Jun Saejima vs. Moonyoung Lee - Martial Marvel

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Jun Saejima vs. Moonyoung Lee - Martial Marvel

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Two out of Three Falls Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO or submission from the opponent, twice.
Normal rules apply.

It's been a while since the last time Jun stepped into the ring. The last time she had a match in LAW was during her debut, in which she emerged victorious against Marie Blanc. Right after winning, Jun got herself engaged in some personal matter, in which she had to ask the management for a small break. Just some minor issues back at her hometown, and once everything's said and done, she returned back to Tokyo to continue her pursuit for greatness in LAW arena.

For tonight, she would be pitted against someone who had a martial arts background, just like her. From the sound of it, her opponent for the night was a Korean, which Jun didn't really care about, because whoever this woman would be, she would have to show everyone what she's made of, and she would once again emerge victorious, thus climbing herself up the cards and putting herself above most. If she was lucky, she might even end up getting a chance to fight for a gold, and that would be a great achievement for her, who was looking to prove herself as the one among the best.
Jun Saejima
Making her entrance, Jun walked down the ramp, focusing herself on the ring where she would be facing her next opponent. She cared little about the crowd, and whatever they thought of her, that was irrelevant. She made her way down the ramp, heading over to the ring as her music was played. Once she reached the ring, she climbed up the apron, slipping under the ropes. She would walk in circles for a while, doing some stretching up before going to a corner so that she could wait for her opponent to show up.

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Re: Jun Saejima vs. Moonyoung Lee - Martial Marvel

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Finally! Moonyoung's lazy manager found her a match at last. Little did the Korean know, that it was hard work for her manager to find her a match, because many of the wrestlers Moonyoung would turn to mush with her fists. Also, not many girls were fans of mismatches and neither was Moonyoung.
This time, however, the manager managed to find a woman with a potentially similar level of skill and was even quite a threat, since she was good at submissions. That's at least according to the accessible information.

Moonyoung was shadow boxing backstage, waiting for her entrance and waiting until she could feel the opponent's flesh and bones with her fists. The opponent's entrance wasn't very flashy, which Moonyoung didn't mind at all, since she found unnecessary flashiness to be silly.
It was time for Moonyoung's entrance. Several seconds after her music would hit the speakers, the boxer showed herself wearing something similar to a boxer's coat on her shoulders. The pink haired Korean made her way to the ring, as only after a while the crowds realized who this Moonyoung was - Some seen her on a sport's magazine, other's saw her matches in Wild's League. Those who recognised her, started cheering for her, since they knew that Moonyoung knows a thing or two about fighting.
Moonyoung slew into the ring and stood up, then threw her coat out of the ring leaving her gym attire on. Moonyoung would tighten up the bandages on her fists with her mouth and throw some random punches into thin air, while eyeing over her opponent, who seemed to be quite fit, but there was some contrast in their attires - Moonyoung covered her legs, while leaving her torso revealed, while Jun had her legs pretty much exposed, but her torso covered up. It was just a random thought that caught Moonyoung's eye.

Moonyoung would go to the center of the ring to meet her opponent, but instead of a handshake, she would offer a fistbump. So, are you one of those, who think they are better than others, or more of a humble type? I'm probably the latter. Probably...
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Re: Jun Saejima vs. Moonyoung Lee - Martial Marvel

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Jun watched her opponent making her way down to the ring. From the look of it, she seemed to be someone who was into boxing, which meant she had to be careful around those punches of hers. She waited for her to arrive into the ring, crossing her arms under her chest as she watched her, trying to ascertain what kind of fighter she was.

Her opponent, Moonyoung, then went to the center of the ring, and instead of offering her a handshake, she held out her fist for a fist bump. Jun tilted her head, looking at the offered fist for a while before she nodded, stepping forward before she returned the gesture, bumping her fist with Moonyoung's.

Without saying anything else, Jun turned around and headed back to her corner, doing a little stretching up before the match could begin. Soon, the ref would call for the two of them to prepare themselves, and the martial-artist stepped away from the corner, preparing herself for the match. Once the bell was rung, Jun would take a stance, circling her opponent to see if there was any opening that she could take advantage of.

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Re: Jun Saejima vs. Moonyoung Lee - Martial Marvel

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A silent type, huh? Fine by me. Moonyoung said when she didn't hear an answer from Jun after their fistbump. Maybe this woman was here just for fighting, not for talking? Moonyoung liked that, if that was true, that is. The Korean preferred to get down to business too. Moonyoung was in her corner, waiting for the bell to ring.

Upon the sound of the bell, Moonyoung assumed her boxing stance and noticed that her opponent started circling around instead of coming straight at her - must be a cautious approach. The boxer would start circling her foe as well with small hops, slowly closing the distance. When the distance reached around 2 or 3 meters between them, Moonyoung would close the distance between them in a heartbeat, dashing in with a jab already on it's way to the opponent's face. Another jab with her other arm would follow instantly after. After two quick jabs, the pink haired girl would throw a punch to Jun's belly and immediately back away, checking the opponent's defences with this quick three-hit combo. This was out-boxing tactic - using speed and capitalizing on the opponent's mistakes to wear the opponent down with punches. In this case, it was hit and run tactic, since Jun was intent on the defensive at the moment. If this continued, then Moonyoung would just poke at her defences and back away...
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Re: Jun Saejima vs. Moonyoung Lee - Martial Marvel

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Jun watched her opponent carefully, seeing that the Korean woman before her had taken a boxing stance, which meant that she needed to be careful of her punches. Then, she saw Moonyoung closing in, and Jun would react to her attacks. The first two jabs were aimed to her face, and the martial-artist would dodge the punches, avoiding the jabs by moving her head. Then, Moonyoung followed it up with her third jab, this time aimed to her belly. This time, Jun would not dodge the punch, but instead, she would slap the fist out of its way, deflecting it to ensure that it didn't hit its target.

After those attempts, Moonyoung had distanced herself from Jun, and the martial-artist would keep her eyes on her. Then, she would take her stance again, but this time, it wasn't a wrestling stance. Both her legs were spread, her right foot at the front and left foot at the back. Her arms were held out with palms opened. It was a classic aikido stance, or hanmi. As she took the stance, she would wait for Moonyoung to attack her again, looking to react to whatever she would throw at her accordingly.

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Re: Jun Saejima vs. Moonyoung Lee - Martial Marvel

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Well well, this girl was no joke, handling that fast little combo like that... Moonyoung saw her opponent change her stance - It was Aikido or something similar, if the memory served... Having fought in freestyle martial arts matches helped the boxer understand other martial arts, at least their essentials. In this case, Moonyoung assumed that her opponent would try and get ahold of her fist mid-punch, then use that force against Moonyoung to throw her or something like that...

''Okay, try to catch this, then'' Moonyoung thought as she would wait until Jun blinked, then she would close the distance between them in the blind of an eye, literally and unleash a flurry of punches all over the opponent's body so fast that they would be nearly impossible to see for a normal person. If Jun still managed to get a hold of one of the Korean's arms anyway, the boxer would immediately smash her other fist into Jun's biceps and back away again.
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Re: Jun Saejima vs. Moonyoung Lee - Martial Marvel

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Now having her aikido stance up, Jun would prepare herself for Moonyoung's next attacks. Sure enough, the Korean chick went for a flurry of punches, and the martial-artist had to maneuver herself out of her way, avoiding most of the punches while blocking and deflecting some of them. Still, from what she could feel after blocking those punches, Moonyoung certainly packed quite a power behind her fists, and she had to be careful to not take a direct hit from her.

When Moonyoung launched her last punch, Jun would try to catch it, hoping to quickly trap her opponent in some kind of hold. But, before she could accomplish anything, her biceps took a hit, causing the Japanese martial-artist to hiss in pain, and she immediately let go of Moonyoung's hand before she took a few steps back so that she could put herself back into her aikido stance. Her biceps took a direct hit, and it stung quite a bit. Better be careful next time, she thought to herself.

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Re: Jun Saejima vs. Moonyoung Lee - Martial Marvel

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The Japanese opponent was impressive, as expected, avoiding and blocking those punches, but Moonyoung still did some damage on Jun's arms. Hit and run tactic was working out so far. The Korean had to keep herself as least predictable as possible for this to keep working...

Another thing impressed Moonyoung - There was complete silence between the two. Hell, even the crowd was completely silent and the two women were completely focused. Other fighters would be throwing taunts, insults and flashy moves, disregarding all defence at each other. To these two, however, it didn't matter who the other person was or who fucked whose mother, it was just Moonyoung and her opponent. There was nothing else in this world at the moment.

If the opponent would blink, Moonyoung would dash in again, closing the distance, getting in closer this time, actually. Moonyoung would act fast and step on Jun's foot, to limit her movement, then throw a jab at her face, which would be a feint, while the real attack would be with Moonyoung's other hand in a form of a nasty uppercut to Jun's stomach. Moonyoung was hoping that the feint jab would distract her opponent, plus with such a close distance between them, the opponent might not even notice the blow in the first place.

If it worked and folded the opponent, then Moonyoung would go for an uppercut from down below, aimed at the face of the Japanese martial artist.
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Re: Jun Saejima vs. Moonyoung Lee - Martial Marvel

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Still keeping her eyes on Moonyoung, Jun maintained her stance, both hands held out as she waited for the boxer to make her next move. When the Korean woman finally closed in, Jun braced herself, but she was caught off-guard when Moonyoung stepped on her foot, which distracted her from seeing the coming punch to her face. Jun quickly brought her arms to deflect the punch, only to find out that it was just a mere feint for Moonyoung true attack as she delivered an uppercut right into her belly.

"Hrghh!!" Jun grunted, doubling over from the punch. Due to this, her guard was lowered, which allowed Moonyoung to land another hit, this time an uppercut right under her chin, and Jun's head was whipped back from the blow as she staggered back. "Aaghh!!" Still, she didn't fall back as she maintained her footing. Distancing herself from Moonyoung, Jun would quickly regain her stance, though she panted a little, feeling sore from both attacks from her opponent.

It looked like she was put in a defensive position. She needed to get herself into attacking Moonyoung soon, or else her defense would be chipped away by her opponent's attacks, which would surely put the martial-artist in a very precarious position later in this match.

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Re: Jun Saejima vs. Moonyoung Lee - Martial Marvel

Unread post by ragaz »

Yeah, this was working out so far. This is probably a lesson for the opponent of what happens when you're overly defensive. More specifically that the pink Korean landed two solid hits on the opponent. However, if there was someone else in Moonyoung's place, someone not quite as skilled in this art, Jun would make them look like jobbers, Moonyoung knew that.

Moonyoung found it a little strange that the opponent still seemed to be on the defensive. Was Jun THAT confident in her defence, despite the boxer punching holes in her defences? The two fighters, again in their stances watched each other carefully, the tension was off the charts, yet the fighters were completely calm. Meanwhile, Moonyoung was thinking about her next approach...

Many of the ideas the boxer had, looked risky in her mind and she wasn't feeling very confident about trying to repeat the same thing again, so until she could think of something better, Moonyoung decided to go for a simple approach - She would very slowly close in until she'd be withing kicking distance and would throw a kick at Jun's leg, while very carefully watching her for any kind of response...
Sloth's Harem

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