A nobility dispute involving an table

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A nobility dispute involving an table

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Regina Ravenwood vs Great Luvia
Tables match
Whoever sends their opponent through a table first is the winner

Regina was just chancing into her wrestling attire as she decided to wear her white one piece that allowed her to show her fans , and her opponent a lot of cleavage.As for the rest she wore white leggings that would cover up her skin until her knees , and a pair of long white gloves and white boots as she watched the reflection in the mirror with a smirk on her face. After pulling some stray hairs from her face the redhead would leave the locker room , and start to walk towards the backstage area she noticed the time as she would hurry up to the backstage area in an effort to find out who she be facing.However as she looked at the clock the English woman would curse under her breath as she had less then an minute to make her way to the backstage area.

Regina just barely made it to the backstage area as she was just in time to hear "World is Mine by Hatsune Miku'' was coming out of the speakers as the English native walked onto the entrance stage with a cocky smirk on her face. So as the Voice of the ring announcer was heard as she said ''Now entering from London, England weighing in at around 135ibs .It Regina Ravenwood'' just as she got inside of the ring. Now their was nothing more the redhead could do , but hang against the ropes as she waited the arrival of the other wrestler.

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Re: A nobility dispute involving an table

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This was quite an interesting debut for Great Luvia, her first match here in LAW and it was to her understanding be against a fellow aristocrat, she had heard that there were a few around, but she wasn't so concerned with that. What she was a bit worried about was the fact that this match was a tables match. She couldn't say she had done a whole lot of those in her time of Professional wrestling. While she wouldn't consider it short, compared to a few perhaps it was. She had been wrestling as a professional for about a year, and before so as an amateur for a few years in her teens.

Still, a tables match was something she had done once before and it hadn't gone very well. She ended up losing that match, but alas. One couldn't win them all. She hoped to change that tonight. She hadn't exactly been able to make the arrangement for her special entrance tonight either, as this was her first match in LAW and she still needed to check what she was allowed to do.

Regardless, her theme played out from the speakers and with it the buxom blonde stepped out onto the ramp and showed her amazing physique in that tight blue and white attire. The Finish beauty made her way down the ramp as she headed towards the ring with the lovely redhead opponent of hers were waiting. The ring announce did the same as they had done for Regina, announcing the Great Luvia. " Now entering, from Uusimaa, Finland. Weighing in at 136lbs. Great Luvia." To spare the tongues of the announcer and her fans, she had saved them the trouble of having to pronounce her real name, going with the nickname Luvia and the ring name Great Luvia.

She stepped up into the ring and got up towards the center, striking a pose for the crowd before she would take a quick look around the ring at the tables placed around it. She would then turn her attention towards the lovely redheaded opponent of hers. " Greetings, its a pleasure to meet you. Miss Ravenwood."

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Re: A nobility dispute involving an table

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As Regina would see her opponent walk down she had to admit their was something akin to grace in the way the blond was walking towards her.Still she would struggle not to giggle as she had hoped to hear what Luvia's name was as their was no way she was going to call the Finn by that name.So as she came up with how to call her opponent as while she was thinking about that until she got towards the ring. As she would be disturbed from her thoughts as Luvia would start to talk to her.

Taking an moment to compose herself the redhead would just smile back as she replied ''why thank you , but I am certain that the pleasure will be mine.As I have to wonder from what noble house you must be to be so ashamed to not use your real name as I never heard of the noble house of Great that originated from Finland'' in what most would assume was a polite tone.However if you were from a noble family you could easily tell that Regina was mocking her fellow noble as the crowd cheered for what they thought was a great show of sportsmanship.

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Re: A nobility dispute involving an table

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Luvia watched the beautiful redhead stand before her, her eyes would narrow a little as she heard her speak though. Regina Ravenwood, the woman was already throwing insults her way. Causing Great Luvia to shake her head. She folded her arms underneath her own generous rack and took a step closer.

Getting into Regina's face, she would stand so close that their large racks were just an inch or so away from touching. " Luviagelita Edelfelt. Be sure to remember that name. It shall be the name of the winner of this match." Luvia spoke out. Her opinion had mostly formed about the buxom redhead already. She would not allow anyone to sully the Edelfelt name and go un-punished.

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Re: A nobility dispute involving an table

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''Are you trying to gain dominance on me think again''thought the redhead as she would follow the blond's example as she folded her arms beneath her own breasts , and then took a step closer as she stares into Luvia's eyes.Both wrestlers were getting in the other's face as finally their breasts would touch the other to the enjoyment of the crowd.

While she did that the blond would finally introduce herself , but it only caused her to smirk as she replied back ''alright I will remember that name.Still are you sure your a Edelfelt as I believe the only time your family came up with the British aristocrats which families should never have bin granted nobility. Guess which family was at the top of that list Luviagelita as I can't wait to send you through an table to prove that point once and for all'' as the referee would call for the bell while they were talking.

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Re: A nobility dispute involving an table

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Finally the two sets of large breasts met and pressed firmly up against one another, the crowd's reaction was one of loud approval at it as the blonde and the ginger haired woman stood pushing against one another. With the fellow noble lady flinging mud in a metaphorical manner, Luvia would remain silent and narrow her eyes at the redheaded beauty in front of her.

When Regina was finally done speaking, Luviagelita would finally move her hands from her hips and let them rest by her side for now. " It appears the Ravenwood's are more dense than I had heard, I thought it was simply a viscous rumor but it appears that those rumors didn't even do it justice. " Great Luvia spoke as she would then raise her right arm up high into the air. " Speaking to a Neanderthal of a noble lady such as yourself holds little merit Miss Ravenwood. En garde." The Great Luvia spoke as she had her arms up high offering a test of strength to Regina Ravenwood.

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Re: A nobility dispute involving an table

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The fans were enjoying the sight of both wrestlers pressing their large breasts together as the British wrestler was glaring at the other.As neither was acting like a true noble lady should as they were trading insults at the moment.As once the redhead was done with talking it was the blond's turn , and that pathetic excuse for a noble had no clue what she was talking about.Really calling her an neanderthal when her family was clearly the one who had the most prestige as everyone around the world had heard about the Ravenwoods.

However could the Edelfelts say the same.Well the answer was clear they could not , and it was up to Regina to make this clear to Juvia.So when the blond would offer up an test of strength the redhead would accept without even thinking about it for a second.As she would attempt to push Luviagelita onto her knees as she whispered ''please if one of us is an Neanderthal then it must be you.As I will prove my point by forcing you to get onto your knees for the better woman.As you Edelfelts do not have the same standing us Ravenwoods do so please bow down to your betters''.

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Re: A nobility dispute involving an table

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It was rather clear that neither of them were going to be on friendly terms as they were flinging mud at the other noble woman, Luvia would take the position of someone who defended herself but she had done the very same thing as the redhead had. Neither of them were innocent in this exchange of words, Yet it seemed as if words were not needed anymore, but were more of an auxiliary add on to the struggle that soon came.

The two rather busty women continued to push their large breasts up against one another as the large chested one piece wearing duo's hands locked in and they were in a test of strength. Strong frames flexed as arms began to shake a bit from the power they were both putting into the contest.

Luvia grunted out a little from the struggle as Regina commanded her to kneel, but the blonde refused, she stayed adamant and matched the strength of the buxom ginger beauty. The Finish woman's forehead met with the English lady's brow." Never...The Edelfelt don't bow to plebeians." Luvia got out through strained breath as she would try and force Regina down, trying to force the redhead to drop to her knees with her own power, but from the looks of it the rather equally sized and shaped women seemed fairly even in the strength department.

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Re: A nobility dispute involving an table

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Neither noble had any respect for the other as while the crowd thought differently the wrestlers knew the truth.As to them it seemed they were just going for a test of strength to determine who was the stronger wrestler.However it could not have bin further from the truth as what this test of strength really was about was forcing the other wrestler down onto her knees.As neither aristocrat wanted to be the one who had to bow to what they believed was the one with the lower standing between them.

So as they collided together their breasts would touch for a moment as she heard the blond grunt from the struggle as she looked in her eyes. ''Come on Luvia we both know you will bow to me''thought the redhead as she stared into the other wrestler's eyes only to called a plebeian.Now that was just crossing an line that any true noble would never cross.As their was being of an lesser family , and then being called a plebeian as she would be forced backwards as she arched her back under the pressure.

''Did you just call me a PLEBEIANS? ....... HOW DARE YOU CALL ME THAT AS I DID NOT THINK YOU COULD SINK SO LOW AS TO CALL ME THAT''screamed Regina as she would buckle under the pressure as she tried to stand on her feet as she was slowly being forced to crouch down as she attempted to push back with more strength then before.

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Re: A nobility dispute involving an table

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Luvia seemed to get the better of the redheaded aristocrat as she slowly by surely got Regina Ravenwood to drop her cool and focus, which of course spelled the doom for Regina. In truth, Luvia would have been interested in seeing which one of them were truly the strongest noble lady around here, yet that would clearly have to wait as she was now in a prime position to force the buxom redhead beauty down.

Not wasting a single moment, when Regina buckled, Luvia would put the pressure on ten-fold. Aiming to push and force Regina down, while the redhead screamed and shouted, the crowd noticing that clearly they weren't as friendly as it seemed with the loud shouts from Regina Ravenwood. " I have only spoken the truth, Miss Ravenwood. Now bow!" Luviagelita would speak before trying to push all her might and weight down into making Regina kneel before her.

Yet, she went further. Trying to force the woman to fall down straight onto her front, almost as if she was trying to make Regina Ravenwod, kowtow before the haughty blonde.

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