or pushing Kohaku off her when she got a facefull of the Japanese wrestler.

"Hey... ya... UMMFFFF varmint.... I ... GAHHH!"

A muffled cry emerged from the Western wide gal. All she could see, taste and feel was the girl atop her. Alice had to admit the dominating position was enjoyable, even if it meant she would lose this match, it was a hell of a way to lose. As Kohaku announced she was abandoning the count, Alice felt her control slipping away, she started nuzzling deep into her rival, further smothering herself.

If Alice was gonna get licked, so was Kohaku!

Her head rocked back and forth amid muffled gasps and cries, but these were pleasure not pain. She was getting lightheaded and was starting to drift into darkness, but Alice was determined to give Kohaku a good ending
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Re: Aces High: Alice Wilder vs Kohaku Kariya - Best of 3 Smother Match

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As Kohaku gave Alice a good ride, she began to notice that the woman still had some life left in her and would try to spur her on. "Mmmmm what a naughty cowgirl." she teased. Despite that though she was indeed enjoying the feeling and as the moments passed Kohaku only began to buck her hips faster and harder. It was obvious she cared little about how she was now jostling Alice's head about.

The black haired wrestler's breathing soon became labored as she continued to grind her growing damp spot oh so nicely against Alice's face. And then with little warning she'd stop and just press herself down firmly against Alice, trapping the woman's head between her legs and the mat with no chance to get even the slightest amount of air. She'd hold the cowgirl's wrists above her head and look down, wondering now just how much the other woman still had left in her. She could have gone on doing what she was doing, but she was hoping to quickly finish off her opponent first. "Whew...quite a ride. I'll let you take a quick break." She teased.
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Re: Aces High: Alice Wilder vs Kohaku Kariya - Best of 3 Smother Match

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Alice blinked and let out soft moans as she had her face sat on, Kohaku was doing all she could to humiliate the cowgirl, but oddly enough, Alice didnt mind. She didnt mind that it was so public, and didnt mind that the Japanese wrestler had her locked in such an erotic lewd pin. As soon as Kohaku started to hump her lips, the cowgirl groaned and nuzzled deep as her head was rocked about. She closed her eyes lost in the moment, Alice was now soaked between her legs, she was driven over the edge by Kohaku.

However, the smothering and intense heat has overcome the cowgirl. Her eyes started to flutter and she was passing out. All Alice heard was Kohaku's taunt as she drifted away into the darkness.......

The ref squirmed given such an erotic display and cautiously announced to Kohaku that she had made Alice pass out. The crowd loved every moment and roared Kohaku on
Last edited by RiotGrrl on Sun Aug 26, 2018 12:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Aces High: Alice Wilder vs Kohaku Kariya - Best of 3 Smother Match

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As Kohaku looked down at Alice it was clear that the fight was quickly draining from her. With no air and nowhere to go, the cowgirl was left no choice but to take a nap under the black haired wrestler. Kohaku squeezed her legs together and wiggled her ass from side to side across the sleeping wrestler's face. "Oh oh. I think she's out. That means I won right?"

In excitement Kohaku begins bouncing slightly top her downed opponent. Of course all fun had to come to an end sometime. The referee soon urges Kohaku to get up and so the wrestler listens, leaving Alice in dreamland while she happily soaked in the cheers of the crowd. "Hehe if you could hear me...we should totally have fun again some other time. I just hope you enjoyed the ride." She teased before making her way out of the ring.
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Re: Aces High: Alice Wilder vs Kohaku Kariya - Best of 3 Smother Match

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Alice lay there with her large chest rising and falling but she was KO'd from Kohaku's riding. She steadily came around, her face bathed in sweat and a great deal of something else! The crowd cheered on the Japanese wrestler as Alice blinked. She heard she comment from Kohaku and nodded her head.

"Ill getcha ya critter!"

Alice mumbled and lay there as she knew trying to get up was a mistake.

Kohaku wins by two falls to one
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