MILF Rivals Tiebreaker

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Re: MILF Rivals Tiebreaker

Unread post by Random_Username »

With Gracie no longer spanking her right in front of their husbands, it was reasonable for Fumiko to be relief. However, it would be short lived when the cowgirl reached for the back of Fumiko's hair. Pulling her up and over the top rope only for her to be tangled up. From the spectator's perspective, all their husband could see was Fumiko tangled in front of them. Her tits in full display with Gracie just barely visible behind her.

"Let's see those tits, you cow!" Gracie yelled.

She lifted her free hand up and in front of Fumiko. Dropping her hand directly on top of the Japanese milf's tits with an open palm slap. A loud smacking sound echoed through the empty gym. She left a red handprint on top of Fumiko's breast. But she wasn't done yet as she suddenly grab her by the tit and sink her nails into her meaty flesh!

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Re: MILF Rivals Tiebreaker

Unread post by Mysterdio »

Both husbands were given the greatest show yet, as Fumiko's big tits jiggled every time Gracie sent another smack to her ass! Infuriated, humiliated and in pain were just three of the things Fumiko was feeling at the moment, ass reddening as her most hated rival spanked her repeatedly. Eventually, the Onna-musha was given some slight reprieve for a moment, breathing a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, this only lasted until the cowgirl adjusted the position to be even more inconvenient and uncomfortable for the Japanese milf. Getting a rough slap to her tit before the American milf clawed her assets roughly, Fumiko squirmed between the ropes, thrashing as she tried to pry Gracie's hands from her boobs. "OH YOU SLUT!"
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Re: MILF Rivals Tiebreaker

Unread post by Random_Username »

When Grace grabbed something, she wasn't going to let it go without a fight. When Fumiko grab her by the wrist to pry them away from her tit, she reacted by squeezing even harder. However, they were building up sweat which had the cowgirl lose her grip. No longer grabbing Fumiko's boob and was pulled away as her rival held her by the wrist.

She still had one hand that was grabbing onto Fumiko's hair but she knew it won't be enough to keep her all tangled up. To avoid the problem before it gets worse, she thought it was time to change positions. She steered Fumiko's head forward and untangle her from the ropes but only to place her head on the top rope.

"There's this move I saw that I really wanted to try~" Gracie smiled, dragging Fumiko's head against the rope. She run across the ring till they reach the end of the rope and into the top turnbuckle. Giving her forehead a nasty burning sensation that would probably leave a mark for the whole day.

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