A special time of the year required a special occasion, Noelle would appear out of the tent set up as the dressing room for the battle at the beach, holding her umbrella infront of her to hide her body from the audience before lifting it up and showing off her white bikini. She smirked as she rested her umbrella on her shoulder as she began to walk towards the ring, with a bit of swagger in her step. She didn't mind the eyes on her, because everyone here was going to see that as small as she was, this event was tailored to her skills as a Submission Specialist as she walked up to the ring apron, jumping up as she took a hold of the lower rope to slide on her knee and spin around to the crowd for another look at her confident smirk before stepping underneath the middle rope.
In the ring, she would begin to walk around, twirling herself around before stopping in the middle of the ring to pose and show off her bikini clad body. Her eye would turn towards the entrance as she would wait to see what her opponent brought to the table, backing up into the corner of the ring, still twirling her umbrella in her hand to hide herself from the sun's rays.