Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Trinette Vaillant - Poisoning A Paladin?

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Re: Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Trinette Vaillant - Poisoning A Paladin?

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Krystyna was starting to struggle with maintaining her position on top of Trinette, but for now she seemed to be saving herself by throwing her weight backwards. Even her little slap on the Paladin's shapely, strained rear got perfectly delivered, which helped to make the Polish girl once again a bit more confident of her position! Suddenly though, she could feel the bluenette's arms wrapping around her hips and thighs, which began immediately puzzling her... What was this? She wanted her to stay on top of her? Well, that suited the pinkette just fine! Maybe she was finally ready to have some fun with her...

Little did Krysia know though, that she was soon going to get lifted high up in the air! "Oohhh.. Wat are you doinggg...?" was her first, initial confused reaction when she sensed that something strange was going on, before letting out an astonished "Ohhh... Woah..." when the bluenette had finally reached a fullstand! Before she could take in the extent of her full predicament though, Trinette was already falling backwards, sending the pinkette's back crashing hard against the mat! "Urghhh..." The impact was devastating, and the Pink Poison was left reeling against the canvas for the moment... While the Paladin got her moment of looking all mighty and powerful in turn.
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Re: Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Trinette Vaillant - Poisoning A Paladin?

Unread post by Devastated »

Trinette pushed through the pink poisons struggles and attempts to stop her, forcing herself to rise inch by inch, until she was finally up to a standing position with Krystyna seated on her shoulders, lifted high up into the air. Then....Trinette would throw them backwards! Slamming Krystyna down with that Electric Chair slam! The crowd erupting into cheers as the Paladin delivered such a high impact move.

The bluenette would groan out as she pushed up to a seated position, huffing out as she would bring her hand up to wipe some sweat from her forehead. She'd turn her shoulder and look down at the downed Pink Poison. Rising to her feet, Trinette would move towards Krysia's head and then take a seat. She'd attempt to pull the pinkette's head in between her legs and then wrap them firmly around, folding one leg over the other as she sought to lock in a Figure-four Headlock! Aiming to squeeze that head with her strong legs, looking to get a bit of payback.

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Re: Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Trinette Vaillant - Poisoning A Paladin?

Unread post by Jaystar »

There wasn't really any reason for Krysia to would have underestimated Trinette as an opponent at all. If anything, the Paladin had looked like a very sexy, mighty and cool adversary to the Pink Poison right off the bat, and the pinkette had been very keen to get to test her mettle against the bluenette. But the Pole had been equipped with ample confidence too, having been rather certain of her own potential to achieve victory, not really assessing all that much of Trinette's capabilities... And this was the part where the French girl's might, power, strength and skills were really starting to catch up on Krystyna, who was now getting inevitably rather surprised by them.

Even with the pinkette's tolerance of pain, the Electric Chair slam turned out very effective with dishing out some real damage. And also gaining the popularity of the crowds... While Krysia did not really pay attention to it, it was becoming evident that the audience was keen on seeing more of the mighty stuff the Paladin would be capable of at the Pink Poison's expense... And before the Polish girl had gotten enough opportunity to recover, she was already forced to truly feel the might of Trinette's own thighs as well, as the bluenette locked the pinkette's head in tightly between her strong legs, applying a hellish squeeze while also effectively cutting off the poisonous girl's airflow! "Ooommmmmpppffff...."

Krystyna could only raise her hands haplessly onto her opponent's strong thighs, but it appeared that there was no stopping the bluenette's dominance for now.
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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Re: Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Trinette Vaillant - Poisoning A Paladin?

Unread post by Devastated »

Trinette's electric chair slam turned out to be quite successful, despite how draining it was to lift the pinkette up like that and to drive her down...Trinette wasn't about to slow down, she needed this chance she had just opened up with perseverance and strength! Now that Krystyna was down, Trinette knew that she would need to get some payback and to pull off a move that didn't require her to lift Krystyna up again, and gather her breath while she did.

The bluenette decided to do that by moving in by the head of the pinkette, then wrapped her legs tightly around that head. She locked in a tight figure-four headlock, as her strong thighs would begin to squeeze on that head, aiming to deliver a crushing pain to that skull and cut off her airflow a bit. Trinette felt Krystyna raise her hands and begin to weakly struggle as she tried to push on her thighs.

Trinette decided to place her hands on the canvas behind her back and prop herself up a bit, raising her body up to elevate her figure four head lock and try to make it even more of a difficult hold for Krystyna.
Last edited by Devastated on Mon Mar 03, 2025 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Trinette Vaillant - Poisoning A Paladin?

Unread post by Jaystar »

Krystyna had an insane tolerance for pain, but it was still far from invincible. Eventually, every fight was going to start taking a toll on her, and by now, Trinette had already made great strides with overcoming the challenge. The Electric Chair Slam had dished out pain along the entirety of the pinkette's spine, and getting one's head crushed by a Figure-four Headlock was surely going to cause anyone reeling.

But the pain wasn't even the toughest part... What was particularly poisonous for Krysia now was the hindrance to her airflow, right after having taken the mighty slam! Recovery was practically impossible, and her increasing exhaustion only meant that any resistance she could muster up with was going to be weak at best... Clearly, the Pink Poison was in trouble.

But that trouble only became more evident, as Trinette planted her hands firmly on the canvas, only to elevate her body up, and turn the headlock even more excruciating for the Polish girl! Things were clearly getting rather dire for the pinkette now, whose resistance was becoming all the more feeble, simply remaining helplessly trapped by the Paladin's mighty thighs!
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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Re: Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Trinette Vaillant - Poisoning A Paladin?

Unread post by Devastated »

Trinette clamped her thighs shut around Krystyna's face, locking in that figure four headlock firmly as she began to squeeze with her strong legs. She would feel how the pink poison struggled, within Trinette's hold. Especially so when Trinette elevated her position a bit, by placing her hands behind her back and lifted herself off the mat a bit.

She flexed her legs, squeezing firmly on the hold. " You said something about devouring me earlier....not looking like that's about to happen, no?" Trinette threw out a boastful comment as she felt in charge. She'd lower her elevated position back down, as she would sit on the canvas again and look on at the now rather feeble resistance that the pink poison was putting up.

The referee would soon move in to check on Krystyna, asking her if she would like to submit.

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Re: Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Trinette Vaillant - Poisoning A Paladin?

Unread post by Jaystar »

It was a mighty, dominant scene with the blue-themed Paladin arching her back, and basically almost ragdolling the Pink Poison with the crushing squeeze of her strong thighs. Getting to witness it was making the crowds already pretty wild too, and many were already starting to predict an imminent demise for the trapped Polish pinkette... Trinette was definitely in charge now, and she could certainly feel any of Krysia's resistance growing feebler and feebler... Until she couldn't really feel it at all!

Finally though, the French Paladin lowered her body back down, easing the pressure around Krysia's head just a bit, and clearing the imminent threat for the pinkette of getting knocked out, as she managed to get slightly better access to some oxygen now. And the opportunity to reply something to the bluenette's taunts too... "Oh, why don't you start devouring me, then?" the Pink Poison managed to barely let out in a confusing choice of words - but still one that was true to her essence! She couldn't help herself making some kinky comments despite her predicament and the match being a perfectly standard one... It was just how her devious mind worked!

Krystyna was still very evidently in deep trouble though, and unlikely to manage an escape. Thus, it wasn't a surprise for the referee to come asking whether she wanted to submit. "Of course not!" was the pinkette's slightly disgruntled answer... But given her condition, it likely only meant that she was about to get put through something rather devastating, given Trinette's evident dominance right now!
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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