(They can wear the ears and tail when asked.)

In hardcore fights



Scarlett always goes in first to weaken the opponent with her heavy strikes and claw attacks. When their opponent is weak enough Laura will come in and with her speed, and precision, she will make the finishing blow against their opponent.
Assisted Dropkick

They first met at an underground fighting arena. At this time Scarlett was the champion there but Laura didn't need much effort to bring her down. After their short fight, both talked with each other and they became friends. Laura heard from an organization named LAW and she wanted to fight there. Scarlett who always liked to fight strong opponent's said that she wanted to join her.
They both saved the money they earned in the underground fights too. As they soon got enough money they started their journey to where LAW was located. Since they got pretty good friends both agreed on participating as a tag team. Laura already had her claws as weapons and she wanted that Scarlett get claws as well so that they both had a theme going on. At first, Scarlett wasn't sure about that but as she thought a roundabout she agreed to that. With now both woman weaponed with claws they joined LAW under the name "Duo-Claws".