An Unexpected Change of Plans - POW Submissions Match - Black Swan vs Rachel Stanley

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An Unexpected Change of Plans - POW Submissions Match - Black Swan vs Rachel Stanley

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Taking a few seconds to finish with her stretches backstage, the luchadora known as Black Swan was just about finished getting ready, finished hyping herself up before her match, eager to start. And it would seem that she was just in time too, as she had just been given the cue to go out, the luchadora giving a smile and a nod before turning and bursting through the curtain, the crowd cheering as she made her entrance!
The bubbly luchadora smiled as she began to make her way down the ramp, giving high fives and hugs to the fans, but as she walked down to the ring, the thoughts in her head turned to that of her foe. A lightweight wrestler, going by the name of Dhalia DuBlanc, who had won a grand total of zero matches in her time at LAW. It would seem that she was up against a jobber tonight, not that she minded.

Finally getting to the ring, the luchadora would hop up onto the ring apron, before turning to give the fans one last wave, the crowd cheering loudly for her. And as she flipped into the ring, Swan wasted no time moving to her corner to lean up against the turnbuckles, turning to the ramp and waiting for her foe to come down to the ring!

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Re: An Unexpected Change of Plans - POW Submissions Match - Black Swan vs Rachel Stanley

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When Black Swan was making her entrance, Miss Dhalia DuBlanc was getting ready for the fight in the locker room, finishing up putting on her wrestling wear, but she was unaware that a certain someone was watching her from the shadows with an evil grin on her face.

''Sorry Miss Dhalia la Frenchie for my bad manners, but this has to be done'' Rachel thought to herself before she dashed at the unsuspecting girl, leaped up and flew at her with a dropkick aimed at her face. Dhalia's face was smashed between the locker and Rachel's feet and the girl was knocked out immediately on the spot, she never knew what hit her, literally. The audience expected Dhalia's entrance to begin right about now, but they were in for a surprise.
The music blasted through the speakers, but the crowds of people were confused, since this didn't sound like Dhalia's music. And just then the real star of tonight showed up, the one and only - Castor!
Castor held a microphone in one hand and a black feather of a swan in the other, which was pretty damn symbolic, to say the least. Rachel was waving to the crowd and walking down the ramp towards the ring. The people cheered, since they knew that whatevah tha fuk was happening here, Castor would deliver a performance, even if it was the last thing she would do. Castor leaped over all the ropes at once with a backflip and landed on her feet, earning more applause from the audience.

Rachel was blowing kisses to all directions as she was nearing her opponent. Quite a pretty performance, dear, but it's still missing something... Castor would stand face to face with Black Swan and reach her hand that held the feather towards her face or her ear to be more precise. Rachel would place the feather inbetween Swan's head and ear and would leave it hanging there. There you go, now it's complete. The audience approved of this, which made Castor happy.

Castor would then back away a little as she had something to say. I have respect for you as a fellow Luchadora, i believe that you know what a fight is. That it is an act of art, an act of beauty for the world to see... Rachel said this as she pointed towards all the people that were here. However, i hear that you've made quite a name for yourself in here and there is one thing that i simply cannot stand - Someone that is stands out more than me! Rachel would look at the Swan with a serious look. So, i shall fight you for everyone's appreciation here and now. And i shall defeat you, beautifully. Rachel would turn to the crowd. What do you say, people?!! Rachel would shout out, asking for their opinion, which was very one sided. ''FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!'' Everyone chanted in unison. Obviously they wanted for two hot Luchadoras to fight. You hear that? Rachel would walk over to her upcoming opponent and stop very, very close to her, only a mic separating both of their mouths. So, what do YOU say Swan, my dear? Rachel would as ask the audience would be encouraging Swan to accept.
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Re: An Unexpected Change of Plans - POW Submissions Match - Black Swan vs Rachel Stanley

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Waiting in the ring for her foe to arrive, Black Swan continued to stretch as she was getting ready for the other girl to make her entrance, more than ready to start things off with the other girl. However, despite the fact that she had made her entrance, it was taking Dhalia quite some time to make hers, as Swan was now pacing in the ring, motioning to the ref as if something were wrong. Something felt wrong here, and the luchadora was unable to put her finger on it.

However, after a few moments, it would all be spelled out for the luchadora as she heard unfamiliar music begin to play, before seeing a new foe appear at the top of the ring, a woman who was not at all the goth jobber she had been scheduled to face! Things only got stranger as the girl bounded down to the ring, flipping into the squared circle with the greatest of ease, displaying acrobatics that made the black clad luchadora quite impressed, though she still wore a confused look.

However, upon entering the ring, her foe, in so many words, soon expressed her intent to show Swan that this blonde was the only one that should be getting the spotlight, placing a feather against Swan's mask as she pandered to the crowd, inciting a few cheers for the luchadora to face off with her instead!

"Huh... Well, this is one of the weirder things that's ever happened to me..." Swan said, running a finger over her chin, before moving towards her foe, intending to stand right across from her, face to face! "But even if you're not the girl I was scheduled to face, I'm more than happy to take you on... so bring it!" Swan said, reaching around Castor to give her a quick spank before backing up, showing the girl that she was more than ready to go right now!

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Re: An Unexpected Change of Plans - POW Submissions Match - Black Swan vs Rachel Stanley

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Said like a true luchadora! Rachel was very happy with her opponent's answer. Also a grin appeared on Rachel's face when Black Swan spanked her on the butt before backing away. Castor will have to make sure to return the favor to her sexy opponent at some point.

However! We forgot the details! My suggestion is that we fight until one of us gives up. No sneaky pins, just two sexy luchadoras going at it until they can go no longer. Also, the loser belongs to the winner for a day. And one more thing - The loser has to take off her mask. The crowds would roar in approval. So.. What do you think? Rachel would ask her opponent and throw the mic at her, so that she could catch it and answer. Castor was positive that Swan would agree as she would unlikely be to turn down the crowd, but maybe she wanted to modify the matchup a little or add something to it...

Castor would do a little warm up while Black Swan would be busy answering her question and continue with the warm up until the bell rang. After the bell would ring, Castor would go to the center of the ring to meet her opponent, with her hands raised, inviting her to a lockup.
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Re: An Unexpected Change of Plans - POW Submissions Match - Black Swan vs Rachel Stanley

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Smirking at her brand new opponent, the blonde girl would take Swan's acceptance, giving a happy reply to the black clad girl's answer, clearly quite pleased that the luchadora was fine with her stealing the match from this Dhalia girl. However, as she was moving to get to her corner and do a few light stretches, she would soon be hearing Castor begin to speak once more, as she turned to look, eyebrow raised!

And it would seem that the blonde luchadora was only looking to make sure things were getting more and more interesting, now proposing two additional match stipulations to Swan! The pale luchadora would tilt her head to the side as she considered Castor's offer, a smile on her face as she already knew what the answer was, smirking as she heard the crowd cheering loudly.

"So, not only are you stealing this match, but you wanna make it a POW submissions match? I gotta say, that's awfully bold! ...I like it! You're on!" Swan cried, as the crowd cheered. However, she wasn't done yet, as she would add one more final touch! "All of that sounds good, but before the POW stuff starts, after we have a winner... I think, that the loser... should have to kiss the winner's ass!" Swan declared to massive cheers, the crowd obviously massive fans of the idea of either Swan or Castor puckering up and kissing the other's ass!

And with this announcement made, Swan would toss aside the microphone, before raising her hands up, showing that she was ready to go, and letting Castor make the first move!

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Re: An Unexpected Change of Plans - POW Submissions Match - Black Swan vs Rachel Stanley

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Rachel already liked this girl, she was thinking like a true luchadora, who would always accept an interesting fight, even better - she would make it even more interesting. Rachel grinned when she heard her opponent's answer and her own addition. I think you and I are going to get along really well, Miss Swan! Castor would say to Swan, but only she could hear it, since the mic was thrown out, so Rachel would show her decision to the audience like they did in the good old ancient Roman times. Castor would extend a fist towards the Swan, with her thumb facing to the side as she would hold it out like that for a while, making a little bit of tension and hearing the crowd, who were shouting ''Just do it!'' or something like that.
It didn't take long for Castor to turn the ''thumbs-side'' into a ''thumbs-up'', showing that she accepts the deal.

Now it was time for the bell to ring, so Castor raised her hands and walked over to the centre of the ring to meet her opponent, opting her to accept a lockup for a test of strength. Are you ready to kiss my butt, Miss Swan? Rachel would say with an everlasting grin on her face as she would be slowly circling her opponent.
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Re: An Unexpected Change of Plans - POW Submissions Match - Black Swan vs Rachel Stanley

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A wide grin on her face as she threw down the challenge to her opponent, Swan could tell that the girl was a big fan of the idea, a wide smile coming across her face as she looked at Swan, even yelling to Swan that she was sure the two would get along well, though it was drowned out by the crowd. However, after a second, Castor would make her answer known to the fans in quite the dramatic fashion, extending her arm and making a fist right in front of her, keeping it held to the sideways as she let the anticipation build and build and build, before finally presenting a thumbs up, signaling her willingness to participate in the stipulation!

Swan herself would give a grin, already knowing that a girl like this would do anything to please the fans, but she was happy that the two had managed to get the crowd this interested before the match even started. Soon enough though, the bell would ring, and Swan and Castor would begin to circle one another, getting closer and closer until Swan finally dashed in to grab Castor for a lockup!

"Hah! Cute as that ass of your is, I don't think so. Something tells me my butt is gonna be feeling nice and loved after the end of this match!"

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Re: An Unexpected Change of Plans - POW Submissions Match - Black Swan vs Rachel Stanley

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Oh, your ass is gonna get loved alright, dear. Rachel said as the two luchadoras pushed against each other in the lockup. Castor soon felt that that Black Swan was a bit stronger than her, but something as boring as winning the test of strength wasn't in Castor's plans.

Castor would use Swan's own momentum against her, as Rachel would jump upwards, with their hands still locked and Rachel performing a somersault over the girl at the same time. Castor's feet would briefly land on Swan's back and then immediately kick off, likely sending Black Swan face first to the canvas, while Rachel would land on her hands and then flip back to her feet, earning whistles and cheers from the crowd. Rachel would then turn and blow kisses to all the people in the arena, leaving herself wide open in the process.
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Re: An Unexpected Change of Plans - POW Submissions Match - Black Swan vs Rachel Stanley

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Meeting up with Rachel in the center of the ring, her and Black Swan continued to push up against each other, shoving hard as they fought for an advantage, though Swan was slowly gaining ground. However, after a moment, Castor would suddenly switch things up, leaping up and flipping behind Swan, planting her feet on the luchadora's back before kicking off, sending her toppling to the ground!

Ack!" Swan cried out as she landed on the ground, hitting the mat as she fell to her hands and knees, giving a slight grunt as she hit, before turning her head to look back at Castor, seeing the girl grandstanding in the center of the ring! And with a slight growl, Black Swan would quickly push herself up off the mat, before taking a quick step towards Castor, throwing out her foot as she aimed to slam Rachel with a big superkick, hoping to put a stop to any grandstanding that wasn't her own!

Don't go celebrating so early, blondie!"

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Re: An Unexpected Change of Plans - POW Submissions Match - Black Swan vs Rachel Stanley

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Rachel managed to outmanoeuvre Black Swan in a grand fashion before landing with style. The crowd liked what they saw and Rachel just had to celebrate, since the audience always comes first. Her little celebration party was soon interrupted when she heard footsteps and turned around only to be welcomed by a spectacular superkick to the face that lifted her slightly off her feet, enough to make her land back first against the ropes. Ghwaah!

Castor's arms hugged themselves over the ropes for support as Rachel was dazed and barely standing for the moment. It was an impressive kick, she had to admit. Rachel would just hang there against the ropes to regain her breath, so if her opponent decided to continue the offensive, then Castor would be half-ready to welcome her foe, but it depended on what kind of an attack it would be...
Sloth's Harem

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