The Dominion vs Wings of Wrestling

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The Dominion vs Wings of Wrestling

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The Dominion finally was going to make their presence known into the prestigious wrestling organization known as LAW. They came for one purpose and one purpose only, to cement their legacy as being the best Faction in Japanese wrestling history. Having opened up their own wrestling gym and traveled the indie wrestling circuit, the three finally made their big move to the big leagues. The men in blue were going to face their first tough test as they were pitted against the Wings of Wrestling. Trent and Jacob had a bit of altercation with Ducky and Swan, which the two teams decided to settle in the ring. The Dominion were confident they could clip the wings of these wrestlers, and establish themselves as the baddest Trio in LAW.

For this match Trent 'the masterpiece' Masters and Jacob 'the perfect storm' Masters were going to step up to face Ducky and Swan in this intergender tag team wrestling match. Derek would be there, only to accompany his mentor and his mentor's brother. "This is going to be easy bro, just beat on a couple of good looking girls then get out and have a party huh?" Jacob said as he adjusted his blue briefs then put on his white boots and elbow pads. "That's the plan Jacob. However, let's not loose focus even though they are just a bunch of girls, they might have some tricks- let's not lose focus, if you know what I mean" Trent would say looking himself in the mirror, flexing as he adjusted his attire as well.
Derek would simply be there, in his wrestling attire as well. All three members of the Dominion had their nick-names written in Japanese on the front of their briefs as a symbol of their bond. The Dominion made their way out of the locker room towards the gorilla position, they waited for their theme to cue and when it did, Trent and Jacob walked out to the arena with Derek closely following behind them. The leader walked first up the steel steps as he made his way into the ring first, walking to the middle of the ring first before Jacob followed in. Jacob went to the middle and got down on his knees with Trent behind him as the two male wrestlers extended their hands to their side as fireworks blew out from the ring posts. Derek stayed outside the ring and watched on. Derek soon got back up on his feet and followed Trent as the leader made his way to the corner, from there the two would whisper into each other's ears, trying to figure out a game plan on who would wrestle first.

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Re: The Dominion vs Wings of Wrestling

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Finishing up in the locker rooms, making sure that they were ready for action and looking good, Ducky and Swan would finally stand up and give one another a small smile, before turning and making their way out of the locker rooms, heading out to the curtain to the ring! The pair of them were quite excited for tonight, heading into yet another tag match, this one being a first for them. It was the first time that the pair of masked women would be facing a tag team of men, with Ducky going up against the opposite sex in the ring for the first time, Swan having done so already, a match with Akio ending... well, that was the past!

So as the two girls were finally given the okay to go out, they would quickly burst out from behind the curtain, stepping out onto the ramp with energy and flair, showing off to the crowd! And the LAW audience would show their support eagerly to the pair of fan favorites, cheering loudly as the two of them held hands at the top of the ramp, getting in a quick pose before making their way down the ramp, eyeing their foes before beginning to speak.
"Oooh, take a look at these three! Couple of underwear models who took up wrestling!" Swan said with a grin crossing her face. "Are you thinking what I am?"

"Let me guess. You're gonna call dibs on the hunk?"

"Yeah! That one right... well, huh... I... I guess that was a presumptuous of me. None of them really seem to tick that box..." Swan said with a slight frown.

"Well, you never know, they might have great personalities!"

"You know, you're right Ducky! That sounds pretty fair! So, which one of you boys is the least boring? Personality-wise, since looks-wise, it's a three way tie!" She said, smirking as the two teased their foes for tonight.

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Re: The Dominion vs Wings of Wrestling

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As two members of the Dominion waited inside the ring, the third one took his position out of it. Soon, the Wings of Wrestling made their way from the gorilla position into the LAW arena. As expected, they were greeted by thunderous cheers as they stopped near the ramp to greet the fans and pose for them before making their way down to the ramp towards the ring. Derek was the closest one to them as he was outside the ring, the youngest member of the Dominion gave them a stern look but didn't say anything, simply standing infront of them for a bit before stepping to the side to allow them a path towards the ring. He wanted to confront them for their little teasing but a quick "Hnrgh" from Trent made him back off quite easily.

"Well well well, looks like our opponents have quite the beak on them". Trent would say as he would lean on the ring ropes. "Haha look at that Trent, a couple of ugly ducklings! I swear, these LAW people would let anyone wrestle these days" Jacob would follow with a chuckle as the two would look down at their opponents from inside the ring. "Now now, lets be civil about this" Trent would say with a smirk as he backed away from the ring ropes towards the middle of the ring.

"Now then ladies, if you would be so kind to enter in the ring and meet us face to face....maybe we can start over?" he said with his arms to the side.

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Re: The Dominion vs Wings of Wrestling

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Making their way down the ramp, Ducky and Swan would pass by the solo member of the opposing team on the outside, Swan smirking at him as the passed by, though the young man didn't say anything. The two in the ring however, did, both of them becoming quite mouthy as Ducky and Swan entered the ring, the pair of them walking right up to the two.

"I can see why your leader there told you to shut up. Ugly ducklings is a pretty bad insult, especially when I can do this." Swan said, before pointing to the Jacob, turning to the crowd. "Well folks, what do you think? Is he right, are we ugly ducklings?" Swan said, to massive boos.

"Or is he just jealous that he's about to get beaten easily in the middle of the ring?" She said, the crowd now cheering loudly, going along with the luchadora. And as this all happened, Ducky would turn to face Trent, giving him a small smile as she faced off with him, interested in how this man was going to try and play off the animosity she could feel coming from him.

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Re: The Dominion vs Wings of Wrestling

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The youngest member of the Dominion watched as Ducky and Swan passed by, even though he felt obligated to approach them and share a piece of his mind, he knew that Trent would disapprove and chose simply to stand to the side and giving them a menacing glare as the two approached the ring. Jacob and Trent started to do the talking as they looked to taunt back at their lovely opponents but Swan was not too impressed by Jacob's insults. The masked wrestler made his way into the ring and confronted Jacob about this, getting the crowd on her side as she turned to the crowd posing a question for them and on both questions, the crowd was against Jacob. The Perfect Storm would grit his teeth in anger as he shook his head in disagreement. "Pfft what do they know?! There's no way the Dominion can lose to a bunch of Ducks and Swans!" he hissed as the two faced off.

Meanwhile Trent and Ducky faced off, both face to face and staying silent as the two smiled at each other. Trent would close the gap between himself and Ducky as they went head to head. "Ducky Williams. I have heard quite alot about your wrestling ability....I cannot wait to test that in the ring. You are apparently as talented as you are beautiful.....but the former is yet to be tested. I propose you and I start this bout" he said brushing her hair back before taking a step back towards Jacob.

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Re: The Dominion vs Wings of Wrestling

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Smirking at her foe's angry expression, Black Swan would only continue to lean towards him, smirking directly into Jacob's face as she looked to make an example out of him, showing that even after her... unfortunate first experience with mixed wrestling, she was by not means afraid to tangle with the muscled man in the ring. So with a grin, she simply reached out pat the young man on the cheek a few times, before stepping backwards, a taunting smile on her face as she looked on.

"Sure, you say that now. But when we get into this ring together... I fully plan on making you my bitch." Swan said with a suggestive wink, drawing cheers from the fans as she made her threat.

While at the same time, it would seem that Trent had gone with more of a respectful approach, stepping in close in order to speak personally with Ducky, throwing a few flattering words her way before suggesting that she and him start the match. The blonde wasn't off put by his words, but she could tell that there was more here than just compliments for the sake of compliments, and she would slightly recoil as he reached out to her, brushing her hair back in a manner that was a bit more intimate than she would like.

"Perhaps, but it seems like your little pal there has a bone to pick with Swan." Ducky said, as her and Swan began to retreat to their corner, discussing who should start the match.

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Re: The Dominion vs Wings of Wrestling

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Things were already starting to heat up between Jacob and Swan, as the two younger wrestlers kept leaning into each other trying to gain ground and intimidate each other. Jacob was pissed, at how Swan had used the crowd to help her win their war of words. Jacob got all hot and bothered up at her face, bumping his forehead into her but Swan remained cool, simply tapping his cheek as she backed off. However, his blood really boiled when Swan suggested that she would make Jacob her bitch! "Y-you?! How dare you! You little bitch, I'm going to....UGH!" he hissed as the referee soon got in between, trying to keep things calm before the actual bell rang.

Meanwhile, the staredown between Trent and Ducky was much more calm as the two spoke to each other in a rather calm demeanor. Ducky was slightly hesitant to him caressing her hair like that, she wouldn't say no to his suggestion but simply pointed out the more heated exchange of their tag team partners before backing to their corner. As Ducky retreated, Trent would call out to her "I expect us to start Ducky..." he grinned, fully intending to actually send Jacob, just to throw Ducky off. The boys in blue retreated to their corner and after whispering to each other some tactics, Trent would grin while watching Ducky from afar as he exited the ring and made his way onto the ring apron.

Jacob remained in the ring, he bounced on his heels while shaking his arms loose and adjusted his briefs. The Perfect Storm would make his way to the middle of the ring, right after the bell rang, waiting to see who would start the bout with him.

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Re: The Dominion vs Wings of Wrestling

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Smirking as she moved away from him, Black Swan would simply blow Jacob a mocking kiss as she turned to walk back to her corner with Ducky soon following behind her, the pair moving quite quickly. And as they did, they turned to one another, beginning to discuss who would be going first, talking quietly while stealing looks at the other team, before finally both nodding to one another, a decision having been reached.

The two would give each other a few words of encouragement, before Ducky would quickly slip outside the ring, moving to stand on the apron, while Swan turned to face her foe, finding Jacob there, waiting for her! The luchadora would find a big smile growing on her face, now able to demolish and humiliate Jacob in the ring just like she had planned to do, eager to making him look like a novice!

"Oooh, so daddy sent you in here to get spanked, did he? Well, hope you're ready for an ass kicking then, cause I fully plan on wiping the mat with you, little boy." Swan said with a smile, circling Jacob as soon as the bell rang, taunting him in hopes that he would rush in and let his anger get the better of him!

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Re: The Dominion vs Wings of Wrestling

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Jacob wanted to pound on Swan right there and then but he somehow managed to hold himself back, he was so sure that she was all talk and no action. She blew a kiss at him as he looked on, clenching his fists as he shook at them before being called back to the corner by the leader of the Dominion, Trent Masters. The two went over some strategy as Trent looked back over towards Ducky with a grin on his face. Trent was always going to save himself for later and decided it was best for Jacob to start, whoever would start from their team would not make too much of a difference.

Eventually, he was a little relieved to see Swan starting especially because the two clearly had some beef to take care of. Jacob was more than happy to take on the masked luchadora as he watched her make her way to the middle as well. Jacob would crack his knuckles with a wide grin on his face, he adjusted his briefs for a moment before was taunting by Swan. "You won't be talking so much shit when I knock you out and take your mask as my prized possession." he hissed but was clearly annoyed by her words.

Not wanting to wait even a second longer, Jacob lunged in at Swan, looking to initiate a collar and elbow grapple with her to start off the match.
Last edited by Teenwrestler on Thu Aug 09, 2018 2:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Dominion vs Wings of Wrestling

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Stepping out to the middle of the ring, Swan would look across to see that things were just as her and Ducky had thought, and Trent had sent Jacob out first, contrary to what he had proposed. But luckily for the girls, they had planned for this correctly, wanting to send out Swan to meet Jacob and let her go at him, saving a confrontation between Swan and Trent for later.

So as she moved to the center of the ring, Swan would simply give a slight grin, though she raised an eyebrow when Jacob mentioned taking her mask as a prize. Swan's mask was something dear to her, and usually, when folks planned on taking it from her, it woke a rather... unpleasant side of the luchadora.

"Oh, I don't think you want that. Since not only would it never work, but then I'd have to REALLY embarrass you! More than I'm about to!" Swan said, getting into a ready stance, watching as Jacob closed in. And as if to prove her point, the luchadora would wait until Jacob was about to grab her, before ducking under him and moving behind, giving him a hard slap on the ass as she did so!

"Ooh, nice glutes! Somebody probably watches those videos on the internet about how to get a good butt, huh?"

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