Debut of greatness!! Laura vs Noloty

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Debut of greatness!! Laura vs Noloty

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

Standard match: first to secure a pinfall or submission wins the match. Hentai is allowed and encouraged.

She had heard horror stories about the struggles to get a match. Mainly that sometimes, they took a fuckton of time to get and how many had spent time sitting on there ass unable to make an impact. But someone as great as her wouldn't have that problem right? Right, it took no time at all, and it was pretty clear why. They saw her and knew, they just knew that they couldn't keep her waiting they wanted her here to catch there viewers interest and see her break a sweat. Noloty wasn't looking to dissapoint in either category.

She had trained in the gym for this just s slight warm up a bit before she arrived just enough to let her keep focus and when she came out she came out pumped. The titantron spelled out her name for the crowd, and she was here to make sure they wouldn't be forgetting it. Noloty would be a house hold name of LAW within months she could guarantee it! And she set about making that reality true as she came down to the ring with a flirtatious and pumped figure shaking her perfect body and giving t a few fans winks to quickly get a positive reception on the way down. Such love and adoration was like she never left her old place only this time she would ascend to the top. Right after she got past whoever was behind curtain no. 1

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Re: Debut of greatness!! Laura vs Noloty

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Laura was already fired up for her match. It was her first singles match and she wanted to show what she could do alone against her opponent's. The brunette would warm herself up before the match and stretch a bit. She was motivated to crush her opponent completely and showing everyone in the audience who Laura was and how strong she would be. Then as Laura was almost done stretching someone from the staff showed up and told her that she could go now.

Full of energy Laura got to the ramp and then as her song started to play she walked down. Then before the brunette would enter the ring she got announced.
"Now entering from the UK with an impressive height of 6'5 feet and a weight of 165 LBS. Please welcome, Laura."
The whole crowd would cheer and clap after she got announced. Laura smiled and climbed inside the ring.

She saw her opponent. In comparison to Laura, her opponent looked quite small. On the other hand, even some heavyweights would look small standing near the brunette. She would grin and walk to the center of the ring.
"Hello. You must be my opponent. My name is Laura. I am happy to meet you dwarf and also I hope we will have a fun match. Just give up before I break you something accidentally ok."
Laura would seem pretty arrogant but she knew that the height wasn't everything that counts. After Laura greeted her opponent she reached forward with her hand for a handshake. Then she would walk a few steps backward.

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Re: Debut of greatness!! Laura vs Noloty

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The high of the arena was tempered when Laura's music started playing. She knew she was a tag team oriented wrestler but she looked like she could do singles stuff easily enough unlike some tag teams that looked like they couldn't function on any business without the other half. Though she wasn't intimidated, she couldn't be a decorated singles gal and Noloty could still get the job done both tonight and any other night no matter how much Laura tried to act tough.

And tough act she did try. Threatening her and saying she should give up before the match even started. Give up her debut before it even started for fear of having something broken. "Heheh-dwarf! Break something. You must not know me very well if you think I'm set to be beaten down like that today." Noloty laughed a bit putting a hand over her mouth before looking back at Laura. "Name's Noloty and you'll be hearing it for quite some time." the star winked at her opponent.

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Re: Debut of greatness!! Laura vs Noloty

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"Haha. There is someone confident in himself. Ok since you will really compete against me than you are ok when I demolish that cute face of yours."
Laura would say to her opponent. She was surprised that her opponent really thought she would stand a chance against her. The brunette would give her best to make Noloty realize that she was weaker than her.

"Oh yeah. I think that you will hear my name really often because I will let you scream my name before I take you out little girl."
She would lick her lips and after she taunted her opponent she would get into her attack stance. Laura would smirk at her opponent waiting for the bell to ring. She would want to strike fast and showing her opponent the difference in their skills.

After a few moments, the sound of the bell would announce the start of the fight.

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Re: Debut of greatness!! Laura vs Noloty

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Laura didn't let up on her room and gloom tactics and threats to destroy her. Though sure she was taller than in no way made her a dwarf plus the fact the skill between them was unlikely skewed in her favor probably wasn't noticeable to someone like her. "Well what can I say to that? You've got height but your dealing with me! My legs super strong, my fists can punch through anything you try, my abs are a lot stronger then yours I bet. Beyond that I'm pretty fast and the most important thing of all, I look amazing." Noloty said twirling in place as she eyed Laura. If the girl wanted to play a game of the most arrogant Noloty would match her just fine.

Of course she was wary of the bell feeling Laura was ready to pounce on her at any given second. Noloty needed the advantage to be in her favor or she would be struggling throughout her first match. If Laura charged Noloty would go Los and try to send her down with a drop toe hold.

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Re: Debut of greatness!! Laura vs Noloty

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For Laura, everything her opponent said was more like a joke to her. Noloty might be strong but there was no way that she could even come close to her skills. The brunette wasn't strong in terms of raw power but everything else might be above her opponent's level.
"Please you, child. Your fists might be stronger but your abs aren't comparable to mine. I could maybe even crush you just with them but that wouldn't be fair to such a little one like you. Also, I don't think that you could compete with my speed and your look is maybe a four or three out of ten. So nothing special brownie."

After the trash talk round the bell would ring and Laura was ready to punch the arrogance out of her opponent.

The brunette would charge straight at her opponent. As she was close her opponent started a drop toe hold against Laura. This would make her fall down on the canvas with a splash.
However, instead of growling, she would just laugh at her opponent's move and then attempt to lift her upper body a bit up from the canvas and turn with her head around to watch her opponent.
"Well, that was really cute move. Maybe you aren't a complete weakling browny"
Last edited by Rougue on Fri Jul 20, 2018 2:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Debut of greatness!! Laura vs Noloty

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Laura remained utterly unconvinced proving that ignorance will remain that way. At this point it wouldn't surprise her if she won and Laura kept up the idea that Noloty was nothing special. Sad truly but nevertheless she had to show her both because the match required it and because she had to at least try and educate Laura on her greatness. As she charged her Noloty hand time to send her down with the drop toe hold. Though it worked Laura pushed herself up still not impressed with her.

This did little to remove her demeanor though as she was able to get something of a compliment from her. "Oh there's more to me then that but you'll see that with time." Noloty added twisting and trying to get to her feet before sending a kick to Laura's did befkre she could get up or away.

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Re: Debut of greatness!! Laura vs Noloty

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Her opponent remained silent as Laura kept on taunting her. Which she found a bit sad because she wanted to see how arrogant and narcissistic her opponent would be. As she got hit by surprise the brunette got really pissed that this happened so fast. However, she tried not letting her opponent know that she disliked it really much.

Instead of doing something in this position Noloty got up back on her feet again. It came surprising for her but Laura wouldn't complain. Then, however, her opponent dared to kick Laura in her back. She would moan out in pain as her opponent's feet connected with her back.
"Oh! You are one of these people."
Laura would say and roll away from her opponent and attempt to get on her feet. With hungry eyes, she would stare at her opponent and look for a chance to get payback for the kick.

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Re: Debut of greatness!! Laura vs Noloty

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Stopping her for now Noloty's kick forced Laura back a bit though it also seemed to anger her quite a bit, for some reason she couldn't quite understand as Noloty didn't think she did anything too infuriating. "Well I am a wrestler and this is what wrestlers do!" Laura started to get up to her feet again meaning Noloty had to think of something else to do.

Laura was pretty big which meant that straight up charging her could easily as backfire as it would work, still showing her she meant business moving forward and having her hands up to try and start getting down to business. Noloty tried to move in and send a few punches to Laura's face and chest to see how fast she was.

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Re: Debut of greatness!! Laura vs Noloty

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As Laura got up on her feet she giggled at her opponent's comment. So she is kicking people when they are on the ground because she is a wrestler, the brunette thought to herself. She thought when her opponent would think like this then there wouldn't be a problem to get more brutal in the fight with Noloty. At first, however, Laura should find a way to attack her opponent because there was nothing she had done so far to get respect from her opponent or the audience.

Back on her feet Noloty mover forward and closer to Laura. The UK fighter would then see her opponent start to throw punches at her. She would smirk. After telling her opponent that she wasn't the slowest person here she was trying now to attack her with such a stupid attack. Immediately when the first punch would come to Laura would grab him with one hand and Noloty's other punch with her other hand to keep both of her hands under control.

"Did you really think that would work. I thought I told you already that I am way faster then you are. Now suffer the consequences of your behavior."
After that Laura would attempt to do a front kick into her opponent's belly and try to make her bend forward.

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