Allie-San’s First Pro Boxing Match! :) Allie “Kawaii Kommando” Lee vs. “Jumping” Janet Bridges-Madison

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Re: Allie-San’s First Pro Boxing Match! :) Allie “Kawaii Kommando” Lee vs. “Jumping” Janet Bridges-Madison

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Janet’s fist connected as she smiled seeing Allie soar back and hit the canvas with an aggressive thud! Janet placed her gloves on her hips as she stepped back and Brook went in to check with Allie. “Well, she flopped. Sorry for the short stream, folks. Guess Allie couldn’t handle a single round.

I haven’t even counted her out yet. Allie, are you good? I want to make sure I don’t have to call the fight here before I count,” Brook stated as she knelt beside her friend.
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Re: Allie-San’s First Pro Boxing Match! :) Allie “Kawaii Kommando” Lee vs. “Jumping” Janet Bridges-Madison

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Not even Allie was caught up in her own head enough to not realize that going head to head against a professional boxer wasn't exactly going to be an easy task. Even still, she had underestimated just how hard Janet was capable of hitting her - and that combo not only came in fast, it nearly knocked Allison senseless when the uppercut came crashing into her jaw and knocked her off her feet. However, as dizzied as Allie might've been, she wasn't out yet. She lay on the mat for a few seconds, staring up at the sky, but as soon as Brook came closer to check on her, Allie was reminded that she couldn't give up just yet. She had to be better than that - after all, all her loyal Kawaii Kommandos were watching, and she wasn't going to let them down!

Allie suddenly jumped back up to a seated position. "Yeah, I'm fine-!" she blurted out. It was more to save face than anything else - she settled a glare on Janet as she huffed under her breath. She couldn't let the world think she was just going to crumple that easily. She had to throw herself back into the fight, and she needed to show Janet it wouldn't be that simple!

Allie shoved herself back to her feet. "See? Fine-!" In spite of her confidence, she wobbled a little as she took a step closer to Janet, teetering back and forth. She didn't yet have her balance fully under her - she winced as she thought about it. Still, she would take off in a charge and throw a quick jab at Janet's gut - she wasn't going to wait to bring the fight to her! Hopefully, she'd be able to strike fast enough that Janet wouldn't be able to defend herself!
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Re: Allie-San’s First Pro Boxing Match! :) Allie “Kawaii Kommando” Lee vs. “Jumping” Janet Bridges-Madison

Unread post by Pegasus »

Janet drew first blood as Allie was laying in a heap on the canvas as Brook checked on her. This was probably going to be the easiest notch under her belt and it was kinda sad really. Janet was promised someone that would bring in their full effort and well, Allie wasn’t delivering that promise she made. The chat went crazy with “LOL”, “ALLLIE, NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR NAPPING!” and “I guess we’re pressing F sooner than we thought, boys” as it was clear the tide was turning more than they thought. However, it seemed Allie’s spirit was starting to shine through as she popped up just as Brook made the count of 1. Janet turned around and smirked as Allie headed right on in.

Janet dodged to the side still and shuffled sideways around Allie’s reach as she hopped in place gloves guarding her face. “You rushing in knowing full well I’m fresh as a tomato isn’t helping, girl. You got to outsmart me here,” Janet coached.
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