Thundergirls/Natural Selection - Tagging In!

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Re: Thundergirls/Natural Selection - Tagging In!

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina saw Anna in a daze and knew the best way to capitalize was to rush in, focusing on Anna's head! The Amazon bound forward, wincing in pain with every step as she extended her arm to try to crash into Anna with a running lariat!

If it hit Alaina would waste no time in going for the pin to try to surprise Anna. Alaina knew if Samuela made it back in she would be doomed. That meant Anna would have to stay isolated, and stay down!

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Re: Thundergirls/Natural Selection - Tagging In!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Spun something wicked by that monstrous lariat, Anna hit the ground as rough as was to be expected. Hitting the mat shoulder first, her back, arms and legs following, the busty Aussie let loose a monstrous gasp as Alaina moved in for the cover; pressing down that frame she had just smashed all sense from. The count as ever, would come from Alaina, given no official was with the four women in the ring.

But would it reach the end, or was there life in Anna yet?

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Re: Thundergirls/Natural Selection - Tagging In!

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Alaina was hurting badly, and she knew tina was just as bad if not worse on the apron. The amazons strike packed power and desperation as she collided with Anna, her chosen target. Alaina flopped down atop Anna and hooked a leg, her free arm limply doing a steady but official paced count!

"One...." The first count came and Alaina was still on top. Good. She gasped for breath as her arm was again raised high into the air before making its descent towards the canvass.

"Two...." Alaina said, nodding her head as her hand again connected with the mat, rising up once more. She was now holding her breath, unsure if her lariat that smashed into Anna would be enough. If there was a crowd they would have been on the edge of their seats. Alaina herself was practically sweating in anticipation although her glistening body was sweat covered from the spar already. Would Anna remain down?

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Re: Thundergirls/Natural Selection - Tagging In!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Held flat to the mat, it was rather evident that Anna had not recovered as much breath nor energy from her time on the ropes as she believed she had. Or perhaps she had, and the sheer power and shock-and-awe of her bigger foe had forced her back to square one. Either way, the poor Aussie was kept as flat as could be against the canvas, without the slightest effort about her to push free. The count came quick, and unsurprisingly went uninterrupted.

Anna could but shut her eyes as Alaina made that final call; trying to turn her head in the opposite direction of Samus. The giant had done all that work to wear down Tina and Alaina both, and Anna couldn't even endure a few strikes successfully! She felt shame, and then some!

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Re: Thundergirls/Natural Selection - Tagging In!

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Alaina's hand weakly hit the mat and she rolled off of Anna, gasping for breath and clearly hurting as she laid there looking up at the ceiling. She could barely move at this point and it was only when a hobbled Tina made her way into the ring to help her up that she was able to rise weakly.

"We got it.... barely." Tina said as she shook her head and held an arm around Alaina to keep her up. "I dunno how you two do it. I mean we had to catch a few lucky breaks and even then ya had us for a lot of that." Tina said as she turned to Samuela and Tina.

"Indeed.... you two are impressive together." Alaina added, making her way to the ropes to lean on them. Samuela had beaten both Thundergirls in solo matches, and had come damn close to taking both of them out as a tag team with Anna. Sure, deep down Alaina wanted to pin Samuela but she knew if Samuela came back in neither Thundergirl was going to be able to stop her.

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Re: Thundergirls/Natural Selection - Tagging In!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Alaina and Tina both were rather modest in their victory, but it didn't matter to Anna. Dismayed and disheartened by her defeat, Anna could but turn away from the general direction of Samus' corner as she curled up into a ball. Tired and beaten, Anna didn't want to rise just yet given she had just cost her team the match, again knowing full well that Samus had damn near carried her throughout.

"I'm...I'm sorry Samus..." She'd practically whimper, hiding her chin within her knees as she curled up fully.

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Re: Thundergirls/Natural Selection - Tagging In!

Unread post by xalex »

The big American woman was hearing the third count happening and would bit her lips… Damn this one was close. Samus would bend her knees a bit entering the ring under the top rope slowly walking over to the three other girls already in the ring. At first she heard what alaina and tina had to say and she as already breathing in to reply something. But then she would notice how anna was staying on the ground not moving too much. She would walk over to her. Slowly kneeing down right next to her.

“Hey girl you did great.” She would say. Looking back to the other two woman. “You did stand up two of the top single wrestlers of law… and who are also one of the world greatest tag teams… isn´t not like anyone did pin you. You stood up to the living legend herself the Amazon Alaina and the tigress Tina, who is although being so young one of the most biggest names in law right now. You did great, I am proud of you!” would samus say before offering the her team mate a helping hand to get back up.

When anna would take it Samus would pull her up with one intensive pull and right into a thigh hug. The blond woman would smile while pressing the two frames together hugging her thigh. She would keep the hug in for a few moments. Then she would slowly let go of her turning around to the other fighters.

She would walk to them and lift her hand up offering both of them a highfive. “This was AWSOME! We need to do this again at some point… I had so much fun… you guys are the best!” she would say smiling happily.

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Re: Thundergirls/Natural Selection - Tagging In!

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina and Tina backed off to allow Samuela and Anna to have a moment together as a team. once they finished their talk Tina spoke up first. "Anna ya had both of us on the ropes and were one move away from beating either of us at any given time. Ya done great!" Tina said to encourage her.

Alaina nodded in agreement. "She's right. It sucks that matches can be won or lost with the smallest shift of momentum but you know you can hang with anyone. Just keep up that focus and you'll be in big tag matches as well as solo matches before you know it!" Alaina said with a smile and nod to the young lady. "I think you have a bright future ahead of you."

The Thundergirls nodded to Samuela and Anna as they made their way to the ropes. "That was one hell of a workout ladies, I feel like I am spent and ready for a shower." Tina said with a smile. "Thanks for having us work out with ya!" She added as Alaina waved, nodding in agreement. The Thundergirls were ready for a shower, but wanted to make sure they parted on a positive note.

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Re: Thundergirls/Natural Selection - Tagging In!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

The match was over, and whilst Samus gave words that suggested she cared not for the bouts ending, Anna still felt bad and then some. Sitting up somewhat, she'd simply allow herself to be hugged by the stacked giant as their frames mushed together, with her own arms rather lazily to her side. A friendly nod to the duo leaving before hand would be all they got from the Aussie sadly, given how disheartened she was. The match was an exhibition, and yet, it was almost a teaser as to what would occur if the two beauties were to compete against a tag for real.

Summed up; Samus effectively carrying Anna!

"S...Sorry anyway..."

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