The Longest Day [Asp, Naga & Others]

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Re: The Longest Day [Asp, Naga & Others]

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Naga's teeth clenched together, as she jerked her arms to inflict brutal pressure upon the small of Asp's back whilst she was submerged. Such was her grip that Naga herself was in the water, caring little that her vision had become blurred as she throttled Asp's form with her near impossibly powerful arms. Asp fought against her, pawing and clawing at her arms, pushing against her chin as the last of her air began to seep upwards, bubbling upon the surface of the pool water above. A few audible clicks could be felt against Naga's forearms as they closed a little tighter, testing the slender frame of her captive. That initial rage began to pass when Naga realised Asp was beginning to fade, denied air and held in such a torturous hold.

Naga would stand tall, breaking the surface of the once calm water, bringing Asp upwards with her so that Naga was waist deep. Her chest rose and fell as the French giant of a woman began to find her calm. She stared at Asp within her arms, watching as the water was coughed out of her lungs. Her arms did not relent however, despite Asp's struggles to draw breath. That rage was slowly becoming replaced with that infatuation she had been infected with by Asp's allure. Even now, as dishevelled as she was, struggling to breath, caught in a deadly embrace, there was a beauty to her that was unmatched. What little clothing she wore clung to her form as it soaked in the water, her flawless skin glistened from the film of liquid that clung to her flesh. Her chest perfectly form chest heaved whilst her intoxicating midriff strained.

Naga's breathing shifted, no longer possessed by rage, but instead becoming taken in by the mystic beauty. She could not help herself but lean in, slowly pressing her lips against that well defined midriff, slipping slow yet methodical kisses upon her stomach. Her arms adjusted, seemingly growing as they tightened just a little more around her.
"Your ribs? Tonight they are not yours Aspaia. They are mine.... you... are mine." Naga growled with no shy amount of lust dripping into her tone. Naga barely held back. She was done with playing any games or delaying any longer. The notion that Asp would be hers was a fabrication that belonged only in a dream. This was the reality... if she desired to have Asp in any capacity, Naga was convinced this would be the only method. Such as it is... she might as well enjoy the spoils of it.

Adjusting her arms once more, Naga shifted Asp closer, lifting her higher whilst she continued to fold her arms just a little tighter, eager to watch her prize writhe within her arms. She wanted to see first hand how Asp’s form strained and contorted under such pressure. Naga was all too eager to listen to those pleas once more, wanting to listen as Asp's powerful resolve would break down in unison with her body. When she had her fill of it, Naga intended to dip her back into the water once more, looking to continue the deplorable form of torture she had invented… just for Asp.

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Re: The Longest Day [Asp, Naga & Others]

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Before she came here, before the match had even begun, Asp had an idea of what she would be in for and what it would do to her body. While she knew it would be a harrowing experience, part of her took comfort in knowing that it would not be an unfamiliar one. Naga had an obsession with bearhugging her, yes, but she didn’t seem to deviate much from that, wanting to feel the pleasure of crushing her with her arms and little else. As such, she could more easily prepare mentally. She had been crushed by this woman three times now. It was hardly an unfamiliar sensation.

A sensible thought, on the surface, but a naive one in reflection. As she thrashed about in the waters, she realized that the Naga who crushed her in that bedroom so many nights ago had been held back by. Less focused, more frenetic, like a child with a new toy. She had been limited to that room and everything it could offer, giving her a limited range of tortures she could inflict.

Now, she was out. Unbound. The tortures she could inflict were only limited by Naga’s twisted imagination, and if the current predicament was any indication, she was a creative sort. ”No, no, please, please, don’t-”

Naga again dunked Asp back under the water and took away all her air. This time was so much worse than the last, as she’d been unable to take in much air at all while she was above water, her lungs starved for the barest wisp of oxygen. She was being smothered from the inside out, and her frantic writhings just forced her to take in more air and leave less out.

Her body grew weaker, her struggles grew slower, and soon all she could do was weakly push at Naga’s face from beneath the waves, looking up at her with begging eyes and a gaping mouth. Her world was rapidly growing dark, and it was only a matter of time before she passed out.

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Re: The Longest Day [Asp, Naga & Others]

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Repeating the terrible process, Naga watched with obsessive eyes as Asp began to falter. The water all but denied her any chance to breathe, whilst the arms crushing hard around her slender waist drove what little air was within her lungs outwards into a small stream of bubbles. Soon, Asp barely moved at all, doing all she could just to keep the water from slipping into her lungs. As fascinating as it was to witnessed the crushed beauty in such a dire predicament, Naga never possessed any desire to cause real danger. Harm? Most certainly... but it was time to end this game now before it escalated to something more lethal. With that in mind, Naga rose tall once again, letting the water roll down her and Asp's form.

She loosened her grip finally, just enough to let her prey draw breathe through all the coughing and spluttering. Her embrace was still tight, crushing even, driving their bare midriffs into a near meld as her statuesque stomach dominated Asp's well defined but much more slender core. The grip was painful, but at least Asp could breathe enough. Her chest rose and fell, glistening with the water as her clothing clung to her frame. Her hair was loose, draped over her eyes, giving the exotic beauty further allure. She was already defeated, crushed and near drowned by such a torturous endeavour of Naga's creation. Though it certainly was an interesting moment, Naga decided she would not subject Asp to this again. She was cruel, but threatening her like this was too much for even herself. An experiment, and interesting one, but that was all.

Jostling her closer, Naga waited for Asp to have some semblance of breath back before she squeezed her close, letting her arms tremble a little as they began to enclose in with frightening ease against Asp's lower back.
"<Are you shaken already? There is so much more in store for you.>" Naga whispered in her own French dialect. She gave Asp one last debilitating squeeze, wanting to make certain there was no fight or will left within the woman of her passions. By now, that anger had subsided, replaced with a growing lust, gazing upon the beauty of the woman within her arms. She leaned in, teasing her lips with her own, slipping in the softest of kisses as she bearhugged her gruellingly tight. Satisfied that Asp was incapacitated, Naga would hoist her upwards over one of her shoulders.

With an arm around Asp's slender core to secure her, the broad and powerful Renauld sister began to walk from the pool, water pouring from her soaked clothing as her bare feet patted against the grounds. A dark looked possessed her eyes as she left behind the setup she worked meticulously upon, the shared meal and wine already a shade of memory. Pushing through the double doors, the Maid Ella gasped out, startled when Naga walked by with a soaking Asp draped over her shoulder.
"Ready any available Maids in the training gymnasium and make sure you are prepared yourself by the time we are set up." Naga commanded solemnly. Ella barely had time to register, her face awash with despair to see Asp in such a condition. However, she could not risk the wrath of her Mistress, quickly bowing formally before rushing ahead of Naga.

Naga herself continued onwards, caring not she was dripping water upon the pristine carpets. There was too much time to make up for with what she had already wasted. It was time to take the spoils she had indeed promised herself.

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Re: The Longest Day [Asp, Naga & Others]

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For the first time, Asp was truly afraid of Naga. While, yes, she had been in perilous situations with the woman before, they had always been measured and controlled, at least to some degree. The woman would twist her and crush her and even break her, but she never thought it would turn to a darker path or risk something more lethal and permanent. Naga saw her like a priceless work of art, after all, so there would always be some lines she would never cross.

Or so Asp had thought, but as her world grew dim and her lungs filled with water, she feared that might not have been the case. This was not the same calm, sensual woman she had been making out with mere moments ago. This was Naga in her rawest form, dangerous and destructive, carried away by her whims, which was an infinitely frightening prospect.

Thankfully, mercifully, she was pulled out of the water before she could pass all the way out or worse, a good sign that the woman still had some self-control, enough to realize the situation Asp was in. She went into a coughing and wheezing fit as she sagged in Naga’s grip, and she did her best to suck in what little air her captor would allow. The grip remained, still tight and unrelenting, and growing tighter by the second.

”No, no, don’t-”

Naga did. Her arms encroached with a brutal fury, slicing into Asp’s innards with a sudden force that expelled the pitiable amount of air she’d retaken. Her body stiffened as if going into a catatonic shock, only for her to slump against the giantess’ form a moment later. A lifeless lump.

She was awake still, but could only muster enough energy to twitch as she was slung along Naga’s shoulder and carried about with ease, like the slaughter of a cavewoman being brought home for dinner. She could hear Ella’s voice and weakly reached out to her, only for the fatigue to kick in and force her back down. ”Where…” She sputtered and spat out the last drops of pool water. ”What…what is this? Why are you…” It was a struggle to even complete a sentence at this point.

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Re: The Longest Day [Asp, Naga & Others]

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Asp was in and out for a moment, on the verge of collapse and unconsciousness, but never quite reaching there. Her form was jostled as she was carried over the broad shoulder of her aggressor, taking small note that they were on the move and traversing through various rooms. Just when it felt as if Asp would be given some small mercy and finally slip into an exhausted slumber, her world was rattled, bringing her back to reality. The shock came in the form of her lithe body being dropped, bouncing slightly before coming to settle in a setting that was now familiar to her. She knew this place, the ropes that surrounded the square she lay in were all familiar from a time that felt almost long ago now... but it was earlier this morning.

She was in a ring.

Her form was still damp, her loincloth clinging to her shapely legs as she lay whilst her top was sodden with pool water. Her hair was unkempt, loose and draped over her angelic face. Silhouettes began to appear just beyond the border of the ring, fashioned by its multicoloured ropes, but even as those figures observed, Asp was all too aware she was not alone. Without seeing her, she knew Naga was in the ring. She possessed that manner of presence. The tall French monster of a woman wiped her face with a towel, caring little that it smeared some of her make up in the process, making her eye liner run slightly down her cheeks, fashioning a more menacing appearance to a woman that was imposing in her natural state.

"Ella... Come." Naga motioned. One of the silhouettes cautiously slipped through the ropes and approached. It was the Maid Asp had come to know well, who had been looking after her whilst Asp had something of a tour of the Renaud estate. Her attire was much different now, gone was the full maid outfit, replaced by a black bikini top with white frills and matching bottoms, leaving the rest of her form exposed. Asp would recall that Ella had yet to don such an attire during her workings here, and it was clear when she spoke back then that she was not so keen on the inevitable prospect of being open to the elements. It seemed Naga had pushed that time forward, and the poor young woman looked nervous, slowly entering the ring, barefoot, her alluring figure on full display.

"You like this one don't you? I saw how you gazed upon our honoured guest when you entered the gym, how you stared at her when you led her to me. I imagine you were all too keen to perform your duties when you helped her alter her attires. You like her. Come... Now is your time. See if you can save her from me!" Naga spoke in a darkened tone, slowly approaching Asp before reaching down and hoisting her upwards off her feet as if she weighed less than a paper sheet. With frightening ease, Naga pressed Asp upwards, before hoisting her over her shoulders, back first into a gruelling torture rack position. The muscles of Naga contracted as she grasped at her chin and pulled down upon one of her legs, contorting Asp's spine into an awkward angle even for the flexible belly dancer.

"Mistress... I..." Ella whispered, her expression one of fear and bewilderment, wondering how she could have possibly ended up in such a situation as to take on Dominique... and how she was possibly supposed to stop the mountain of a woman.
"No words. I am not your mistress right now... I am your enemy!" Naga hissed, before she pulled down on Asp's form just a little more, looking to force agony, listening for those clicks and cricks as her spine was tested. Ella tried to be a hero, bless her heart. Her advance was as predictable as a nursery book's ending, and her effort to try and approach Naga was met as the woman lifted one leg and kicked her in the chest hard, sending the scantily clad Maid straight down onto the ring surface. She began to cough and splutter, rolling as if a car had knocked her over.

"Get up... Come! Be a hero... Get up!!" Naga roared out, before she tossed Asp off her shoulders, forcing her downward against an outstretched knee to land a vicious backbreaker upon her. She held her position, keeping Asp bent over her leg as she glared at Ella who struggled to find her feet.
"Get up!" Naga bellowed out once more.

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Re: The Longest Day [Asp, Naga & Others]

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Breathe. Just breathe.

As Asp struggled to stay awake for longer than a minute, she tried to focus on simply getting her body under control, a task that shouldn’t have been nearly as difficult as it was proving to be. Her entire profession as a belly dancer revolved around mastering her own body, in working her form in ways that few could dream of, and yet, now, it felt as if insides were in revolt. Nothing was right, nothing felt as it should’ve been, and it was a fight to stay awake. A fight she lost time and time again.

It finally came to an end when she was dumped, unceremoniously onto the floor, and just any floor. The texture, the impact, the hollowed echo, told her that she was back inside a wrestling ring, and it wasn’t hard to make certain connections from there.

It wasn’t surprising that Naga would bring her back here - after all, this whole ordeal centered around the ring and wrestling, so it was a natural place to continue their time together. What did surprise Asp, however, was the fact that they were not alone. She gasped at the sound of Ella’s name, as a sudden dread came over her. The woman wasn’t wearing her usual maid attire but was instead gussied up in a sexual parody of it. It didn’t bode well, and Asp tried to push her way up, if only to give Naga something else to distract her attention.

Instead, the towering woman came in and scooped her up with frightening ease, making Asp cried out as her body was flung. Her shriek came to an abrupt end when she was laid out on Naga’s broad shoulder and stretched, her body contorting into an obscene shape.

But, as distressing as this was, it wasn’t Asp’s main concern at the moment. She was a wrestler being put into a wrestling move, that was nothing new, and she had survived worse. The same could not be said for the meek Ella, as she hesitantly came forth, only to be laid out with a monstrous kick. ”Naga, no!” Asp shook her head as best as she could in her current position. ”She’s not a wrestler, leave her out-”

Asp’s pleas were cut short as she was brought down hard onto Naga’s knees, a move that targeted her already tortured spine and sent a white hot agony through her body. Her cries filled the night air and she jerked about in the hold, but it might as well have been the vain struggles of a child. She wasn’t going anywhere that Naga did want her to, completely under the woman’s harrowing whims.

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Re: The Longest Day [Asp, Naga & Others]

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Various Maids surrounded the outside of the ring, watching the events unfold within. Naga remained on one knee, with Asp's contorted form bent over her outstretched leg. To keep her in place, Naga had a firm hand upon her chin, whilst another remained on her leg. The Egyptian beauty writhed and struggled, pained moans and gags escaping from her parting lips. Even with her flexible form, the angle in which her back was bent over in the backbreaker hold was nothing shy of excruciating. Asp's body arched a little more, an audible series of clicks heard by even those outside the ring. Her arms pawed uselessly at Naga's wrists whilst her legs squirmed and her toes curled. Naga gazed down upon her, drinking it all in like some manner of elixir she could not get enough of.

With both ladies having come directly from the pool, there was still a glisten to their flesh, a dampness to their sodden clothing and a devious appearing unkemptness to their hair. Naga took in the spoils of her prize, watching as Asp's intoxicating midriff strained and contorted, her movements naturally limited by her current position. Her chest heaved, the flawless skin of her cleavage glistening as her breasts softly shifted with every small inch of movement. Her legs squirmed together, her bare feet shifting against the surface of the ring below. That beautiful and unforgettable face was awash with an expression of agony. Such was the allure of Asp that she looked stunning even when wearing such a pained expression.

Naga smiled. It was a small and dark smile, but she managed it nonetheless, aware of the patter of footsteps as Ella tried to be the hero that she demanded her to be, no doubt looking to liberate the honoured guest as instructed by Dominique herself. Ella was virtually already breathless when she approached, untouched by Kaylah and thus lacking the stamina and training to ever dream of taking on even a jobber at the LAW. Naga waited until she was close, before she allowed Asp a brief luxury of respite, allowing her to flop from her knee before Naga reached out and grasped Ella by the throat with a powerful and dangerous hand. Ella gagged, her momentum carrying her forwards into a swing, before Naga stood tall with her, managing to decimate the smaller Maid with a devastating one handed chokeslam.

She landed next to Asp, the two of them bouncing from the momentum before Ella came to settle, a look of shock within her own features as the pain wracked through her entire form.

But Naga was not done.

Slowly, Asp felt those familiar powerful hands slip around her form from behind, before those same arms reached across to secure around Ella's slender waist, bringing Asp to be face to face with the Maid that had taken care of her. Much to her horror, Naga's arms were around the two of them, as she brought them both up off their feet in a massive bearhug! Such was Naga's strength she had no issue holding the two of them, her powerful arms seemingly growing and enclosing around their torso's, squeezing the two ladies together with a brutal embrace.
"Do not let me get in the way. The two of you should get better acquainted..." Naga whispered in a dark tone, as Asp could feel Ella's straining midriff mesh against her own. The Maid gasped out, slowly coming out of her shock as the pain began to take over. She tried to push at Asp's shoulders instinctively trying to separate their bodies, whilst Asp could feel the full power of Naga's impressive form against her back, sandwiched between the two ladies and slowly crushed in brutal fashion!

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Re: The Longest Day [Asp, Naga & Others]

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Asp suffering was one thing. While she wouldn’t call herself a masochist and would say that she took pleasure in pain necessarily, she was a professional wrestler, at the end of the day. Suffering was an expected part of her lifestyle, which came with being who she was. She asked for it, and she was accustomed to it. While she certainly didn’t foresee a situation like the one Naga had forced her into, she had come to LAW knowing such things weren’t out of the question.

Ella could say no such thing. Asp, with her toned body, knew what it felt like to take a hit from Naga, and she could only imagine what it would feel like for someone who wasn’t used to being struck - there was a real chance of the smaller woman being done severe damage, permanent injury. Would her employers even notice? Would they even care?

Asp gasped as she was tossed away, flopping at Naga’s feet while the hapless maid made another attempt at coming to her rescue, one that ended in predictably brutal fashion. ”Dominique, no-”

It was too late, far too late, as Naga brought Ella up and sent her crashing into the mat with a devastating chokeslam, the sort of move that would’ve put down most wrestlers for the match. Asp reached over and threw her body over the woman, a futile effort to try and protect her. ”Ella, don’t move. You’re going to be okay. You’re going-”

That was a promise Asp couldn't keep, and it was proven as such when Naga reached down and scooped them both up, carrying them both in her brutal grip. While they collectively couldn't have weighed much, it was still a ridiculous amount to be lifting with such ease, to say nothing of the Frenchwoman’s ability to squeeze and crush them both at the same time, forcing their forms together in a merciless display.

”Naga…” Asp brought her lips to Dominique’s neck, even as she suffered, an effort to try and appease the woman, trying to wield pleasure as a weapon once again. ”Please…please, spare Ella. This is…this is just between us…”

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Re: The Longest Day [Asp, Naga & Others]

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A sudden air of nervousness began to build amongst the watching Maids. As part of their occupation under the Baroness, they were residents of this manor, and as such were privy to many sights and machinations of what went on upon the grounds. Whilst both Baroness and her sister were feared, there had at least been something of a method and calculation to the younger sibling of the Renaud estate. She was stoic, quiet. Where the Baroness would 'invite' a maid near every night, Dominique was more reserved, with a Maid being led to her room perhaps once a week. She suffered from the same urges but possessed greater control upon the grounds of the manor. So to witness the woman, still glistening from pool water, with unkempt hair and a dark glare in her eyes.... crushing one of their own in unison to their 'honoured' guest... it was a sight into the true inner workings of a dangerous woman.

They knew not what Ella had done to be in this position, only that she was bound against Asp, wrapped in the powerful and crushing arms of Naga, one of the newer recruits reduced to little clothing. The grip was brutal, testing both women's torso's as they were pressed and squeezed together almost viciously. Asp was a wrestler, and whilst she suffered the same hold, the same could not be said for Ella. She was left in a state of near shock, crushed and writhing, pushing against Asp instinctively to try and separate her chest and stomach from her own as if Asp was the cause of this terrible suffering brought upon her. She arched, crying out breathlessly.
"Still trying to take control I see. Still trying to manipulate me." Naga whispered with spite and venom dripping in her tone, a darker look befalling her eyes as Asp once again tried to use her allure against her. By now, Naga was wise to it... After what occurred in the pool it was an ill-timed attempt on Asp's part... but the red haired beauty was desperate to save Ella from a similar fate to herself.

Grimacing, Naga began to jostle the two women within her arms upwards, before applying horrendous pressure for a long winded and agonising squeeze. As expected, Ella did not last long. She arched into a C like shape, her eyes wide and her mouth agape. No sound escaped her lips other than a whisper of a wheeze as what little air was within her lungs was pressed from her. Audible clicks and creaks sounded from her lower back, before the woman went limp, coming to rest against Asp who was going through the same motions. Ella's body pressed excruciatingly tight against her own, her chest meshing against Asp's to a level that she thought their ribs might shatter together.

It was only after a few seconds that felt like minutes, would the grip loosen... but only to allow Ella to collapse against the mat. Her chest rose and fell snakingly, but her eyes remained closed and her midriff over tensed from enduring what was beyond her fortitude. Asp was not spared such a fate... those arms reclamped around her, giving her a near suffocating squeeze when Naga pressed closer to her, bringing her lips near her own.
"I am in control tonight Asp... not you." Naga whispered into Asp's ear, before licking along the flesh of it and nipping at her ear lobe.
"Ella! Get up! You still haven't saved your friend... You are not done!" Naga would then command, much to Asp's horror.

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Re: The Longest Day [Asp, Naga & Others]

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As Asp struggled, she looked towards the other maids, vainly hoping that one of them, any of them, might try and intervene, if not to say her but to help their comrade. While she had seen enough of this facility to know they were loyal, there had to be some limits, something they wouldn’t stand idly by and watch. One of their own was being crushed, her screams filling the air, brutally snapped in half. How could they stand by and do nothing?

But nothing was what they did. They all stood back and looked on as Elle was broken down in Naga’s relentless grip. If any salvation were coming, it would have to be from Asp herself, and she was in absolutely no position to give it.

”Elle, Elle!” She gasped and squirmed as the woman struggled against, pushing at her like she was the source of her problems. ”Go limp, stop fighting…you’ll only…you’ll only make it…”

The word she wanted was ‘worse’, though she honestly couldn't imagine how it could be at this point. Unfortunately, she didn’t have to leave it up for the imagination for long, as Naga still found a way to draw on more power, as if she were harnessing some profane, unseen force. Asp and Elle’s cries mingled as their body’s mashed together, and the Water Serpent’s body began to fail her in the inexorable grip.

If she’d had the lungs for it, she would’ve breathed a sigh of relief when Naga finally let Elle go, leaving her to flop on the mats as a lifeless husk. Of course, Asp’s suffering was far from over, as the giantess pulled her in tight and continued her crushing with an intimate intensity. Asp sagged in the hold and twitched about with every forceful squeeze, desperately squirming about to find some small comfort.

Even through that, she recognized the direness in Naga’s words. ”No…no!” She frantically pushed at Naga’s chest to draw all the woman’s attention. ”Elle, stay down! Please! You can’t take any more of this!”

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