Moira Pandela Vs. Brandi Bunny - Big Girls, You Are Beautiful

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The Ominous Future
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Moira Pandela Vs. Brandi Bunny - Big Girls, You Are Beautiful

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Standard Match Rules
Victory Via Pinfall, DQ Or Submission.

Tonight was the night. And what a night it was.

Not only would Moira, and her foe included, be making their in-ring debut tonight, but with the statures of both, it seemed the two were fated to match.

What little weight difference at the two competitors size was nearly nullified, given the sheer size of both. A bodysplash from either to your standard wrestler, and someone might of been injured. The same move to another? Barely a warm-up.

Moira was aware of such, and such only made the shorter but heavier of the two facing tonight all the more giddy. Regardless of who won, Moira was going to have the rare opportunity to unleash her extremely simply but beyond-well practised move-set not only for the first time for the LAW crowd, but on a figure which could perhaps rarely take it for more than a few seconds.

Already waiting behind the curtain, eagerly pacing not out of nerves, but excitement, Moira's entrance music could not start quick enough.
The moment Danko Jones' 'Active Volcanoes' did begin to blare, the first of the heavyweight duo would near sprint out through the curtain; hands raised as she bayed to what she believed to be mostly a Moira-familiar crowd. Whilst the beauty was a somewhat regular in more private, lewd circuits, Moira's name was not completely alien to them. What few knew of the big beauty were already clapping in excitement; jaws dropping as despite wearing a full outfit, every curve of the figure was on show. Waving to the first few members of the crowd Moira laid eyes upon, a kiss blown from the chesty giant would surely add to her collection of fans as the figure made its way into the ring.

Curiously, the moment Moira entered, she'd head not to her corner, but to the opposite rope; handed a microphone promptly, given the amazon seemed to desire one.

"Well, thank y'all for coming down to see me, and the gal whose about to bump up with me! I'm so grateful for you all, I'mma make sure this match is something for you to remember, with plenty of bits you'll never forget!" Lowering her non-microphone holding hand down to her top after previously raising a fist in the air, a tug to Moira's top would signal what she had in mind. "!"

Wolf whistles a plenty as Moira dropped the microphone, said whistles would only increase, as the buxom heavyweight suddenly decided that for her debut match, a top shirt was not needed! Stripping down to just her bra and skirt, before Brandi had even shown up!

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Re: Moira Pandela Vs. Brandi Bunny - Big Girls, You Are Beautiful

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Linda Baker (or Brandi Bunny, as she would be known to the audience of LAW), was not in a good mood.

She had watched Moira's entrance into the arena from backstage, and the giant bunnygirl was not pleased with what she had seen. She had told her manager to make sure that her opponent would be someone manageable for her first match in LAW. Not someone that she would just run over and squash, but someone that wasn't going to give her too much trouble in the ring. One look at Moira had told her all she needed to know, though. One look had told her that she was in for a long, tiring match tonight, and already she was on the phone, screaming at her manager while Moira played off to the crowd that filled the arena seats.

"What do you mean, there wasn't any other options?! LAW is new but I've seen the roster! There's plenty of other girls here I could have fought for my debut!" She fell silent, listening to the voice on the other end of the phone before getting frustrated again, speaking up in a louder, angrier tone. "Have you not SEEN this woman!? She's just as big as I am! In fact, I think she might even be a b...shit! I gotta go. Just make sure you watch the damn match, alright?"

She hung up on her manager, and tossed her cell phone to a nearby backstage attendant, ripping a microphone out of another one's hands as she headed to the curtains separating the gorilla position from the arena proper. She had been excited for tonight, and eager to start her LAW career, but one look at Moira had her quickly changing her mind. There wasn't much she could do about it though, not this late into things, and now she had to suck it up and deal with it.

She took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a second as she let Linda slip away. She fell into her Brandi persona, opened her eyes, and smiled, stepping out to meet the LAW audience for the first time as her music exploded around her.
There was a blush on Brandi's face as she entered the arena, but no one would notice it. Between the woman's sheer size and her revealing, tight-fitting outfit, most of LAW's audience really wasn't concerned with looking at her face. Just like always, Brandi was torn. She hated her terribly dizty bunnygirl persona, she could not stand it and she especially hated the lewd outfit she was in, but she knew how much the crowds back home loved it, and she had a feeling that the people here in Japan would get a kick out of it too. For that, Brandi could deal with it, knowing it was her shot to the top. She quickly waved for the music to stop, and lifted her microphone to her lips, forcing herself to giggle into it as she looked down the ramp towards Moira.

"Heeey! Slow down for a minute!" She yelled towards Moira, mock playfully in the giant blonde's voice. "Like, you can't start taking your clothes off yet, silly! You should leave something for me to do once I get down there, alright?" She giggled again, and leaned forward, just enough to let her heavy breasts swing downwards and her thick ass to thrust up into the air. "I'll handle your clothes! I just hope you're ready to meet me!"

With those words said, she tossed the microphone to the side, and began to head down the ramp, a bunny's spring in her step as she moved to the ring and slid under the ropes, hopping back up to her feet. She looked at Moira, and blew her a quick kiss (flashing her a wink at the same time), and then moved to her corner, bouncing up and down on her heels as she waited for the match to begin.

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Re: Moira Pandela Vs. Brandi Bunny - Big Girls, You Are Beautiful

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It was unlikely to help Brandi's efforts in seeking a more manageable opponent, in the fact that not only did Moira purposefully ask for quote "A girl that could match her in every which way," but given the business of the heavyweight division in general, all other options seemingly unavailable. A nightmare opponent to the bunny was a dream come true to Moira, as she already felt her heart quicken when the busty blonde appeared. Her nerves only quickening, as the bunny felt the need to converse with her directly before even closing the distance!

"Ohhh.." A shriek of glee and surprise coming from Moira, unheard to all given her own lack of microphone, seemingly regretting tossing hers aside a moment ago. The mention of her foe stripping her however would bring a smile back to Moira's lips; giggling intently at the fact she simply couldn't strip her opponent in a slow and sensual manner. It was either nothing off, or all off at once.

The distance great but the view somewhat amplified by the large set of screens above Brandi, the heavyweight in the ring would find her smile growing as the sheer size of the beauties curves became apparent for all to see. Even if she was to lose the following match, albeit certainly keen to avoid such, she imagined the grinding and pressing of her own figure against said curves would be a feeling that would likely never leave Moira.

The only reason Moira resisted the urge to run and cuddle up the bunny immediately, was that she was simply stunned with infatuation. This was to be her first officially in LAW, and she had already come up against an opponent she could only dream of. When Brandi had found her feet in the corner, blowing a kiss to the bra clad heavyweight before her, Moira only nudged her figure back to her own on prompting from the referee, as she realised that the sooner the battle begun, the sooner she could get her hands on those curves!

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Re: Moira Pandela Vs. Brandi Bunny - Big Girls, You Are Beautiful

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Part of Brandi felt disgusted as she looked at Moira. The way the woman was gazing at her, the way she seemed so excited when Brandi mentioned stripping her almost made her sick. She had no intention of stripping down Moira, and she planned on making that clear as soon as the match began.

Stay in character, she had to remind herself. Don't blow things in your first match.

When the bell finally rang, Brandi took a deep breath and lunged out of her corner towards the center of the ring. "Here I come, cutie~!" She cried out, practically bouncing towards the center of the ring, raising her arms high. "I hope you're ready for me~!"

As she neared the center of the ring and Moira herself, the buxom, heavyweight bunny would keep going and move straight towards the bra-clad brunette. She rushed straight towards her, trying to lock up with the woman, though considering the way she was acting before, most of the audience might think she was trying to hurry up and give Moira a hug!

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Re: Moira Pandela Vs. Brandi Bunny - Big Girls, You Are Beautiful

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Moira considered herself a master of reading her opponents; unearthing secret desires of the ones she'd soon be smothering or flattening, purely with the basis of hitting the right chords. Brandi was different. Moira couldn't see through her facade, not even the slightest. To the big girl opposite the bunny clad heavyweight, all she saw was a kindred spirit. She had no idea Brandi if anything, despised her.

"Ooo, I most certainly am!" Arms mimicking her foes own, Moira held her arms high as if under the belief her foe was seeking a standard test of strength introduction to their curvaceous double debut. Watching curiously to see if a foe that for what she believed had the intention of stripping her further, Moira found herself purring as her foes hands kept low, apparently seeking a little closer contact.

"Mmm, sure!" Smile clad to her face, answering a question that wasn't even given, Moira too lowered her arms, seeking to wrap them cutely and firmly around the thick figure of her bunny foe!

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Re: Moira Pandela Vs. Brandi Bunny - Big Girls, You Are Beautiful

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Brandi wasn't expecting Moira to try hugging her. She had just wanted to lock up with the woman, and go for a simple test of strength. When Moira's arms came wrapping around her thick figure, though, Brandi knew she had to fight back in kind, and not give Moira any kind of a chance to get an advantage here against her.

Brandi reached forward with her own arms, and wrapped them around Moira's own body. "Come here, cutie~!" She giggled, wrapping her powerful around nice and tight around Moira, pulling her in close against her own body. "Come as close as you can to me~!"

Once her arms were wrapped around, Brandi would start to squeeze, hugging Moira nice and tight against herself. It wasn't the lock up that she had wanted, but squeezing was good enough in her book, and with any luck, she would be able to out-squeeze her fellow thick woman and pick up the early advantage over her!

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Re: Moira Pandela Vs. Brandi Bunny - Big Girls, You Are Beautiful

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If there was one thing Moira was proud of, at least regarding pure wrestling, it was her embrace. Sure, her smothers could render anyone of any size unable to breath, and her face-sits too were nigh impossible to escape, but it was her bearhugs which were literally impossible to break free from. With pure strength mind; there was nothing stopping Brandi from tickling, wiggling or punching her way free. But trying to outright push her way out? She'd likely lose a few litres of sweat, before any ground was even gained. Then again, for all Moira knew, her own power could have been lack-luster in comparison to the equally sized figure now locking arms with her.

Matching tit-for-tat, Moira's own hands slipped around the back of Brandi as her foes did the same, with both heavyweights beginning to press the other for life. Moira would latch hand to wrist, trying to gently wrench the spine of the bunny-clad beauty, whilst at the same time forming a small 'O' with her lips from her foes own embrace.

"What a great choice for our start..!!" Moira smirked, eyes closing for a second in a innocent smile, as she leaned in just a touch more to press figures slightly tighter. " smell..great.."

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Re: Moira Pandela Vs. Brandi Bunny - Big Girls, You Are Beautiful

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The lightest of blushes crossed Brandi's cheeks, as Moira commented on her scent. It was a little uncomfortable, but Brandi knew she couldn't break character, not yet at least. She would keep her charade up, for the time being anyway.

She tightened her arms further around Moira, pulling her clenched hands against the woman's spine. She squeezed, and hugged, her body naturally grinding itself against Moira's as she pulled the woman closer into their deadly embrace.

"Don't worry, little Moi-Moi~!" She teased, keeping up her ditzy facade, even as she clutched Moira tighter against her buxom, muscular form. "We're going to be nice and close allll night long, so you're going to smell lots and lots of me tonight!"

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Re: Moira Pandela Vs. Brandi Bunny - Big Girls, You Are Beautiful

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Moira was no psychologist, but she could read people rather well. Such came from the years she spent in her profession; often sessions based on forcing those who paid the right price to not only come out of their shell, but admit their desires to Moira so that she could fulfil. This was obviously not the same, but the same form of people-reading as it were came into play. With that in mind, she could tell something was up with Brandi. Just not what precisely.

Momentarily finding her frame fully shifting in the direction of the taller, more muscle-based figure of her equal weighing foe, Moira found herself purring. "Well that sounds great!" Eyes once more going a little askew as she tried to put her finger on simply what was up with Brandi, Moira opted to respond to the figures tighter squeeze with an adjustment of her own. Both figures had the natural figures to withstand compression upon those thick sides, but Moira opted to try and use her foes size against her.

Namely, by suddenly trying to jerk back; and pull Brandi just off her tip toes!

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Re: Moira Pandela Vs. Brandi Bunny - Big Girls, You Are Beautiful

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Brandi squealed, despite herself, as Moira suddenly hefted her up off of her feet, just off of her tip-toes. She wiggled in the brunette's hold, causing her body to rub back against Moira's own, her large and soft breasts grinding into Moira's as her tight tummy and wide hips rubbed against those of the other big woman. Her curves pressed against Moira's curves, and for the moment, it seemed like she was taken by surprise by the brunette.

Focus! Focus, dammit!, she thought to herself. Don't let this bitch get the better of you!

Trying to keep her composure, Brandi adjusted her arms, keeping them tight around Moira. Then, then tried to throw her weight back, trying to get her feet back on the mat, so that she could try and do the same thing to the shorter woman: she would try to touch down, and then lean back, wanting to try and lift Moira up off her feet instead!

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