Annette Tatsumi vs Ducky Williams

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Annette Tatsumi vs Ducky Williams

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Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Enjoying her time so far in LAW. Annette already had a few matches with some lovely opponents here and there. With varying results, Annette couldn't help but to smile recounting all her encounters so far. And now, she will have a match with a certain someone that's been gathering huge followings from fans and also fellow peers. She haven't met this person personally, but she does look forward to meet this certain person. And that person is, none other than... Ducky Williams.

Getting herself ready backstage, she did some warmup stretches while waiting for her music to play. Pacing back and forth to get herself warmed up. And then, her music plays... She went near the curtain as she waits for the cue for her to appear to the crowds. And she cames out to waves of cheers. She would then strike her pose in the center of the stage before making her way to the stage. Giving high fives to the crowd, and at ringside... She took off her mask and hands it over to a lucky fan at the ringside!
Entering the ring, she would then goes on to a corner and climbs the turnbuckle. Raising her hands up for the crowd to cheer at her. And soon after, her music slowly fades out. Annette turned to the entrance and wonders on how this Ducky girl looks.
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are... High Definition.

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Re: Annette Tatsumi vs Ducky Williams

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Fixing up her outfit backstage, Ducky stood ready in front of the entrance to the arena, the blonde girl waiting patiently for her cue as her opponent made their way down to the ring, taking a few moments to ponder her opponent tonight. A pretty young blonde like herself, somebody that the she could hear the fans cheering for quite a bit as Annette made her way down to the ring, causing Ducky to give a slight smile, eager to face somebody that the crowd had shown such respect for!

And she soon would be given the go ahead by the backstage official, Ducky finally being told that she was all good to head out to the ring, which the blonde did, quickly bursting out from behind the curtain to make her entrance! As she did, the crowd would erupt with cheers, giving the fan favorite blonde wrestler quite the warm welcome, the fans there happy to see her tonight as she made her entrance!
Making her way down to the ring, Ducky was all smiles as she made her way down to the ring, grinning and waving to the crowd, offering high fives and the occasional hug as she made her way down. And as she got to the ring, she would climb up onto the apron, before slipping through the ropes and making her way to the center of the ring, looking across it at her opponent. Blonde, fit, and quite pretty, Ducky would give the girl a warm smile before extending her hand, a welcoming smile on her face!

"Nice to meet you Annette! I'm looking forward to our match!"

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Re: Annette Tatsumi vs Ducky Williams

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Annette couldn't hide her excitement on finally meeting one of the probably 'most over with the crowd' women of LAW. Eagerly waiting on the corner, looking quite impatient as she tap her feet repeatedly while waiting for Ducky to show up. And then, as Ducky made her appearance, Annette could finally see why.

"Oh god she's such a sweetheart..." Annette made a comment while Ducky made her way into the ring. Looking all excited to have a match with her, she couldn't stop smiling at Ducky. Watching her opponent standing at the center of the ring, she certainly looked to be built for this career. Anne approached her opponent, her height made her slightly towering over the fellow blonde. Smiling as she grabs onto Ducky's hands.

"Likewise... But first..." She yanked Ducky towards herself. Hugging her and made a really most forward way to show her interest. Leaning her head towards Ducky's face for a short, playful yet tender kiss right onto Ducky's lips before letting her go. "Sorry! Couldn't help myself." She giggled while moving backwards to her corner. Waiting for the bell to ring.
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are... High Definition.

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Re: Annette Tatsumi vs Ducky Williams

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Making her way down to the ring, the LAW crowd was giving the blonde girl quite the warm welcome, as she smiled and greeted the people sitting along the ramp, before finally making her way into the ring. And when she did, her smile and warmth would even extend to her opponent, as she reached out her hand, giving Annette a warm smile as she introduced herself, eager to meet who she'd be facing.

And as she did, it would seem that her foe was quite eager to meet her as well, as Annette stepped over to Ducky with a smile on her face, the other blonde girl having quite a bit of height over the glasses wearing girl. But as Haruka stepped in close, Ducky would grin as the girl reached out and grabbed her hand, accepting Ducky's handshake, before pulling the girl into a hug, pressing her lips to Ducky's own!

"Wha- Mmmm!" Ducky gave a short, surprised cry, as she was suddenly yanked in, Annette holding her in a close embrace while giving the blonde girl a big kiss, pressing her lips tight against Ducky's! There was a brief moment as the two stood there, the crowd cheering loudly, before both stepped back, Ducky looking slightly embarrassed, while Annette began to move back to her corner.

"You... I... Heh, not bad, but don't think I won't be getting you back for that one in the ring!" Ducky said with a smile, backing up herself, doing a few light stretches in her corner as she waited for the bell to ring!

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Re: Annette Tatsumi vs Ducky Williams

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Giggling to herself as she can see Ducky looking slightly embarassed and taken off guard from what she did before. Annette bounces up and down on her feet as she waited for the bell to ring. "I'd love to see you try then sweetheart!" She said in a playfully challenging manner. And soon, the bell rings.

Usually Annette would circle the ring to start out. However, this time Annette just went straight towards Ducky without any technicallity and just went for a lockup to test her strength. Eager to see if Ducky would be a double combination of a sweetheart and a strong foe! Grabbing Ducky's hands, she would try to push her down to the mat. "Now how about you show me your strength then?" She said as she started the lockup.
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Re: Annette Tatsumi vs Ducky Williams

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With Annette having made herself quite the interesting foe right from the get go, especially after stealing a kiss from Ducky, the blonde would stretch a bit in her corner, before getting ready. She was more than ready for Annette to come at her, and as the match began, it would seem that she would get just that, with her opponent rushing her right off the bat!

Moving into the center of the ring, Ducky would find Annette rushing at her, reaching out to grab the glasses wearing girl's hands with her own, calling out that she was looking for a test of strength!

"Heh! How about instead, I show you that it's brains that win matches, and not muscle!" Ducky cried, before rolling backwards as she yanked Annette with her, using the girl's momentum against her! And as she did, she'd plant a foot in Annette's stomach, intending to then send the girl overhead with a quick and sneaky monkey flip!

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Re: Annette Tatsumi vs Ducky Williams

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Annette tried to do a lockup with the lovely glasses girl. Pushing her power against her opponent. It did not last long as Ducky tried to be cheeky and used Annette's strength to flip her off. And she did, Annette was taken by surprise by her wittiness and was sent out flipping as she lands on her back. Letting out a groan as she landed, she rises up.

"Cheeky..." She said while holding her back as she stood up to her feet, turning around to face Ducky. "I like that." Annette smiled as she took her stance once more. "I'll admit you got me there, but there's more to me than just muscles." She declared, approaching Ducky again.
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are... High Definition.

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Re: Annette Tatsumi vs Ducky Williams

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Rolling back suddenly, Ducky would show that her strength came not from her power, but from her technical prowess, as she managed to plant her foot in the blonde girl's stomach, flipping her over! Annette soared over her with a slight cry of surprise, flipped over the much smaller blonde, before landing hard on her back just a few inches away, giving a slight grunt as Ducky stood up and faced her once more!

"Well, glad you like it, cause I have a feeling that it's gonna happen a few more times. Unless I suddenly grow a few inches." Ducky said with a slight grin, facing off with Annette. However, she would soon act once more, raising her leg as if she were about to throw a superkick to Annette's jaw, before stopping suddenly, and aiming the kick for her foes legs instead, intending to take her off her feet!

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Re: Annette Tatsumi vs Ducky Williams

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Annette sees that Ducky would aim for a superkick. Thus she prepared to grab or deflect the superkick away, until Ducky suddenly stopped... Annette would look down to her legs and quickly make a retreating step. Preventing Ducky from kicking her legs. As she missed, Annette put her hands on her hips and laughed.

"See, more than just muscles." She poked her forehead as the crowd cheered on. She would then gestured to the crowd to tone down the cheer. "Chill, there's more to it than just this!" She declared as she suddenly take a leap towards Ducky! Aiming to take her down to the mat with a Lou Thesz Press!
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are... High Definition.

Open for match ideas and stuffs, hit me up in Discord (cause that's mainly where I am when I'm not posting) LowDefinition#5144

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Re: Annette Tatsumi vs Ducky Williams

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After having flipped Annette over and throwing her onto her back, Ducky would make it up to her feet at around the same time her larger foe would, the two of them exchanging a few words, smiles on both faces. However, as Annette began to approach Ducky, she would attempt to throw her foe off her game once more, faking a superkick that looked to be aimed for Annette's jaw, only to throw it at her legs instead! However, her foe was starting to learn what Ducky was about, suddenly stepping backwards to avoid the kick!

"Heh, I never thought you were just muscles. It'd make things easier, sure, but- Whoa!" Ducky cried out as suddenly her foe leaped at her! Annette threw her body right at Ducky's, the two curvy blonde's figures smacking together as Annette hit, sending Ducky toppling over backwards, landing on top of her with the Lou Thesz Press!

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