POW Match: Haruka Tatsumi vs Sienna Smith

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Re: POW Match: Haruka Tatsumi vs Sienna Smith

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After having narrowly missed the Enziguiri kick, the bikini-clad middleweight fell down to the mat. She promptly scrambled to get back up to her feet. Once there, Smith would find that her opponent was reeling! She hadn't felt her kick connect, but the ebony bombshell wasn't going to let this chance pass her by! Sienna would close in and lunge forward, seemingly intent on grappling!

"Nyah! Urgh!" The brunette would exclaim as her charge forward only ensued in her being tripped up by Haruka and taken down to the mat with a Drop Toe Hold! Sienna banged the mat once in frustration. She'd immediately try to push herself up to a kneeling position and once again throw herself at Haruka. Smith would try to catch her curvy opponent before she could rise up fully and engage her in a kneeling Bearhug!
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Re: POW Match: Haruka Tatsumi vs Sienna Smith

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Haruka managed to trip Sienna face first using her legs. Dropping her down in a swift Drop Toe Hold. But she knew that she should retreat immediately. So that after seeing Sienna dropped down. Haruka immediately tries to roll backward while rising. Evading Sienna from grabbing her, she would then swiftly attempt to do a downward dropkick aimed towards Sienna's knees. Trying to make Sienna drop back down to the floor with the loss of balance should she succeed..
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are... High Definition.

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Re: POW Match: Haruka Tatsumi vs Sienna Smith

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Sienna attempted to recover quickly from being dropped. Having fallen onto her face was already embarrassing enough and that embarrassment might have been immediately forgotten and overcome with a quick comeback! But when she got up and lunged at her blonde foe, Haruka was ready for her!

"Ah!" Sienna exclaimed as her lower extremities were swiftly kicked! The bikini-clad babe was sent tumbling down to the canvas yet again! This time she remained there on her stomach and groaned in pain as Tatsumi gained momentum and assumed the upper hand in the match!

"I'll....get you...."
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Re: POW Match: Haruka Tatsumi vs Sienna Smith

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Haruka landed the dropkick aimed toward's Sienna's knees. Landing immediately beside Sienna, Haruka smiled that the match goes on to her favor for now. She quickly rises up.

"Ah ah! You're not getting me that easy!" She wiggled her finger as she sat up. She approached Sienna and goes to grab one of Sienna's legs. Hooking her arm over the shin, She pulled one of Sienna's legs upwards. One of her right knee goes to dig into Sienna's back, pushing her body down to the mat. Pushing Sienna's leg back, putting Sienna into what looked to be a Half Crab hold!

"Let's go home okay?" She asked while putting pressure into the hold.
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are... High Definition.

Open for match ideas and stuffs, hit me up in Discord (cause that's mainly where I am when I'm not posting) LowDefinition#5144

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Re: POW Match: Haruka Tatsumi vs Sienna Smith

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With Sienna down, Haruka had ample opportunity to seize one of the vixen's legs. Tatsumi began putting her foe in a Single Leg Boston Crab! She strained Sienna's hips and back. The bikini-clad girl writhed beneath her foe as she tried to power out but to no avail!

"Oh....we will!" The brunette said through pained breaths as she began to try and take a different approach. After suffering the hold for several seconds, Sienna would push off the canvas and arch her back further! She'd reach overhead to grab a handful of her opponent's long ponytail and tug on it harshly to bring Haruka down to the mats with her, and undo the hold!

If she were able to counter this way, Sienna's sweaty frame would press against Haruka's as she tried to pounce on her foe with a quick Body Splash! If the move hit, Sienna would promptly push off the ground before going for another, higher impact Splash!

"And I'm gonna rock your world both in this ring and back home!" Smith would boast between splashes!
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Re: POW Match: Haruka Tatsumi vs Sienna Smith

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Haruka kept her half crab hold tight. Aiming to give pain and make Sienna tap from the submission hold. Haruka raised Sienna's legs further and pulls on to bend Sienna in half. But then, Sienna goes for a rather unconventional method of breaking away.

"OOWWWWWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!" Haruka yelped in pain, quickly losing strength of her hold as she had her hair pulled. "Hey!" She complained but to no avail, she would completely lose her grip and falls to the mat.

"Ow..." Haruka grips onto the back of her head. "That should be ille---OOOFFF!" Before she could finish, Sienna splashed down onto Haruka's body, forcing air out of her body. Laying down on the mat, she couldn't move even further other than to receive another Splash from Sienna.

"Ooff..." Her hands reached to her stomach and she rolled to the side, curling in response to the pain she just received.
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are... High Definition.

Open for match ideas and stuffs, hit me up in Discord (cause that's mainly where I am when I'm not posting) LowDefinition#5144

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Re: POW Match: Haruka Tatsumi vs Sienna Smith

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Sienna had turned the tides and floored her blonde foe with a pair of forceful body splashes! Her toned, dark core came down on Haruka's with considerable force! The second one hit harder than the first! Smith would still be feeling the effects of that Boston Crab, but for the time being, she powered through it to try and seize momentum back. The hair pull wasn't pretty or warranted, but if she wanted to capitalize and turn things around, Sienna would need to continue the offense without expending her energy.

"Come here, babe!" Smith would quip before reaching for Haruka with both hands. She'd try to roll her opponent towards herself and get Haruka onto her back. If that worked, Sienna would begin crawling over Harkua in an effort to hover her body just above Tatsumi's and ensnare her limbs one by one to Grapevine her!

"Go to sleep! When you wake up, you'll be at my place!" The toned, bikini-clad middleweight would say as she lowered her upper body down onto Haruka's. If all went according to plan, Sienna's sweaty cleavage would meet the blue-clad fighter's face and she'd begin to try and smother her way to victory whilst pinning Tatsumi down!
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