Colpo di Fulmine

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Colpo di Fulmine

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

It was funny how fantasy and reality could be so far apart sometimes.

When Alix asked Dizzy to show up for a spar with her, the lusty Italian created a rather vivid mental picture of what said ‘sparring’ would entail. She would show up, dressed in the tiniest sports bra and shorts she could get away with wearing in public, and she’d find Alix in the middle of the ring. No way of knowing what she would be wearing, but if she were going for the most sexy look, she’d have something dark red, a perfect match for her skin, cut low around the hits to show off her amazing glutes. The two would meet, have a little casual chat interspersed with flirting, and then get rolling into a spar that would probably devolve into hentai territory after five minutes, give or take. She was pretty confident both motors would be motivated enough for a few touches here and there, a little sly groping at the key moments. The two would get mixed up in a hot, sweaty tussle that would rival their first night of passion, and then Alix would either drag her off somewhere private for a heated second round or just do her right there in the middle of the practice ring. It wasn’t unheard of around here, and it wasn’t like either of them were opposed to a public fuck.

Those thoughts occupied her in the days leading up to their scheduled meet, and she’d shown up prepared for it, wearing a pretty polka dot top with black shorts. She even got her hair done with a cute little bob cut, finding that to be one of her more attractive looks, one that framed her smile well. Said smile was on and ready when she met her mentor, prepared to learn everything the older woman could teach.

But, again, reality turned out to be a little less salacious. And more painful.

As it turned out when Alix said ‘sparring’ she wasn’t using that as a sly euphemism for kinky ring sex. No, she meant actual sparring, and the two had spent their time doing just that. Dizzy knew that the porn star had been upping her game a bit lately, training hard and expanding her skillset, but she hadn't anticipated just how much.

Well, now, as she found herself facedown on the floor, she knew. Oh, wow, did she.

Alix was showing her a move that Dizzy could use to take down bigger opponents (re: everyone), and she was having trouble getting the gist of it, so a hands-on demonstration was in order. It was a combination, a throw that took her by the arm and sent her flying, then pinned her down with an armbar…thing. Dizzy had no clue what it was, but it was effective.

”Yup, I can’t move, you got me.” She squirmed about the canvas, making to shake her butt appropriately as she did. Her latest effort to tempt Alix into something more sensual. Her latest failed attempt. ”What do you call this, again?”
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Re: Colpo di Fulmine

Unread post by DSX93 »

Alix Jacques
Sorry, Dizzy. It'll have to be another time.

Alix knew what that horny little imp was expecting, and it was exactly why she was wearing such showy gear this afternoon. She wanted her to maintain that habit of keeping her mind sharp in the face of distraction. The talents being signed to After Dark were carefully curated, but that didn't mean that there weren't going to be any wrestlers pushing it in the ring to some degree or another. Within reason, if they wanted to stay on the show, but there would still be some rougher lessons to be learned if the Young Lioness didn't keep her wits about her.

And she did. She spent half the lesson trying to shift the focus to Hentai, but she was doing her best to catch what her mentor was pitching. Taking the appropriate amount of caution; what Alix was trying to teach her today would serve her well against opponents of all of sizes, but she was emphasizing the stuff that could bring down larger opponents. Even Heavyweights, but one step at a time.

She pointed out the level of danger this one-two combo could pose. They were the sort of weapons anyone would want in their arsenal: A
that requires little exertion, and a
that can deal catastrophic damage with minimal effort. Possibly career-ending stuff. A lot of what she'd planned to pass on was, without the proper care. That point was stressed. She wanted to make sure that Dizzy respected these moves.

The muscles were new, but the moves weren't. Most were learned years ago; some of her best friend Reine's brand of Strong Style wrestling, some Teukgong Moosool she learned from an old boyfriend who'd served back in his native South Korea, and most recently, some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu she'd picked up from Eveline and Phoebe.

"What I took you down with is a Reverse Shoulder Throw. And the hold is called the Ai hanmi katatedori nikyo. But you can call it the Nikyo for short." As focused as Alix was on the technical aspect of the sport, she still had a dirty mind. That effort she'd made to catch her eye had succeeded. That butt, in those shorts? Yeah, she wasn't overlooking that.

"It starts with taking control of the wrist. That twist I gave it? Great first step to seizing the rest of the arm. It's all about manipulating the joints.

You'd be surprised how little pressure you need to apply once you've got a hand at the shoulder; this is one of those holds you don't have to crank in that hard unless you're looking to wreck it. Get this baby locked in and let them see how easy it is, and you can make them do whatever you want.

If you want the utmost control, you can set a knee down on the shoulder. That's called an Ikkyo. We'll get to that later."

Alix released her from the hold, stood up, and offered Dizzy a hand back onto her feet. "For now, let's focus on the Nikyo. You feel ready to give it a try?"

They went over it a few more times, with Alix walking her through the applications of the moves separately at first. Step by step, careful. She foresaw a hand "slipping" eventually. Dizzy copping a subtle feel at some point in the process of applying the Nikyo. She'd been finding ways thus far. As a reward for a good throw and a transition into the joint lock, Alix would allow her that indulgence if she took it, with a smile that was strained by the complaints her shoulder raised.

"Almost got it! Just twist the wrist a little more and...Yep, that'll do it!" Her free hand would start tapping the mat. "Now I'm yours."

"Now that's a curious sight."

The voice came from ringside. Alix wasn't at a good angle to turn her head to see the six foot one,
it belonged to, but she would circle into plain view of them both a couple seconds later, regarding Alix with a teasing grin.

"Have you gotten that rusty, Alix?"

"I can still kick your butt!"

"That remains to be seen."

With the Nikyo released, Alix hopped back onto her feet, stepping towards the ropes with the usual bright smile. "First things first..." She began, waving towards herself. "Bring it in!"

Elvira climbed onto the apron, with Alix waiting to receive her with open arms. "Hi, Elvie!"

The redhead chuckled. Just as cheery as ever; it was good to see that Alix hadn't changed. "Hi, Alix. It's been a while."

"It has!" Years. Alix looked the older woman over, taking in the changes they've brought to her. "I still can't believe how jacked you are! Wow!"

Elvira set a hand down at the hip and flexed the biceps of her other arm. Alix ooh'ed in awe, bringing a hand up to test the solid muscle. But it wasn't intended for her benefit. The one green eye that her bangs left uncovered turned to the Young Lioness in the ring. She hadn't intended to cross paths with Desdemona today, but since she's here, she'll make some good of the opportunity. Starting with a sweep of the hand to get the hair out of her face. She had an impression to make.

Catching Elvira's interest, Alix took a seat on the middle rope. "Come right on in!" Then brought a hand to steady her heartbeat when the German native bent over it. She was packing a little extra these days. Even more than she already was. But that booty was no less juicy and well-toned. "My, oh my!"

Once she was inside, Alix would make the introductions. "Dizzy, this is Elvira Velour. Elvie, Dizzy."

Elvira would set the record straight as she extended a hand towards the Young Lioness. "Please, call me Elvie, if it pleases you. Any friend of Alix is a friend of mine."
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Re: Colpo di Fulmine

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Ugh. Dizzy so wished she was getting boob smothered right now.

Or facesat, that would be good, too. Alix had legendary hits, she would’ve loved having those cheeks spread all over her face. She would even take a good bodyscissoring from the woman. Her legs looked so awesome in her two pieces, the right balance between muscle and mass, thick thighs that were practically begging to be licked.

But no, she was facedown, getting her arm pulled by a…a… ”Ai…handa…hanmee…hanoi…” Eh, screw it. ”Nikyo, I’ll just go with that, yeah.”

Of course, Alix wasn’t cranking the hold too hard, and Dizzy didn’t have the least bit of worry that her mentor would actually hurt her. As much as she really - desperately, hungrily, achingly - wanted to go rolling the black beauty, she knew there was a time for fun and a time for play. She could hold off for a little bit, and when she was finally released and offered to work on the move, she rolled over into a sit and looked up at Alix while she rolled her shoulder. ”Ready for a lot of things.” She looked the woman over and took in her full body while her fantasies ran wild. Not much, but it would have to do.

For the next little while, student and mentor went to work, with Dizzy trying to learn the ins and outs of the ‘Nikyo’. As much as she hated to say it, Alix proved to be a better teacher than her mother. It wasn’t because she was any better than her as a wrestler, but working with someone closer to her size helped. Plus, while the porn star was good, she hadn't been in the business so long that everything was second-nature to her. Wrestling was so ingrained in her mom’s life that Dizzy often felt like she didn’t know how to tell other people how it worked. It was like trying to teach someone how to breathe or blink.

Plus, Alix could incentivize Dizzy by giving her chances to feel her up. Not exactly something her mother could offer.

The results spoke for themselves. After a while, Dizzy had managed to get the bigger woman down, executing the move well enough for a passing grade. There was still a long way to go before she could pull it off in an actual match, but she felt she’d made good progress thus far. Enough to make Alix happy, at least. She was ready to be satisfied with that for today.

Then Dizzy saw her.

Or, rather, heard, because the woman’s voice stuck out to her before she even looked her way. It was sweet, silky smooth, the kind that tingled the ears. It was the sort of sexy voice that Dizzy had heard other women try to imitate, only it came from her naturally, a soothing tone that didn’t need an ounce of practice.

On instinct, she formed an opinion of how this woman looked, and when she raised her head, she found that image lacking. Red hair. Tall. A voluptuous, invigorating form. They did not lack muscle, but they had so many curves that it was hard to notice them—sensual, strong, and supine. Dizzy’s mind immediately went to Jessica Rabbit, a favorite character from her childhood, and it wasn’t hard to see why. Beauty like this didn’t show up in the real world. It was as if someone had just drawn her in, fully formed.

For once, Dizzy was speechless, so it was a good thing that she didn’t have to for a little while, as Alix got up to meet someone who was, apparently, an old friend, cementing the young Italian’s belief that the older woman must’ve made a wish to a genie so that all the world’s most attractive women kept circulating her. She took a moment to gaze at her body as it was shown off, noting all the definitions that Alix was being impressed by, those legs, that chest, those eyes…wait, was this woman staring at her?

Might’ve just been her imagination. Whatever the case, Dizzy quickly popped up to her feet and introduced herself, as the stranger upgraded herself to a casual acquaintance. ‘Elvira Velour’. Either she’d changed to that name from something else or her parents were prophets. ”I’m Dizzy.” She reached out to shake the woman’s hand, admiring her soft touch as she did so. ”Which you know. Because Allie just said it. And my real name’s Desdemona, but I prefer Dizzy. Which you could probably guess. And I’m rambling. So I’ll stop now.”

Fuck, she was off her game. Get it together.

Dizzy stepped back and straightened up, with a hand on her hip to help the casual look. ”It’s nice to meet you, Elvie.”

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