Battle of the Beasts: Unryuu vs Scarlett

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Battle of the Beasts: Unryuu vs Scarlett

Unread post by LunarOcean »

Attire: Bikinis

Arena: Cage

Special Arena Feature: Handcuffs on all four sides above the wrestlers' head level. The will automatically lock around any limbs placed against them and will release a wrestler after five minutes if left unresisted. They can be overpowered and broken. After usage or being escaped from, they will be inactive for five minutes and unable to be used.

Win Condition: Orgasm, submission, knockout.


Unryuu was not a stranger to being dwarfed but perhaps that word didn't sell the reality. Scarlett was technically the taller woman than her but it was a difference of roughly three inches; both women when placed next to one another automatically made even other heavyweights seem like slightly larger middleweights by comparison. Unryuu was not the one to reveal what she thought and it was impossible for others to reach her relaxed, almost tired expression as she casually strolled down the ramp towards the waiting open door of the rink. She wasn't paying attention to the pictures being snapped and cries of the crowd; the noise was drowned out by her thoughts.

Scarlett was going to be her toughest opponent yet; just a cursive look at her body told her that every inch of her was made of pure power and strength. Even for a heavyweight, she really lived up to her class' name. Her muscle definition was higher than Unryuu's but the dragon-woman had more overall weight from a mixture of her curves and dense, packed muscle. And based on what she'd hear in interviews and from others in the gym, she was the aggressive sort, both as a person and a wrestler. Unryuu was no slouch but she was slow and gradual with short bursts of speed. This Scarlett had an advantage over her in initiative and quantity of attacks she could get.

Yet would she be able to withstand her body pressing down hard onto hers, her enormous bust enveloping her own, and the curves of her tummy giving way to hard, domineering muscle?

She smiled; she'd love to find out.
The Lunar Fleet

From shortest to tallest:

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Nachi Kuroda

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Unryuu Kisugi

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Re: Battle of the Beasts: Unryuu vs Scarlett

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Scarlett would hit with her right fist inside the palm of her other hand. She already was fired up and couldn't wait until the staff would call her out soon. Before the fight, the white-haired woman read the rules of the match. The white-haired fighter got surprised that she could lose when orgasm. Scarlett wondered why hentai moves were encouraged. Of course, she accepts this kind of matches but only under given circumstances which she also told the people in LAW. That could only mean her opponent was able to rival her in strength. Scarlett made a plan on how to fight against an opponent who might use sensual techniques. It didn't take her long because the white-haired woman came to the conclusion that her opponent couldn't use such moves if Scarlett would keep her distance and beat her up properly.

After Scarlett was done thinking about the match that was in front of her a staff member would come and tell her that she could go. With that, she would walk out of the locker room and would lick her lips.
"It is about time. Let's see of what my opponent is made of."

With no song for the entry, LAW searched someone for her. It was "The Game" from Dragonforce. Not really bad she thought and would raise her fist in the air and start to scream.
With this energetic scream of hers, the audience started to cheer and seemed to also get fired up by her motivation.

Scarlett climbed into the ring and noticed her opponent. She also seemed to have white hair and her breasts were kinda big. If her opponent would be smaller it might seem not proportional to the rest of her body but because of her height, her chest seemed normal size for the white-haired. Scarlett could also see her muscles but they weren't formed like hers.

After the watch from far away, Scarlett would walk towards her opponent. The fellow white-haired woman was definitely smaller than her but for Scarlett, it didn't mean that much.
"Hello. So you are the one who I can have the pleasure to bury under my body. My name is Scarlett and you are?"

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Re: Battle of the Beasts: Unryuu vs Scarlett

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"Unryuu Kisugi. A pleasure to meet you. I hope we'll enjoy one another." Unryuu did a short bow or about as short a bow you could do at her height level. Her heart had thumped faster when she saw Scarlett; this wouldn't just be a tough opponent but an enjoyable one. Her body yearned to simply relax upon her, pinning her to a corner or the mat, and testing those hard, toned muscles against her own. And she could tell she wouldn't find that body too soft for her liking; it would be nice to press a woman who wouldn't melt underneath her.

Of course, all the crowd and Scarlett would see was a kind and slightly lethargic woman who happened to be nearly seven feet tall dipping her head forwards. When she rose again, she would raise her hands and spread her feet, prepared to wrestle.

As the bell rung, Unryuu would decide to see if she could take the initiative. In a sudden burst of motion, she'd close in and attempt to lay a might backhand across her opponent's collarbone. The impact, if successful, would've been audible to the front rows. She would attempt to follow up by swing her leg towards Scarlett, bending her knee, and smashing her sides with a deadly strike to send her reeling.
The Lunar Fleet

From shortest to tallest:

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Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

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Re: Battle of the Beasts: Unryuu vs Scarlett

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"Unryuu Kisugi, hmm? Well, likewise it is nice to meet you too."
The white-haired fighter would say. Unryuu didn't seem to be that energetic like Scarlett but that didn't mean she wasn't that eager to fight. Maybe it could also be a plan from her opponent to make her look like an easy prey. Scarlett tried to be cautious and not getting caught off guard because she underestimated her opponent.

Despite Unryuu's expression on her face, she attacked immediately after the bell signalized the start of the match. Scarlett didn't react in time and her opponent's attack made a solid hit against her bone. After the hit, she saw that her opponent prepared a knee against the white.
"Grrr...Your hand was enough thank you."
She growled and Scarlett charged forward really close to her opponent so that the knee would get useless.

Her whole body would press against the fellow white-haired wrestler. With there belly's and breast's pressing at each other Scarlett would wrap her arms around her opponent and lift her in the air. Then she would attempt to make a belly to belly suplex smashing her opponent down in the canvas.

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Re: Battle of the Beasts: Unryuu vs Scarlett

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Unryuu was swept off of her feet in a flurry of motion, finding herself off-balance with her knee off of the ground. Before she could even put it down, Scarlett had moved quickly. One giantess sent the other off her feet and smashing body first into the mat with a thunderous impact! Unryuu bounced and rolled. The move was painful and crushing but it jolted her wide awake, adrenaline suppressing the pain travelling across her belly. She rolled to the left and back into a crouching position, rising up to face Scarlett.

Her face once relaxed was tensed and focused. Charging towards her, she'd attempt to slam her shoulder into her gut to make her bend forwards. If that was successful, Unryuu would then attempt to wrap her arms around her opponent's side, flipping her upside down with her back to her body and legs up in the air. She would then drop downwards and attempt to smash her head into the mat.
The Lunar Fleet

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Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

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Re: Battle of the Beasts: Unryuu vs Scarlett

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Scarlett reacted in time. She wrapped her arms around her opponent and with a loud impact Scarlett slammed Unryuu down on the canvas. This, however, proved nothing. The white-haired fighter might have won the first trade but her opponent soon rolled back on her feet and rushed again at Scarlett. The expression on her face changed and Scarlett could see that with the suplex the only thing she did was to wake her opponent up. Her new face was more that of a real fighter instead of someone who just got out of her bed.

Scarlett leaned forward as the shoulder from her opponent met her guts. After that Unryuu wrapped her arms around her side and lifted the white-haired fighter up in the air just to drop her down seconds later. Her head made contact with the canvas this time. Creating a loud impact sound kinda similar to Unryuu's before as she got slammed down.

She cried out in pain as she got slammed head first on the canvas. At first, she would get slightly dizzy but that didn't take to long until she recovered from that. Scarlett would try to roll around and then get back on her knee's first holding her head in pain. Then Scarlett would look up at her opponent.
"Good you are more then I thought at first. Now it will make fun to beat you."
Getting hit by such an attack would start to trigger her inner animal and making her blood boil. Scarlett would still be a bit dizzy from the impact and need a while to get back on her feet again at first.

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Re: Battle of the Beasts: Unryuu vs Scarlett

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"I hope we can do more than just fight."

Unryuu was advancing on her fast in long and aggressive strides, a glint of excitement in her golden eyes. She would dip to the left for a second but she wasn't trying to get around her. She had winded her leg upwards before sending it forwards, aiming to smack her with a powerful kick, one that would rock her body and send her disoriented self stumbling back...

...Back towards the cage wall. If this was successful, Unryuu would charge forward and throw out her limbs, flexing her soft body into a muscled wall and body-to-body splashing Scarlett between her and the chain-link barrier. Her huge tits and surprisingly hard tummy would squash against her opponent's. She would then attempt to grab her arms and pull them upwards, aiming to get them caught in the cuffs.

If that was successful, Unryuu would hold her in place, keeping her body docked and pressed tightly with Scarlett's. While she was shorter, her body mass was much heavier than it looked, crushing against her like a tidal wave of eroticism and intimacy, her strong belly at first molding to Scarlett's before tensed muscles crushed and kissed hers. Her huge breasts, barely contained by her bikini top, would blob over Scarlett's, testing their density as she pushed her shoulders closer and drew her tongue over her opponent's cheek.

"... Raw. Unusual. But I like it."
The Lunar Fleet

From shortest to tallest:

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Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

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Re: Battle of the Beasts: Unryuu vs Scarlett

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Scarlett got a bit confused at what her opponent just told her. She didn't know what she meant with more than fighting. As she thought about that she got surprised by her opponent who started another attack. As Scarlett saw what was going on she couldn't dodge anymore. But she put her arms in front of her to block her opponent's kick.

From her head damage, Scarlett couldn't use the whole power of her body and got kicked back by Unryuu. The white-haired fighter got further back and was close to the wall of the cage. Then Unryuu would do a follow up with a body to body splash. With her body, she pressed Scarlett at the wall and making a sandwich out of her.

Then as she felt her opponent's hands grabbing her own Scarlett knew what her opponent wanted to do. The white-haired woman would try to fight against her opponent but since everything happened so fast she couldn't defend herself properly what resulted in Unryuu chaining Scarlett to the cage wall. Then Unryuu pressed herself more into Scarlett.

"Mhmm...H-hey what are you doing?"
Scarlett wasn't used when people would get close to her and making a body contact. Her face got red and she blushed from the sensations she felt as her opponent's body pressed on her own.

"Ahhh...Ngh...This is a fight. Stop this shit right now before I get angry."
Scarlett would say while getting a bit turned on. She wasn't used to hentai stuff but she had a huge submissive side that would activate whenever she would get dominated sexually by a smaller opponent.

This, however, was her single debut match. Which meant that she couldn't let herself get dominated that easily. So Scarlett would attempt to lift her leg and kick her opponent into her side repeatedly and hoped that she would get away from her giving Scarlett enough time to gather her strength and senses again.
Last edited by Rougue on Thu Jul 12, 2018 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Battle of the Beasts: Unryuu vs Scarlett

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"Don't want to... you taste too good."

Unryuu's tongue travelled over the other cheek, under her jaw, and over the sides of her neck. Her hands gripped her opponent's wrists, trailing down them and squeezing her biceps. Her body pressed even tighter to hers, thighs squeezing over her opponent's; she felt Scarlett try to lift her legs to try and kick her but with her arms seized and body trapped, it was ineffective. Unryuu's muscled thigh squeezed, crushing those thighs together and stilling her attempts at escape. Unryuu's frame was smaller but at nearly 300 pounds, Scarlett would feel the raw muscle under her smooth curves pressing forwards and crushing into hers; a hard tummy's softness molding to her strength before the tough muscle backing it up forcefully pressed into hers. Her strong thighs would feel like marble walls, lightly rubbing against hers as Unryuu attempted to make the space between them even lesser.

Yet what would really do it is when Unryuu's hands went to Scarlett's top, casually pulling it upwards. Unryuu's hands would then remove her own, leaving both women topless and bare breasts mashing and melding over one another like great mounds of gelatinous squishiness. Unryuu's enormous breasts however clearly had an advantage and Unryuu was more than aware.

"Small and cute," Unryuu commented as the removed her hands from Scarlett's body, placing them at the back of her head. The move looked extremely arrogant... or was it respectful? "I want to enjoy them."

Unryuu's shoulders dipped and rose, her legs bending as she began to scrub her breasts up and down, over, and into Scarlett's. The crowd cheered wildly and Unryuu's colossal tits frequently completely blobbed and molded over Scarlett's. They had seemed tough unkneaded dough before but now they felt both hard and steamy, forcefully mashed against her opponent's body. Sponged outwards yet getting harder with arousal, she slowly rubbed them up and down her opponent's outmatched pair. Poor Scarlett's breasts would be forcefully flattened, allowed to reinflate as Unryuu's scrubbed over hers before they would vanish and be forced to likely flatten as Unryuu's scrubbed back down. Soon she would settle for simply pressing them together, nipples into nipples, enjoying her opponent's trapped body against her heavier, deceptively strong frame.
The Lunar Fleet

From shortest to tallest:

Tatsuta Murasaki

Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

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Re: Battle of the Beasts: Unryuu vs Scarlett

Unread post by Rougue »

"Nghh...H-Hey I am not a lollipop so stop licking me this feels gross."
Scarlett tried to push herself back from her opponent's tongue but since behind her was a massive cage there was not much place for her to escape. For now, she had to endure whatever her opponent was doing to her which made her quite pissed. Sadly Unryuu wasn't even done with just licking. The woman pressed herself more into Scarlett and even fondled the UK's wrestler body with her hands. Scarlett felt like in the grasp on a pervert who was about to rape her any moment.

Being controlled by someone else like that and even someone who was smaller then she turned the woman on. She couldn't just let her opponent toy with her and not even right at the start of the match. Then However it came much worse as Unryuu grabbed Scarlett's top.
Before even getting the chance to talk back the other woman just pulled her top upwards which made quite the view for the audience who started to cheer for the other woman.

Then, however, it started to get a lot weirder for Scarlett as her opponent also removed her top and left both women topless. The crowd got heated up more at the view they got.
"What is wrong with you?"
Then Unryuu pressed her breast more into her own. Scarlett was actually proud of her breasts that they were kinda big but her opponent still made it flatten then with her giant pair.

"Mmm...get away...Mmm."
Scarlett would let out a few small moans. Not just because her opponent rubbed her bigger bust into hers. It was more because she got overpowered by her opponent in such a way. The white-haired woman felt helpless in her opponent's grasp and feared that she could lose when she wouldn't do anything soon.

Still, Scarlett didn't want to lose in her first singles match and not in such a way. She knew how this handcuffs worked. They would go off after five minutes or after if the trapped one would use enough force for it. Scarlett knew that she was strong so she would try it with that.

Scarlett would start to scream pushing with her hands against the handcuffs with really much force.
"I will give you something to enjoy."
She would yell and press stronger against the handcuffs until they would break open eventually.

When the handcuffs would be open Scarlett would attempt to put both of her hands together above her hand and smash them down on her opponent's head hoping to make her get away a bit. After that, the white-haired fighter would attempt to push Unryuu away from her.
"So bitch. It is time for the next round don't you think."

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