Hentai Endurance Match: Prism Girl vs Rebecca Watatsumi

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Hentai Endurance Match: Prism Girl vs Rebecca Watatsumi

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Attire: Panties only
Anzu's Attire

Anzu was nervous about her next match. Sure she had confidence in herself but according to her win/loss record hear that wasn't doing her any favors. Anzu had to win this match, she had to win to prove to herself and everybody that she's not a jobber. Anzu would put on her panties and would put on a hair piece to still sell her Prism Girl gimmick and she'd wait backstage for the announcer to introduce her.

Announcer: "The following contest is a Hentai Endurance match!!! The only way to win is by knocking your opponent out through forced cumming.
Any other way does not count. Introducing first Anzu the PRISM GIRL!!!!!!

Anzu entered to a loud LAW crowd and would smile as she made her way down to the ring. Anzu would skip and smile and wave at some of the crowd members before she'd slide underneath the bottom rope. Anzu would then smile and blow kisses to the crowd before going in her corner and waiting for her opponent to make her entrance.

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Re: Hentai Endurance Match: Prism Girl vs Rebecca Watatsumi

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Rebecca would gulp a little as she was wearing pink panties that she usually wear with her see though nightly, however she was nervous since her next match would be an other hentai match but instead of a 2 out of 3 kind of thing, she had to fight till either her or her opponent passed out form the shear pleasure. She was nervous but she found that the hentai aspect wasn't that bad she did had a good time in a debut with Suzume so she hoped her next foe was just as nice and cute.

her music started to play and Rebecca would exited to the stage into the arena as she waved at the crowd. Smiling at them she giggled and winked as she made her way to the ring. Going up the steps and entering between the bottom and middle rope Rebecca looked at her opponent. they had a size difference but that's going to be common for her seeing she was a wee 4'8".

"hello there I'm Rebecca its nice to meet you. " Rebecca said as she wondered why her cuteness meter didn't being or gauge the girl's cuteness. Shrugging lightly at that, she didn't mind sometime the meter got her in trouble with other girls. "lets have a good match " She said and stretched.

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Re: Hentai Endurance Match: Prism Girl vs Rebecca Watatsumi

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Anzu thought her opponent was just the cutest. Anzu wasn't going to let the size of her opponent throw off what she wanted to do. Tonight she had to win. Anzu would smile and greet Rebecca introducing herself. "Hi Rebecca, I'm Anzu. I agree let's have a great match." Anzu would stretch in her corner and would imagine just sucking on Rebecca's nipples as she straddled her. Anzu was so ready for this sexy match to get underway. Once the bell rung Anzu would get into a ready stance and would signal for a collar and elbow tie up in the center of the ring to get things started.

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Re: Hentai Endurance Match: Prism Girl vs Rebecca Watatsumi

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Rebecca smiled as she finally got a bing from her meter "oh 8 out of 10.." Rebecca said to her self as she smiled and stretched. there were some lewd thoughts going through the cute girls head as she thought about tribbing the girl till she passed out or eating the girl out. Blushing at those thoughts Rebecca shook her head softly. Bell ringing Rebecca would head over Anzu who signaled a collar and elbow lock up, gulping a little Rebecca would lock up with the girl. They would start the pushing war but Rebecca had trouble Pushing the girl back. 'dam it..." the cute brunette thought to her self, she was already at a disadvantage.

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Re: Hentai Endurance Match: Prism Girl vs Rebecca Watatsumi

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Anzu and Rebecca would push against each other in the collar and elbow tie up. Anzu would feel her height give her an advantage as she attempted to force Rebecca into the nearest corner turnbuckle. If it worked Anzu would lower her head down to Rebecca's breasts to begin licking and sucking on Rebecca's nipples in the early going. Anzu wanted to start stimulating Rebecca quickly if she wanted to try to get the win tonight. As Anzu positioned herself for her offensive the LAW crowd would cheer as the action got under way and would be this sexy out of the gate.

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Re: Hentai Endurance Match: Prism Girl vs Rebecca Watatsumi

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Rebecca would try Push against Anzu as the girl was unable to push the bigger girl back, she expected as much but she really hoped that she would be able to at least make it hard for Anzu to push her into the corner. Once in the corner Rebecca would Moan out when Anzu suck and licked her nipple, biting her lip Rebecca would try to not moan any more for Anzu. The crowd loved the show of it as Rebecca struggled and squirmed in Anzu's grasp, moving her hand down Rebecca would try to grab onto the girls Breast squeezing and groping them.

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Re: Hentai Endurance Match: Prism Girl vs Rebecca Watatsumi

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The LAW crowd would cheer loudly as the match started hot out of the gate. Anzu would be licking and sucking on Rebecca's nipples switching from right to left and left to right periodically. Meanwhile, Rebecca would grope Anzu's breasts and Anzu wold enjoy it while she continued to taste her opponent's nipples. Anzu would raise her hands up to start rubbing Rebecca's crotch over her panties to try and get the short girl excited. Anzu was having fun thus far, and Rebecca's nipples tasted just as she hoped as she moaned while working over the short girl in the corner.

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Re: Hentai Endurance Match: Prism Girl vs Rebecca Watatsumi

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Rebecca tried not to moan out when Anzu continue to lick and suck her nipples. the crowd was really enjoying the sight. Rebecca tried to fight back but she was fighting a losing battle when Anzu started rubbing the short girls crotch. "Ah!" she cried out and would moan softly growing weak. Rebecca would wrap her legs around anzu squeezing her as much as she could before Pushing against the ropes and shove her breast into Anzu's face hoping to send her down into the mat. If she was able to get them on the ground rebecca had to move her body around and place them in a 69 position, moving anzus panties to the side Rebecca would start to eat out Anzu hoping she could get an early lead.

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Re: Hentai Endurance Match: Prism Girl vs Rebecca Watatsumi

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Anzu would soon be surprised as Rebecca would lock in a Waist Scissors before pouncing on her. Anzu would hit the LAW mat and she'd feel the pain from Rebecca's move, but she didn't want to be left vulnerable this early. Anzu's hands would hug Rebecca to stop her from getting off. Then Anzu would try to Kiss Rebecca passionately as they both would begin to fight for sexual dominance rolling on the mat kissing each other to the delight of the cheering LAW crowd in attendance and the fans watching at home.

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Re: Hentai Endurance Match: Prism Girl vs Rebecca Watatsumi

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Rebecca smiled as she got Anzu in the ground but before she could get up and put them in a 69 she felt the prism girl grab her and pulled her into a kiss. "mmmmph!!" Rebecca moaned out into the kiss as she would kiss back, a blush appearing on her face. Rebecca was playing defense which she didn't like, Rebecca would push her tongue out and lick at Anzus lips wanting to have a tongue battle with there kiss. Rebecca wouldn't stop there as she would press her breast down onto Anzus and try to flatten the girls pair with her own. "mmm mmm..." Rebecca moaned out as she kept kissing Anzu growing a little wet.

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