yoko vs Haley standard match

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yoko vs Haley standard match

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

standard match
Win by pinfall submission or Ko
attire: normal attire

Haley would stretch a bit as she wore a yellow Short and a blue camo sport bra. Haley didn't have much else to wear for standard matches. "hmm i should try and make a attire for wrestling though thsi is fine enough i think..." Haley said to herself as she walked over to the entrance of the ring. waiting for her cue she would get it a few minutes after getting there and walked out to the arena nad wave teo the crowd who cheered. Haley would walk down the rap and clap hands wiht the crowd before getting into the ring. she was facing a girl who was bigger and taller then her she didn't know how much but knew this was going ot be a tough match.

Looking at the entrance she waited for thi girl to show up and they can start the match.

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Re: yoko vs Haley standard match

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It was a standart match against a cute girl for Yoko today, who can lift 200lbs and has some military background. That's what she found out from her research of the opponent anyway. That was pretty impressive, considering the girl was smaller than Yoko. Yoko was excited to test her strength against this girl.

It was time for Yoko to enter, with her music blasting off through the speakers.
Two seconds later, Yoko drove in with her bike, passing near the crowd and giving a dozen high-fives to a row of people on the driveby until she neared the ring and stopped with a classy turn-brake move. The crowd was cheering for Yoko, they liked the show - not everyone has the guts to drive in with a bike and a gun to the ring and if Yoko had one thing, it certainly was guts. Yoko took off her new-school glasses and eyed over to her opponenent, who looked pretty cute. Yoko got off her bike and made her way towards the ring.
Yoko entered the ring over the mid rope and the ref was already waiting to get Yoko's stuff. It was nice that they knew the drill. Yoko, nonchalantly handed over all of her stuff to the ref - Her scarf, her rifle, her glasses and then slowly took off her jacket, getting some whistles from the crowd. Yoko noticed that her's and the opponent's attires were similar - short shorts and a bra. It's probably fitting for fighting.

Yoko would then walk over to her opponent and offer her a handshake. Hi there, i'm Yoko Littner. Best of luck to you and let the better woman win, right? There would be a slight pause. Also, did i mention that you're pretty cute?
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Re: yoko vs Haley standard match

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Haley watched as the middle weight who was riding a bike and had a rifle that looked to be really cool. Haleys military child hood game out as she wonderd if that gun was up legal and up to code but realized that she was in a different country as well. Seeing Yoko speak haley smiled at her. "hello there I'm Haley thomas. I hope that gun is for show and on safety. "Haley spoke to yoko.

SHe would stretch out softly as she extended her arms to Yoko ready to start the match. "Don't hold back even though im small got it?" Haley as she was annoyed ot be called cute remember how everyone calls her cute. she didn't like it that much.

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Re: yoko vs Haley standard match

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Well, that gun is fully functional, but no worries, i have no intention of using it during our match, i simply carry it everywhere i go. Yoko would assure the smaller girl.

Yoko would then get herself ready to fight, raising her arms to face level. Because holding back would be disrespectful to you? I get it, but i expect you not to hold back in return, understand? Yoko would demand in return.

Once the bell would ring, Yoko would approach her opponent slowly. When she'd be in range, Yoko would throw a left jab at Haley's face and not a moment later, would unleash an uppercut towards her cute belly, hoping to sink her fist as deep as she could.
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Re: yoko vs Haley standard match

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"i figured or you would face some bad consequences for firing a live weapon in a public place. " Haley said a she would smiled. "no i just want a really good match and give everyone here a really good show dont you think?" Haley asked with a smile and was about ot lock up until Yoko came at her with a punch. Haley would block it but would get hit with a upper cut and coughed out. "ugh.." SHe held her stomach but knew she had fight back. clenching her fist haley owuld send a punch at Yoko's side and hit her at the kidney.

"not dont yet." Haley said and sent an other punch at yoko's face. After that Haley would move her hands up in a boxing stance as she was prepared for the next attack.

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Re: yoko vs Haley standard match

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Yoko's fist connected with the girl's belly, but the girl fired back a punch of her own at Yoko's kidney. Rrrgh Yoko endured the blow, but then heard the opponent claim that there's more to come - a mistake on Haley's part, Yoko would say.
Yoko would catch Haley's arm with her own and push it to the side. Then, using her other arm, Yoko would throw another uppercut to the girl's midsection, her solar plexus, to be more specific, hoping to fold the smaller opponent.

If it worked, Yoko would grab Haley's head and ram a knee straight to her face. Well, they both agreed not to hold back, right?
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Re: yoko vs Haley standard match

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Haley clicked her teeth "tch.." As Yoko caught her next punch nad would then throw and other upper cute into her belly again this time hitting a really painful spot. As much as she wanted to endure the uppercut it hit its mark hard causing the lightweight to double over. she would feel Yoko grab her head and saw the knee coming.

Haley would move her arms infront of her face blocking the knee. she would grab the girl's knee and use her strength to lift up yoko and toss her over her. "rarrrh!" Haley exclaimed as she breathed abit and looked over at Yoko before grabbing her hair and would punch Yoko in the face two time before slamming the girl's head onto the canvas.

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Re: yoko vs Haley standard match

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Yoko's fist sunk nicely into Haley's solar plexus, but when she tried to knee the girl in the face, Yoko's knee was grabbed and she was dropped to the ground face first RRRgghh! Yoko growled upon impact]. Yoko was surprised the girl could muster such strength.

Yoko still felt dizzy after the impact, but Haley didn't seem like the type to wait. AAAouch. Aaijajaj! Not the hair, you little shi... Yoko's head was lifted off the mat by her hair and then her foul mouth was interruped by a punch to her pretty face and that same face then got slammed back into the mat. Or so it would be, if not for Yoko supporting herself with her arms against the canvas at the last moment.

Yoko would get herself onto one knee and grab Haley's arm that held her by the hair. Yoko would then judo-toss the smaller girl over her back, so that Haley would hit the canvas back-first. Since Yoko would still be holding Haley's arm after that, she would turn this into an armbar, with her legs over Haley's throat and chest, while the girl's arm would be in serious pain with Yoko not holding back her strength at it. You're pretty rough for a girl such as you.
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Re: yoko vs Haley standard match

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

Haley would think she was getting to far in the fight as she would get grabbed by her arm. "hey let go!"Haley said befor getting pushed onto her back rather hard. "ugh!" haley groaned as she arched her back but would get caught in a Arm bar.

Hearing Yoko's words haley squirmed a little, "what do you mean such as me? Just cause im cute i dont know how ot fight?" Haley asked as as she would tried to rol her body and get onto her knees and have yoko on her belly. "i been in military school i know how to fight a little." Haley said as she would put her self on the girls back and grab her legs. Haley would then tried to pull the legs back in a boston crab.

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Re: yoko vs Haley standard match

Unread post by ragaz »

No no no, i know that you can fight, i just didn't take you for such a rough fighter. Yoko said while punishing the girl via arm bar. And if you don't like to be called cute, then how about i call you sexy instead?

Yoko started to feel that it was a bit hard to keep the sexy girl in the hold, as she started getting herself onto her knees, disregarding Yoko's efforts and then turning the redhead onto her belly, forcing her arm free. Yoko was again surprised by this girl's strength. Oh? That's cool, i've been in the military too!

The next thing that Yoko felt, was Haley capturing her legs, locking the red haired beauty in a boston crab. RRrrrghhh! Yoko grit her teeth and tried to endure this and thinking of a way out of the bind. Yoko would look around and decide that the best solution will be try and crawl for the ropes, but it seemed like Yoko would have to put a lot of effort into that...
Sloth's Harem

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