Ryan Knight vs Keira Robinson - Colourful Spirits

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Re: Ryan Knight vs Keira Robinson - Colourful Spirits

Unread post by Deus001 »

Ryan re-asserted himself in the ring with authority and a resounding impact on the mat said so, by way of a stunner and a swift feeling of paralysis in Keira's jaw. The Paragon had released his opponent and sat there un-moving as he heard his opponent crash onto the mat, he barely even cast a glance at her over the shoulder as he knew his attack had been effective. Now that Keira had been stunned Ryan would attempt to capitalise on this opportunity.

The Paragon would try to move towards Keira's legs there and grab them with his arms and attempt to lock them under his armpits as he tried to drag her into the middle of the ring. The crowd began booing as they suspected Ryan was going for a certain move of his as he flexed his biceps and the Paragon would attempt to go a swinging with his opponent, swinging as in a giant swing and spinning her around in his Giant Swing!
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