A knightly affair

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A knightly affair

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Ever since her first encounter with Yoko Sophie couldn't forget the girl. It wasn't easy to admit it to herself but it was true. She fell in love with the girl. Yoko's beautiful eyes, her hair, her smile was all that's on her mind. And after some time she had to do something. She was completely inexperienced in relationships like this, so making up her plan took many hours of thinking, laying around her plan and sitting at her desk when her inspiration finally clicked. She grabbed a pen and started writing. After many days and many sheets of paper landing in her trash can, she came up with her masterpiece. She held out the paper in front of her reading out loud.
The letter
Dear Yoko

You are a wonder for my eyes to gaze upon
In my heart your beauty always lives on
No matter what our distance could be
My love can never quite let me be

I’ve barely seen you but I can never forget.
Your eyes, your hair your lips keep me in your debt
O my dear, please accept my love
And tonight, o, glance on me from above

I’ll be there under your window,
Singing like there’s no tomorrow
And in my heart, deep down I hope
That you, my love, don’t decide to elope

A true admirer
It took a few more days of preparations before she was ready to execute her plan. All the while she could be seen walking around town with a driven expression and a fast stride. Nothing was done quickly enough for her liking. Finally, however, the day came, and Sophie's speed and confidence were gone in an instant as she walked through the empty LAW hallways early in the morning with the paper in her hands. She made sure to be up too early to be spotted, not that her nerves let her sleep too much anyway. As she approached Yoko's door her steps slowed almost to a standstill as she made the final few meters.

Eventually, she took a deep breath in front of the door and leaned down, sliding the piece of paper under it before quickly moving back to her room, sitting down with her head held in her hand. Did I do it the right way? Was it the correct paper? Is everything going to work out? What if she can't be there? I didn't even write a name. What if she has something scheduled? What if she just doesn't care? What if she does and.. she won't like me? SHe never really liked me? The thoughts paralyzed Sophie for a long time, and she would only get moving as she had to execute her plan, only eating a few bites of a piece of bread she scooped up from the LAW cafeteria the entire day.

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Re: A knightly affair

Unread post by ragaz »

It was another morning, 9 AM and Yoko is still sleeping, 10 AM and Yoko is still sleeping... It's 11 AM and her brother wakes the redhead up, having some sandwitches made for her. ''You got back real late, last night. Where have you been? I thought something must've happened to you...'' her brother was curious about what took her so long to get home. LAW stuff... I had a match with one girl. Yoko answered. ''Did you win?''
''Looks like it took a lot out of you. Normally you would wake up at 10 AM at least. Now it's 11 AM and i'm the one who's waking you up'' Simon said, handing over the sandwitches to his sister.
Yeah, the fights aren't meant to be easy. Thanks Yoko took the food and started munching on it.
''Oh and by the way...'' Hands over a letter to Yoko. ''There was this letter slipped under the door, you're the recipient.''
People still send letters these days? Haven't they ever heard of phones or the internet? Okay, let's see what do we have here... Yoko opened the letter and couldn't quite understand the message at first as there was just some random jibberish. Then Yoko realized that this must've been some sort of rhyme or a poem. ''What does it say?'' Simon was curious

Considering they wrote a poem, then it must be some sort of a fan of mine. I did drive into the arena with my bike, after all. Yoko was referring to her match against Kyoko. Yoko simply dropped the letter on the table and carried on with her everyday routine, which simply was - eat breakfast, hit the gym, get back home for dinner and then go to sleep, all of which she did as planned.

Yoko started dreaming some sappy dreams but then those dreams got interrupted by voices from the outside. Yoko was tired after the whole day spent in the gym and was pissed to be woken up at such circumstances. All she heard was someone saying some random, nonsensical jibberish, so Yoko responded appropriately - She grabbed her gun and walked over to the balcony to give the unwanted troublemaker a scare with a response of similar jibberish. And thus i shall smite all thy heathens who would dare awaken me from my slumber! Yoko shouted back at the noisemaker, while holding her rifle in her hands, but not pointing at anybody. Yoko was sleepy and didn't recognise the familiar voice or the familiar frame right away.
Yoko would then blink a few times until she actually realized who the noisemaker was... Oh... Hi there, Sophie... What's with the spectacle?
Last edited by ragaz on Fri Jul 13, 2018 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A knightly affair

Unread post by Satoshi »

After spending the whole day nervous, Sophie was finally done with everything. She took deep breaths as she slowly approached the street under Yoko's window. And she wasn't just herself either. She strode forward on horseback, rented from a nearby stable, her mount moved forward calmly with the girl on top. Since it was already getting late Sophie met few people on the way, but even so, she earned several odd glances. As Sophie was wearing her wrestling outfit, except instead of her usual skirt she put on a pair of riding jeans to protect her thighs.

FInally, Sophie reached under Yoko's window. She took one final deep breath as she looked up the girl's window. The window was dark, Sophie's heart sank a little, but she went too far to not even try. Maybe Yoko was just testing her. She cleaned her throat and at first quietly, due to her nerves, but started singing. As she went on, thanks to the many hours she spent practicing, she slowly warmed up more and more and her voice got lounder enough to wake Yoko from her slumber.
Sophie's song; Guillaume de Machaut: Foy porter (To keep faith)
To keep faith,
To guard your honour,
To seek peace,
To obey,
To fear, to serve
And to honour –
[All these] I wish to do for you until death,
Peerless lady.

For I love you so much – it’s no lie! –
That one could dry up
The high seas
And hold back its waves, before
I could hold back
From loving you,
I do not lie,
For my thoughts,
My memory,
My pleasure
And my desire
Are endlessly
In you, whom I cannot abandon
Nor drive from my mind.

To keep faith,
To guard your honour,
To seek peace,
To obey,
To fear, to serve
And to honour –
[All these] I wish to do for you until death,
Peerless lady.

There is no joy or enjoying
Nor any other good thing one could feel
Or imagine
Which does not seem to fade
When your sweetness chooses
To sweeten my bitterness.
Therefore to praise
And adore
And fear you,
To suffer everything,
To enjoy everything with you,
To endure everything,
[all these] I wish more than I desire
To win reward.

To keep faith,
To guard your honour...

You are the true sapphire
Which can cure all my ills
And end them;
An emerald to enjoy,
A ruby to brighten my heart
And comfort it .
Your words,
Your look,
Your bearing
Make us flee
And hate
And defy
All vice, and all good things hold dear
And desire.

To keep faith,
To guard your honour,
To seek peace,
To obey,
To fear, to serve
And to honour –
[All these] I wish to do for you until death,
Peerless lady.
And soon Sophie's beloved burst forward from the window, but not anything like Sophie wished for. The girl yelled down at Sophie, threating to smite her and waving her large rifle around. Sophie yelped quickly, the redhead with the gun being a somewhat threatening sight and in her shock, she fell right down from her horse, landing on the ground beside it with a grunt. At which point Sophie's mount decided it had enough to crazy night and turned around, running off into the night, leaving the stunned girl there to be recognised by Yoko.

Sophie was in shock for a bit, dishertened by Yoko's inital reaction then confused as the girl's tone changed upon noticing her. "Did.." She didn't have the power to make her voice loud enough to have any chance of reaching Yoko so she swallowed and tried again, this time managing to put a bit of power in her sentence. "Did you not get my letter?" She asked, before pushing herself up to be sitting on the ground, looking up at Yoko, still with a slightly scared expression.
Last edited by Satoshi on Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A knightly affair

Unread post by ragaz »

Hahaha! I'm sorry, did i scare you? Your horse ran away! Wait, you came here on a horse?. Yoko laughed as she saw how silly was Sophie's reaction and then she heard Sophie say something, but Red couldn't quite hear her. What was that? I can't hear you! Then Sophie said it louder. She mentioned some kind of letter... ...What letter?.. Yoko was confused for a moment, but then she remembered that some letter of a hardcore fan was delivered to her, was that Sophie's doing?

Wait a second... That letter? Today's morning? That was you?! Despite Yoko having a hard time to believe all this, everything seemed to be starting to make more sense, everything started coming together. Oh... Well, i'm sorry i didn't recognise it was you, but to my defence... It was an anonymous letter from ''A true admirer'', so i thought it was some random fan of mine and i dismissed it. It was a poem or a song, so i did not seek meaning in it. Now that i think about it, it did say ''I'll be there under your window....'' Well, this is awkward... Yoko have finally woken up, realizing what was happening. There would be a bit of a pause.

So uhm, what's the meaning of all this? What are you doing here so late? I was sleeping, so i can't say i'm all too happy about this. Yoko would then sigh, waiting for an answer. Anyway, wanna come over, or did you have other plans?
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Re: A knightly affair

Unread post by Satoshi »

Sophie stayed sitting down, nodding to Yoko with a weak answer. "Yeah.." Then as Yoko talked she buried her face in her hands and shook her head, muttering to herself. "Damn I knew it was stupid, I shouldn't have. I should have thought of something else... there are so many other things I could have done, why did I have to go with this stupid shit. Urgh..."

Yoko's pause gave Sophie a chance too to compose herself a little. She got her hands away from her eyes and slowly pushed up to her feet, a tear glimmering in her eye. "Well, I guess I'll be go..." She started talking but only to be interrupted by Yoko who probably wouldn't catch Sophie's quiet talking. Yoko's harsher words weren't helping Sophie's mood but she did her best to stand up straight and answer in a voice that could really reach the redhead. "I..." However, her voice gave in already as Sophie hesitated to finish the sentence. After a pause, she gathered her courage, and with her eyes fixed on the ground beneath her she yelled out the rest "... love you." She didn't dare look up as her face went beet red, and hanged low, awaiting Yoko's reaction.

She caught Yoko's next question but stayed silent, waiting for Yoko to process her confession. To get angry, to yell at her, to shoo her away, and tell her never to meet her again.

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Re: A knightly affair

Unread post by ragaz »

Yoko looked at the big blond down below and heard some rambling. I didn't quite hear you... Can you say that a little louder? Yoko asked Sophie to say whatever she was saying lounder, and louder she did say it, indeed... Yoko's mouth fell open and her eyes widened, being unable to believe of what she just heard. Sophie said that she loved Red and her tone was very serious about it. But how could this be? They've just met not too long ago and met only once, on the beach. How can someone fall in love like that?

Many kinds of thoughts were running wild in Yoko's mind as she just stood there frozen, looking at Sophie. I... Uhmm... What?! How? When? Who?Me? Why? Yoko wasn't able to make a proper response, just some erratic questions, which have woken up her brother. ''Hey, what is going on over there?!'' Yoko's brother shouted from the other room. Just keep sleeping. I have some business to take care of! Yoko would yell back at her brother and then turn back towards Sophie. Wait for me right here, i'll come down in a moment and we'll talk about this. Yoko didn't know what to say and didn't even know what to think. She didn't know how she felt for Sophie, Yoko probably didn't feel like she was in love with Sophie, so what should she tell the girl? Yoko certainly didn't want to hurt the girl. This was a difficult situation.

Yoko put on her jacket and her rifle before going to see Sophie face to face and figure this thing out. So, Sophie, about that thing you've said... Yoko stopped right in front of Sophie, looking her in the eyes as things get serious. This has confused me greatly and i want to know whether you're absolutely sure about this and not mistaking it for a short-lived affection or something of the like? You know... We've only met once, so it is strange to me. Yoko would start off the conversation by asking her ''lover'' whether she's really sure about her feelings.
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Re: A knightly affair

Unread post by Satoshi »

After her confession, Sophie was looking down, red-faced. She listened to Yoko's reactions and was trying to muster some sort of reply before the girl yelled at her brother and then went on the way down. As Yoko was out of sight Sophie looked up with a heavy sigh, trying to compose herself, to be ready to look into Yoko's eyes as the girl would arrive. Eventually, she saw Yoko approaching, dressed up in her jacket and the rifle on her back. Even now the girl looked beautiful. It took Sophie some effort to raise her head and look into the girl's eyes, afraid of what she might see there.

Once she finally started talking Yoko seemed confused above all, but clearly friendly and not just trying to shoo Sophie away. It wasn't Sophie's wildest dream scenario but it was better than what she expected at the bottom of her worried mind. Sophie hesitated with her answer, collecting her scattered thoughts and her willpower to keep talking. "I... I.. think so but... I have never felt this way before." She admitted with slow and shaky words. "Every moment I feel like I want to be with you... want to be close to you. And I can never quite shake the feeling." She explained quietly. "I don't know what else to call this feeling... You're just so nice, friendly, and... beautiful." After finishing her explanations in a trembling voice Sophie looked at Yoko, eyes filled with worry.

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Re: A knightly affair

Unread post by ragaz »

Yoko walked over to the big girl and listened to her explanation. Yoko listened carefully and tried to put herself in Sophie's shoe's to try and imagine how the paladin felt. The redhead also noticed Sophie's body language - she was shaking and uncertain of herself, her eyes looked like those of a puppy who tore a pillow apart and had to face his owner. Yoko then knew what she had to do - she stepped in an inch away from Sophie and wrapped her arms around the blond's back, giving her a warm hug to ease up the tension that was inside of her, to calm the girl down. Of course, their height difference made the hug slightly difficult, as Yoko found it a little hard to put her chin on the girl's shoulder, not to mention to lean in enough over that huge rack of Sophie's. Nevertheless, Yoko made the hug happen. It's okay... Yoko would reach up with one hand and start caressing the girl's head.

I'll be honest with you, i'm not very sure what you're expecting from this situation, but if you want to spend some time together, then i don't mind. Yoko would then break off from the hug and look into Sophie's eyes and smile. Just don't come looking for me at night or early in the morning, or else you will fall off your horse again. Yoko would chuckle after than and would soon realize one thing. Wait, your horse! What about your horse? Shall we go look for him? Yoko would suggest, unsure of what would Sophie say, unsure whether that's even her horse for that matter...
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Re: A knightly affair

Unread post by Satoshi »

Sophie was indeed looking at Yoko like a puppy, the large heavyweight wrestler quivering before the considerably smaller Yoko. Her unsure expression, however, started calming as she realised Yoko was going for a hug and helped the girl by leaning down with her upper body a little, slowly putting her own arms around the redhead gently. She closed her eyes, as she felt Yoko's warmth against herself, letting out a long breath as her tension started easing away. "Thank you." She replied quietly, as the two girls stood with their arms wrapped around each other. She smiled as she felt Yoko's hand on her head though for now, her expression would be invisible to Yoko. Sophie wished the hug could last forever but obviously, that was not to be the case.

It was Yoko who decided to pull back first but Sophie was quick to let her out as soon as she felt Yoko trying to pull away. The last thing she wanted was to push herself on the girl too much. She smiled at the girl with some longing in her expression, part of her just wanting to grab Yoko and pull her into a kiss. But Sophie did not have the courage to do that and it was possibly for the best. "I'd love to do so." She replied to Yoko's words. She couldn't answer the rest herself perfectly either. Looking back she wasn't sure what she could have realistically hoped for. Clearly, she wasn't thinking straight. She giggled at Yoko's following words. "I won't... I guess I'll use more uh... modern way to make sure you'll available." She added with a slight blush, as she scratched her head. She was stopped as Yoko inquired about her steed. "No don't worry." She shook her head. "It's trained to return to the stable." She said. "I do need to go back and apologise to it though." She added, her voice completely serious not at all joking.

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Re: A knightly affair

Unread post by ragaz »

Yoko smiled upon hearing Sophie thank her as the two girls enjoyed their hug, Sophie felt nice and warm and not only literally, but figuratively as well. At this rate, the redhead could fall for the girl too. However, it was soon time for the lovers to part their hug. It isn't about the method, it's more about the timing. You see, when i get up or am awoken mid-sleep, i get a bit grumpy... Yoko answered.

Sophie's answer about that horse surprised the redhead - the horse returns to the stable on it's own? To be fair, Yoko had no exception knowledge of taking care of animals such as these. Is there a special bond between you and that horse? I don't thing it's a standart behaviour. And by the way, do you have your own stables? Did LAW really gave you a stable along with the apartment? I'm curious, because LAW gave me my bike, so... The redhead would ask, thinking that maybe they have Sophie a stable in that very same way? As a bargaining chip to persuade her to join?

Anyway, since you need to go and apologize, then how about we take a walk together and talking things that you want to talk about? Yoko would slowly take Sophie's hand and begin to walk if the blond agreed with the redhead's suggestion. Two chicks walking around in the middle of the night, what could go wrong?
Sloth's Harem

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