Brielle v E'isa - A Firey X-Change!

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Brielle v E'isa - A Firey X-Change!

Unread post by Blau<3 »

Standard Match

Win by pinfall, submission, Disqualification, or Count Out

Brielle put on her wrestling outfit. She slipped on her black arm sleeves that helped accentuate her toned biceps. Then put on her sleeveless crop top which helped show off her shoulders and give the crowd some lovely underboob. Then she put on her black thong before sliding up her black athletic skirt which was low rise so to show off her nice abs and was slit at the side to show her firm thighs and a tease of plump peach. Then she tied up her boots before taking a look in the mirror, she smiled as she struck a pose with a beaming smile.
She then heard her name called to make her way to the ring.

Brielle's entrance music
The upbeat music filled the arena as the radiant blonde appeared at the top of the ramp. The crowd cheering as though it had been a rough start for the footballer, the fans loved her energy she brought to every match. For others, they enjoyed seeing a fit pretty woman humiliated and defeated. Either way the crowd gave Brielle a nice welcome as she strutted down the ramp waving and blowing kisses. While frustrated as she had yet to get into a rhythm in her debut round of bouts this was another opportunity to maybe come out triumphant.

Brielle got to the apron where she, as always, gave the crowd a bit of eye candy as she did a split so the camera got a good view of her sweet peach that swallowed the black thong underneath before sliding under the bottom rope. The crowd whistling and catcalling with their cheers.
Entrance split

Brielle shook herself loose and stretched her toned, fit body as she waited for her opponent to make her entrance. Brielle didn't know much about her opponent, except that she was a heavyweight. Hmmm...this could be a good chance to show everyone these muscles ain't just for show ~ The footballer thought as she was eager to start showing everyone what she was capable of.
Last edited by Blau<3 on Sun Mar 02, 2025 7:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brielle v E'isa - A Firey X-Change!

Unread post by XXVV »

Another day, another chance to show out. E'isa had made her way to the parking lot yet again, booked for another match, it seemed people couldn't get enough of her. Especially after her last match, she was coming in hot and dangerous, gaining a lot of perspective or some would say even a lack of it. A dangerous, focused, egoistical E-Mac made her way out of her car into the arena. Looking around as she paced through to the locker room. Some in the back showed her respect and praise while others looked annoyed with her antics, some electing to not even make eye contact. None of it bothered her, all the attention was welcomed as that was her business, getting eyes on her in any way that worked. Hitting the locker room she'd do her usual prep, the stretches, untying her hair, and some tape review. Reviewing her opponents always had priority before the match. Looking over what she could find about her opponent tonight, many things piqued her interest.

"Brielle.. 5"10? Woww pretty tall.. Ex-athlete, very great physique, very nimble but she still seems to be adjusting to things.. I can work with that.."

Feeling confident, having a mango smoothie she blended before coming in as she continued to scout Brielle. Finishing it, looking like she was going to go into the match in good spirits. Excited for another chance to showcase what she brought to the table, something she felt was lacking around the locker room. But then she'd see something while checking Brielle that would trigger her. Peering down at her phone to see her weight class, her eyebrows would point downward, visibly irritated.

"another middle-weight.. are they serious? is this some kind of joke.."

Unable to find words to express her frustration, another middle-weight to fight? Where were the heavyweights and why were they not facing her? She wanted answers but each match only confused and agitated her more. Wanting to show she was ready to shake the division up and pave her way to the top. A familiar grin would come across her face, she felt like she was being booked wrong but instead of taking it out on management, she would elect to take it out on every middleweight she faced. She would make an example out of everyone until her spot was unquestionable, something no one could debate or argue, only accept. Throwing on her attire, she looked in the mirror before flexing and closing her locker. Heading out to the ramp she'd peer at the monitors backstage and see Brielle make her entrance, she looked amazing and had the look of a future star. E'isa looked on ready to show out and make an example as she made her way to the ramp. Her theme hit as the crowd would meet her with cheers and boos.
Her core fans putting up "X's" which was starting to become a regular occurrence now as they wanted to pay respect to their favorite.

E'isa coming out would stand at the ramp looking down at Brielle in the ring, ready to put on a match people would talk about days after.
Slowly making her way down to the ring, her hips bounced back and forth to her entrance. Swaying from side to side, wanting all to get a view of what training and applying yourself rewarded you with. Her body was a showcase of dedication, hitting the bottom of the ramp before looking into the ring again at Brielle. She'd notice they had a random security guard on the outside. Wondering if they had called it in due to her last matchup where some would say she went "overboard" though she felt it was warranted. Wanting to put the guard on edge, instead of hopping on the apron to do her usual split before entering the ring, E'isa would circle the outside, grinning, looking she was up to no good.
Stopping after a lap around to get on the apron, jumping up before doing her usual split on the ring apron, sliding under the ropes looking up at Brielle before popping up. Stepping up to her opponent, face to face, grinning as she wanted to make another example.

"Brielle yes? I don't know if you saw my last encounter.. but accepting this match might not have been wise.. Good luck.."

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Re: Brielle v E'isa - A Firey X-Change!

Unread post by Blau<3 »

Brielle stood in her corner as her opponent's entrance had begun. The hip hop music filled the arena as the crowd reacted with a heavy mix of cheers and boos. The blonde's eyes opened wide as her opponent stood at the top of the ramp. She was about her height, beautiful caramel skin, toned and fit, big curly hair, and an outfit that perfectly accentuated her physique. Her aura could be felt a mile away, confident and large. Brielle's hear raced as the latina woman made her way down the ramp and towards the ring.

Brielle watched as the woman strutted her perfect curves and her large bust bounced with each step. She stepped up to the apron then paced around the ring with a devious look on her face. Brielle kept her eyes locked, small part admiration of her look as Brielle always had a respect for women who shared her dedication to work on their bodies to make them strong and sculpted and large part to let E'isa know that she wasn't least on the outside.

Her opponent did a split, giving the crowd and Brielle a great view of the perfect Dominican rear before sliding into the ring. Brielle stood about the same height as the two fit women met face to face. The footballer eyed her opponent up, they were equal height wise but the latina's muscles were a bit bigger. Brielle wore a smirk, knowing that this was the kind of woman that she wanted. Two strong women fighting for physical dominance.

"Thanks darling, but you don't scare me. Actions speak louder than words so let's get into it. Bring your best, if you don't you're gonna wish you did ~"

Brielle said confidently as she walked back into her corner and shook herself loose and ready. She got into a stance as she waited for the bell to ring.


The crowd cheered in anticipation for the match! Brielle came out like an olympic sprinter out of the blocks as she used her blazing speed to quickly close the distance. She may have alot to learn in terms of technique, but her physical traits were incredible - a rare blend of elite speed and strength as she looked to use it to her advantage and catch her cocky opponent off guard. Right as Brielle closed the distance she would jump in the air and look to send a forceful drop kick right into E'isa's chest, looking to send her crashing back into her corner or slamming back onto the mat.
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Re: Brielle v E'isa - A Firey X-Change!

Unread post by XXVV »

After stepping up and getting an up-close visual E'isa would grin. Feeling like Brielle was a very unique athlete with a lot of potential if used right. Yet none of it scared her as the Latina would slowly walk to the corner. Feeling like she was in control of this and the only thing that held her back in this matchup was herself. Full of herself as her last two matches against middleweights had ended with unquestionable results in her favor. Thinking to herself this was her moment to keep building momentum, building her path to stardom.

"She doesn't realize what's about to hit her.. she'll learn though.. she'll realize she should've declined a match with me.."

She was keen on breaking each person who stood in front of her regardless of weight class. Ready to make a path on top of their defeated broken bodies as she marched her way to the top of the mountain. Feeling herself as she slowly paced to her corner to wait on the bell. Brielle walked back to the corner, shaking herself loose waiting for the bell that came almost immediately. Wasting no time as she would come out showcasing her world-class speed and athleticism. Coming out full sprint into E'isa slowly making her way to the corner, off guard and maybe too confident.

Not respecting Brielle's speed enough, she'd hear the bell along with faint sounds of feet coming in quickly and impulsively try to turn but not react quickly enough. Turning to meet Brielle closing the distance, so quick, so agile, jumping into the air to catch E-Mac with a strong dropkick right into the chest. The Latina sent stumbling back off the dropkick right into the corner turnbuckle bumping it hard as she'd grunt and try to gather herself. Leaning on it frustrated as she felt Brielle had taken advantage of her. Leaving herself open to more offense potentially as her overconfidence was palpable and on full display.

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