Back to Basics: Rebecca Blue vs. Kyra Agmento

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Re: Back to Basics: Rebecca Blue vs. Kyra Agmento

Unread post by B.Lemme »

Rebecca lay on the canvas still grasping her head from being slammed into the corner! Her attention would be refocused by the crowd reacting to Kyra setting herself up for her next move. Opening one eye she could see Kyra making her way to the top of the turnbuckle meaning there was only one thing on the woman's mind. Seeing Kyra jump off the top, Rebecca would roll to one side out of Kyra's impact zone!
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Re: Back to Basics: Rebecca Blue vs. Kyra Agmento

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*Kyra landed on the canvas without Rebecca providing some padding. The young blonde rubbed her back and rolled over on hands and knees to raise.*
"You will totally kiss my bum."
*Kyra grinned and then tried to bolt at Rebecca again.*

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Re: Back to Basics: Rebecca Blue vs. Kyra Agmento

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Rebecca pushed herself up to her knees seeing Kyra impact the canvas with a solid thud. She'd luckily been able to gather herself enough to avoid the splash. However, Kyra seemed undaunted even after taking the full impact from slamming into the floor! The blonde got herself back to her feet and rushed at Rebecca once again!

Rebecca needed to get some offense in and waited for Kyra to get closer. Once Rebecca felt Kyra was close enough she would explode forward from her knees trying to send her shoulder into Kyra's stomach for a spear!
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Re: Back to Basics: Rebecca Blue vs. Kyra Agmento

Unread post by KyraAgmento »

*Kyra coughed as Rebeccas shoulder rammed into her belly she instinctively tried to wrap her arms around Rebeccas waist to get some controll of the blondes charge, while her feets got dragged over the floor. Kyra tried to get her foot under her again while getting a stable hold on Rebecca.*

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Re: Back to Basics: Rebecca Blue vs. Kyra Agmento

Unread post by B.Lemme »

Rebecca couldn't believe it! Running like she was and landing her shoulder into Kyra's stomach should've sent the blonde straight to the floor! However, Kyra was clearly capable of much more than pure looks would let on. Planting her feet the blonde actually managed to remain on her feet despite the strike, and wrapped her arms around Rebecca's waist.

Considering she still had at least some momentum on her side, Rebecca wanted to try anything to keep it going! Rebecca would try and use her back and legs to lift Kyra off the floor. Hopefully, she'd end up with Kyra on her back but upside down where Rebecca could try and go for a back to belly pile driver! If successful there would be potential for Rebecca to end things fairly early!
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Re: Back to Basics: Rebecca Blue vs. Kyra Agmento

Unread post by KyraAgmento »

*Kyra yelped as she got lifted into the air, the young blonde struggled and then tried to throw her weight around, and wrapping her arms around Rebeccas left leg while trying to wrap her legs around Rebeccas waist.*

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Re: Back to Basics: Rebecca Blue vs. Kyra Agmento

Unread post by B.Lemme »

Kyra was certainly a spry opponent even as Rebecca lifted her up to try and execute the pile driver. As Kyra slid down Rebecca's back, her arms wrapped around her leg followed by the blonde's legs snaking around her waist. Rebecca had lost her control! Rebecca would use her free hands to now throw some hammer fists down onto Kyra's head to knock the woman free!
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Re: Back to Basics: Rebecca Blue vs. Kyra Agmento

Unread post by KyraAgmento »

*Kyra grittet her teeth as her head got pounded by Rebecca, the young blonde slid further down and tried to wrap her legs around Rebeccas legs to force her knees to bend and sweep her from her feet to get her and Rebecca on an equal level again.*

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Re: Back to Basics: Rebecca Blue vs. Kyra Agmento

Unread post by B.Lemme »

Rebecca was landing decent strikes from up top, but Kyra's tolerance for pain was nothing to scoff at! Fighting through the barrage of strikes, the blonde would continue to slip down eventually cutting into Rebecca's stable base. Slipping to her knees first, Rebecca would eventually fall back to the floor with Kyra leaving the pair in a tangled heap! Rebecca would search for Kyra's head hoping to at least lock it up in a headlock to try and give herself some breathing room to make something happen!
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Re: Back to Basics: Rebecca Blue vs. Kyra Agmento

Unread post by KyraAgmento »

*Kyra struggled with Rebecca as she tried to grab one of Rebeccas arms to get her into an armlock, while defending against the other blondes attempts to get her into an headlock. The two woman rolled over the canvas while each tried to get the upperhand while trying to avoid the others grips. Finally Rebecca found an opening and managed to wrap her arm around Kyras neck.*

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