Isabela Cabal Vs Aja Verdant: Wild things in Nature

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Isabela Cabal Vs Aja Verdant: Wild things in Nature

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Match Type: POW Hentai match
Victory Condition: Force your opponent to orgasm, Loser will become a POW for the next 24 hours to the winner

Aja Verdant prepared herself backstage where the curtain acted as the only barrier between her and the excited audience. She'd do a few warm up stretch, making sure that she was fully prepared for her match tonight. The match would almost be a normal match like any other one except for one key detail....It was a POW match. This meant that whoever won got to have even more fun with their rival after the match. The thought of it alone sent waves of excitement, so when it was her time to leave backstage she'd do it in a hurry manner.

Running to the ring, Aja waved at the cheerful crowd before jumping into the ring. There she boldly did a flip into the air, showcasing her athletic ability before heading over to the ring where the ref would check her out.

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Re: Isabela Cabal Vs Aja Verdant: Wild things in Nature

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Isabela was in the locker room. It was time for another match. The Mexican wrestler had done a good number of matches in LAW but this match was different. It was her first hentai match with a major stipulation. This meant her body could be on full display for the crowd. As such, she was a bit nervous but she would just tell herself it was another match and to treat it like that. She would take a moment to look into the mirror, once again checking her outfit. While some wrestlers had specific hentai outfits, the Mexican wrestler decided to keep her usual one, in her opinion, it was close enough and showed enough of her body. Feeling satisfied with the way she looked, the raven-haired wrestler would leave her locker room and make her way towards the entrance.

As she walked down the hallway, she would, as usual, talk to the crew. She knew all of them well and was even on a first-name basis with most of them. She had made it a habit to befriend them all. After all, they were a team, she was the star but they were the crew behind that helped her and all the other wrestlers in LAW. She would shake their hands and make small talk. Eventually, she was just outside the entrance area. The staff asked if she wanted her louder-than-usual entrance but Isabela would shake her head left to right, indicating no. This was a hentai match, no need for some shock and awe for this, she needed something else. She would then give them instructions on what to do.

With that, the lights would suddenly go dark while everything was silent. Then a single spotlight would shine, showing off Isabela doing a pose, letting her take the attention. Then her theme song would play and suddenly all the other lights would turn on. The Mexican wrestler would then make her way down the ramp and towards the ring.

As she got to the ring, she would seductively slide under the ropes. She would then push up with her hands, showing off her body a bit before standing up. Isabela would then look at her opponent. She would start sizing her up. The Mexican wrestler had to admit, she was very beautiful but she wasn't going to let that get in the way of winning the match. The Raven-haired wrestler would then make her way to the center of the ring, putting her hands on her hips. "My, my, you are a pretty thing. I look forward to making you submit and making you become my best sacrifice yet." said Isabela in a confident tone.
Isabela Cabal

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Re: Isabela Cabal Vs Aja Verdant: Wild things in Nature

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Aja stood confidently in the ring, her eyes locked onto Isabela as the Mexican wrestler made her way down the ramp. She couldn't help but admire the way she carried herself, but Aja wasn’t about to let that distract her from the match ahead. As Isabela slid under the ropes and struck a pose, Aja’s lips curled into a slight grin.

"You certainly know how to make an entrance," Aja teased, her voice smooth, tinged with a playful flirtation. "But I’m not here to be your ‘sacrifice,’ querida. I’m here to show you what happens when you step into the ring with someone who knows how to take control."

With a confident step forward, Aja moved into the center of the ring, her gaze never leaving Isabela’s. "You’re are very beautiful indeed," she continued with a wink, [color=#0080000]"but that’ll only add to my win when we finish tonight~” [/color]Aja then backed away into her corner as the match would surely begin soon.


Aja prediction was correct as the bell made noises across the whole arena. Shed slowly advance towards her opponent’s, then stick both hands out to offer a test of strength.

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Re: Isabela Cabal Vs Aja Verdant: Wild things in Nature

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The Aztec style wrestler smirked as she heard her opponent comments. It seemed she had a lot of confidence but it would take more than that to win a match like this. "You're confident, that is good but I have destroyed many wrestlers who were confident and claimed they would beat me. History will repeat itself and I will defeat you! Your comments about my beauty while true will not make me spare you." said Isabela in response as she stayed in the middle of the ring.

The referee would then tell the Mexican wrestler to go to her corner. But instead of following her commands, the Aztec styled wrestler glared at her. She was going to stay in the center and not give any ground, not to her opponent, nor to the referee. The referee girl not wanting to cause too much trouble would signal for the start of the match and the bell would ring.

Now the match was underway and her opponent raised her arms up, challenging Isabela to a contest of strength. The raven haired wrestler would smirk, raising her arms up to met her. "A contest of strength, very well, I accept your challenge." said the Mexican wrestler in a confident tone. With that she would attempt to lock fingers and try to over power her opponent, attempting to send her green haired opponent to the turnbuckle.

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