He was starting to, after her grip on his legs lightened enough to make that split more bearable, if still a son of a bitch. It was impossible to miss that hand, with it being where it was, so he was able to spot the limited space she had in the positions they were in. But she made it work. Boy, did she know how to make it work.
She didn't snake the whole hand in there when she zipped him down. Nope, just a finger. And even that...
Severin felt a nail on his member. Its gentle caress was yet another assertion of dominance that had his eyes popping to the size of saucers. Another something that said that she could ruin him if she wanted to, but was choosing the current mixture of pleasure and pain that was sending all kinds of funny, but not altogether unpleasurable feelings through him and making it harder to keep quiet. But even if he were able to be the face of Stoicism itself right now, there would be no hiding the twitching of his loins.
How he could counter this? Well, maybe he could've grabbed that hand and maybe twisted the wrist or something, but what would that do for him?
She had him by the balls, figuratively and literally. More so when she tweaked her hold to force him forward. It was here that his gut spoke up: He couldn't keep going like this for too much longer. Give her too much time to get going, and it'll cripple him for the rest of the match. But what to do?
He was gritting his teeth now. Fuck! What can he do?
As he pushed himself away from the mat, it came to him. It was a long shot. A really long shot. But in the absence of any other ideas, he proceeded with this one: When his upper body had risen as far as he could take it, and with a mighty roar, he threw himself forward, using the momentum to push himself off the mat in a handstand, with the redheaded Domme in tow. If he was successful in bullshitting his way through that, she'd either have to let go, be flung about, or be slammed into the mat. Either one of those three options were good to him.
Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)
- Winter
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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)
Arlise supposed she had come a long way in her time at LAW.
While never one shy about sexuality, she had only ever engaged in that sexuality after matches, save for the intimate smothers, holds, and occasional kisses shared in the ring. Her old promotion had not promoted more than the antics expected of a typical independent wrestling show - raunchiness seemed allowed but not entirely encouraged. She knew long before coming to LAW that the company wanted their wrestlers to push the boundaries of explicit and believed she could both embrace and thrive in this environment - she wouldn't have signed otherwise. All said, though, her matches had remained relatively tame, and much of what she did in the ring and out had remained the same.
The past month or so had changed, and tame had turned to... her match with Muriel Spencer that could only end with an orgasm. No faking in the ring, she supposed. Her encounter with Yuto served as a coming-out to prove her comfort with outright eroticism in the ring, and she had found herself surprised at how much she had enjoyed herself. Now, behind closed doors, she raked her finger across yet another relative stranger's growing erection. That her changing reputation only worried her enough to sit at the back of her mind like a dull ache while the rest of her reveled in the moment... surprised her, pleased her, and comforted her all in one.
So she remained in the moment - to a point, anyway. Her mind wandered, and she failed to notice how he had pushed his shoulders to a point where he had all but trapped her hand beneath his crotch. She peered up at him in displeasure in time to witness his roar at the same time she heard it, and she realized what he attempted to do as soon as his hips pulled away from her hand.
Certainly, her coiled legs might have remained around his, but Arlise thought better of testing his ability to retaliate - she had her victory. She uncoiled and rolled away as he pushed up onto his hands, putting enough distance that he couldn't land on her but opening a window of time as a result. Eventually, she came to a stop on her stomach and started to rise.
While never one shy about sexuality, she had only ever engaged in that sexuality after matches, save for the intimate smothers, holds, and occasional kisses shared in the ring. Her old promotion had not promoted more than the antics expected of a typical independent wrestling show - raunchiness seemed allowed but not entirely encouraged. She knew long before coming to LAW that the company wanted their wrestlers to push the boundaries of explicit and believed she could both embrace and thrive in this environment - she wouldn't have signed otherwise. All said, though, her matches had remained relatively tame, and much of what she did in the ring and out had remained the same.
The past month or so had changed, and tame had turned to... her match with Muriel Spencer that could only end with an orgasm. No faking in the ring, she supposed. Her encounter with Yuto served as a coming-out to prove her comfort with outright eroticism in the ring, and she had found herself surprised at how much she had enjoyed herself. Now, behind closed doors, she raked her finger across yet another relative stranger's growing erection. That her changing reputation only worried her enough to sit at the back of her mind like a dull ache while the rest of her reveled in the moment... surprised her, pleased her, and comforted her all in one.
So she remained in the moment - to a point, anyway. Her mind wandered, and she failed to notice how he had pushed his shoulders to a point where he had all but trapped her hand beneath his crotch. She peered up at him in displeasure in time to witness his roar at the same time she heard it, and she realized what he attempted to do as soon as his hips pulled away from her hand.
Certainly, her coiled legs might have remained around his, but Arlise thought better of testing his ability to retaliate - she had her victory. She uncoiled and rolled away as he pushed up onto his hands, putting enough distance that he couldn't land on her but opening a window of time as a result. Eventually, she came to a stop on her stomach and started to rise.
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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)
Switches. What is it about switches? Every single one he's met thus far has made an impact in one way or another, and he knew that Arlise was not going to be any different. So impactful were they, that he even went and became one. Like it was contagious; Kink-19, the most fun virus known to man.
Her antics had poked at him in a way that he had never anticipated a dominant woman poking at him, ever: Of course, he wanted more of her. And he had the feeling that if she caught him between those powerful legs and squeezed that he'd be in trouble for more reasons than the pressure. But that wasn't it. A growing part of him -- and not just the obvious one -- felt the need to course correct.
Bringing the momentum back to his side? No, that wouldn't be good enough. He wanted the control that she was looking to exert over him. It's what let him push on back up to his feet when his legs wanted to chill out for a minute following the roll that freed him. That, and his motivation of course correcting his approach to matches in general. His hips made their disapproval known, colluding with his legs to try to bring the rest of him down. It threw off his stride.
Still wide and picking up speed with every step, but ; he could forget about the dropkick he had in mind. He grunted through the hurt, forcing his body to obey his will. In his battle against La Dama de Loba, it was over for him when his body gave out on him. He'll be damned if he lets it happen again tonight, especially within the first few minutes of the action starting.
He was still moving straight enough to do something else. He was right in range when he thought of it, and the moment it popped into his head, he took to the skies, like his name was Mizuki.
Her antics had poked at him in a way that he had never anticipated a dominant woman poking at him, ever: Of course, he wanted more of her. And he had the feeling that if she caught him between those powerful legs and squeezed that he'd be in trouble for more reasons than the pressure. But that wasn't it. A growing part of him -- and not just the obvious one -- felt the need to course correct.
Bringing the momentum back to his side? No, that wouldn't be good enough. He wanted the control that she was looking to exert over him. It's what let him push on back up to his feet when his legs wanted to chill out for a minute following the roll that freed him. That, and his motivation of course correcting his approach to matches in general. His hips made their disapproval known, colluding with his legs to try to bring the rest of him down. It threw off his stride.
Still wide and picking up speed with every step, but ; he could forget about the dropkick he had in mind. He grunted through the hurt, forcing his body to obey his will. In his battle against La Dama de Loba, it was over for him when his body gave out on him. He'll be damned if he lets it happen again tonight, especially within the first few minutes of the action starting.
He was still moving straight enough to do something else. He was right in range when he thought of it, and the moment it popped into his head, he took to the skies, like his name was Mizuki.
- Winter
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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)
Sometimes, a girl had to live a little and try something new.
Arlise endured her fair share of snaps, crackles, and pops as she rose to her feet, all silent but leaving her torso tingling. The time on her side had given her back some recovery time, but that did not remove a bruise forming around the spine. Still, she felt relatively fresh, which encouraged her. With them separating and him still by the wall, she did not make the silly mistake of rushing him - he could send her slamming into the wall, too, and anything she did sort of attempting to pull him into another submission would not work, anyway.
"I would think you would like that," she teased. He rose to his feet more quickly than she expected while he spoke, but clearly, the ligaments she had bent to the edge of their limits still betrayed him. Arlise initially started to close on him, but she stopped after a step - he did not exactly look steady on his feet. He also seemed intent on rushing her regardless, and she believed waiting for him to stumble into her provided her a greater opportunity. She spread out like a sumo, ready to find an opening to deck his onrushing form.
But he did manage to leap. And Arlise decided she would "try something new." She saw his body turn as he lifted off, and expecting an attempt at a crossbody, she made the sudden decision to trust entirely in her greater-than-expected stretch. Arlise would catch him. She stepped forward, set her feet, and opened her arms, already envisioning the catch and the ensuing sidewalk slam.
Unfortunately, he spun, and while Arlise absorbed the impact better for having her arms raised, he still dropped into her with enough force to send her hard onto her back and land on top of her, stunning and then flattening her.
Arlise endured her fair share of snaps, crackles, and pops as she rose to her feet, all silent but leaving her torso tingling. The time on her side had given her back some recovery time, but that did not remove a bruise forming around the spine. Still, she felt relatively fresh, which encouraged her. With them separating and him still by the wall, she did not make the silly mistake of rushing him - he could send her slamming into the wall, too, and anything she did sort of attempting to pull him into another submission would not work, anyway.
"I would think you would like that," she teased. He rose to his feet more quickly than she expected while he spoke, but clearly, the ligaments she had bent to the edge of their limits still betrayed him. Arlise initially started to close on him, but she stopped after a step - he did not exactly look steady on his feet. He also seemed intent on rushing her regardless, and she believed waiting for him to stumble into her provided her a greater opportunity. She spread out like a sumo, ready to find an opening to deck his onrushing form.
But he did manage to leap. And Arlise decided she would "try something new." She saw his body turn as he lifted off, and expecting an attempt at a crossbody, she made the sudden decision to trust entirely in her greater-than-expected stretch. Arlise would catch him. She stepped forward, set her feet, and opened her arms, already envisioning the catch and the ensuing sidewalk slam.
Unfortunately, he spun, and while Arlise absorbed the impact better for having her arms raised, he still dropped into her with enough force to send her hard onto her back and land on top of her, stunning and then flattening her.
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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)
Holy shit. That worked.
Those ligaments didn't like him much right now, but they'd get over it. Getting Arlise on the ground was a good way to start that process. Crushing her into it? Even better. Let it be known that this Goliath's got some moves!
Severin would not rest on his laurels here. The way she caught him was almost exactly how one was supposed catch someone doing a crossbody in scripted wrestling, adjusted properly for the real deal. Legs spread out, weight redistributed to bear. He suspected that if it weren't for the additional momentum generated through the whirling motions, he would've been eating shit right about now.
Now to make the most of this opportunity. First step: Reposition to a mount over her lower body. He knew what he needed to do to neutralize her big guns, but he had something more unorthodox in mind. He would slide one of his legs underneath one of hers, triangling over the juicy, powerful thigh and squeezing it tight in between his own. That of his own on the inside would be pressed pointedly against that sweetest spot in between her legs, a placement much more common between two women, presenting a teasing presence that would be magnified by his thirty-two pound advantage pressing down on her.
Second step: Seize the wrists. Criss-cross her arms above her head. Introduce a little sleight of hand...There. Maintain a hold on one wrist, and use his own arm to help keep the other pinned, backed up with his weight. Hard muscle would overtake supple curvature with an enticing intimacy, faces brought within inches of each other. A feeling the masked man relished, the evidence being in the occasional twitch against her tightly bound leg.
And then...nothing. With the corner of his mouth turning up into the sort of smile that said he knew he had her and dared her to prove differently, he waited. Let her struggle some. Let it sink in. "I think..." Though, with his tone and the mischievous look in his eye, holding hers all the way through what was about to happen next, it would be readily apparent that he didn't just think. He knew. His other hand, left completely free to explore the luscious body beneath him, started first on her hip with a clap that filled the room and left a lasting sting. It was much gentler on the leisurely, inspecting rise. Along her bared stomach. Toned, yet so smooth to the touch, still. A fine mixture of the feminine softness and power that stirs him. "The two of us..." One of those delectable looking breasts. Plenty for the hand to gorge on, and so pliable. It stopped at her neck, taking a possessive grip of her with emphasis at the sides. Designed to hurt her good, leaving the airways untouched, but producing that same delightful lightheaded feeling over time all the same.
"Are like peas in a pod."
Those ligaments didn't like him much right now, but they'd get over it. Getting Arlise on the ground was a good way to start that process. Crushing her into it? Even better. Let it be known that this Goliath's got some moves!
Severin would not rest on his laurels here. The way she caught him was almost exactly how one was supposed catch someone doing a crossbody in scripted wrestling, adjusted properly for the real deal. Legs spread out, weight redistributed to bear. He suspected that if it weren't for the additional momentum generated through the whirling motions, he would've been eating shit right about now.
Now to make the most of this opportunity. First step: Reposition to a mount over her lower body. He knew what he needed to do to neutralize her big guns, but he had something more unorthodox in mind. He would slide one of his legs underneath one of hers, triangling over the juicy, powerful thigh and squeezing it tight in between his own. That of his own on the inside would be pressed pointedly against that sweetest spot in between her legs, a placement much more common between two women, presenting a teasing presence that would be magnified by his thirty-two pound advantage pressing down on her.
Second step: Seize the wrists. Criss-cross her arms above her head. Introduce a little sleight of hand...There. Maintain a hold on one wrist, and use his own arm to help keep the other pinned, backed up with his weight. Hard muscle would overtake supple curvature with an enticing intimacy, faces brought within inches of each other. A feeling the masked man relished, the evidence being in the occasional twitch against her tightly bound leg.
And then...nothing. With the corner of his mouth turning up into the sort of smile that said he knew he had her and dared her to prove differently, he waited. Let her struggle some. Let it sink in. "I think..." Though, with his tone and the mischievous look in his eye, holding hers all the way through what was about to happen next, it would be readily apparent that he didn't just think. He knew. His other hand, left completely free to explore the luscious body beneath him, started first on her hip with a clap that filled the room and left a lasting sting. It was much gentler on the leisurely, inspecting rise. Along her bared stomach. Toned, yet so smooth to the touch, still. A fine mixture of the feminine softness and power that stirs him. "The two of us..." One of those delectable looking breasts. Plenty for the hand to gorge on, and so pliable. It stopped at her neck, taking a possessive grip of her with emphasis at the sides. Designed to hurt her good, leaving the airways untouched, but producing that same delightful lightheaded feeling over time all the same.
"Are like peas in a pod."
Last edited by DSX93 on Wed Feb 26, 2025 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Winter
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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)
And to think, without her attempt to catch him, she likely could have avoided that altogether.
That idea did not comfort Arlise in the slightest as he squashed her beneath him, breasts and abs taking most of his weight. It pushed breath out of her chest hard enough to make her cough, and with her body tensed under the impact and arms flattened to her sides, she had no space to relax her frame. For the time being, he served as well as a fallen log laid over the top of her, and she had to hope for rescue.
Unfortunately, she did not have a savior - only him, and he had ill intent. Arlise took his shifting as an excuse to start working herself out from under him, but before she could make any progress, the redhead felt his legs coiling. Initially, she believed he planned to lock in the grapevine and pulled her legs together accordingly, but one of his wedged between hers. A second later, she sensed a thigh on both sides of hers, ensnaring it and holding it in place. While she had too much meat and muscle there to feel much in the way of pain, she flexed it - even her legs failed to defeat two working in concert.
One mashed against her crotch, too, but for the moment, she had to focus on avoiding her situation becoming worse. She moved to protect her upper body, but he had already managed to start snagging her arms and moving to pin them. He pinned them, but she, with a chorus of exerting grunts, immediately began to squirm the one protected by her opposite wrist. She had the strength in that arm to squeeze it out from under his weight since he did not have a direct grip on it, which left her with... one hand to use. And him too close for her to strike him properly.
Having squinted her eyes shut in the effort to produce one viable arm to defend herself, she missed how close he had drawn until she opened them, looking for something to target... on his incredibly close face. The redhead paused, suddenly noticing the sensations - pressure against her crotch, the monster of her own creation pressed against her hips, and his considerable weight. Anyone with two eyes could have gleaned Arlise's preferences for being under a body not unlike her own in this situation... but any woman with a pulse could not ignore the heat of proximity, either.
Then came the hand. Arlise chewed - or outright bit - her lip at the clap on her hip. That clap by itself proved plenty to leave her with a fresh headiness and dampness. She liked aggressive hands on her curves and the ensuing sting... specifically the curves that sat between her and the mats. But fortunately for her and her increasingly distracted mind, he abandoned that idea all too quickly, and Arlise breathed to settle herself. She reminded her body again that she had a free leg and a free arm, and she started trying to use them. Her leg scooped between the back of his, trying to find a way to unhinge his thighscissor, and the hand pushed at his side, then his arm, then what little of his head she could reach as he explored her.
But her defenses dropped with a hand on her neck.
She tensed up, thinking he might choke her, but the hand only lingered there, torturing her with both fear and no small amount of titillating anticipation. Rather than see herself choked, she eased with her fighting. She... she could deal with her situation a while longer rather than discover how rough he would be or how strongly she would react, and she simply peered into his face, that anxiety and expectation written too well on her features.
That idea did not comfort Arlise in the slightest as he squashed her beneath him, breasts and abs taking most of his weight. It pushed breath out of her chest hard enough to make her cough, and with her body tensed under the impact and arms flattened to her sides, she had no space to relax her frame. For the time being, he served as well as a fallen log laid over the top of her, and she had to hope for rescue.
Unfortunately, she did not have a savior - only him, and he had ill intent. Arlise took his shifting as an excuse to start working herself out from under him, but before she could make any progress, the redhead felt his legs coiling. Initially, she believed he planned to lock in the grapevine and pulled her legs together accordingly, but one of his wedged between hers. A second later, she sensed a thigh on both sides of hers, ensnaring it and holding it in place. While she had too much meat and muscle there to feel much in the way of pain, she flexed it - even her legs failed to defeat two working in concert.
One mashed against her crotch, too, but for the moment, she had to focus on avoiding her situation becoming worse. She moved to protect her upper body, but he had already managed to start snagging her arms and moving to pin them. He pinned them, but she, with a chorus of exerting grunts, immediately began to squirm the one protected by her opposite wrist. She had the strength in that arm to squeeze it out from under his weight since he did not have a direct grip on it, which left her with... one hand to use. And him too close for her to strike him properly.
Having squinted her eyes shut in the effort to produce one viable arm to defend herself, she missed how close he had drawn until she opened them, looking for something to target... on his incredibly close face. The redhead paused, suddenly noticing the sensations - pressure against her crotch, the monster of her own creation pressed against her hips, and his considerable weight. Anyone with two eyes could have gleaned Arlise's preferences for being under a body not unlike her own in this situation... but any woman with a pulse could not ignore the heat of proximity, either.
Then came the hand. Arlise chewed - or outright bit - her lip at the clap on her hip. That clap by itself proved plenty to leave her with a fresh headiness and dampness. She liked aggressive hands on her curves and the ensuing sting... specifically the curves that sat between her and the mats. But fortunately for her and her increasingly distracted mind, he abandoned that idea all too quickly, and Arlise breathed to settle herself. She reminded her body again that she had a free leg and a free arm, and she started trying to use them. Her leg scooped between the back of his, trying to find a way to unhinge his thighscissor, and the hand pushed at his side, then his arm, then what little of his head she could reach as he explored her.
But her defenses dropped with a hand on her neck.
She tensed up, thinking he might choke her, but the hand only lingered there, torturing her with both fear and no small amount of titillating anticipation. Rather than see herself choked, she eased with her fighting. She... she could deal with her situation a while longer rather than discover how rough he would be or how strongly she would react, and she simply peered into his face, that anxiety and expectation written too well on her features.
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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)
Severin had been taking notes all the while, thickening the file he had on her as his experiment ran its course. That match against Mizaki Tantka was the thing that had him onto her in the first place: When someone's made particularly vulnerable in an LAW ring, you can count on the cameras being there to capture it all, in sometimes excruciating detail. In those moments, he was able to identify some shared tendencies.
The rest was charting new territory. Even one match can say plenty about a wrestler, let alone two. But until tonight, Arlise's Hentai voyage had only crossed rings. It's been established that she's a stubborn competitor in between those ropes. What about somewhere more intimate? These mats were hardly the most sensual space -- and he had the feeling that may have been an intentional move on her part -- but it was still a one-on-one with Janet being the only onlooker, and the cameras away from immediate view.
The answer to his question? She's much the same. But not entirely, and only so far. There were a ton of variables left to consider, one of the most pertinent of them right now being how he touched her. The softness he prefers is a no go. He wasn't entirely sure in those first few seconds, figuring that maybe she was struggling because he was doing everything right. It certainly wasn't nothing, and that bite of her lip was no performance. He could feel the truth of that on his thigh.
The pattern was clear to the observant lover, and the dots were connecting. The bed would've been a distraction, at least to him, for some time. He wouldn't have been thinking about this the way he had been. He would've started off trying to love her down, like he had every other time he met a woman in a bedroom.
As his hand squeezed and her body began to relax, it became clear. That wasn't what she craved. That look she gave him was as good as an admission. What that submissive side of her wanted...was to be rendered completely helpless. To be thrust into a situation where there was nothing she could do with all of her might.
He'd failed to do that here. For one thing, he'd already left one limb free. And then she was able to wrench another one from his control. But that's okay.
No more words were said as the two gazed into each other's eyes. There didn't need to be. Her anticipation was acknowledged, and his intent was plain in return. This woman is in for a long, long night.
Severin's hand slipped around to the back of her neck. The scant distance that remained between their lips was a distance that she would be forced to close, and he was ready -- no, eager to claim hers.
Terrell Hughes had his insecurities about his abilities in regards to intimacy in the past. A past that wasn't even that far away; up to the beginning of his time in LAW, in fact. Those doubts have since been washed away by resounding and continued success against some of the globe's premier sexual athletes, to say nothing of receiving an invitation to After Dark from the world-famous porn star who was running the thing, herself. He'd since written the difficulties that had given rise to them off as him simply having gotten into relationships with girls with whom he just didn't click.
But even at his lowest point, there was one thing he felt good about: His kisses. He was always good at feeling the moment out. Gauging how much pressure he should apply and when, making adjustments as necessary. When to introduce his tongue. If he even should to begin with.
The hunt wasn't back on yet. This was him giving her a taste of what was in store. And having one himself. Severin held back a moan, viewing it as an admission of weakness he couldn't afford to have at the moment. Let her start singing first, he felt. Then he'd join in for the chorus.
But God, did her lips feel fucking amazing, though...
The rest was charting new territory. Even one match can say plenty about a wrestler, let alone two. But until tonight, Arlise's Hentai voyage had only crossed rings. It's been established that she's a stubborn competitor in between those ropes. What about somewhere more intimate? These mats were hardly the most sensual space -- and he had the feeling that may have been an intentional move on her part -- but it was still a one-on-one with Janet being the only onlooker, and the cameras away from immediate view.
The answer to his question? She's much the same. But not entirely, and only so far. There were a ton of variables left to consider, one of the most pertinent of them right now being how he touched her. The softness he prefers is a no go. He wasn't entirely sure in those first few seconds, figuring that maybe she was struggling because he was doing everything right. It certainly wasn't nothing, and that bite of her lip was no performance. He could feel the truth of that on his thigh.
The pattern was clear to the observant lover, and the dots were connecting. The bed would've been a distraction, at least to him, for some time. He wouldn't have been thinking about this the way he had been. He would've started off trying to love her down, like he had every other time he met a woman in a bedroom.
As his hand squeezed and her body began to relax, it became clear. That wasn't what she craved. That look she gave him was as good as an admission. What that submissive side of her wanted...was to be rendered completely helpless. To be thrust into a situation where there was nothing she could do with all of her might.
He'd failed to do that here. For one thing, he'd already left one limb free. And then she was able to wrench another one from his control. But that's okay.
No more words were said as the two gazed into each other's eyes. There didn't need to be. Her anticipation was acknowledged, and his intent was plain in return. This woman is in for a long, long night.
Severin's hand slipped around to the back of her neck. The scant distance that remained between their lips was a distance that she would be forced to close, and he was ready -- no, eager to claim hers.
Terrell Hughes had his insecurities about his abilities in regards to intimacy in the past. A past that wasn't even that far away; up to the beginning of his time in LAW, in fact. Those doubts have since been washed away by resounding and continued success against some of the globe's premier sexual athletes, to say nothing of receiving an invitation to After Dark from the world-famous porn star who was running the thing, herself. He'd since written the difficulties that had given rise to them off as him simply having gotten into relationships with girls with whom he just didn't click.
But even at his lowest point, there was one thing he felt good about: His kisses. He was always good at feeling the moment out. Gauging how much pressure he should apply and when, making adjustments as necessary. When to introduce his tongue. If he even should to begin with.
The hunt wasn't back on yet. This was him giving her a taste of what was in store. And having one himself. Severin held back a moan, viewing it as an admission of weakness he couldn't afford to have at the moment. Let her start singing first, he felt. Then he'd join in for the chorus.
But God, did her lips feel fucking amazing, though...
- Winter
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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)
Nothing became any worse for her, but somehow, that only added to the redhead's stress levels.
Much like any warm-blooded woman would not have noticed and reacted to everything weighing down upon her, the Belgian beauty also did not require the shrewd and observant mind of a psychiatrist to know what he had in mind. The nature of the match made that "difficult" equation even easier - kissing earned each of them benefits. Arlise, for her part, thought better than to act with any haste given the position of his hands. They had gotten along so far, yes, but she did not know him "from Adam" as she had heard it said. He could squeeze at any moment, and she would truly find herself in trouble.
That did not happen as he offered the first kiss - almost a pretense more than a proper kiss.
Arlise complied, a present if not active participant in the first exchange. Surprisingly, she could keep her head during such an exploratory kiss more easily than she could during some other similarly amorous exchanges, and she tried to... strategize an escape. Though her mind passed over Yuto since a man lay atop her, she... had not exactly struggled to this degree. Her mind instead wandered toward Muriel, and the obvious answer popped into her head so quickly that she felt entirely stupid for not having thought of it before.
She had a reputation. She should wield that reputation, especially while enough of her focus remained for her to keep her thoughts and strategies in order.
She moaned into the kiss to that end, and Arlise did what she did not realize he sought - she reached up with her one free hand to pull at his head and hungrily draw him closer. She let her free leg fall pacified, and as she worked her own brilliant magic with the kiss, poking her tongue into his mouth, she leaned up enough to press her neck against his hands. The sensation and boldness of doing so... gave her a rise, and she realized that she should act quickly to lure him before she started to fall to her own tactics.
Much like any warm-blooded woman would not have noticed and reacted to everything weighing down upon her, the Belgian beauty also did not require the shrewd and observant mind of a psychiatrist to know what he had in mind. The nature of the match made that "difficult" equation even easier - kissing earned each of them benefits. Arlise, for her part, thought better than to act with any haste given the position of his hands. They had gotten along so far, yes, but she did not know him "from Adam" as she had heard it said. He could squeeze at any moment, and she would truly find herself in trouble.
That did not happen as he offered the first kiss - almost a pretense more than a proper kiss.
Arlise complied, a present if not active participant in the first exchange. Surprisingly, she could keep her head during such an exploratory kiss more easily than she could during some other similarly amorous exchanges, and she tried to... strategize an escape. Though her mind passed over Yuto since a man lay atop her, she... had not exactly struggled to this degree. Her mind instead wandered toward Muriel, and the obvious answer popped into her head so quickly that she felt entirely stupid for not having thought of it before.
She had a reputation. She should wield that reputation, especially while enough of her focus remained for her to keep her thoughts and strategies in order.
She moaned into the kiss to that end, and Arlise did what she did not realize he sought - she reached up with her one free hand to pull at his head and hungrily draw him closer. She let her free leg fall pacified, and as she worked her own brilliant magic with the kiss, poking her tongue into his mouth, she leaned up enough to press her neck against his hands. The sensation and boldness of doing so... gave her a rise, and she realized that she should act quickly to lure him before she started to fall to her own tactics.
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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)
Severin didn't know it, but he was starting to relate to her a lot in that heated moment. It was hard. And getting harder with each passing second.
No, not just that. But that was also true. There wasn't a red-blooded man alive who could possess even as little as an inkling of desire for women and also manage to fail to have that reaction to a kiss like the one Arlise pulled him into. Emphasis on "pull": That was what made the task of staying strong, well...a task. His dreads were like a Saiyan's tail. When she grabbed herself that handful, he had to clear his mind of those thoughts of melting into her.
That tongue wasn't helping, going beyond the moan he allowed to follow hers, to speak in favor of the side of him that just wanted to relax and delve deep. And why not? This was starting to turn into the kind of fight he likes best. A fight that he's winning.
Or maybe she just wants him to think that she was giving in. Maybe she's just biding her time? Waiting for him to slip up like many a man would in this situation. He remembered the rules, reminding himself that you didn't need to be on top to score points for kisses. You just needed to take the initiative. And that's exactly what she just did. They were both on the board now.
Sly girl.
Realizing this, he broke away, like a diver coming up for a breath of air, leaving a line of hot saliva to keep the two connected. Fighting the temptation to go right back in, he went for a taste of more of her. Starting with a firm squeeze of one of those bountiful orbs of flesh sitting on her chest, and his lips at her neck. Then his tongue. Teeth. Nipping, licking, and gnawing as he started a good grind against her, driving his thigh against her most sensitive spot. His hungry mouth moved across her neck, touching, teasing, and devouring all that was bare to him. All across, at those spots where her neck met her jaw, and along that, meeting her lips on occasion. His free hand moved from her breast to her leg, raising it to his side and parting it as he hardened his push against her, doing his level best to ignore the gratifying sensations that his motions were creating for him.
The simple scoring of points wasn't going to be enough here. He wanted to build an experience that she would never forget.
No, not just that. But that was also true. There wasn't a red-blooded man alive who could possess even as little as an inkling of desire for women and also manage to fail to have that reaction to a kiss like the one Arlise pulled him into. Emphasis on "pull": That was what made the task of staying strong, well...a task. His dreads were like a Saiyan's tail. When she grabbed herself that handful, he had to clear his mind of those thoughts of melting into her.
That tongue wasn't helping, going beyond the moan he allowed to follow hers, to speak in favor of the side of him that just wanted to relax and delve deep. And why not? This was starting to turn into the kind of fight he likes best. A fight that he's winning.
Or maybe she just wants him to think that she was giving in. Maybe she's just biding her time? Waiting for him to slip up like many a man would in this situation. He remembered the rules, reminding himself that you didn't need to be on top to score points for kisses. You just needed to take the initiative. And that's exactly what she just did. They were both on the board now.
Sly girl.
Realizing this, he broke away, like a diver coming up for a breath of air, leaving a line of hot saliva to keep the two connected. Fighting the temptation to go right back in, he went for a taste of more of her. Starting with a firm squeeze of one of those bountiful orbs of flesh sitting on her chest, and his lips at her neck. Then his tongue. Teeth. Nipping, licking, and gnawing as he started a good grind against her, driving his thigh against her most sensitive spot. His hungry mouth moved across her neck, touching, teasing, and devouring all that was bare to him. All across, at those spots where her neck met her jaw, and along that, meeting her lips on occasion. His free hand moved from her breast to her leg, raising it to his side and parting it as he hardened his push against her, doing his level best to ignore the gratifying sensations that his motions were creating for him.
The simple scoring of points wasn't going to be enough here. He wanted to build an experience that she would never forget.
Last edited by DSX93 on Mon Mar 03, 2025 9:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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