A normal health check

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A normal health check

Unread post by xalex »

Kyle would walk through the hall ways of law. Wow his first ever real company that was hiring him for fighting. That was great, especially when they told him how much money he would make. His family really could use the money he was earning here.

A bigger company would mean stronger opponents and more matches, but that was fine by him because he would somehow be able to keep up with these people. He was only a self taught fighter unlike most people here, but still… he got spirit and determination. He was sure he would somehow make it here. And even if not there were still enough smaller companies with smaller paychecks who would hire him.

Today would something happen that he never done before in his live… a health check by one of the medical workers of law. That might be one of the advantages of being in a big company… people did care for your health as well, different from all the underground fighting clubs.

He never took part in such a health check… meaning he had no idea what was coming for him. He was only given a time and place where he should be… and this time and place were now and the office of Dr Tsunade Senju.

The boy would stand in front of the door wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of black trainings shorts, he was planning on hitting the gym afterwards.
Slowly he would lift his hand and knock on the door, before opening it and stepping in.. “hello miss Senju… I was told to come here for my health check…” he would say while walking into the room.

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Re: A normal health check

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Tsunade was dressed in a simple blue skirt , green top and a white lab coat as she wondered what would happen today.As she knew that she would have to do some health checks on the new wrestlers that had joined up with the organisation.As ever since the announcement that LAW was going to add male preformers to it ranks the company had seen an boost in popularity. As everyone from indie stars to newcomers were trying to get an contract as the blond would have just took an sip of her coffee as the door would open to her office.

The person who opened the door was the first of many as it seemed he was here earlier if it was indeed Kyle who had just walked into the room.As the blond would get up , and extend her arm as she said ''so am I to assume your Kyle , and here for the medical check up so that we can finish up the last requirements so that you can offically join the organisation?''

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Re: A normal health check

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Kyle was expecting some one hundred year old grandmother to sit inside the room welcoming him. But he needed to hold himself together that his chin wouldn´t drop so hard that it would go right through the floor when she saw what blond beauty was waiting for him inside the room. HE would look up and down her with his eyes not wanting to make it too obvious that he was scanning her right now. Wow she was a real bomb… and this thigh outfit wasn´t hiding anything from her big curvy body. Damn…

The boy would walk right up to the medical stuff worker and would reach out with his hand, taking the handshake from the woman. He would look her right into the eyes and smile. “yes your totally right. I am kyle… nice to meet you miss Senju… I hope everything today goes well so I can jump between the ropes as soon as possible to earn some money.” He would say totally honest. “so how do we do this?” he would ask urgent to start.  

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Re: A normal health check

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The moment she had approached , and gotten the male's attention he would look towards her.Well towards her body as it was clear Kyle was not looking at her face as she would get closer towards him , and shake his hand as he finally looked her in the eyes.Hearing him say she was right , and then say it was nice to meet her the blond just smiled as she thought to herself ''boys''before taking an seat acros from him.

''Well we are going to do some standard tests , and maybe some weird ones depending on the fact if you were intended on competing in the erotic matches mister Kyle.As I would need your approval before testing if you are suited for that as sometimes an male or female could not compete in these matches for some biological or psychological reason
''replied the blond as she would grab her check list to write down his name.

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Re: A normal health check

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Kyle would blush a little bit when he heard what the other woman had to say. He would look away for a moment before looking back into her eyes. “yes I am planning to take part into these erotic matches as well… may I ask how you want to check on me if I am able to compete In these matches?” He would scratch the side of his head… “how do we get started?” he would say while she was still checking her list…

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Re: A normal health check

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Seeing the male blush in responds to her questions while asking how she would check if he would be able to compete in hentai matches caused her to smirk.As she would lean closer towards him to allow Kyle to get an good look an her cleavage as she would reply back ''well that is going to be an surprise , but first I would need you to chance into your gym clothes''.

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Re: A normal health check

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Kyle would sit there scratching the back of his head for a moment before he would reply directly… “yeah I would… but I am already in my gym clothes!”He would look down on himself only wearing a tshirt and a pair of black sport shorts. He would look back at her smirking a bit, doing his very best not to look into her big cleavage, although he kinda got the feeling she wanted him to take a short look at it.

“or what did you expect to be my ring clothes… or a better question is what did you wish them to be and what are you normally wearing for your workout?”HE would tease her a little bit with this answer.

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Re: A normal health check

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''So your underwear and shorts are stretchy then or are they currently restraining you.As I at least get an visual reaction to having someone check my breasts.The same breasts your clearly struggling to look at so can at least write off your gay as that would give you an unfair advantage if you were in en hentai match against females''replied the blond as she would get back to her seat as she awaited your answer while ignoring his teasing as she was hear to get answers.Not flirt with little boys who thought they had an chance with her .

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Re: A normal health check

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Kyle would blush strongly while he would hear the respond of the other woman… he would turn his head away and think for a moment… then he would answer her… “yes my underwear is restraining me a bit… simply for the fact that in the law gym and back here women run around in skinny and very reviling clothes. And I wanted to save myself the embarrassment to walk around with a easily seeable hard dick…. I am sorry if I made the wrong chose of clothes today… “ he would scratching his head… “and yes I am not gay… and that is mean to give a man such kind of trap!”

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Re: A normal health check

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''Actually that is smart as most of the girls do the same with their bras.As they use them to hide how erected their nipples are during an match.As for the gay question it mostly so that it fair in an hentai match.You can still make someone cum if their gay while being from the other sex.However it will be more difficult to get them turned on.Now with the hentai part being cleared shall we get to the medical one''replied Tsunade as she got up and would walk to a room where an threadmill and bike with sensors were placed.

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