An Open Challenge Gone Awry!

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An Open Challenge Gone Awry!

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Resting on their laurels. For far too long, Lillian had watched them do it. A bunch of dumb bimbos gathered into one promotion to pretend like they could actually wrestle, while most of them simply looked to just show off or fuck each other in the ring to earn a paycheck.


Lillian was tired of it, and more importantly, she was done putting up with it. Since she had stepped in this promotion, she had crushed every single wrestler that they put against her, beating all of them and cementing herself as quite the contender. Still, it would seem that she had been pushed away from the spotlight by those who deserved it far less than her.

But not today. Today, she was looking to prove to every single person in the crowd, the locker room, and the back that she could compete and win in every single thing she wanted.

So making her way down to the ring, her face was stone cold, a sneer carved into it as she quickly climbed up onto the apron, before slipping inside, turning once to take in the crowd, who were booing her loudly, knowing the heel she was.
"Attention losers. Shut the fuck up and listen, because this is important." She said in a stone cold voice, raising a chorus of boos that she began to speak over. "For faaaaaaaaaaar too long, I've been doing every single thing that the LAW officials have asked of me. Beating every dumb slut that they put in front of me, leaving an entire trail of bodies behind. And what do I fucking get for it? Jack shit!" Lillian cried out, her anger coming through suddenly!

"I'm undefeated! Un-fucking-defeated! And guess how many title shots I've had?! FUCKING ZERO!" She screamed out, getting even more livid, before taking a deep breath, calming herself a bit. "So, instead of breaking down the head of the company's door and beating his ass like I should, I figured I'd prove how good I am. I am willing to take on a challenger in ANY match type! Submissions, I quit, first blood, deathmatch, inferno deathmatch, barbed wired deathmatch, inferno barbed wire deathmatch!" Lillian cried out, each match type ramping up in terms of intensity!

"I'll take anyone on in ANYTHING, no matter how hardcore! So if any bitch back there thinks she has any chance against me, then get the fuck out here, and prepare for the beating of a lifetime!"
Last edited by ADarlingDucky on Sun Jul 15, 2018 4:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: An Open Challenge Gone Awry!

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The crowd was waiting in abated breath to see which woman from the locker room was going to step up to face the undefeated Lillian in an open match open challenge. Soon, a theme linked to Rei Tachibana hit the speakers as the veteran who stepped away from the business for a hiatus returned as she let out a smile, waving to the fans as she made her way down to the ring.
She was quite interested in the feisty words of Lillian, restless to show every one what she was made of. It reminded Rei of the first time she had gotten into wrestling, graduating from amateur wrestling to professional wrestling right out of high school. The young Rei felt a connection with the brash girl looking to make a name for herself. Although she did take the offense of being called a slut a little personal.

But a name was not what Rei was keeping her eye on as she grabbed the microphone from a ring side attendant as she stepped into a ring. "Calm down little girl. You can bark all you want to management about how you deserve this or that. But by the end of the day, you will get what you deserve no matter what happens." she spoke out into the microphone as she scanned Lillian from top to bottom as a small smile curled on her lips. "But, you're not talking about the future, these people don't want to wait for the future, and I'm certainly not accepting a challenge from the future, I'm talking about your open challenge."

"Anything you say? Submissions? First Blood? And even deathmatches? You're clearly determine to show these people what you're made of. So I'll accept your challenge." Rei spoke, setting herself up as Lillian's open challenge opponent as the fans cheered! But Rei only answered one question, the matter of what kind of match was still unanswered!

"You offered so many choices, that it would be hard to pick from. But I know what match this shall be. A match that so taxing and mentally enduring, that I'm sure that it'll fit right up the alleyway you're looking for...Let's do this. Let's fight! Let's fight in a Submission...Oil wrestling match."

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Re: An Open Challenge Gone Awry!

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Finishing her promo, Lillian would simply turn and wait for another wrestler to appear at the top of the ramp and accept her challenge, finally spicing things up for the brunette. And while Lillian wasn't a patient woman, she would be alright waiting for the few seconds it took for a theme song to begin blasting over the speakers, signaling the arrival of a challenger!

Watching as she stepped out onto the apron, this mysterious woman began to speak directly to Lillian, admonishing the brunette as she made her way down to the ring! Who the fuck did she think she was!

Waiting until the girl formally accepted, Lillian would interject, an angry scowl on her face as she attempted to give off as much of an intimidating presence as she could, not hard for a girl like Lillian.

"Cute, but I didn't come down here for a life lesson. Just shut the fuck up and pick the match type that you want already!" Lillian said with a snarl, staring angrily at Rei. She didn't know what this woman was about, but coming down here to mock her like that... was going to earn her a one way trip to the infirmary!

However, it was as she began to speak again that Lillian quieted down to listen, as this next part was important. Rei was going to choose the match that they'd be taking part in, and Lillian was curious to hear what kind of match she would want to participate in, wondering how hardcore this girl wanted to get.

And then... she said it.


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Re: An Open Challenge Gone Awry!

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Rei smiled as she saw that shell shocked look on Lillian's face, the girl was asking to show off her brutal and violent nature by requesting an equally brutal and vicious match. Sadly for her, Rei was not interested in mangling and maiming. Her opponent, despite her brutish nature was quite the beautiful girl, definitely someone that Rei couldn't pass up the chance to roll around with. So she chose an oil match, it was quick to set up and limited a lot of attack options for Lillian that Rei could protect herself from should she try for them.

"That's right. A Submissions Oil Wrestilng match! Come on now little girl, surely you're not afraid of an oil match? You were naming off much more dangerous matches AND you said that you were willing to, if I'm not mistaken; 'take anyone on in anything'." Rei smiled out, leaning forward towards Lillian. "Now, you don't look like the kind of girl to run away from a challenge and especially in something so soft..." she let out before getting closer to Lillian with a smile on her face.

"....Or maybe you are?"

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Re: An Open Challenge Gone Awry!

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Lillian was... dumbfounded. She had been readying herself for an intense showdown, ready to destroy one another and spill blood, and this girl was coming out here to challenge her to an oil match! What the fuck!?

"I... you... what?!" Lillian simply repeated, baffled at this sudden declaration! She had half a mind to punch that girl, right in her smug fucking face! But she was soon stopped, as the blue haired girl quickly began to speak once more, now quoting Lillian as she began to get closer and closer, using the girl's words against her!

And in a second, it clicked for the brunette. This girl was fully intending to corner into an oil submissions match, and she was going to use Lillian's statement of being able to take on anyone in any match, to practically force the girl into this stupid bout! Fucking... this was unbelievable!

"I'm not afraid of shit! And I wouldn't run away from some bimbo like you! But what I should do is knock all your fucking teeth out right now for even coming out here to challenge me to a stupid fucking match like that!"

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Re: An Open Challenge Gone Awry!

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Rei laughed at Lillian's anger, she'd figured as much with the way she had held herself with this bad girl image. The fiery temper only enhanced Rei's wanting to do this oil match as Lillian threatened her. Being punched in the face wasn't something new for Rei and it certainly wasn't going to scare her off.

"Oh? So you're saying not only are you going to refuse your own open challenge, but you rather get an unfair advantage by attacking me before the match? I'm sure everyone will take you seriously as a cheat shot artist." she let out with another smirk on her face as she spoke into the microphone, "If you wanted to brawl like a thug, you should've called someone out in the parking lot or even an alleyway if you wanted to just jump someone and beat them up." she continued before gesturing to the canvas and the ring and the arena.

"But you're here in this ring in front of all of these people, meaning that any match type was on the table. I'm just showing you, that you didn't pay attention to everything that was on it."

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Re: An Open Challenge Gone Awry!

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Throwing out the threat with the intent of shutting Rei up, Lillian would find her plan backfiring as the blue haired girl would instantly turn it around her, not only once again accusing Lillian of not thinking and being too afraid of an oil match to accept the challenge, but call her a coward for threatening a punch! This simple accusation nearly set Lillian down that path anyway, though she would take a deep breath before she could, realizing that this would prove Rei right, something she did not want to do.

"Listen... I... You... AAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!" Lillian suddenly screamed after a few attempts to speak where she had jumbled her words, getting furious now as she finally lost her cool, seeing red as she marched right up to Rei and got in her face, screaming into the mic so her and the LAW crowd would be wincing.

"YOU FUCKING WANT IT!? YOU GOT IT! AAAAGH!" Lillian yelled, throwing the mic at the ground angrily before storming past Rei, smacking her shoulder into the other girl's shoulder, her meltdown completed as she walked off, going to get ready for her oil submissions match!

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Re: An Open Challenge Gone Awry!

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Rei couldn't help but laugh at the fury that Lillian was in before she winched in pain when her already booming voice screamed on to the microphone. But Rei had gotten what she wanted, Lillian had agreed to an oil wrestling match. Satisfied with herself, she motioned to the back as a few ring attendants came with buckets of oil towards the ring. Rei smiling as she turned back towards the fuming Lillian. "Aw, don't be mad, just have fun with it. Otherwise, you'll get wrinkles all over the pretty face."

The attendants would begin to drench the ring with oil as Rei walked off to her corner as she got undressed for battle, unbuttoning her jacket and slipping it off as the black tank top underneath would soon come off, revealing her white bra as the fans would cheer at the sight of her underwear. A smile curling onto her lips as she took off her heels, kicking them to the outside as she would slide her pants off and reveal her panties!

She was excited for this, been a while she had tussled in oil and with a fiery girl like Lillian? She was sure that it was going to be a barrel of fun.

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Re: An Open Challenge Gone Awry!

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