Yuna Matou vs. Persephone Kamenis II - Oil Match

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Yuna Matou vs. Persephone Kamenis II - Oil Match

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Match Type: Oil Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout. Match takes place on oil-slick mats.
Yuna was riding the highs of victory tonight. She had just defeated Persephone Kamenis in an apartment smother harness match, proving to her rival that she would be undefeated whenever it came to smothers and apartment wrestling. It was how Yuna had made a name for herself, after all - and even after she had gone pro, she had no intentions of slowing down! She'd proven as much in a match that had left the Greek woman's face strapped into Yuna's ass, giving her no choice but to dwindle away into unconsciousness. Not only had she dominated Persephone, but she had done so in a decisive and humiliating fashion that no one was going to forget any time soon - which would just add insult to injury! Yuna was feeling quite confident in herself after that!

However, she wasn't done just yet. After all, this entire match had started when she had caught Persephone's ire during an interview, which had led to the two women debating among themselves who had it in them to outdo the other in their respective fields. Yuna had boasted that she would remain undefeated in apartment wrestling, and sure enough, she had delivered on that promise. But Persephone had yet to be challenged in her area of expertise - oil wrestling. Well, that would be settled tonight!

"The following contest is an oil match, which shall be scheduled for one fall! Coming first to the ring, from Tokyo, Japan! At 6'1, weighing 232 pounds - YUNA MATOU!"

The crowd cheered as Yuna, always a natural fan favorite, came down the ring, her voluptuous body wrapped in a white robe. She turned to wave her hand to the fans on either side of her, then stopped by the ring, tossing back her hair and flashing a seductive wink as she blew a kiss into the stands. However, there she stopped, reaching for a microphone.

"Well, LAW - I promised it to you, and I did it! You might remember that a while back, when Persephone and I ran into each other, we challenged ourselves to a little wager - to try out each other in a couple of matches, and see who could beat who. Starting, of course, with an apartment smother harness match. I think we all know how that turned out!" Yuna turned to the big screen, where the image of her standing triumphant with Persephone's head strapped to her backside lit up - accompanied by a cheer from all her supporters! "Oh, yes, that's a victory I'm not going to forget any time soon - and I dare say, I don't think she will either! But it isn't the end!"

"You surely know that I'm one of the best apartment wrestlers here at LAW - at least, I like to think so,"
Yuna added with a wink. "But Persephone, she considers herself the queen of oil wrestling. I'm sure she's already getting an excuse ready - I had the home turf advantage, but I couldn't possibly beat her in an oil match, no! Well, Persephone...I'm here to put that to the test! After that match, I dare well say that I think I can, and I'm looking to prove it! In this oil match - right here, right now!" As the fans cheered louder, Yuna stepped up onto the steps leading into the ring. "I'm here, and the oil is there - so all we're waiting for is yourself!"
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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Persephone Kamenis II - Oil Match

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Though the Greek MILF was rarely one to dwell on a loss, Persephone Kamenis' loss to Yuna Matou in their apartment wrestling match had been a very notable point of humiliation for the blonde bombshell, and though there were no hard feelings on her end, she was also overcome with the burning desire to pay Yuna back for the humiliation that had been inflicted on her! And so, standing backstage, one could only imagine the fire that she felt light up inside of her when Yuna Matou, the woman who had bested her in that apartment match, made her way down to the ring with microphone in hand, ready to deliver a promo! The start of which would feature her gesturing up to the big screen as an image of Persephone's unconscious body, face buried in Yuna's ass and sealed tight thanks to the smother harness, a reminder of just how poorly that bout had ended! And so Persephone, as soon as she was allowed, would grab a microphone of her own, before marching out right behind her fellow MILF, ready to respond to her playful taunts!

"Oh, Yuna Yuna Yuna! So good to see you again!" Persephone aid with a smile as she stepped out onto the ramp, microphone in hand and motherly smile on her face, but she would show just how prepared she was when she continued on! "Let me just start out by dispelling any thoughts you may have when I say, you were the better woman in that apartment. No excuses or complaints, I challenged you on your turf and I lost." Persephone continued, trying not to glance at the picture of her slumbering between Yuna's cheeks.

"HOWEVER! It's a whole new level of bold to suggest that you can step into the oil pit with me, a match type I've never lost, and really measure up! I'm afraid I'll have to give you a very personal demonstration of just how different oil wrestling and apartment wrestling are!" Persephone quipped, to the cheers of the fans in the crowd, already salivating to see the match as Persephone soon began her walk down to the ring, handing off the microphone to a official at ringside, before removing her sandals and climbing onto the apron!

With a sense of supreme familiarity, she would slide into the ring, before dropping down and pressing her body into the mat, sensually rolling around and letting the oil drip all over her from the very start, before turning and pushing herself on all fours, waggling her rear end appealingly as she looked to Yuna! An invitation and a challenge to join her in the ring, all in one!

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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Persephone Kamenis II - Oil Match

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Yuna was a proud woman. She would never allow herself to be humbled or talked down to - so she knew just how much her fellow wrestlers felt likewise. In particular, she knew that Persephone was quite proud of her undefeated record in oil wrestling, to the point where Yuna merely suggesting she could beat her was enough for her to confront her face to face. Yuna could only imagine, then, how Persephone would react to Yuna calling her out directly to a match she considered a personal specialty. But when Yuna made that announcement, she certainly wasn't disappointed. Sure enough, Persephone came through the curtains then - and the smile on Yuna's face would only grow a little wider to see it! The crowd, too, had begun to ring out with "Oooooh!" Everyone knew that things were about to get interesting indeed!

Yuna nodded her head with pride as Persephone acknowledged her as her better in apartment wrestling. "Well, then, I'm glad we could agree on something, at least!" she teased. But then, as Persephone went on - as she described how Yuna wouldn't stand a chance of beating her in her natural element - her expression hardened. She crossed her arms under her chest, tilting her head toward her rival. Sure enough, Persephone was talking up a big game - but it didn't slow Yuna down one bit. She had already managed to beat out Persephone when it came to smothers, and that had emboldened her. If she'd bested the Greek woman once, she could do it again - and she was willing to really seal the deal by doing it on Persephone's terms!

"Bold? Well, yes, I suppose it is - I'm taking a gamble here. But it's a gamble I'd like to think I feel pretty confident in! You bring up how you've never lost in oil wrestling...but then, everyone is undefeated until their first loss, aren't they?" She snickered, looking Persephone up and down with a sly grin. "I've been up against you once before. I know how you work. And I think that's all I'll really need to succeed - and I'm willing to do that in the oil to make a point! A point that I can beat you, however I want, wherever I want - and no matter if you have the advantage!"

Yuna's confident statements had only whipped the crowd up into a frenzy, and they were cheering louder and louder; the tension in the air was reaching new heights! Those cheers would only get louder still when Yuna undid the belt keeping her robe on - and let it fall to the floor, revealing her voluptuous physique hugged tightly by a scanty bikini!
"Looks like it's official, then?" Just as eagerly as Persephone, Yuna slipped through the ropes and onto the slick mats inside. Sinking to her knees, she gathered up a handful of oil and began to slather it over her skin, working it over her thighs, her stomach, and her chest - and for good measure, she'd also cup her heaving, glistening breasts to push them together for the cheering fans! "I'm glad to see you're so enthusiastic, my dear...I'm just sorry it's going to have to make such a fool out of you!"
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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Persephone Kamenis II - Oil Match

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Entering the ring, Persephone would slip down into the oil and lazily roll around in it, a quick and efficient way to coat herself in the shiny, slippery substance, lazing around like a cat might in a comfortable spot, all as Yuna took the opportunity to pour oil over herself! Persephone looked supremely at ease given the fact that this was going to be quite the high profile rematch, and as she slowly rolled all the way back around to push herself up onto her hands and knees, she'd eye Yuna up and down, watching as her opponent got oiled up! And as Yuna continued to tease the Greek oil wrestling natural, Persephone would let a quick little giggle slip from between her lips, matching Yuna as the now bikini-clad woman would pour the oil over herself using her hands, Persephone slowly raising back up to her knees and regarding Yuna with a steady gaze!

"Well, it may be true that you've made a fool of me once before, but trust me when I say, I haven't forgotten." Persephone called back with a smirk, before slowly rising up and slipping closer to Yuna! The blonde would close the gap between the two of them until they were close enough to lean in and bump chests with one another, setting the crowd off on another round of cheering as they saw the busty women come together!

"And this time, when one of us is made a fool of, I promise you, it won't be me..." Persephone's tone was gentle and teasing still, but there was an underlying edge, one that if Yuna caught, would clue her in that Persephone was deadly serious!

Still, this match was once more a lurid affair, and so she would reach around Yuna and pull the brunette MILF into her embrace, wrapping her arms tight and reaching down, rubbing her oily hands over Yuna's equally oily rear end! She'd give a firm squeeze, before looking to pull her fellow mother towards the center of the ring, more than ready to begin this affair and seek her long-awaited payback!

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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Persephone Kamenis II - Oil Match

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As Yuna worked the oil all along her body, she made sure to take her time, massaging it against every curve and contour of her frame until she shimmered in the lights. She was working toward a carefully calculated purpose - she had to leave an impression. Persephone might have won over plenty of hearts with her good looks and charm, but Yuna was going to make sure the people remembered her tonight, above all else. She was ready to steal the spotlight from Persephone at her own game, and she wanted to start on that even before the bell had rung! And she was quite pleased to hear all the cheers and wolf-whistles coming from the crowd as she showed off every inch of her curvy physique to the cameras - she knew that she had cemented herself in everyone's hearts and minds. Yuna might have had an impressive track record in the ring, but nothing made her feel quite as powerful as knowing how much sway she had over her many fans.

Even still, when Persephone came closer a moment later, her retort was just as electrifying - when she threw her arms around Yuna's sides and pulled her closer! Their heaving breasts squashed up against one another as their glistening oiled forms pressed together, only stirring up even louder cheers! Not only from the sensual spectacle unfolding in the ring, but for the action that was soon to come. Everyone who knew Yuna knew that she had no shortage of pride in her abilities, and she wasn't going to let anyone talk down to her or outdo her. If Persephone was going to try and take control this easily, that would only leave Yuna fired up all the more to put her in her place.

And sure enough, that was exactly what she was going to do! The brunette groaned under her breath as Persephone's fingers dug into her cheeks - but then she leaned in closer still, her breasts mushrooming against Persephone's own! She reached down and smacked the Greek woman across the rear, then looked up at her with a smirk as she gazed unblinkingly into her eyes. "I see the both of us are excited for this moment...I know I won't be disappointed!"


Seeing that the two heavyweights were already getting their hands all over each other, the referee signaled for the bell. And, as soon as she heard it, Yuna was on! Trying to strike faster than Persephone could adjust to, she would grab for her opponent's behind and squeeze it even tighter to try and get a firm grip on it. Then, she'd try and lift Persephone up off her feet, trying to catch her off her guard by opening the match up with a bodyslam!
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