On a Wing and a Prayer - The Jailbirds vs Wings of Wrestling

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On a Wing and a Prayer - The Jailbirds vs Wings of Wrestling

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Tag Team Match - First team to 3 falls by pin, submission or KO

The officials at LAW had made the call and the Jailbirds were scheduled in another match. The details were brief, all that mattered was it was against a two girl tag team who hadnt really wrestled before in the division. What really sparked the interest of the Jailbirds is that the numbers game would be firmly in their favour, Roxy, the leader was keen to hone their skills, and their cheating game so that they could dominate the tag team division.

As usual however, the smallest and angriest member of the Jailbirds, Charlotte was airing her views in the locker room

"You are fuckin kiddin me, Wings of bloody Wrestling? Wings!? Are they takin the piss?"

Roxy rolled her eyes as she continued to slip into her prison issue striped bikini. Jayden, the enforcer of the team meanwhile took umbrance with Charlotte's impassioned speech.

"What are you flappin your gums about you little runt?"

Charlotte raised an eyebrow, it didnt take much to set her off.

"Oh yeah, come here and say that ya fuckin fat heffer, I'll slap the shit outta you ya bloody whore!"

"Dont make me laugh, the only thing that you slap is the canvas to tap out!" Jayden replied

Charlotte was about to unload again when Roxy put a stop to the squabbling.

"ALRIGHT! Both of you need to focus, we have a match, they are an unknown so remember this, we cheat, we intimidate the officials and we team up whenever we can!"

Charlotte and Jayden paused, each having a grip on one another's bikini tops and fists clenched, and eventually let go. The pair sneered as the knock came at the door, the Jailbirds had their cue.

The sounds of The Clash with 'Police on my Back' rang out with the loud siren across the PA. Those who had gathered all knew who the Jailbirds were, and they cheered. Despite their rule breaking, and brash attitude, it was their use of less than strictly 'straight' wrestling moves and finishers that won them a legion of Jailbirdees, as they were known.

The trio made their way down to the ring as the announcer spoke

"Introducing first the team of Charlotte, Jayden and Roxy, weighing in at a combined 475lbs, the lawbreaker tag team of LAW, the Jailbirds!"

All three slipped through the ropes. Roxy remained fixed on the entrance, her sharp mind making last minute calculations to the strategy she had formulated, like it was the grandest heist of her criminal career. Jayden meanwhile limbered up and Charlotte taunted the crowd flippng them off and showing as much of her massive bubble butt as possible.

Roxy uttered a command and the two girls joined her at the corner as they waited for their rivals to make their entrance.
Last edited by RiotGrrl on Fri Jul 20, 2018 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: On a Wing and a Prayer - The Jailbirds vs Wings of Wrestling

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"Can you just relax? We're gonna be fine!" Swan said with a smile on her face, reaching out to pat the back of her partner, the blonde pacing back and forth as she waited for their cue to go out.

"I mean... I know, I know. But we're up against a team of three! This is our second official match as a team, and they put us in a handicap tag match! Shouldn't we at least be a bit worried?"

"Not at all! Cause when we win, it'll just get us that much more respect! If we can beat a team of three, then we've instantly jumped to the top of the pecking order when it comes to tag teams!" Swan said, before grabbing Ducky and pulling her in for a hug, calming the blonde down a bit. "We're gonna do fine! All we can do is give our best! ...And hope that they're hot!"

Sighing and shaking her head, Ducky did indeed listen to her friend, the two of them sharing a small laugh as they waited. Despite the odds stacked against them, the two were confident in themselves, looking to simply go out and do their best, and have a good time! However, as the backstage official came back to inform that they were up, Ducky and Swan would share one last small look, before both put on a big smile, bursting from the curtain and onto the entrance ramp, holding hands and giving a wave to the crowd!
Walking out onto the ramp, the crowd would let out a loud cheer for the girls, Ducky and Swan fan favorites in their singles careers, and having impressed in their first match as a team! And now they would begin to make their way down to the ring, ready for an even more impressive bout, fighting the odds to hopefully show their stuff in a handicap tag!

"Ooooh! Look at what we have here Ducky!" Swan said, raising a mic up to her lips as she addressed her partner, eyes on the figures in the ring as she spoke, Ducky doing the same.

"A jailbreak?"

"That, or someone gave a few strippers the wrong address for a bachelor party. But while you're here, I'd deeeeeeefinitely be interested in getting a lapdance." Swan said, smiling as she looked between the three women, raising her eyebrows at each one suggestively, her and Ducky smiling as they spoke back and forth.

"I mean, I suppose while they're here, it'd be a good idea! Got any one's on you?"

"Hmmm... damn, I left my money in my other tights. But hey, surely there must be some other way that I can pay you back, ladies? Perhaps help you out with a wardrobe change! Stripes don't look bad on you all, but... I think they'd look better off of you..." She said in a teasing tone, grinning at the ladies and waiting for a response!

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Re: On a Wing and a Prayer - The Jailbirds vs Wings of Wrestling

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All of the Jailbirds looked as the Wings made their entrance. Roxy raised an eyebrow, her mind churning over with some last minute calculations as she sized up the pair, Jayden sneered, she wasnt impressed at all with the size of Ducky and Swan, even going as far as it crack her knucked menacingy, given she was the enforcer, she would in her own parlance, give this pair a right 'kickin' at the nearest opportunity. The last member of the criminal trio was Charlotte and her displeasure was about to be heard by all within the arena.

She marched up to Swan and snatched the mic unceremoniously from the busty wrestlers grasp.

"You pair of whores think this is some kinda joke? You think were playin ere??"

She paused and stepped into the pairs personal space, letting her breasts bump up against Swan as she continued

"I can tell you are some little lesbo's wantin us naked an all, oh this is gonna be like breakin in some little fishes on the prison wing, but dont you worry princess...." * stroking Swan's cheek* "... I will personally make sure you get a facedance before we are through, then who knows what these two are gonna do to ya!"

She stepped back dumping the mic at the pairs feet with a loud BANG that popped over the PA. Jayden sighed and stepped out, along with Roxy who placed a hand on the little firecrackers shoulders to remind her to ease down. The one weakness of the convict team was that Charlotte got way too involved with the fight and would often get isolated, meaning more often than not, she had to be saved by Roxy or Jayden. The last thing Roxy wanted was more antics from the smaller member of the team to hand Wings of Wrestling an easy pinfall

Charlotte shrugged off the pair and got ready

"OK OK, fuckin leave it."

She turned her attentions to Ducky and Swan and stepped out, clearly showing she would be out first, raising her hands and letting one last taunt slip from her lips

"So which one of you wants their face stuffed first in my bubble butt??"
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Re: On a Wing and a Prayer - The Jailbirds vs Wings of Wrestling

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Stepping up to the ring with the mic in her hand, Swan continued to banter with Ducky, doing a bit of teasing of their foes that the masked pair were enjoying quite a bit, as they usually did. However, it would seem that one of the jailbird's didn't like what they were hearing, as the short blonde girl with quite the round bubble butt would suddenly slide out of the ring, stomping over to the two of them and yanking the mic out of Swan's hands, causing both her and Ducky to share a confused look.

However, as soon as Charlotte began to speak in a thick british accent, she seemed to quickly make it apparent how unfunny she had found Ducky and Swan's teasing, giving the girl's a quite aggressive chewing out! Ducky and Swan seemed to be taken aback as Charlotte taunted them, even reacing to stroke Swan's cheek, promising a "facedance." However, the luchadora's reaction might have something that she small blonde wouldn't expect, as she suddenly leaned in close, getting near enough to the blonde that their noses touched, lips inches apart.

"Is that a threat, or a promise, little girl?"

"Swan..." Ducky warned, but Swan quickly withdrew her face as Roxy and Jayden approached, taking a hold of the blonde girl and pulling her away, while Ducky and Swan moved over to their corner, waiting for the Jailbirds to get ready. And when they did, both masked women looked across to see Charlotte stepping out first, smirking at them both as she laid out a simple threat, asking who would be first to get a faceful of her butt!

"Oh, oh! Me, pick me!" Swan cried out with a grin, raising her hand like a student eager to be called on, before leaping over the top rope and into the ring, showing off her athleticism as she made it clear she would accept Charlotte's challenge, the two of them especially seeming to have quite a bit of tension between them.

"Heh, better keep showing that ass off now, while it's still looking good. Especially since I'm about to give you the spanking of a lifetime!" Swan said, meaning this both literally and metaphorically.

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Re: On a Wing and a Prayer - The Jailbirds vs Wings of Wrestling

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Charlotte was close to breaking point, this pair were silly in her mind, little girls who had no place in the wrestling ring. They were exactly the sort of girls who would become her little bitches on the prison wing, she revelled in breaking their minds as much as their bodies, and despite Swan's desire to have her face sat on, most of the girls who became familiar with Charlotte's bubble butt soon regretted the moment with the humiliating position they found themselves in. As the pair kept talking the bell rang and the little wrestler exploded out of the corner, she was looking to make a quick start and would try to bully whoever started in offering them a grapple.

If the Wings member took it, immediately Charlotte would play possum and try to let them overpower her, it was all a ruse however, Charlotte was in fact trying to drag them nearer to her corner in a sly move so that she could let Roxy and Jayden start the Jailbirds deliberate double teaming

"Stop strugglin you little bitch...."

Charlotte wanted to seem as weak as possible to allow the execution of her devious plan, and she hoped the wings would fall for it, because if she got near enough to the corner, Charlotte would plant her feet to offer resistance, at the same time swivelling to reverse things so her rival would find herself cut off and in the jailbirds den against the turnbuckle
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Re: On a Wing and a Prayer - The Jailbirds vs Wings of Wrestling

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Smirking as she entered the ring, Black Swan was more than ready for the match with the three wrestlers, especially eager to get at Charlotte and teach the loudmouth bimbo a lesson. Swan was all for confidence and playfulness, but Charlotte was simply cocky, something that she intended to correct, aiming to have her on the ground in a second flat if necessary. And as the bell rang, it seemed that Charlotte was just as eager to come at Black Swan, with the shortest of the Jailbirds flying out of the corner at her right away, coming at her with her hands up as though she was looking for a test of strength.

And Swan was quick to move forward, her body hitting Charlotte's own as she accepted the test of strength, shoving back as she brought her face inches from the girls, smirking as she moved her backwards.

What's wrong little girl? If you were as strong as you were mouthy, then I'd have been pinned already." Swan spoke with a grin, shoving Charlotte back more and more, playing right into the girl's hands. And right as it looked like Charlotte was about to make her move, Ducky would suddenly interrupt from the other side of the ring!

"Swan! Look at where you are!"

"Huh? Where I... oh shit!" The luchadora would cry, suddenly leaping backwards, trying to escape from what was about to be a very bad time! Swan had to hope that the blonde girl would not be expecting her to backpedal, because if Charlotte managed to hang on and swing her into the corner, she was going to be in trouble, right away!

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Re: On a Wing and a Prayer - The Jailbirds vs Wings of Wrestling

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As the pair struggled, and Charlotte put her master plan into action she heard Swan and grunted in a very coarse fashion.

"Shut it you slag, there is plenty of time to squash you and smother you into next week, you'll see...."

It was a firm comeback and more of a statement of intent by the feisty wrestler. Charlotte soon but the words in action as she lured Swan over to the corner. The ref having being been briefed on the Jailbirds reputation kept a close eye for any cheap shots by Jayden or Roxy. The two bigger convicts did nothing, even going as far as sarcastically raising their hands to show they were, "innocent." Charlotte however slammed her foot down, pivoted and shoved Swan back into the corner against the turnbuckles. She would follow up with a swift but sharp knee to the tummy, just to keep the girl stunned. If it worked then Charlotte would bend to make a grab for Swan's ankles and pull, looking to dump her on her bottom so she was sat in the corner.

"Where has that cocky little bitch gone huh?" Charlotte mocked as she gave an evil grin, Roxy and Jayden took it upon themselves to get ready. Things did not look good for Swan, a fact mirrored by the crowd who booed loudly.

Charlotte would then do the unexpected. She immediately turned and started abusing the ref girl verbally, gesturing with her hands and intimidating the official as best she could. Whilst she couldnt physically punch or slam the ref, she could use all her "skills" from the criminal past to threaten her.

As she did so, Jayden grabbed Swan's arms and looked to pin her back against the turnbuckles. If she managed it, it left Roxy, the biggest and heaviest of the Jailbirds wide open. The leader got into the ring and stood astride Swan

"Now then, I think this is why you secretly wanted the match..."

With that, the criminal mastermind turned to let her very wide and plump bottom hover over Swan's face, filling her vision. As he grasped the top rope in both hands, Roxy sat back delivering a humiliating and heavy stinkface. Such was the size difference that her chubby cheeks swallowed the poor wrestlers face for the first triple team of the match.

The crowd tried to get the officials attention, but Roxy's hips were doing a number on Swan, each sway back and forth of the fleshy prison meant Swan was trapped deeper and deeper
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Re: On a Wing and a Prayer - The Jailbirds vs Wings of Wrestling

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Thrusting hard against Charlotte, Swan was warned by Ducky far too late, and as the luchadora tried to leap backwards, Charlotte would managed to catch her and spin her around, thrusting her backwards into the corner! Swan hit with a loud thud, the air slightly driven out of the luchadora's lungs, though the expected triple team didn't come, with both Roxy and Jayden holding up their hands. Instead, Swan was left to deal with a regular assault, Charlotte's knee coming up and slamming into her taut tummy hard, knocking the wind out of Swan and leaving her doubled over, gasping desperately for breath!

"Augh!" Swan cried out, doubling over as her arms crossed over her gut, protecting herself and trying to ease the pain. But she would soon be caught by another trick from the mouthy blonde, with Charlotte suddenly bending low to yank her legs out from under her, letting her fall down to her rear in the corner!

Watching from the corner, Ducky would grimace as she watched her partner be assaulted like this, seeing Swan knocked onto her rear in the corner, before... Charlotte would start a fight with the ref? Ducky was confused for a moment, but looking back to the Jailbirds corner, she would suddenly spy Jayden grabbing the luchadora's arms and yanking them back over the ropes, trapping her there, while the biggest jailbird soon entered the ring, moving to standing in front of Swan! Realizing what was about to happen, Ducky would turn to look at Charlotte, trying to stop her from distracting the ref anymore!

"Ref! Hey, shut your mouth, you little cretin! Ref! The corner!" Ducky screamed, though who knows if the ref would hear her over the small blonde's shouting!

And meanwhile, in the ring, Swan's eyes widened as Roxy turned around, presenting her large, plump cheeks to the luchadora, reaching to grab the top ropes, whispering words to Swan all the while!

"I... um... bad time to call a timeout?" The luchadora asked nervously, before Roxy suddenly sat back, pressing her large, round ass into Swan's face, the luchadora's face instantly sinking deep between the white haired girl's thick cheeks, the luchadora subjected to an incredibly heavy and humiliating stinkface, pretty features sinking deep between Roxy's cheeks!

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Re: On a Wing and a Prayer - The Jailbirds vs Wings of Wrestling

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The ruse worked and now Swan was getting a deep smothering from the leader of the Jailbirds. Roxy kept an eye on the ref and Charlotte who was doing her best to occupy the official with her devious part in the plan. The call from Ducky however set the Jailbirds on edge, getting caught would at the very least put the ref on the side of the Wings, and at the worst would lead to an early disqualification. Charlotte was wise to this and scowled at Ducky. She immediately grabbed the ref by the arm and lead her over to the corner where the three of them could argue

"What the hell are you talkin about you bitch, nothings going on. Ref, disqualify this cheatin cow!"

Charlotte was gesturing and then stepped back with a smirk, as the ref moved to explain things to Ducky. She knew that Ducky could see the smothering and was stuck with an overly enthusiastic ref.

Meanwhile, the fate of Swan hadnt improved. Roxy lifted her cheeks from the girls face and turned to see her handiwork, or rear-work! She reached down and stroked Swan's face as if the leader of the jailbirds cared deeply for her rival. Of course, she didnt and she looked to Jayden. The pair made a mock tag even going as far as to slap hands

Jayden got into the ring and switched positions with Roxy. She too, turned around as Roxy held Swan's face upwards. Jayden settled back and sat right on her face for yet another stinkface. The jailbird enforcer humped her hips up and down, as her cheeks swallowed the girls face. It was a deep heavy smother, added to which, Roxy stepped up onto the bottom rope and placed her hands on Jayden's shoulders to push down, further squashing the face of Swan

The crowd were dismayed at the sheer cheating of the convict tag team, the could only hope that the ref finished up with Ducky before the rears of the Jailbirds rendered her unconscious for an easy pin
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Re: On a Wing and a Prayer - The Jailbirds vs Wings of Wrestling

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"Ggmmmph! Mmmmmph!" Muffled, panicked cries came from Swan as she was subjected to the heavy, relentless stinkface from the leader of the Jailbirds, Roxy's thick, plump cheeks pressing down hard on her face, rubbing all over her masked features, as the girl continued her humiliating stinkface! Ordinarily, Swan wouldn't mind, but the Jailbirds were seemingly looking to have her end up completely out cold after this assault, something that she knew would spell disaster!

But while Swan had to simply with her face being buried in Roxy's buttcrack, it would seem that she wouldn't be able to count on the ref helping it out, as the official was dragged over to Ducky and Swan's corner by Charlotte, seemingly not listening to Ducky at all! Charlotte's angry tirade only further confused the referee, leaving Ducky to cry out angrily at Charlotte and soon at the ref, trying to get her to simply help Swan!

"Ref! Listen to me! You have to help Swan! Shut up you little rat!" Ducky cried, interrupting her pleas to the ref to turn and angrily shout at Charlotte.

But the referee would seem to be deaf to Ducky's pleas, leaving Swan to suffer in the corner, with Roxy finally letting up on her facesit, standing up and turning to stroke the face of the luchadora, who simply offered a slight groan in response. However, the Jailbirds weren't done, with Roxy and Jayden performing a mock tag as the Jailbird who had just held Swan's arms came into the ring, Roxy moving to hold Swan up, forcing her to look up at Jayden's big round ass as the girl turned around.

"H-hold on ladies... we can talk about th- Mmmmmph!" Swan tries to protest, but once more, she is cut off as a large, round ass suddenly lands on her face, Jayden pressing her butt against Swan's face as the luchadora suffers yet another stinkface! This only added to the humiliation that the masked woman faced, with Roxy pushing down on Jayden's shoulders as she stinkfaced Swan, adding more weight to the smother, leaving Swan's face wedged between Jayden's round, soft cheeks, giving loud, muffled moans as she was subjected to another ass in her face!

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