
While she was walking down the ramp a few stuff workers would slide into the ring and would put up a table there as fast as they could. They would then also lay a bit blanket over the table, which was completely red to make it look better. Another stuff worker would than place one piece of paper onto the table
When Miss Nata would reached the ring she would slowly walk up the steel stairs to the ring. The stuff worker would hurry up and run to the side where she was to push the middle rope downwards with their feet and pulling the top rope upwards at the same time, making it way easier for Miss Nata to enter the ring. When she was inside the ring the stuff workers didn´t waste any time to get out themselves and get out of sign.
The manager would wait a few more moments before the music would stop to play. She would then cross her arms in front of her chest. The crowed was quite loudly cheering for her. But she would wait a little bit more before she would slowly lift the microphone up to her mouth.
“Good evening everyone, thank you for coming here tonight.” Would she start of in a polite way. “I assume that everyone of you is aware of the next big event from law… LAW OF THE JUNGLE!” would she scream into the microphone throwing her hand into the air, before making a short break waiting until the loud cheering of the crowed was gone again and she could talk without any loud backlash. She would put the mic back to her mouth and go on.
“And tonight it is my pleasure to bring you another official announce for a match taking place on that event. But not any match… it will be a very special match, between two very special talents of law.” She would say, walking up and down inside the ropes. “First of to announce what kind of match it will be, no boring standard match, no lame tag team match… no with this I pronounce the official knock out match. This match is a no DQ match, no count outs, no pin and no submissions. The only way to win this match is by knocking your opponent out for 10 straight seconds. Our referee at ringside will be medical schooled to knock when someone is knocked out and when someone isn´t! This won´t be a match, this won´t be a battle, THIS WILL BE A WAR!” she would scream out loudly, getting another positive response from the crowed.
This time it would take much longer before everyone went quite again. But finally when everyone was she would go on.
“but I can read the questions right off your faces… miss Nata-san, who is going to be fighting in this match…” She would then walk over to the next ring side pointing over to the top rope to some random girl in the front line.
“Don´t worry, little suki… (she had no idea what this woman’s name really was…), I am also hear to call out these two women, who are backstage tonight for the official contract signing.” She would spin around and look up the ramp.
“I don´t want to waste any more time and want to cut straight to the action! SO please welcome the first competitor of this match. You all know her you all love her. She is a third generation wrestler, her mother and her father and her grandfather, all stepped between the ropes. And now it is her time to fill up these shoes. She fought all over the entire world, winning prizes everywhere she goes. Although her rather young age she already won at least one heavyweight championship in a big fighting, wrestling or martial arts company on 6 continents. She fought with some of the biggest fighters of our time, she has beaten our very own middleweight champion Tina already. No one in law was able to defeat her until this very day, going with a winning streak of 6 wins and 0 loses. Please give a warm welcome to the destroyer of worlds: Samuela Healtway!” She would scream out loudly and the crowed would go totally wild.
Shape of you (rock) would hit and was played throughout all the speakers of the arena, very loudly, while the lights would go darker. Some smoke would rise from under the stage into the air and blue headlights would shine down to the entrance area. It would take a few more moments, before a figure would step out of the backstage area wearing a dark blue hoddy over her head. She would walk over the stage forward right to the ramp.

Samus would look around the arena for a moment before slowly lifting her fist up into the air, getting loud and very positive reaction from the crowed. She would stay like this for a moment longer before she would throw the hoddy of her head and started to walk down the ramp. She would walk down the side and give some of the fans high fives and even a few hugs.
When she reached the ring she would stand right next to it looking up. With a smile on her lips she would bend her knees a bit before jumping up and grabbing the top rope before she would land right on the ring apron. She would look around for a moment before jumping up again and getting into the ring over the top rope. The blond woman would land on her feet walking around for a moment, before climbing up the next corner and lifting one of her fists up into the air once again, the crowed would cheer loudly for her. Samus would jump of the ropes when her music stopped playing. She wanted to say a few words but Miss Nata wouldn´t hand her the microphone, because the thought that samus already wasted enough time with her entrance. So the blond woman would back away over to the other side of the ring leaning backwards against the ropes… awaiting to find out who her opponent would be for this upcoming event.
Miss Nata would wait a few second until the crowed got quitter again. Then she would slowly pull in the microphone again. “and now for her opponent. She might not be so long with us as Samus… but trust me guys she knows how to act in a ring. She is strong, she is fast, she is talented. The daughter of two big boxing champions and legends. Training her whole life, as hard as she could. Already with a young age she was allowed to enter a very special and very elite school for girls, where she was not only taught in math and so, no she was also trained in boxing as well. She took part in many tournament´s already, winning many of them. The biggest might be the Wild's League tournament which she entered with 299 other fighters. but only she was the one standing tall in the end. When it comes to fighting, there is almost no one who can keep up with this force of nature! She knocks her opponents out whenever she steps between the ropes. Come at her as much as you want, bring your friends along… I doesn´t matter to this woman, she just knocks them out! Let´s give a warm welcome to the second fighter… standing tall at 5´8 feet and weighing about 130 pounds… let me hear a loud clapping for no other than The Boxing Prodigy, Moonyoung Lee!”
The crowed would go totally nuts when they hear this name…