A smothering debut

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A smothering debut

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Smother match
First to be smothered unconsious loses
Jasmine Deha vs Robin Mendez

It seemed that Dan had kept her word as not even two days after she had walked into that press conference did she end up with an match.Finally after all the time she spend waiting she could make her debut as she did not even care about the match type.Still what the purple haired wrestler decided to wear was rather unusual for this kind of her match since it covered her up as she was wearing red shoes , pants and a top while she wore golden bracelets as she was busy at the moment getting her hair into an ponytail.

Once she was done with that she would make her way to the backstage area as she would leave the locker room.As she made her way down their she would do some dancing as the music she was hearing while she walked down would just cause her to smile.Still even as she walked she went over how she would make her entrance as she wanted to impress the fans with it. So once Christina Vee voice would be heard as ''Dance through the danger ''could be heard throughout the arena.

As an few seconds later she would step onto the stage as she would do some traditional belly dancing on the top of the ramp before making her way down as she continued to dance.Halfway down she would hear the announcer say ''now entering from Adana,Turkey.Weighing in at about 134ibs , It's Jasmine Deha''as she would stop dancing once she reached the steps as the sound of the fans cheering loudly filled her with confidence as she waited the arrival of her opponent.

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Re: A smothering debut

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Now that things were starting to fall into place elsewhere Robin knew Into was high time for her to do something herself. She was afterall hired as a wrestler rather then a sponser and anyone not willing to actually do what they've were being paid to do was a waste of space. Plus Robin had only wrestled one time in her life outside of training, and she would not let that blemish be her only known match even if it was a private affair.

Robin watched her opponent's entrance with little emotion, the belly dancer's excitement seemed to contaminate the fans, though Robin remained unfazed and after she entered Robin began marching down to make her entrance. Her music started to play as the announcer said her name. Robin walked down with a cool exterior, not letting herself be read anyway but offering a hand to anyone who offered before she was standing face to face at Jasmine. Then Robin raised her glasses up and on her head as she stared down the dancer. Saying nothing at first, instead simply observing her foes first reactions.

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Re: A smothering debut

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Jasmine would admit that she was disappointed her opponent did not put on more of an show as she walked down.Since the purple haired wrestler had hoped to use that time to look for weakness , but with the fast pace the other wrestler was walking towards her she could not find any.What she did learn was that she was not going to win this easily.

Since she could compare her own assets to her opponent , and the other wrestler clearly had the advantage.As from the looks of things her whole head could be engulfed by her opponent's breasts.While Robin's amazing ass could cover her mouth and nose as she doubted she could do the same as she would step forward trying to hide her feelings as she said ''well hope your willing to help me bring the house down as we give these people a show they will never forget.Also before I forget I'm Jasmine , and it nice to meet you''.

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Re: A smothering debut

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She couldn't quite read Jasmine but she got the feeling the dancer was a bit intimidated by who she was dealing be with. And rightfully so as Robin had little about her that wasn't trying to be intimidating to her. She still tried to keep up the niceties while Robin eyed her before she calmly offered Jasmine a hand.

Holding her with a tight grip on her handbag ignore she took it Robin would seek to keep Jasmine on edge instead. "Oh I'll be sure to provide them with a show. And the name is Robin something I hope you won't be able to forget when I'm done." Breaking the handshake Robin flicked her hair behind her head as she walked to her corner.

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Re: A smothering debut

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Jasmine had no clue about what Robin had done in the past , but she would not have cared either way as right now she was just glad to have the chance to show her stuff.From the way the black haired woman would reply back it seemed that this Robin was also interested in putting on an show , and seemed rather friendly.

So with an smile she would turn around after Robin broke the handshake as she would say ''sadly you got two very deadly weapons for this match.However I bet the fans will enjoy it when I strip you naked before I smother you unconscious beneath my behind for the win ''

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Re: A smothering debut

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As the two fighters shook hands Jasmine seemed to be a bit more at ease and started to make comments about how she was going to leave her naked and smothered out by her. A bold statement that Robin intended to make her eat when she got the chance. "Strip me huh? Well that might be hard to do when your the one stripped bare. Though I'm sure these fans will love the naked belly dance you could do after the fact." pleasantries were running out, the time to act would be soon and she needed to be ready for them.

Robin gave herself one more scan of Jasmine before the bell rang. She couldn't tell who was stronger but she at least had the height advantage, though how to start remained to be seen, her hands came up and she neared the women's figure as she would look for any opening to start with.

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Re: A smothering debut

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Her teasing got an responds as the purple haired wrestler would just smile back as she replied ''well one of us is going to get disappointed then''in an relaxed tone.As the closer she got to the moment the bell would ring the more relaxed she would become.As she did not care about win or losing at the moment as all Jasmine cared about was bringing the house down as she gave the fans their money's worth.

So when the bell would rang she would circle around Robin for now as she looked for an opening before attempting to lock up as her hands would entwine with the other wrestler's hands.

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Re: A smothering debut

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Robin had a pretty good idea who would be dissapointed but Jasmine would never think so until she saw it firsthand. So she would just have to take a concious effort in showing her, letting the match start before carefully moving in. Robin remembered her first match perfectly, the few people in attendance as she stood in opposition to her rival, that day didn't end the way she wanted it too but this dancer would not continue that trend in ring of a far larger crowd.

Jasmine started the lock up and Robin took it attempting to force Jasmine back as she overwhelmed her. Strength was not her best but if she could overpower Jasmine she would never know that. Of course Robin would never rely solely on power when instead she could bring her foot up and try to hook it onto her leg to force Jasmine down and make it easier on her as she pushed.

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Re: A smothering debut

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With the match underway she would walk towards her opponent as she tried to lock up with Robin as they would clash in the center of the ring.Both wrestlers trying to overwhelm the other as they struggled to gain control of the match.Still with each second it became more clear who was going to win as slowly the purple haired wrestler would be pushed back.As she was forced to go through her knees as she was straining herself so she could keep standing at the moment.

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Re: A smothering debut

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Already things were looking good for her. Jasmine couldn't hold out as the two remained locked in a struggle before she started to force the fellow wrestler down to her knee. Giving Robin the advantage she so desired in the interim. Now the next guess was how to proceed. She could go all the way pushing her down to her back with her arms still locked but that was a power play. Sheena enjoy being able to do so but if she could keep up the show of strength was a question for later. She could also try and knee Jasmine's belly or chest she was certainly low enough. Robin dismissed that too, being a Belly dancer Jasmine likely had a very strong core and if she went for a kick she could be knocked off balance if Jasmine could take it.

Instead Robin would try and push on her arms once more before adjusting her grip and trying to twist her arms forcing a bit of pain for Jasmine as Robin could pull on her arms to force her to get down further on her knees.

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