She had heard horror stories about the struggles to get a match. Mainly that sometimes, they took a fuckton of time to get and how many had spent time sitting on there ass unable to make an impact. But someone as great as her wouldn't have that problem right? Right, it took no time at all, and it was pretty clear why. They saw her and knew, they just knew that they couldn't keep her waiting they wanted her here to catch there viewers interest and see her break a sweat. Noloty wasn't looking to dissapoint in either category.
She had trained in the gym for this just s slight warm up a bit before she arrived just enough to let her keep focus and when she came out she came out pumped. The titantron spelled out her name for the crowd, and she was here to make sure they wouldn't be forgetting it. Noloty would be a house hold name of LAW within months she could guarantee it! And she set about making that reality true as she came down to the ring with a flirtatious and pumped figure shaking her perfect body and giving t a few fans winks to quickly get a positive reception on the way down. Such love and adoration was like she never left her old place only this time she would ascend to the top. Right after she got past whoever was behind curtain no. 1